12 research outputs found

    Interference mitigation in D2D communication underlaying LTE-A network

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    The mobile data traffic has risen exponentially in recent days due to the emergence of data intensive applications, such as online gaming and video sharing. It is driving the telecommunication industry as well as the research community to come up with new paradigms that will support such high data rate requirements within the existing wireless access network, in an efficient and effective manner. To respond to this challenge, device-to-device (D2D) communication in cellular networks is viewed as a promising solution, which is expected to operate, either within the coverage area of the existing eNB and under the same cellular spectrum (in-band) or separate spectrum (out-band). D2D provides the opportunity for users located in close proximity of each other to communicate directly, without traversing data traffic through the eNB. It results in several transmission gains, such as improved throughput, energy gain, hop gain, and reuse gain. However, integration of D2D communication in cellular systems at the same time introduces new technical challenges that need to be addressed. Containment of the interference among D2D nodes and cellular users is one of the major problems. D2D transmission radiates in all directions, generating undesirable interference to primary cellular users and other D2D users sharing the same radio resources resulting in severe performance degradation. Efficient interference mitigation schemes are a principal requirement in order to optimize the system performance. This paper presents a comprehensive review of the existing interference mitigation schemes present in the open literature. Based on the subjective and objective analysis of the work available to date, it is also envisaged that adopting a multi-antenna beamforming mechanism with power control, such that the transmit power is maximized toward the direction of the intended D2D receiver node and limited in all other directions will minimize the interference in the network. This could maximize the sum throughput and hence, guarantees the reliability of both the D2D and cellular connections

    Interferência em comunicações Device-to-Device D2D

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    A constante necessidade de aumento da capacidade de rede para atender às crescentes demandas dos assinantes, leva a indústria de telecomunicações, apoiada pela comunidade científica, a criar novos paradigmas que suportem requisitos de taxa de dados binários elevados dentro da rede de acesso sem fio existente de forma eficiente e eficaz. Para responder a este desafio, a Comunicação Device-to-Device (D2D) em redes celulares é vista como uma solução promissora. Deste modo, a presente dissertação consiste na exploração do modelo de comunicação D2D (Device-to-Device), mediante o desenvolvimento de várias rotinas de comunicação D2D dentro de uma estrutura de rede celular LTE-A, usando simuladores já existentes, nomeadamente, simuladores de sistema em JAVA e simuladores de ligação em MatLab, afim de analisar o eventual aumento de capacidade da comunicação D2D para rede celular. Tipicamente, as comunicações em D2D permitem que os utilizadores localizados na proximidade, possam comunicar diretamente sem a intervenção da estação base (BS - Base Station). Essa comunicação pode permitir ritmos binários muito elevados, baixos atrasos e poupança de energia. Nesta dissertação alterou-se o simulador de sistema celular existente para incluir as comunicações D2D e as suas interferências, sendo apresentados os resultados obtidos. Os resultados obtidos por simulação confirmaram o que se esperava, nomeadamente, aumento dos ritmos binários nas comunicações D2D e redução do atraso.The continuing need to increase network capacity to meet growing subscriber demands leads the telecommunications industry, backed by the scientific community, to create new paradigms that support high binary data rate requirements within the existing wireless access network efficiently and effectively. To meet this challenge, Device-toDevice (D2D) Communication in cellular networks is seen as a promising solution. Thus, the present dissertation consists of the exploitation of the D2D (Device-toDevice) communication model, by developing several D2D communication routines within a LTE-A cellular network structure, using existing simulators, namely, simulator of system in JAVA and simulator of link in MatLab, in order to analyze the possible increase of capacity of D2D communication for cellular network. Typically, D2D communications allow users located in close proximity to communicate directly without the intervention of the base station (BS - Base Station). This communication can allow very high binary rates, low delays and energy savings. In this dissertation, the existing cellular system simulator was modified to include D2D communications and their interference, and the results obtained were presented. Simulation results have confirmed what was expected, namely, increasing bit rate with D2D communications and lower delays

    Enabling Secure Direct Connectivity Under Intermittent Cellular Network Assistance

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    This work targets at investigating direct communications as a promising technology for the next-generation 5G wireless ecosystem that improves the degrees of spatial reuse and creates new opportunities for users in proximity. While direct connectivity has originally emerged as a technology enabler for public safety services, it is likely to remain in the heart of the 5G ecosystem by spawning a wide diversity of proximate applications and services. Direct communications couples together the centralized and the distributed network architectures, and as such requires respective enablers for secure, private, and trusted data exchange especially when cellular control link is not available at all times. Within the research group, the author was tasked to provide the state-of-the-art technology overview and to propose a novel algorithm for maintaining security functions of proximate devices in case of unreliable cellular connectivity, whenever a new device joins the secure group of users or an existing device leaves it. The proposed solution and its rigorous practical implementation detailed in this work open door to a new generation of secure proximity-based services and applications in future wireless communications systems

    Distributed Resource Allocation and Performance Analysis in 5G Wireless Cellular Networks

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    This thesis focuses on the study of Heterogeneous Networks (HetNets), Device-to-device (D2D) communication networks, and unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) networks in fifth generation wireless communication (5G) systems. HetNets that consist of macro-cells and small-cells have become increasingly popular in current wireless networks and 5G systems to meet the exponentially growing demand for higher data rates. Compared to conventional homogeneous cellular networks, the disparity of transmission power among different types of base stations (BSs), the relatively random deployment of SBSs, and the densifying networks, bring new challenges, such as the imbalanced load between macro and small cells and severe inter-cell interference. In the other hand, with the skyrocketing number of tablets and smart phones, the notion of caching popular content in the storage of BSs and users' devices is proposed to reduce duplicated wireless transmissions. To fulfill multi-fold communication requirements from humans, machine, and things, the 5G systems which include D2D communications, UAV communications, and so on, can improve the network performance. Among them, the performance analyses of these emerging technologies are attracting much attention and should be investigated first. This thesis focuses on these hot issues and emerging technologies in 5G systems, analyzing the network performance and conducting the allocation of available resources, such as serving BSs, spectrum resources, and storage resources. Specifically, three main research focuses are included in the thesis. The first focus of this thesis is the impact of the BS idle mode capacity (IMC) on the network performance of multi-tier and dense HCNs with both line-of-sight (LoS) and non-line-of-sight (NLoS) transmissions. I consider a more practical set-up with a finite number of UEs in the analysis. Moreover, the SBSs apply a positive power bias in the cell association procedure, so that macrocell UEs are actively encouraged to use the more lightly loaded SBSs. In addition, to address the severe interference that these cell range expanded UEs may suffer, the MBSs apply enhanced inter-cell interference coordination (eICIC), in the form of almost blank subframe (ABS) mechanism. For this model, I derive the coverage probability and the rate of a typical UE in the whole network or a certain tier. The impact of the IMC on the performance of the network is shown to be significant. In particular, it is important to note that there will be a surplus of BSs when the BS density exceeds the UE density, and thus a large number of BSs switch off. As a result, the overall coverage probability, as well as the area spectral efficiency (ASE), will continuously increase with the BS density, addressing the network outage that occurs when all BSs are active and the interference becomes LoS dominated. Finally, the optimal ABS factors are investigated in different BS density regions. One of major findings is that MBSs should give up all resources in favor of the SBSs when the small cell networks go ultra-dense. This reinforces the need for orthogonal deployments, shedding new light on the design and deployment of the future 5G dense HCNs. The second focus of this thesis is the content caching in D2D communication networks. In practical deployment, D2D content caching has its own problem that is not all of the user devices are willing to share the content with others due to numerous concerns such as security, battery life, and social relationship. To solve this problem, I consider the factor of social relationship in the deployment of D2D content caching. First, I apply stochastic geometry theory to derive an analytical expression of downloading performance for the D2D caching network. Specifically, a social relationship model with respect to the physical distance is adopted in the analysis to obtain the average downloading delay performance using random and deterministic caching strategies. Second, to achieve a better performance in more practical and specific scenarios, I develop a socially aware distributed caching strategy based on a decentralized learning automaton, to optimize the cache placement operation in D2D networks. Different from the existing caching schemes, the proposed algorithm not only considers the file request probability and the closeness of devices as measured by their physical distance, but also takes into account the social relationship between D2D users. The simulation results show that the proposed algorithm can converge quickly and outperforms the random and deterministic caching strategies. With these results, the work sheds insights on the design of D2D caching in the practical deployment of 5G networks. The third focus of this thesis is the performance analysis for practical UAV-enabled networks. By considering both LoS and NLoS transmissions between aerial BSs and ground users, the coverage probability and the ASE are derived. Considering that there is no consensus on the path loss model for studying UAVs in the literature, in this focus, three path loss models, i.e., high-altitude model, low-altitude model, and ultra-low-altitude model, are investigated and compared. Moreover, the lower bound of the network performance is obtained assuming that UAVs are hovering randomly according to homogeneous Poisson point process (HPPP), while the upper bound is derived assuming that UAVs can instantaneously move to the positions directly overhead ground users. From the analytical and simulation results for a practical UAV height of 50 meters, I find that the network performance of the high-altitude model and the low-altitude model exhibit similar trends, while that of the ultra-low-altitude model deviates significantly from the above two models. In addition, the optimal density of UAVs to maximize the coverage probability performance has also been investigated

    Enable Reliable and Secure Data Transmission in Resource-Constrained Emerging Networks

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    The increasing deployment of wireless devices has connected humans and objects all around the world, benefiting our daily life and the entire society in many aspects. Achieving those connectivity motivates the emergence of different types of paradigms, such as cellular networks, large-scale Internet of Things (IoT), cognitive networks, etc. Among these networks, enabling reliable and secure data transmission requires various resources including spectrum, energy, and computational capability. However, these resources are usually limited in many scenarios, especially when the number of devices is considerably large, bringing catastrophic consequences to data transmission. For example, given the fact that most of IoT devices have limited computational abilities and inadequate security protocols, data transmission is vulnerable to various attacks such as eavesdropping and replay attacks, for which traditional security approaches are unable to address. On the other hand, in the cellular network, the ever-increasing data traffic has exacerbated the depletion of spectrum along with the energy consumption. As a result, mobile users experience significant congestion and delays when they request data from the cellular service provider, especially in many crowded areas. In this dissertation, we target on reliable and secure data transmission in resource-constrained emerging networks. The first two works investigate new security challenges in the current heterogeneous IoT environment, and then provide certain countermeasures for reliable data communication. To be specific, we identify a new physical-layer attack, the signal emulation attack, in the heterogeneous environment, such as smart home IoT. To defend against the attack, we propose two defense strategies with the help of a commonly found wireless device. In addition, to enable secure data transmission in large-scale IoT network, e.g., the industrial IoT, we apply the amply-and-forward cooperative communication to increase the secrecy capacity by incentivizing relay IoT devices. Besides security concerns in IoT network, we seek data traffic alleviation approaches to achieve reliable and energy-efficient data transmission for a group of users in the cellular network. The concept of mobile participation is introduced to assist data offloading from the base station to users in the group by leveraging the mobility of users and the social features among a group of users. Following with that, we deploy device-to-device data offloading within the group to achieve the energy efficiency at the user side while adapting to their increasing traffic demands. In the end, we consider a perpendicular topic - dynamic spectrum access (DSA) - to alleviate the spectrum scarcity issue in cognitive radio network, where the spectrum resource is limited to users. Specifically, we focus on the security concerns and further propose two physical-layer schemes to prevent spectrum misuse in DSA in both additive white Gaussian noise and fading environments