32 research outputs found

    Code Review For and By Scientists

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    We describe two pilot studies of code review by and for scientists. Our principal findings are that scientists are enthusiastic, but need to be shown code review in action, and that just-in-time review of small code changes is more likely to succeed than large-scale end-of-work reviews.Comment: 4 page

    Some challenges facing scientific software developers: The case of molecular biology

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    It is apparent that the challenges facing scientific software developers are quite different from those facing their commercial counterparts. Among these differences are the challenges posed by the complex and uncertain nature of the science. There is also the fact that many scientists have experience of developing their own software, albeit in a very restricted setting, leading them to have unrealistic expectations about software development in a different setting. In this paper, we explore the challenges facing scientific software developers focusing especially on molecular biology. We claim that the nature and practice of molecular biology is quite different from that of the physical sciences and pose different problems to software developers. We do not claim that this paper is the last word on the topic but hope that it serves as the inspiration for further debate

    Advanced Visual Systems Supporting Unwitting EUD

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    The ever increasing use of interactive software systems and the evolution of the World Wide Web into the so-called Web 2.0 determines the rise of new roles for users, who evolve from information consumers to information producers. The distinction between users and designers becomes fuzzy. Users are increasingly involved in the design and development of the tools they use, thus users and developers are not anymore two mutually exclusive groups of people. In this paper types of users that are between pure end users and software developers are analyzed. Some users take a very active role in shaping software tools to their needs, but they do it without being aware of programming, they are unwitting programmers who need appropriate development techniques and environments. A meta-design participatory approach for supporting unwitting end-user development through advanced visual systems is briefly discussed

    Models of scientific software development

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    Over the past decade, I have performed several field studies with scientists developing software either on their own or together with software engineers. Based on these field study data, I identify a model of scientific software development as practiced in many scientific laboratories and communities. This model does not fit the standard software engineering models. For example, the tasks of requirement elicitation and software evaluation are not clearly delineated. Nevertheless, it appears to be successful within the context in which it is used. In the context in which scientists collaborate with software engineers, however, I describe problems which arose from the clash of this model with a traditional,phased software engineering model. Given these models, I discuss the issues which have to be addressed in order to determine the software techniques and tools which might best support scientific software development in different contexts

    La integraci贸n continua aplicada en el desarrollo de software en el 谩mbito cient铆fico鈥搕茅cnico

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    El proceso de integraci贸n de componentes que se requiere en los proyectos no es una tarea simple. La integraci贸n de software es un problema complejo sobre todo en sistemas que involucran c贸digo desarrollado por diferentes personas, por esta raz贸n es necesario contar con un entorno que garantice la adecuada integraci贸n de las partes de un proyecto y posibilite visualizar los resultados de la integraci贸n de una manera f谩cil y clara. En este marco la Integraci贸n Continua ofrece un esquema que permite realizar integraciones a medida que se lleva a cabo el desarrollo generando incrementos peque帽os y mostrando los resultados obtenidos. En este sentido el presente trabajo plantea un modelo de referencia cuya finalidad es construir una soluci贸n open source que implementa la Integraci贸n Continua, y permite evaluar los beneficios que aporta al proceso de desarrollo de software cient铆fico鈥搕茅cnico.XI Workshop de Ingenier铆a de SoftwareRed de Universidades con Carreras de Inform谩tica (RedUNCI

    La integraci贸n continua aplicada en el desarrollo de software en el 谩mbito cient铆fico鈥搕茅cnico

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    El proceso de integraci贸n de componentes que se requiere en los proyectos no es una tarea simple. La integraci贸n de software es un problema complejo sobre todo en sistemas que involucran c贸digo desarrollado por diferentes personas, por esta raz贸n es necesario contar con un entorno que garantice la adecuada integraci贸n de las partes de un proyecto y posibilite visualizar los resultados de la integraci贸n de una manera f谩cil y clara. En este marco la Integraci贸n Continua ofrece un esquema que permite realizar integraciones a medida que se lleva a cabo el desarrollo generando incrementos peque帽os y mostrando los resultados obtenidos. En este sentido el presente trabajo plantea un modelo de referencia cuya finalidad es construir una soluci贸n open source que implementa la Integraci贸n Continua, y permite evaluar los beneficios que aporta al proceso de desarrollo de software cient铆fico鈥搕茅cnico.XI Workshop de Ingenier铆a de SoftwareRed de Universidades con Carreras de Inform谩tica (RedUNCI