18 research outputs found

    A survey on fuzzy fractional differential and optimal control nonlocal evolution equations

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    We survey some representative results on fuzzy fractional differential equations, controllability, approximate controllability, optimal control, and optimal feedback control for several different kinds of fractional evolution equations. Optimality and relaxation of multiple control problems, described by nonlinear fractional differential equations with nonlocal control conditions in Banach spaces, are considered.Comment: This is a preprint of a paper whose final and definite form is with 'Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics', ISSN: 0377-0427. Submitted 17-July-2017; Revised 18-Sept-2017; Accepted for publication 20-Sept-2017. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1504.0515

    Numerical Solution of Fuzzy Fractional Differential Equation By Haar Wavelet

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    In this paper, we deal with a wavelet operational method based on Haar wavelet to solve the fuzzy fractional differential equation in the Caputo derivative sense. To this end, we derive the Haar wavelet operational matrix of the fractional order integration. The given approach provides an efficient method to find the solution and its upper bond error. To complete the discussion, the convergence theorem is subsequently expressed in detail. So far, no paper has used the Harr wavelet method using generalized difference and fuzzy derivatives, and this is the first time we have done so. Finally, the presented examples reflect the accuracy and efficiency of the proposed method

    Well-posedness and stability for fuzzy fractional differential equations

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    In this article, we consider the existence and uniqueness of solutions for a class of initial value problems of fuzzy Caputo–Katugampola fractional differential equations and the stability of the corresponding fuzzy fractional differential equations. The discussions are based on the hyperbolic function, the Banach fixed point theorem and an inequality property. Two examples are given to illustrate the feasibility of our theoretical results

    New results for fractional ordinary differential equations in fuzzy metric space

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    In this paper, we primarily focused on the existence and uniqueness of the initial value problem for fractional order fuzzy ordinary differential equations in a fuzzy metric space. First, definitions and relevant properties of the Gamma function and Beta function within a fuzzy metric space were provided. Second, by employing the principle of fuzzy compression mapping and Choquet integral of fuzzy numerical functions, we established the existence and uniqueness of solutions to initial value problems for fuzzy ordinary differential equations. Finally, several examples were presented to demonstrate the validity of our obtained results

    New Advancements in Pure and Applied Mathematics via Fractals and Fractional Calculus

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    This reprint focuses on exploring new developments in both pure and applied mathematics as a result of fractional behaviour. It covers the range of ongoing activities in the context of fractional calculus by offering alternate viewpoints, workable solutions, new derivatives, and methods to solve real-world problems. It is impossible to deny that fractional behaviour exists in nature. Any phenomenon that has a pulse, rhythm, or pattern appears to be a fractal. The 17 papers that were published and are part of this volume provide credence to that claim. A variety of topics illustrate the use of fractional calculus in a range of disciplines and offer sufficient coverage to pique every reader's attention

    Numerical Simulation

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    Nowadays mathematical modeling and numerical simulations play an important role in life and natural science. Numerous researchers are working in developing different methods and techniques to help understand the behavior of very complex systems, from the brain activity with real importance in medicine to the turbulent flows with important applications in physics and engineering. This book presents an overview of some models, methods, and numerical computations that are useful for the applied research scientists and mathematicians, fluid tech engineers, and postgraduate students

    Simulation of the Deformation for Cycling Chemo-Mechanically Coupled Battery Active Particles with Mechanical Constraints

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    Next-generation lithium-ion batteries with silicon anodes have positive characteristics due to higher energy densities compared to state-of-the-art graphite anodes. However, the large volume expansion of silicon anodes can cause high mechanical stresses, especially if the battery active particle cannot expand freely. In this article, a thermodynamically consistent continuum model for coupling chemical and mechanical effects of electrode particles is extended by a change in the boundary condition for the displacement via a variational inequality. This switch represents a limited enlargement of the particle swelling or shrinking due to lithium intercalation or deintercalation in the host material, respectively. For inequality constraints as boundary condition a smaller time step size is need as well as a locally finer mesh. The combination of a primal-dual active set algorithm, interpreted as semismooth Newton method, and a spatial and temporal adaptive algorithm allows the efficient numerical investigation based on a finite element method. Using the example of silicon, the chemical and mechanical behavior of one- and two-dimensional representative geometries for a charge-discharge cycle is investigated. Furthermore, the efficiency of the adaptive algorithm is demonstrated. It turns out that the size of the gap has an significant influence on the maximal stress value and the slope of the increase. Especially in two dimension, the obstacle can cause an additional region with a lithium-poor phase

    Simulation of the Deformation for Cycling Chemo-Mechanically Coupled Battery Active Particles with Mechanical Constraints

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    Next-generation lithium-ion batteries with silicon anodes have positive characteristics due to higher energy densities compared to state-of-the-art graphite anodes. However, the large volume expansion of silicon anodes can cause high mechanical stresses, especially if the battery active particle cannot expand freely. In this article, a thermodynamically consistent continuum model for coupling chemical and mechanical effects of electrode particles is extended by a change in the boundary condition for the displacement via a variational inequality. This switch represents a limited enlargement of the particle swelling or shrinking due to lithium intercalation or deintercalation in the host material, respectively. For inequality constraints as boundary condition a smaller time step size is need as well as a locally finer mesh. The combination of a primal-dual active set algorithm, interpreted as semismooth Newton method, and a spatial and temporal adaptive algorithm allows the efficient numerical investigation based on a finite element method. Using the example of silicon, the chemical and mechanical behavior of one- and two-dimensional representative geometries for a charge-discharge cycle is investigated. Furthermore, the efficiency of the adaptive algorithm is demonstrated. It turns out that the size of the gap has an significant influence on the maximal stress value and the slope of the increase. Especially in two dimension, the obstacle can cause an additional region with a lithium-poor phase

    Hyperholomorphic structures and corresponding explicit orthogonal function systems in 3D and 4D

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    Die Reichhaltigkeit und breite Anwendbarkeit der Theorie der holomorphen Funktionen in der komplexen Ebene ist stark motivierend eine ähnliche Theorie für höhere Dimensionen zu entwickeln. Viele Forscher waren und sind in diese Aufgaben involviert, insbesondere in der Entwicklung der Quaternionenanalysis. In den letzten Jahren wurde die Quaternionenanalysis bereits erfolgreich auf eine Vielzahl von Problemen der mathematischen Physik angewandt. Das Ziel der Dissertation besteht darin, holomorphe Strukturen in höheren Dimensionen zu studieren. Zunächst wird ein neues Holomorphiekonzept vorgelegt, was auf der Theorie rechtsinvertierbarer Operatoren basiert und nicht auf Verallgemeinerungen des Cauchy-Riemann-Systems wie üblich. Dieser Begriff umfasst die meisten der gut bekannten holomorphen Strukturen in höheren Dimensionen. Unter anderem sind die üblichen Modelle für reelle und komplexe quaternionenwertige Funktionen sowie Clifford-algebra-wertige Funktionen enthalten. Außerdem werden holomorphe Funktionen mittels einer geeignete Formel vom Taylor-Typ durch spezielle Funktionen lokal approximiert. Um globale Approximationen für holomorphe Funktionen zu erhalten, werden im zweiten Teil der Arbeit verschiedene Systeme holomorpher Basisfunktionen in drei und vier Dimensionen mittels geeigneter Fourier-Entwicklungen explizit konstruiert. Das Konzept der Holomorphie ist verbunden mit der Lösung verallgemeinerter Cauchy-Riemann Systeme, deren Funktionswerte reellen Quaternionen bzw. reduzierte Quaternionen sind. In expliziter Form werden orthogonale holomorphe Funktionensysteme konstruiert, die Lösungen des Riesz-Systems bzw. des Moisil-Teodorescu Systems über zylindrischen Gebieten im R3, sowie Lösungen des Riesz-Systems in Kugeln des R4 sind. Um konkrete Anwendungen auf Randwertprobleme realisieren zu können wird eine orthogonale Zerlegung eines Rechts-Quasi-Hilbert-Moduls komplex-quaternionischer Funktionen unter gegebenen Bedingungen studiert. Die Ergebnisse werden auf die Behandlung von Maxwell-Gleichungen mit zeitvariabler elektrischer Dielektrizitätskonstante und magnetischer Permeabilität angewandt.The richness and widely applicability of the theory of holomorphic functions in complex analysis requires to perform a similar theory in higher dimensions. It has been developed by many researchers so far, especially in quaternionic analysis. Over the last years, it has been successfully applied to a vast array of problems in mathematical physics. The aim of this thesis is to study the structure of holomorphy in higher dimensions. First, a new concept of holomorphy is introduced based on the theory of right invertible operators, and not by means of an analogue of the Cauchy-Riemann operator as usual. This notion covers most of the well-known holomorphic structures in higher dimensions including real, complex, quaternionic, Clifford analysis, among others. In addition, from our operators a local approximation of a holomorphic function is attained by the Taylor type formula. In order to obtain the global approximation for holomorphic functions, the second part of the thesis deals with the construction of different systems of basis holomorphic functions in three and four dimensions by means of Fourier analysis. The concept of holomorphy is related to the null-solutions of generalized Cauchy-Riemann systems, which take either values in the reduced quaternions or real quaternions. We obtain several explicit orthogonal holomorphic function systems: solutions to the Riesz and Moisil-Teodorescu systems over cylindrical domains in R3, and solutions to the Riesz system over spherical domains in R4. Having in mind concrete applications to boundary value problems, we investigate an orthogonal decomposition of complex-quaternionic functions over a right quasi-Hilbert module under given conditions. It is then applied to the treatment of Maxwell’s equations with electric permittivity and magnetic permeability depending on the time variable

    Generalized averaged Gaussian quadrature and applications

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    A simple numerical method for constructing the optimal generalized averaged Gaussian quadrature formulas will be presented. These formulas exist in many cases in which real positive GaussKronrod formulas do not exist, and can be used as an adequate alternative in order to estimate the error of a Gaussian rule. We also investigate the conditions under which the optimal averaged Gaussian quadrature formulas and their truncated variants are internal