152 research outputs found

    Soft Handoff in MC-CDMA Cellular Networks Supporting Multimedia Services

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    An adaptive resource reservation and handoff priority scheme, which jointly considers the characteristics from the physical, link and network layers, is proposed for a packet switching Multicode (MC)-CDMA cellular network supporting multimedia applications. A call admission region is derived for call admission control (CAC) and handoff management with the satisfaction of quality of service (QoS) requirements for all kinds of multimedia traffic, where the QoS parameters include the wireless transmission bit error rate (BER), the packet loss rate (PLR) and delay requirement. The BER requirement is guaranteed by properly arranging simultaneous packet transmissions, whereas the PLR and delay requirements are guaranteed by the proposed packet scheduling and partial packet integration scheme. To give service priority to handoff calls, a threshold-based adaptive resource reservation scheme is proposed on the basis of a practical user mobility model and a proper handoff request prediction scheme. The resource reservation scheme gives handoff calls a higher admission priority over new calls, and is designed to adjust the reservation-request time threshold adaptively according to the varying traffic load. The individual reservation requests form a common reservation pool, and handoff calls are served on a first-come-first-serve basis. By exploiting the transmission rate adaptability of video calls to the available radio resources, the resources freed from rate-adaptive high-quality video calls by service degradation can be further used to prioritize handoff calls. With the proposed resource reservation and handoff priority scheme, the dynamic properties of the system can be closely captured and a better grade of service (GoS) in terms of new call blocking and handoff call dropping probabilities(rates) can be achieved compared to other schemes in literature. Numerical results are presented to show the improvement of the GoS performance and the efficient utilization of the radio resources

    Soft handover issues in radio resource management for 3G WCDMA networks

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    PhDMobile terminals allow users to access services while on the move. This unique feature has driven the rapid growth in the mobile network industry, changing it from a new technology into a massive industry within less than two decades. Handover is the essential functionality for dealing with the mobility of the mobile users. Compared with the conventional hard handover employed in the GSM mobile networks, the soft handover used in IS-95 and being proposed for 3G has better performance on both link and system level. Previous work on soft handover has led to several algorithms being proposed and extensive research has been conducted on the performance analysis and parameters optimisation of these algorithms. Most of the previous analysis focused on the uplink direction. However, in future mobile networks, the downlink is more likely to be the bottleneck of the system capacity because of the asymmetric nature of new services, such as Internet traffic. In this thesis, an in-depth study of the soft handover effects on the downlink direction of WCDMA networks is carried out, leading to a new method of optimising soft handover for maximising the downlink capacity and a new power control approach


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    This work deals with efficient power and rate assignment to mobile stations (MSs) involved in bursty data transmission in cellular CDMA networks. Power control in the current CDMA standards is based on a fixed target signal quality called signal to interference ratio (SIR). The target SIR represents a predefined frame error rate (FER). This approach is inefficient for data-MSs because a fixed target SIR can limit the MS's throughput. Power control should thus provide dynamic target SIRs instead of a fixed target SIR. In the research literature, the power control problem has been modeled using game theory. A limitation of the current literature is that in order to implement the algorithms, each MS needs to know information such as path gains and transmission rates of all other MSs. Fast rate control schemes in the evolving cellular data systems such as cdma2000-1x-EV assign transmission rates to MSs using a probabilistic approach. The limitation here is that the radio resources can be either under or over-utilized. Further, all MSs are not assigned the same rates. In the schemes proposed in the literature, only few MSs, which have the best channel conditions, obtain all radio resources. In this dissertation, we address the power control issue by moving the computation of the Nash equilibrium from each MS to the base station (BS). We also propose equal radio resource allocation for all MSs under the constraint that only the maximum allowable radio resources are used in a cell. This dissertation addresses the problem of how to efficiently assign power and rate to MSs based on dynamic target SIRs for bursty transmissions. The proposed schemes in this work maximize the throughput of each data-MS while still providing equal allocation of radio resources to all MSs and achieving full radio resource utilization in each cell. The proposed schemes result in power and rate control algorithms that however require some assistance from the BS. The performance evaluation and comparisons with cdma2000-1x-Evolution Data Only (1x-EV-DO) show that the proposed schemes can provide better effective rates (rates after error) than the existing schemes

    3G migration in Pakistan

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    The telecommunication industry in Pakistan has come a long way since the country\u27s independence in 1947. The initial era could be fairly termed as the PTCL (Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited) monopoly, for it was the sole provider of all telecommunication services across the country. It was not until four decades later that the region embarked into the new world of wireless communication, hence ending the decades old PTCL monopoly. By the end of the late 1990\u27s, government support and international investment in the region opened new doors to innovation and better quality, low cost, healthy competition. Wireless licenses for the private sector in the telecommunication industry triggered a promising chain of events that resulted in a drastic change in the telecommunication infrastructure and service profile. The newly introduced wireless (GSM) technology received enormous support from all stakeholders (consumers, regulatory body, and market) and caused a vital boost in Pakistan\u27s economy. Numerous tangential elements had triggered this vital move in the history of telecommunications in Pakistan. Entrepreneurs intended to test the idea of global joint ventures in the East and hence the idea of international business became a reality. The technology had proven to be a great success in the West, while Pakistan\u27s telecom consumer had lived under the shadow of PTCL dominance for decades and needed more flexibility. At last the world was moving from wired to wireless! Analysts termed this move as the beginning of a new era. The investors, telecommunication businesses, and Pakistani treasury prospered. It was a win-win situation for all involved. The learning curve was steep for both operators and consumers but certainly improved over time. In essence, the principle of deploying the right technology in the right market at the right time led to this remarkable success. The industry today stands on the brink of a similar crossroads via transition from second generation to something beyond. With the partial success of 3G in Europe and the USA, the government has announced the release of three 3G licenses by mid 2009. This decision is not yet fully supported by all but still initiated parallel efforts by the operators and the vendors to integrate this next move into their existing infrastructure

    4. generációs mobil rendszerek kutatása = Research on 4-th Generation Mobile Systems

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    A 3G mobil rendszerek szabványosítása a végéhez közeledik, legalábbis a meghatározó képességek tekintetében. Ezért létfontosságú azon technikák, eljárások vizsgálata, melyek a következő, 4G rendszerekben meghatározó szerepet töltenek majd be. Több ilyen kutatási irányvonal is létezik, ezek közül projektünkben a fontosabbakra koncentráltunk. A következőben felsoroljuk a kutatott területeket, és röviden összegezzük az elért eredményeket. Szórt spektrumú rendszerek Kifejlesztettünk egy új, rádiós interfészen alkalmazható hívásengedélyezési eljárást. Szimulációs vizsgálatokkal támasztottuk alá a megoldás hatékonyságát. A projektben kutatóként résztvevő Jeney Gábor sikeresen megvédte Ph.D. disszertációját neurális hálózatokra épülő többfelhasználós detekciós technikák témában. Az elért eredmények Imre Sándor MTA doktori disszertációjába is beépültek. IP alkalmazása mobil rendszerekben Továbbfejlesztettük, teszteltük és általánosítottuk a projekt keretében megalkotott új, gyűrű alapú topológiára épülő, a jelenleginél nagyobb megbízhatóságú IP alapú hozzáférési koncepciót. A témakörben Szalay Máté Ph.D. disszertációja már a nyilvános védésig jutott. Kvantum-informatikai módszerek alkalmazása 3G/4G detekcióra Új, kvantum-informatikai elvekre épülő többfelhasználós detekciós eljárást dolgoztunk ki. Ehhez új kvantum alapú algoritmusokat is kifejlesztettünk. Az eredményeket nemzetközi folyóiratok mellett egy saját könyvben is publikáltuk. | The project consists of three main research directions. Spread spectrum systems: we developed a new call admission control method for 3G air interfaces. Project member Gabor Jeney obtained the Ph.D. degree and project leader Sandor Imre submitted his DSc theses from this area. Application of IP in mobile systems: A ring-based reliable IP mobility mobile access concept and corresponding protocols have been developed. Project member Máté Szalay submitted his Ph.D. theses from this field. Quantum computing based solutions in 3G/4G detection: Quantum computing based multiuser detection algorithm was developed. Based on the results on this field a book was published at Wiley entitled: 'Quantum Computing and Communications - an engineering approach'

    Measurement-based Admission Control for Real-Time Traffic in IEEE 802.16 Wireless Metropolitan Area Network

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    To support real-time applications, we present a Measurement-based Admission Control (MBAC) scheme with Modified Largest Weighted Delay First (M-LWDF) scheduling algorithm. The objective of the admission control scheme is to admit new real-time application call into the system without jeopardizing the maximum average packet delay bound. Measured values of the average packet delay from the network are used for the admission decision. As long as a new call can obtain the requested service and the packet delay of existing calls are not risked by admitting it, the new call will be accepted into the network. In addition, M-LWDF scheduling algorithm is introduced to efficiently allocate network resource. Simulation results show that the proposed MBAC scheme maintains good packet delay bound

    Wireless Heterogeneous Network

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    Heterogeneous network environment can be viewed as connecting computers and network devices such as switches, repeaters and routers with different protocols and different operating systems which varies in type, size, and topology; differences and how these networks can relate or interact with each other. Heterogeneous networks (HetNets) are an attractive means of expanding or increasing mobile network capacity thereby eradicating the problems to communicate between other networks when switching from one access technology to another. A heterogeneous network is typically composed of multiple radio access technologies, architectures, transmission solutions, and base stations of varying transmission power. Heterogeneous network integrate many up to date wireless technologies together to provide multimedia services by session initiation protocol (SIP) – based Internet protocol (IP) multimedia subsystems via mobile multiple mode devices

    Radio resource management and metric estimation for multicarrier CDMA systems

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