23,567 research outputs found

    Summary of the First Workshop on Sustainable Software for Science: Practice and Experiences (WSSSPE1)

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    Challenges related to development, deployment, and maintenance of reusable software for science are becoming a growing concern. Many scientists’ research increasingly depends on the quality and availability of software upon which their works are built. To highlight some of these issues and share experiences, the First Workshop on Sustainable Software for Science: Practice and Experiences (WSSSPE1) was held in November 2013 in conjunction with the SC13 Conference. The workshop featured keynote presentations and a large number (54) of solicited extended abstracts that were grouped into three themes and presented via panels. A set of collaborative notes of the presentations and discussion was taken during the workshop. Unique perspectives were captured about issues such as comprehensive documentation, development and deployment practices, software licenses and career paths for developers. Attribution systems that account for evidence of software contribution and impact were also discussed. These include mechanisms such as Digital Object Identifiers, publication of “software papers”, and the use of online systems, for example source code repositories like GitHub. This paper summarizes the issues and shared experiences that were discussed, including cross-cutting issues and use cases. It joins a nascent literature seeking to understand what drives software work in science, and how it is impacted by the reward systems of science. These incentives can determine the extent to which developers are motivated to build software for the long-term, for the use of others, and whether to work collaboratively or separately. It also explores community building, leadership, and dynamics in relation to successful scientific software

    Participatory GIS in Mapping Ecosystem Services: Two Case Studies from High-Biodiversity Regions in Italy and Peru

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    Assessing ecosystem services (ES) and mapping their values are of paramount importance. Here we present two case studies where the participatory mapping of social values of landscape ecosystem services is used in territories with high levels of cultural and biological diversity (Adamello Brenta Natural Park in Italy and the Alto Mayo basin in the Western Amazon, Peru). A mixed-method approach combining social geography fieldwork (participatory mapping) and desk work (GIS analyses) is adopted to improve ES mapping by including multiple actors and to increase awareness. Mapping ecosystem services is not just a technical task; it also highlights social implications of the cartographic process, a key issue in human geography. By taking into account the controversial and multiple roles of maps, and by involving actors in attributing values and mapping their spatial relations to landscape and ES, it is possible to enrich technical knowledge with local knowledge

    Report on the Second Workshop on Sustainable Software for Science: Practice and Experiences (WSSSPE2)

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    This technical report records and discusses the Second Workshop on Sustainable Software for Science: Practice and Experiences (WSSSPE2). The report includes a description of the alternative, experimental submission and review process, two workshop keynote presentations, a series of lightning talks, a discussion on sustainability, and five discussions from the topic areas of exploring sustainability; software development experiences; credit & incentives; reproducibility & reuse & sharing; and code testing & code review. For each topic, the report includes a list of tangible actions that were proposed and that would lead to potential change. The workshop recognized that reliance on scientific software is pervasive in all areas of world-leading research today. The workshop participants then proceeded to explore different perspectives on the concept of sustainability. Key enablers and barriers of sustainable scientific software were identified from their experiences. In addition, recommendations with new requirements such as software credit files and software prize frameworks were outlined for improving practices in sustainable software engineering. There was also broad consensus that formal training in software development or engineering was rare among the practitioners. Significant strides need to be made in building a sense of community via training in software and technical practices, on increasing their size and scope, and on better integrating them directly into graduate education programs. Finally, journals can define and publish policies to improve reproducibility, whereas reviewers can insist that authors provide sufficient information and access to data and software to allow them reproduce the results in the paper. Hence a list of criteria is compiled for journals to provide to reviewers so as to make it easier to review software submitted for publication as a “Software Paper.

    How to Sustain a Scientific Open-Source Software Ecosystem: Learning from the Astropy Project

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    Scientific open-source software (OSS) has greatly benefited research communities through its transparent and collaborative nature. Given its critical role in scientific research, ensuring the sustainability of such software has become vital. Earlier studies have proposed sustainability strategies for conventional scientific software and open-source communities. However, it remains unclear whether these solutions can be easily adapted to the integrated framework of scientific OSS and its larger ecosystem. This study examines the challenges and opportunities to enhance the sustainability of scientific OSS in the context of interdisciplinary collaboration, open-source community, and multi-project ecosystem. We conducted a case study on a widely-used software ecosystem in the astrophysics domain, the Astropy Project, using a mixed-methods design approach. This approach includes an interview with core contributors regarding their participation in an interdisciplinary team, a survey of disengaged contributors about their motivations for contribution, reasons for disengagement, and suggestions for sustaining the communities, and finally, an analysis of cross-referenced issues and pull requests to understand best practices for collaboration on the ecosystem level. Our study reveals the implications of major challenges for sustaining scientific OSS and proposes concrete suggestions for tackling these challenges

    Odyssey: The Burton D. Morgan Foundation 2014 Annual Report

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    "You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You're on your own. An you know what you know. And YOU are the one who'll decide where to go..."- Dr. Seuss, Oh, The Places You'll Go!In this verse, Dr. Seuss captures the true essence of the entrepreneurial journey, the overarching theme of our 2014 annual report. Our concept this year reflects Burt Morgan's boundless sense of adventure, a drive that took him to all corners of the globe spreading the spirit of entrepreneurship. We enjoyed our own mind-expanding journey in 2014 exploring new frontiers in entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship education. The wild ride of the past twelve months has taken us across the nation and at least virtually around the globe as we connected with entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial ecosystems in places distant from Northeast Ohio. Our regional ecosystem performed with gusto as students found record succuss in national venture competitions, our collegiate programs garnered wide recognition, the NEO ecosystem restructured for greater effectiveness, and JumpStart-mentored ventures experienced healthy exits. We enthusiastically welcomed Angela Kwallek Evans and Emily Bean to the Foundation as new program officers and express tremendous gratitude to former staff members Leslie Nelson and Alison Burner for their major contributions to the vitality of our grant portfolios. We look forward with great anticipation to 2015 and all the places we will go!From the Road,Deborah D. HooverPresident & CE

    Striking a Balance Between Physical and Digital Resources

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    In various configurations—be they academic, archival, county, juvenile, monastic, national, personal, public, reference, or research, the library has been a fixture in human affairs for a long time. Digital — meaning, content or communication that is delivered through the internet, is 20 years old (but younger in parts). Basically, both approaches to organizing serve to structure information for access. However, digital is multiplying very fast and libraries all-round contemplate an existential crisis; the more hopeful librarians fret about physical and digital space. Yet, the crux of the matter is not about physical vs. digital: without doubt, the digital space of content or communication transmogrifies all walks of life and cannot be wished away; but, the physical space of libraries is time-tested, extremely valuable, and can surely offer more than currently meets the eye. Except for entirely virtual libraries, the symbiotic relationship between the physical and the digital is innately powerful: for superior outcomes, it must be recognized, nurtured, and leveraged; striking a balance between physical and digital resources can be accomplished. This paper examines the subject of delivering digital from macro, meso, and micro perspectives: it looks into complexity theory, digital strategy, and digitization

    Entering an ecosystem: The hybrid OSS landscape from a developer perspective

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    Hybrid Open Source Software projects are virtual organizations that express characteristics of both static and dynamic behavior. They are choreographed through complex organizational structures that mix centralized governance with distributed community drivenness. While many communities use standard software tools to support their development processes, each community has its own ways of working and invisible power structures that influence how contributions are submitted, how they are verified and how decisions about the long-term direction of the software product are made. Navigating this environment is especially challenging for new developers who need to prove their abilities to gain rights to make contributions. This paper provides a viewpoint on the factors that influence a new developer's perception of the hybrid OSS developer community landscape. We apply an established developmental theory to build an initial model for the developer's context and discuss the model's validation, providing its practical and theoretical implications for building and managing on-line developer communities.Peer reviewe

    A case study in open source innovation: developing the Tidepool Platform for interoperability in type 1 diabetes management.

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    OBJECTIVE:Develop a device-agnostic cloud platform to host diabetes device data and catalyze an ecosystem of software innovation for type 1 diabetes (T1D) management. MATERIALS AND METHODS:An interdisciplinary team decided to establish a nonprofit company, Tidepool, and build open-source software. RESULTS:Through a user-centered design process, the authors created a software platform, the Tidepool Platform, to upload and host T1D device data in an integrated, device-agnostic fashion, as well as an application ("app"), Blip, to visualize the data. Tidepool's software utilizes the principles of modular components, modern web design including REST APIs and JavaScript, cloud computing, agile development methodology, and robust privacy and security. DISCUSSION:By consolidating the currently scattered and siloed T1D device data ecosystem into one open platform, Tidepool can improve access to the data and enable new possibilities and efficiencies in T1D clinical care and research. The Tidepool Platform decouples diabetes apps from diabetes devices, allowing software developers to build innovative apps without requiring them to design a unique back-end (e.g., database and security) or unique ways of ingesting device data. It allows people with T1D to choose to use any preferred app regardless of which device(s) they use. CONCLUSION:The authors believe that the Tidepool Platform can solve two current problems in the T1D device landscape: 1) limited access to T1D device data and 2) poor interoperability of data from different devices. If proven effective, Tidepool's open source, cloud model for health data interoperability is applicable to other healthcare use cases

    Sustainability Design and Software: The Karlskrona Manifesto

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    Sustainability has emerged as a broad concern for society. Many engineering disciplines have been grappling with challenges in how we sustain technical, social and ecological systems. In the software engineering community, for example, maintainability has been a concern for a long time. But too often, these issues are treated in isolation from one another. Misperceptions among practitioners and research communities persist, rooted in a lack of coherent understanding of sustainability, and how it relates to software systems research and practice. This article presents a cross-disciplinary initiative to create a common ground and a point of reference for the global community of research and practice in software and sustainability, to be used for effectively communicating key issues, goals, values and principles of sustainability design for software-intensive systems. The centrepiece of this effort is the Karlskrona Manifesto for Sustainability Design, a vehicle for a much needed conversation about sustainability within and beyond the software community, and an articulation of the fundamental principles underpinning design choices that affect sustainability. We describe the motivation for developing this manifesto, including some considerations of the genre of the manifesto as well as the dynamics of its creation. We illustrate the collaborative reflective writing process and present the current edition of the manifesto itself. We assess immediate implications and applications of the articulated principles, compare these to current practice, and suggest future steps