3,454 research outputs found

    Large-scale Binary Quadratic Optimization Using Semidefinite Relaxation and Applications

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    In computer vision, many problems such as image segmentation, pixel labelling, and scene parsing can be formulated as binary quadratic programs (BQPs). For submodular problems, cuts based methods can be employed to efficiently solve large-scale problems. However, general nonsubmodular problems are significantly more challenging to solve. Finding a solution when the problem is of large size to be of practical interest, however, typically requires relaxation. Two standard relaxation methods are widely used for solving general BQPs--spectral methods and semidefinite programming (SDP), each with their own advantages and disadvantages. Spectral relaxation is simple and easy to implement, but its bound is loose. Semidefinite relaxation has a tighter bound, but its computational complexity is high, especially for large scale problems. In this work, we present a new SDP formulation for BQPs, with two desirable properties. First, it has a similar relaxation bound to conventional SDP formulations. Second, compared with conventional SDP methods, the new SDP formulation leads to a significantly more efficient and scalable dual optimization approach, which has the same degree of complexity as spectral methods. We then propose two solvers, namely, quasi-Newton and smoothing Newton methods, for the dual problem. Both of them are significantly more efficiently than standard interior-point methods. In practice, the smoothing Newton solver is faster than the quasi-Newton solver for dense or medium-sized problems, while the quasi-Newton solver is preferable for large sparse/structured problems. Our experiments on a few computer vision applications including clustering, image segmentation, co-segmentation and registration show the potential of our SDP formulation for solving large-scale BQPs.Comment: Fixed some typos. 18 pages. Accepted to IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligenc

    Conic Optimization Theory: Convexification Techniques and Numerical Algorithms

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    Optimization is at the core of control theory and appears in several areas of this field, such as optimal control, distributed control, system identification, robust control, state estimation, model predictive control and dynamic programming. The recent advances in various topics of modern optimization have also been revamping the area of machine learning. Motivated by the crucial role of optimization theory in the design, analysis, control and operation of real-world systems, this tutorial paper offers a detailed overview of some major advances in this area, namely conic optimization and its emerging applications. First, we discuss the importance of conic optimization in different areas. Then, we explain seminal results on the design of hierarchies of convex relaxations for a wide range of nonconvex problems. Finally, we study different numerical algorithms for large-scale conic optimization problems.Comment: 18 page

    Improving Efficiency and Scalability of Sum of Squares Optimization: Recent Advances and Limitations

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    It is well-known that any sum of squares (SOS) program can be cast as a semidefinite program (SDP) of a particular structure and that therein lies the computational bottleneck for SOS programs, as the SDPs generated by this procedure are large and costly to solve when the polynomials involved in the SOS programs have a large number of variables and degree. In this paper, we review SOS optimization techniques and present two new methods for improving their computational efficiency. The first method leverages the sparsity of the underlying SDP to obtain computational speed-ups. Further improvements can be obtained if the coefficients of the polynomials that describe the problem have a particular sparsity pattern, called chordal sparsity. The second method bypasses semidefinite programming altogether and relies instead on solving a sequence of more tractable convex programs, namely linear and second order cone programs. This opens up the question as to how well one can approximate the cone of SOS polynomials by second order representable cones. In the last part of the paper, we present some recent negative results related to this question.Comment: Tutorial for CDC 201

    GMRES-Accelerated ADMM for Quadratic Objectives

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    We consider the sequence acceleration problem for the alternating direction method-of-multipliers (ADMM) applied to a class of equality-constrained problems with strongly convex quadratic objectives, which frequently arise as the Newton subproblem of interior-point methods. Within this context, the ADMM update equations are linear, the iterates are confined within a Krylov subspace, and the General Minimum RESidual (GMRES) algorithm is optimal in its ability to accelerate convergence. The basic ADMM method solves a κ\kappa-conditioned problem in O(κ)O(\sqrt{\kappa}) iterations. We give theoretical justification and numerical evidence that the GMRES-accelerated variant consistently solves the same problem in O(κ1/4)O(\kappa^{1/4}) iterations for an order-of-magnitude reduction in iterations, despite a worst-case bound of O(κ)O(\sqrt{\kappa}) iterations. The method is shown to be competitive against standard preconditioned Krylov subspace methods for saddle-point problems. The method is embedded within SeDuMi, a popular open-source solver for conic optimization written in MATLAB, and used to solve many large-scale semidefinite programs with error that decreases like O(1/k2)O(1/k^{2}), instead of O(1/k)O(1/k), where kk is the iteration index.Comment: 31 pages, 7 figures. Accepted for publication in SIAM Journal on Optimization (SIOPT

    Scalable Semidefinite Relaxation for Maximum A Posterior Estimation

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    Maximum a posteriori (MAP) inference over discrete Markov random fields is a fundamental task spanning a wide spectrum of real-world applications, which is known to be NP-hard for general graphs. In this paper, we propose a novel semidefinite relaxation formulation (referred to as SDR) to estimate the MAP assignment. Algorithmically, we develop an accelerated variant of the alternating direction method of multipliers (referred to as SDPAD-LR) that can effectively exploit the special structure of the new relaxation. Encouragingly, the proposed procedure allows solving SDR for large-scale problems, e.g., problems on a grid graph comprising hundreds of thousands of variables with multiple states per node. Compared with prior SDP solvers, SDPAD-LR is capable of attaining comparable accuracy while exhibiting remarkably improved scalability, in contrast to the commonly held belief that semidefinite relaxation can only been applied on small-scale MRF problems. We have evaluated the performance of SDR on various benchmark datasets including OPENGM2 and PIC in terms of both the quality of the solutions and computation time. Experimental results demonstrate that for a broad class of problems, SDPAD-LR outperforms state-of-the-art algorithms in producing better MAP assignment in an efficient manner.Comment: accepted to International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2014
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