6,398 research outputs found

    Nearly Optimal Algorithms for the Decomposition of Multivariate Rational Functions and the Extended L\"uroth's Theorem

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    The extended L\"uroth's Theorem says that if the transcendence degree of \KK(\mathsf{f}_1,\dots,\mathsf{f}_m)/\KK is 1 then there exists f \in \KK(\underline{X}) such that \KK(\mathsf{f}_1,\dots,\mathsf{f}_m) is equal to \KK(f). In this paper we show how to compute ff with a probabilistic algorithm. We also describe a probabilistic and a deterministic algorithm for the decomposition of multivariate rational functions. The probabilistic algorithms proposed in this paper are softly optimal when nn is fixed and dd tends to infinity. We also give an indecomposability test based on gcd computations and Newton's polytope. In the last section, we show that we get a polynomial time algorithm, with a minor modification in the exponential time decomposition algorithm proposed by Gutierez-Rubio-Sevilla in 2001

    Analytic urns

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    This article describes a purely analytic approach to urn models of the generalized or extended P\'olya-Eggenberger type, in the case of two types of balls and constant ``balance,'' that is, constant row sum. The treatment starts from a quasilinear first-order partial differential equation associated with a combinatorial renormalization of the model and bases itself on elementary conformal mapping arguments coupled with singularity analysis techniques. Probabilistic consequences in the case of ``subtractive'' urns are new representations for the probability distribution of the urn's composition at any time n, structural information on the shape of moments of all orders, estimates of the speed of convergence to the Gaussian limit and an explicit determination of the associated large deviation function. In the general case, analytic solutions involve Abelian integrals over the Fermat curve x^h+y^h=1. Several urn models, including a classical one associated with balanced trees (2-3 trees and fringe-balanced search trees) and related to a previous study of Panholzer and Prodinger, as well as all urns of balance 1 or 2 and a sporadic urn of balance 3, are shown to admit of explicit representations in terms of Weierstra\ss elliptic functions: these elliptic models appear precisely to correspond to regular tessellations of the Euclidean plane.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/009117905000000026 in the Annals of Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aop/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    On the Relationship between Sum-Product Networks and Bayesian Networks

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    In this paper, we establish some theoretical connections between Sum-Product Networks (SPNs) and Bayesian Networks (BNs). We prove that every SPN can be converted into a BN in linear time and space in terms of the network size. The key insight is to use Algebraic Decision Diagrams (ADDs) to compactly represent the local conditional probability distributions at each node in the resulting BN by exploiting context-specific independence (CSI). The generated BN has a simple directed bipartite graphical structure. We show that by applying the Variable Elimination algorithm (VE) to the generated BN with ADD representations, we can recover the original SPN where the SPN can be viewed as a history record or caching of the VE inference process. To help state the proof clearly, we introduce the notion of {\em normal} SPN and present a theoretical analysis of the consistency and decomposability properties. We conclude the paper with some discussion of the implications of the proof and establish a connection between the depth of an SPN and a lower bound of the tree-width of its corresponding BN.Comment: Full version of the same paper to appear at ICML-201
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