14 research outputs found

    Plant disease prediction using convolutional neural network

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    Every year India losses the significant amount of annual crop yield due to unidentified plant diseases. The traditional method of disease detection is manual examination by either farmers or experts, which may be time-consuming and inaccurate. It is proving infeasible for many small and medium-sized farms around the world. To mitigate this issue, computer aided disease recognition model is proposed. It uses leaf image classification with the help of deep convolutional networks. In this paper, VGG16 and Resnet34 CNN was proposed to detect the plant disease. It has three processing steps namely feature extraction, downsizing image and classification. In CNN, the convolutional layer extracts the feature from plant image. The pooling layer downsizing the image. The disease classification was done in dense layer. The proposed model can recognize 38 differing types of plant diseases out of 14 different plants with the power to differentiate plant leaves from their surroundings. The performance of VGG16 and Resnet34 was compared.  The accuracy, sensitivity and specificity was taken as performance Metrix. It helps to give personalized recommendations to the farmers based on soil features, temperature and humidit

    Apple scab detection using CNN and Transfer Learning

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    Received: January 11th, 2021 ; Accepted: April 10th, 2021 ; Published: April 22nd, 2021 ; Correspondence: [email protected] goal of smart and precise horticulture is to increase yield and product quality by simultaneous reduction of pesticide application, thereby promoting the improvement of food security. The scope of this research is apple scab detection in the early stage of development using mobile phones and artificial intelligence based on convolutional neural network (CNN) applications. The research considers data acquisition and CNN training. Two datasets were collected - with images of scab infected fruits and leaves of an apple tree. However, data acquisition is a time-consuming process and scab appearance has a probability factor. Therefore, transfer learning is an appropriate training methodology. The goal of this research was to select the most suitable dataset for transfer learning for the apple scab detection domain and to evaluate the transfer learning impact comparing it with learning from scratch. The statistical analysis confirmed the positive effect of transfer learning on CNN performance with significance level 0.05

    Plant disease detections using deep learning techniques

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    Istraživanja predstavljena u disertaciji imala su za cilj razvoj nove metode bazirane na dubokim konvolucijskim neuoronskim mrežama u cilju detekcije bolesti biljaka na osnovu slike lista. U okviru eksperimentalnog dela rada prikazani su dosadašnji literaturno dostupni pristupi u automatskoj detekciji bolesti biljaka kao i ograničenja ovako dobijenih modela kada se koriste u prirodnim uslovima. U okviru disertacije uvedena je nova baza slika listova, trenutno najveća po broju slika u poređenju sa javno dostupnim bazama, potvrđeni su novi pristupi augmentacije bazirani na GAN arhitekturi nad slikama listova uz novi specijalizovani dvo-koračni pristup kao potencijalni odgovor na nedostatke postojećih rešenja.The research presented in this thesis was aimed at developing a novel method based on deep convolutional neural networks for automated plant disease detection. Based on current available literature, specialized two-phased deep neural network method introduced in the experimental part of thesis solves the limitations of state-of-the-art plant disease detection methods and provides the possibility for a practical usage of the newly developed model. In addition, a new dataset was introduced, that has more images of leaves than other publicly available datasets, also GAN based augmentation approach on leaves images is experimentally confirmed

    Plant disease detections using deep learning techniques

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    Istraživanja predstavljena u disertaciji imala su za cilj razvoj nove metode bazirane na dubokim konvolucijskim neuoronskim mrežama u cilju detekcije bolesti biljaka na osnovu slike lista. U okviru eksperimentalnog dela rada prikazani su dosadašnji literaturno dostupni pristupi u automatskoj detekciji bolesti biljaka kao i ograničenja ovako dobijenih modela kada se koriste u prirodnim uslovima. U okviru disertacije uvedena je nova baza slika listova, trenutno najveća po broju slika u poređenju sa javno dostupnim bazama, potvrđeni su novi pristupi augmentacije bazirani na GAN arhitekturi nad slikama listova uz novi specijalizovani dvo-koračni pristup kao potencijalni odgovor na nedostatke postojećih rešenja.The research presented in this thesis was aimed at developing a novel method based on deep convolutional neural networks for automated plant disease detection. Based on current available literature, specialized two-phased deep neural network method introduced in the experimental part of thesis solves the limitations of state-of-the-art plant disease detection methods and provides the possibility for a practical usage of the newly developed model. In addition, a new dataset was introduced, that has more images of leaves than other publicly available datasets, also GAN based augmentation approach on leaves images is experimentally confirmed

    Development of a Mobile Application for Plant Disease Detection using Parameter Optimization Method in Convolutional Neural Networks Algorithm

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    Plant diseases are a serious problem in agriculture that affects both the quantity and quality of the harvest. To address this issue, authors developed a mobile software capable of detecting diseases in plants by analyzing their leaves using a smartphone camera. This research used the Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) method for this purpose. In the initial experiments, authors compared the performance of four deep learning architectures: VGG-19, Xception, ResNet-50, and InceptionV3. Based on the results of the experiments, authors decided to use the CNN Xception as it yielded good performance. However, the CNN algorithm does not attain its maximum potential when using default parameters. Hence, authors goal is to enhance its performance by implementing parameter optimization using the grid search algorithm to determine the optimal combination of learning rate and epoch values. The experimental results demonstrated that the implementation of parameter optimization in CNN significantly improved accuracy in potato plants from 96.3% to 97.9% and in maize plants from 87.6% to 93.4%

    Advancements in Deep Learning for Early Detection of Plant Diseases: Techniques, Challenges, and Opportunities in Precision Agriculture

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    Deep learning (DL) has emerged as a transformative technology in the field of agriculture, revolutionizing various applications such as disease recognition, plant classification, and fruit counting. Compared to traditional image processing techniques, deep learning has demonstrated a remarkable ability to achieve significantly higher accuracy, surpassing the performance of conventional methods.One of the primary advantages of leveraging deep learning in agriculture is its unparalleled capacity to provide more precise predictions, enabling farmers and researchers to make better-informed decisions that lead to improved outcomes. Deep learning models have consistently exhibited impressive performance across a wide range of tasks, including visual recognition, language processing, and speech detection, making them highly suitable for diverse agricultural applications. Furthermore, the success of deep learning in medical imaging has been successfully extended to the agricultural domain. By applying deep learning's powerful capabilities, stakeholders in the agricultural sector can now accurately classify plant species, detect diseases, and identify pests with unprecedented precision. This advancement has the potential to drive significant improvements in productivity, reduce crop losses, and optimize resource allocation, ultimately transforming the way we approach agricultural practices

    Detection of Pathogens:A Comprehensive Study to Improve the Precision Agriculture

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    For human livelihood, agriculture is an extremely important sector in Indian Agronomy. Environmental toxic farm impact affects all fields, making it difficult to manage numerous challenging situations. In order to get benefited of a crop for farmers and end user’s point of view, agriculture must adapt different technologies according to the day to day life environmental changes. Early identification of crop diseases will help farmers instead of entering into dangerous life threatening situations. For finding crop diseases along with close observation of a farmer, computer technologies will help a lot to maintain sustainable and healthy crop. Among several computing technologies, Deep Learning techniques create a major impact. In this paper we review various existing methods including machine learning, deep learning and AI for precision agriculture. The research insights provide understanding of state-of-the-art techniques, their limitations and the research gaps for further investigation towards precision agriculture

    Plant Disease Diagnosing Based on Deep Learning Techniques: A Survey and Research Challenges

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    Agriculture crops are highly significant for the sustenance of human life and act as an essential source for national income development worldwide. Plant diseases and pests are considered one of the most imperative factors influencing food production, quality, and minimize losses in production. Farmers are currently facing difficulty in identifying various plant diseases and pests, which are important to prevent plant diseases effectively in a complicated environment. The recent development of deep learning techniques has found use in the diagnosis of plant diseases and pests, providing a robust tool with highly accurate results. In this context, this paper presents a comprehensive review of the literature that aims to identify the state of the art of the use of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) in the process of diagnosing and identification of plant pest and diseases. In addition, it presents some issues that are facing the models performance, and also indicates gaps that should be addressed in the future. In this regard, we review studies with various methods that addressed plant disease detection, dataset characteristics, the crops, and pathogens. Moreover, it discusses the commonly employed five-step methodology for plant disease recognition, involving data acquisition, preprocessing, segmentation, feature extraction, and classification. It discusses various deep learning architecture-based solutions that have a faster convergence rate of plant disease recognition. From this review, it is possible to understand the innovative trends regarding the use of CNN’s algorithms in the plant diseases diagnosis and to recognize the gaps that need the attention of the research community

    Object detection for single tree species identification with high resolution aerial images

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    Dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Geospatial TechnologiesObject recognition is one of the computer vision tasks developing rapidly with the invention of Region-based Convolutional Neural Network (RCNN). This thesis contains a study conducted using RCNN base object detection technique to identify palm trees in three datasets having RGB images taken by Unnamed Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). The method was entirely implemented using TensorFlow object detection API to compare the performance of pre-trained faster RCNN object detection models. According to the results, best performance was recorded with the highest overall accuracy of 93.1 ± 4.5 % and the highest speed of 9m 57s from faster RCNN model which was having inceptionv2 as feature extractor. The poorest performance was recorded with the lowest overall accuracy of 65.2 ± 10.9% and the lowest speed of 5h 39m 15s from faster RCNN model which was having inception_resnetv2 as feature extractor