26 research outputs found

    PERTS: A Prototyping Environment for Real-Time Systems

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    PERTS is a prototyping environment for real-time systems. It is being built incrementally and will contain basic building blocks of operating systems for time-critical applications, tools, and performance models for the analysis, evaluation and measurement of real-time systems and a simulation/emulation environment. It is designed to support the use and evaluation of new design approaches, experimentations with alternative system building blocks, and the analysis and performance profiling of prototype real-time systems

    Um estudo sobre assistentes de especificação.

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    O AEsp é uma ferramenta para auxiliar a captura das especificações informais das aplicações do domínio de Administração Rural e transformá-las, incrementalmente, em uma representação que pode ser traduzida de forma automática para um programa executável. Esta ferramenta está sendo desenvolvida como parte do ambiente FMS ("Farm Management System"). O FMS é um ambiente para a geração automatizada de aplicativos no domínio de Administração Rural. O objetivo deste trabalho é fazer uma revisão bibliográfica dos assistentes de especificação existentes para auxiliar na especificação e dimensionamento do AEsp. Com este intuito foram descritos um conjunto de assistentes e um detalhamento do AEsp. Na seqüência, um conjunto de atributos, que serviram como crivo de comparação, foi proposto. Estes critérios foram aplicados sistematicamente a todos os assistentes.bitstream/item/107613/1/Rel-Tec-2-1997-estudo-assistentes.pd

    Towards citizen-expert knowledge exchange for biodiversity informatics: A conceptual architecture

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    This article proposes a conceptual architecture for citizen-expert knowledge exchange in biodiversity management. Expert services, such as taxonomic identification, are required in many biodiversity management activities, yet these services remain inaccessible to poor communities, such as small-scale farmers. The aim of this research was to combine ontology and crowdsourcing technologies to provide taxonomic services to such communities. The study used a design science research (DSR) approach to develop the conceptual architecture. The DSR approach generates knowledge through building and evaluation of novel artefacts. The research instantiated the architecture through the development of a platform for experts and farmers to share knowledge on fruit flies. The platform is intended to support rural fruit farmers in Kenya with control and management of fruit flies. Expert knowledge about fruit flies is captured in an ontology that is integrated into the platform. The non-expert citizen participation includes harnessing crowdsourcing technologies to assist with organism identification. An evaluation of the architecture was done through an experiment of fruit fly identification using the platform. The results showed that the crowds, supported by an ontology of expert knowledge, could identify most samples to species level and in some cases to sub-family level. The conceptual architecture may guide and enable creation of citizen-expert knowledge exchange applications, which may alleviate the taxonomic impediment, as well as allow poor citizens access to expert knowledge. Such a conceptual architecture may also enable the implementation of systems that allow non-experts to participate in sharing of knowledge, thus providing opportunity for the evolution of comprehensive biodiversity knowledge systems.CA2016www.wits.ac.za/linkcentre/aji

    Towards citizen-expert knowledge exchange for biodiversity informatics : a conceptual architecture

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    This article proposes a conceptual architecture for citizen-expert knowledge exchange in biodiversity management. Expert services, such as taxonomic identification, are required in many biodiversity management activities, yet these services remain inaccessible to poor communities, such as small-scale farmers. The aim of this research was to combine ontology and crowdsourcing technologies to provide taxonomic services to such communities. The study used a design science research (DSR) approach to develop the conceptual architecture. The DSR approach generates knowledge through building and evaluation of novel artefacts. The research instantiated the architecture through the development of a platform for experts and farmers to share knowledge on fruit flies. The platform is intended to support rural fruit farmers in Kenya with control and management of fruit flies. Expert knowledge about fruit flies is captured in an ontology that is integrated into the platform. The non-expert citizen participation includes harnessing crowdsourcing technologies to assist with organism identification. An evaluation of the architecture was done through an experiment of fruit fly identification using the platform. The results showed that the crowds, supported by an ontology of expert knowledge, could identify most samples to species level and in some cases to sub-family level. The conceptual architecture may guide and enable creation of citizen-expert knowledge exchange applications, which may alleviate the taxonomic impediment, as well as allow poor citizens access to expert knowledge. Such a conceptual architecture may also enable the implementation of systems that allow non-experts to participate in sharing of knowledge, thus providing opportunity for the evolution of comprehensive biodiversity knowledge systems.https://www.wits.ac.za/linkcentre/ajicam2017Informatic

    System Engineering and Evolution Decision Support Interim Progress Report (01/01/2000-09/30/2000)

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    The objective of our effort is to develop a scientific basis for system engineering automation and decision support. This objective addresses the long term goals of increasing the quality of service provided complex systems while reducing development risks, costs, and time. Our work focused on decision support for designing operations of complex modular systems that can include embedded software. Emphasis areas included engineering automation capabilities in the areas of design modifications, design records, reuse, and automatic generation of design representations such as real-time schedules and software

    Concorrencia em linguagens de comando

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    Orientador: Rogerio Drummond Burnier Pessoa de Mello FilhoDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de campinas, Instituto de Matematica, Estatistica e Ciencia da ComputaçãoResumo: A execução de programas é uma das formas de reutilização de software mais bem sucedidas graças a um módulo que atua entre o usuário e o núcleo do sistema operacional. Estes módulos permitem que o usuário tenha acesso a uma máquina virtual de nível superior àquela fornecida pelos serviços do sistema. Originalmente estes módulos processavam ordens que chegavam ao computador pela leitora de cartões, na época do time sharing surgem as linguagens de comandos que definem a sintaxe que o usuário deve utilizar para executar programas a partir de seu terminal; hoje existem interfaces gráficas de usuário para desempenhar estas funções. Na arquitetura do Unix o interpretador da linguagem de comandos é um módulo separado do núcleo do sistema, o que permitiu a aparição de várias linguagens de comandos para esse sistema. Na prática as linguagens de comandos do Unix têm se desempenhado como ótimas linguagens de desenvolvimento rápido de programas; Arquivos contendo comandos podem ser executados da mesma forma como são executados outros programas. Recursos sintáticos para executar vários comandos concorrentemente, de forma que a saída de um alimente a entrada de outro, permitem a construção de programas mediante a utilização de peças de funcionalidade mais elementar. Além disto, a interatividade agiliza o ciclo codificação-teste. Este trabalho propõe uma extensão ao modelo de concorrência das linguagens de comandos do Unix que sirva de base para a definição de uma linguagem de comandos distribuída. As principais características do modelo proposto são: suporte a vários paradigmas de interação entre processos distribuídos, recursos definicionais, recursos funcionais, abstração procedural e suporte à concorrência interna.Abstract: Every operating system architecture includes a module that simplifies program execution by users, converting program execution in one of the most succesful cases of software reusablity. This module have evolved from early job control languages to graphical interfaces. Command languages carne with time sharing systems and were the means used to type commands into the system. Unix command languages have proven to be excellent languages for rapid program development. Files containing shell commands may be executed like any other program Syntactic devices for concurrent program execution, with the output of one program feeding the input of another, allow program construction by reusing simpler pieces. Besides, the interactive nature speeds up the coding-testing cycle. An extension to the concurrency model of Unix command languages is herewith proposed. This extension should be the basis for a further specification of a distributed command language. The highlights of the proposed model are: support to various paradigms of distributed processes interaction, features for functional and definitional programming, procedural abstraction and support for internal concurrency.MestradoMestre em Ciência da Computaçã

    Hypermedia analysis and navigation of domains

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    Hypermedia systems have been demonstrated to support authoring and reading of mostly static information. Few systems address the needs of analysts deriving information from a continuously changing base of information. Those that do, focus on the existing content and use links primarily for navigation and management. An open hypermedia architecture is proposed for a class of analysis systems where the value added by the analyst is through associating data elements. In such systems, links are the primary form of information being managed. The architecture developed provides a framework through which hypermedia analysis systems can be generated with little or no code development. Specifically, the model is shown to apply to the domain of software engineering by mapping the analysis portions of a rapid prototyping lifecycle to a schema defined using the framework. Through the addition of n-ary links and links to links, the architecture provides a closer mapping to the Dexter Hypertext Reference Model than current graph-based models such as the Multimedia Object Retrieval Environment (MORE). Improvements over MORE are also shown in the use of abstraction as a filtering mechanism and through the full involvement of links as being the primary focus of the analysis, query, and filtering functionshttp://archive.org/details/hypermedianalysi109458483Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited