314 research outputs found

    Theory and computation of electromagnetic fields and thermomechanical structure interaction for systems undergoing large deformations

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    For an accurate description of electromagneto-thermomechanical systems, electromagnetic fields need to be described in a Eulerian frame, whereby the thermomechanics is solved in a Lagrangean frame. It is possible to map the Eulerian frame to the current placement of the matter and the Lagrangean frame to a reference placement. We present a rigorous and thermodynamically consistent derivation of governing equations for fully coupled electromagneto-thermomechanical systems properly handling finite deformations. A clear separation of the different frames is necessary. There are various attempts to formulate electromagnetism in the Lagrangean frame, or even to compute all fields in the current placement. Both formulations are challenging and heavily discussed in the literature. In this work, we propose another solution scheme that exploits the capabilities of advanced computational tools. Instead of amending the formulation, we can solve thermomechanics in the Lagrangean frame and electromagnetism in the Eulerian frame and manage the interaction between the fields. The approach is similar to its analog in fluid structure interaction, but more challenging because the field equations in electromagnetism must also be solved within the solid body while following their own different set of transformation rules. We additionally present a mesh-morphing algorithm necessary to accommodate finite deformations to solve the electromagnetic fields outside of the material body. We illustrate the use of the new formulation by developing an open-source implementation using the FEniCS package and applying this implementation to several engineering problems in electromagnetic structure interaction undergoing large deformations

    A SPH solver for simulating paramagnetic solid fluid interaction in the presence of an external magnetic field

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    Acknowledgment The first two authors wish to express their sincerest thanks to Iran National Science Foundation (INSF) for supporting this work under Contract Number 92021291.Peer reviewedPostprin

    3D and 2D microrheology of soft matter systems consisting of particles

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    Nanofluid Flow in Porous Media

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    Studies of fluid flow and heat transfer in a porous medium have been the subject of continuous interest for the past several decades because of the wide range of applications, such as geothermal systems, drying technologies, production of thermal isolators, control of pollutant spread in groundwater, insulation of buildings, solar power collectors, design of nuclear reactors, and compact heat exchangers, etc. There are several models for simulating porous media such as the Darcy model, Non-Darcy model, and non-equilibrium model. In porous media applications, such as the environmental impact of buried nuclear heat-generating waste, chemical reactors, thermal energy transport/storage systems, the cooling of electronic devices, etc., a temperature discrepancy between the solid matrix and the saturating fluid has been observed and recognized

    Sensitivity analysis and optimal design of conventional and magnnetorheological fluid brakes

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    Mechanical and electrical brakes have dominated the braking industry for many years and will most likely continue to do so for the foreseeable future due to their low cost and adequate operating performance, wide range of applications, vehicle engineering, civil engineering, and biomedical engineering. Simple mechanical drum brake and magnetorheological (MR) fluid brake have presented in the current work. The main objective of this work is to increase braking torque, and to develop a new optimal design of MR fluid brake with better design and design control of the MR fluid design. To do so, four important steps have been accomplished. In the first step, a mathematical modeling of the conventional frictional brake and MR fluid brake has been developed to study and specify all design parameters. In the second step, a nondimensional, closedform analysis and a Taylor series expansion have used to examine the effects of perturbing dimensionless design parameters on the overall brakes performance. In the third step, two optimal designs for MR fluid brakes have been developed by taking advantage of sensitivity analysis and the design of experiments method also known as the Taguchi method. In the fourth step, controlling a MR fluid brake is performed by using two parallel PI controls for controlling the magnetic current and MR fluid thickness simultaneously. It was concluded that sensitivity analysis is a good method for identifying the parameters that have the greatest impact on brake performance and can be used as one method for the designer to obtain an optimal design. Four nondimensional design parameters were successfully used to describe the conventional frictional brake and seven nondimensional design parameters for MR fluid brake. Only two parameters for the conventional brake and five parameters for the MR fluid brake affect the performance and the others can be neglected. Two new designs for the MR fluid brake are presented and shown to be very simple in design, low in cost by removing a lot of additional auxiliaries for the frictional brake, and easy for control. By simultaneously controlling the MR fluid thickness and the electric current, a large range of brake torque is achieved without increasing the radial envelop for the brake, and saturation conditions in one controller are compensated for by the other controller. High angular velocities of the brake are primarily controlled by increasing the MR fluid thickness, while low angular velocities are primarily controlled by increasing the electric current. Good transient responses for regulating a constant speed (high, moderate, and low), and good stability while seeking to track a sinusoidal input have been achieved. In summary, the proposed control system for the MR fluid brake has demonstrated good controllability for the MR fluid brake.Includes bibliographical reference

    Electro-magneto-hydrodynamic peristaltic pumping of couple stress biofluids through a complex wavy micro-channel

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    Biomimetic propulsion mechanisms are increasingly being explored in engineering sciences. Peristalsis is one of the most efficient of these mechanisms and offers considerable promise in microscale fluidics. Electrokinetic peristalsis has recently also stimulated significant attention. Electrical and magnetic fields also offer an excellent mode for regulating flows. Motivated by novel applications in electro-conductive microchannel transport systems, the current article investigates analytically the electromagnetic pumping of non-Newtonian aqueous electrolytes via peristaltic waves in a two-dimensional microchannel with different peristaltic waves propagating at the upper and lower channel wall (complex wavy scenario). The Stokes couple stress model is deployed to capture micro-structural characteristics of real working fluids. The unsteady two-dimensional conservation equations for mass and momentum conservation, electro-kinetic and magnetic body forces, are formulated in two-dimensional Cartesian co-ordinates. The transport equations are transformed from the wave frame to the laboratory frame and the electrical field terms rendered into electrical potential terms via the Poisson-Boltzmann equation, Debye length approximation and ionic Nernst Planck equation. The dimensionless emerging linearized electro-magnetic boundary value problem is solved using integral methods. The influence of Helmholtz-Smoluchowski velocity (characteristic electro-osmotic velocity), couple stress length parameter (measure of the polarity of the fluid), Hartmann magnetic number, and electro-osmotic parameter on axial velocity, volumetric flow rate, time-averaged flow rate and streamline distribution are visualized and interpreted at length

    Magnetic Hybrid-Materials

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    Externally tunable properties allow for new applications of suspensions of micro- and nanoparticles in sensors and actuators in technical and medical applications. By means of easy to generate and control magnetic fields, fluids inside of matrices are studied. This monnograph delivers the latest insigths into multi-scale modelling, manufacturing and application of those magnetic hybrid materials

    Development, Analysis, and Comparison of Electromechanical Properties and Electrode Morphology of Ionic Polymer Metal Composites

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    With smart materials and adaptive structures being nudged into mainstream technology progressively, the smart composites are donning a predominant role as indispensable structures. Among these, the Ionic Polymer Metal Composites (IPMC), with their large bending deformation and relaxation characteristics at very low voltages are attractive as transducers in many areas of application. The actuation and sensing properties of IPMC have been sought after for various engineering functions. The paper focuses on manufacturing various types of IPMC. Combining the ionic polymer with platinum electrodes, gold sputter coated electrodes and multi-walled carbon nanotube Bucky paper electrodes to create enhanced IPMCs, comparative analysis of different manufacturing methodologies discussing the electrode morphology using scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy techniques is studied. A comparison of the uniformity of the electrode plating obtained from the different processes is studied while the research also concentrates on making use of different ionic solutions to change the anions within the polymer membrane for comparison such as to determine the most suited ion content within the solid electrolyte for effective IPMC actuation. A COMSOL multiphysics model is attempted in this thesis, which effectively describes a multiphysics modeling approach for the IPMC. This new functionally graded material is tested for its bending deformation, blocking force and the current consumption to prove the electro-mechanical efficiency of the platinum, gold and Bucky paper IPMC. By studying the electromechanical properties of this smart composite actuator based on its actuation under different electric excitations, we can draw conclusions subsequently from the results of the comparison

    Magnetic Hybrid-Materials

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    Externally tunable properties allow for new applications of suspensions of micro- and nanoparticles in sensors and actuators in technical and medical applications. By means of easy to generate and control magnetic fields, fluids inside of matrices are studied. This monnograph delivers the latest insigths into multi-scale modelling, manufacturing and application of those magnetic hybrid materials