148 research outputs found

    Deriving case base vocabulary from web community data

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    This paper presents and approach for knowledge extraction for Case-Based Reasoning systems. The recent development of the WWW, especially the Web 2.0, shows that many successful applications are web based. Moreover, the Web 2.0 offers many experiences and our approach uses those experiences to fill the knowledge containers. We are especially focusing on vocabulary knowledge and are using forum posts to create domain-dependent taxonomies that can be directly used in Case-Based Reasoning systems. This paper introduces the applied knowledge extraction process based on the KDD process and explains its application on a web forum for travelers

    A Model of Open Source Software-Based Product Line Development

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    Software Product Line (SPL) and Open Source Software (OSS) have emerged as successful modes of developing software. There is an increased interest in developing suitable approaches for combining the promised advantages of SPL andOSS. Researchers and practitioners have been emphasizing the need of exploiting the ever growing repositories ofOSScomponents for developing SPLs. However, there is no conceptual model for guiding the process of developing OSS-based SPLs. In this paper, we propose a model for developing software product line using open source software. This paper identifies and elaborates the essential phases and activities of the proposed model of developing OSS-based SPLs. This model emphasizes the vital role of software architecture and asserts that software architectures ofOSScan be exploited to establish a SPL. To demonstrate this, we have evaluated Eclipse’s architecture for its potential to support different flavors of a system

    Systematic evaluation of software product line architectures

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    The architecture of a software product line is one of its most important artifacts as it represents an abstraction of the products that can be generated. It is crucial to evaluate the quality attributes of a product line architecture in order to: increase the productivity of the product line process and the quality of the products; provide a means to understand the potential behavior of the products and, consequently, decrease their time to market; and, improve the handling of the product line variability. The evaluation of product line architecture can serve as a basis to analyze the managerial and economical values of a product line for software managers and architects. Most of the current research on the evaluation of product line architecture does not take into account metrics directly obtained from UML models and their variabilities; the metrics used instead are difficult to be applied in general and to be used for quantitative analysis. This paper presents a Systematic Evaluation Method for UML-based Software Product Line Architecture, the SystEM-PLA. SystEM-PLA differs from current research as it provides stakeholders with a means to: (i) estimate and analyze potential products; (ii) use predefined basic UML-based metrics to compose quality attribute metrics; (iii) perform feasibility and trade-off analysis of a product line architecture with respect to its quality attributes; and, (iv) make the evaluation of product line architecture more flexible. An example using the SEI’s Arcade Game Maker (AGM) product line is presented as a proof of concept, illustrating SystEM-PLA activities. Metrics for complexity and extensibility quality attributes are defined and used to perform a trade-off analysis

    First turkish software product line engineering workshop summary

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.Software reuse has been a goal of the software community since the early days of software engineering. In this context software product line engineering (SPLE) has gained a broad interest in both academic institutions and industry. This trend can also be observed in Turkey. In the recent years an increasing number of software companies in Turkey have adopted a SPLE approach while others are planning to make the transition. This paper summarizes the results of the First Turkish Software Product Line Engineering Workshop that has been organized in Ankara in June 2012. The primary goal of the workshop was to reflect on the state of practice in SPLE in Turkey. For this five leading SPLE companies in Turkey have shared their experiences in adopting SPLE, and using interactive discussions a research agenda for SPLE in Turkey has been defined. We report both on the experiences from the workshop and the resulting research topics

    A Requirements-Based Taxonomy of Software Product Line Evolution

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    Software product lines are, by their very nature, complex software systems. Due to the interconnectedness of the various products in the product line any form of evolution becomes significantly more complex than in a single system situation. So far most work on product line evolution has focused on specific approaches to supporting special cases of the evolution problem. In this paper, we take a different approach and provide a broad taxonomy of requirements-driven evolution in software product lines. This serves as a basis for the identification of requirements on evolution support

    Рамкова модель адаптивного композитного сервісу в семантичному Веб-середовищі

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    Обґрунтовано новий підхід до on-line композиції семантичного Веб-сервісу, який є адаптивним – здатним до змін поведінки для задоволення нових вимог і пристосування до нових (не)передбачених ситуацій – і застосовним третіми сторонами, для довільного методу компонування. Надано рамкову модель цього адаптивного композитного сервісу (АКС) як динамічної лінії змінюваних семантичних сервісів для споживачів у цільовій предметній області. Сформульовано засади побудови АКС за рахунок керування динамічною варіабельністю цієї лінії. Розроблено діагностичну модель варіабельності АКС для виявлення потреб і стратегій його on-line адаптування. Формалізовано операції реалізації стратегій – (не)передбаченого змінення складу атомарних компонентних сервісів, структури й функцій їх проміжних композицій, функцій самого АКС – за рахунок наданого ізоморфізму між моделями його функцій і композитних сервісів. Запровадження підходу сприяє підвищенню ефективності застосування й реінжинірингу ділових процесів з різнорідними та змінними контекстами.Обоснован новый подход к on-line композиции такого семантического Веб-сервиса как адаптивный семантический сервис (АКС), пригодный к изменению поведения для удовлетворения новых требований и приспособления к новым (не)предусмотренным ситуациям, и применимый третьими сторонами, для произвольного метода композирования. Представлена рамочная модель АКС как динамической линии изменяемых семантических сервисов для потребителей в целевой предметной области. Сформулированы основы построения АКС за счет управления динамической вариабельностью линии. Разработана диагностическая модель вариабельности АКС для выявления потребностей и стратегий его on-line адаптирования. Формализованы операции реализации стратегий – (не)предвиденного изменения состава компонентных сервисов, структуры и функций их промежуточных композиций, функций самого АКС – за счет предложенного изоморфизма между моделями его функций и, соответственно, композитных сервисов. Внедрение подхода способствует повышению эффективности применения и реинжиниринга деловых процессов с разнородными и изменчивыми контекстами.An innovative Approach is substantiated for such a Semantic Web Service (ACS) on-line composing that is adaptive – able to change its behaviour to meet new requirements and to fit new (un)foreseen situations – and applicable by third parties for any composing method. Reference Model is presented for ACS being considered as Dynamic Line of changeable Semantic Services for customers in target domain. The Basics for ACS engineering through Dynamic Variability Management over the Line are stated. ACS Diagnostic Variability Model to clarify its on-line adaptation Needs and Strategies is elaborated. The operations are formalized to implement the Strategies – namely, (un)anticipated change of the Component Services set, their interim Compositions’ structure and functions, ACS itself functions – with the isomorphism proposed between the Models of its functions and, respectively, Composite Services. Putting Approach into practice enables effectiveness and efficiency increasing of business processes with the heterogeneous and unstable contexts usage and re-engineering