228 research outputs found

    Quick Detection of High-degree Entities in Large Directed Networks

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    In this paper, we address the problem of quick detection of high-degree entities in large online social networks. Practical importance of this problem is attested by a large number of companies that continuously collect and update statistics about popular entities, usually using the degree of an entity as an approximation of its popularity. We suggest a simple, efficient, and easy to implement two-stage randomized algorithm that provides highly accurate solutions for this problem. For instance, our algorithm needs only one thousand API requests in order to find the top-100 most followed users in Twitter, a network with approximately a billion of registered users, with more than 90% precision. Our algorithm significantly outperforms existing methods and serves many different purposes, such as finding the most popular users or the most popular interest groups in social networks. An important contribution of this work is the analysis of the proposed algorithm using Extreme Value Theory -- a branch of probability that studies extreme events and properties of largest order statistics in random samples. Using this theory, we derive an accurate prediction for the algorithm's performance and show that the number of API requests for finding the top-k most popular entities is sublinear in the number of entities. Moreover, we formally show that the high variability among the entities, expressed through heavy-tailed distributions, is the reason for the algorithm's efficiency. We quantify this phenomenon in a rigorous mathematical way

    Algorithmes et techniques de détection des bots dans les réseaux sociaux

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    Dans cette thĂšse nous proposons des techniques d'apprentissage automatique ayant comme but la dĂ©tection et caractĂ©risation des bots malveillants dans les rĂ©seaux sociaux. Une nouveautĂ© de ces mĂ©thodes est qu'uniquement des motifs d'interaction avec des " amis " des comptes analysĂ©s sont utilisĂ©s comme source de donnĂ©es pour la dĂ©tection des bots. Les techniques proposĂ©es ont plusieurs nouveaux avantages. Il n'y a plus de nĂ©cessitĂ© de tĂ©lĂ©charger des gros volumes de donnĂ©es textuelles et mĂ©diatiques, qui dĂ©pendent fortement du langage. Cela permet aussi dĂ©tecter des bots cachĂ©s par des paramĂštres de confidentialitĂ© ou bloquĂ©s, des bots camouflĂ©s imitant des personnes rĂ©elles, les groupes de bots, et estimer la qualitĂ© et le prix d'un bot. Dans une solution que nous avons dĂ©veloppĂ©e, nous proposons extraire des donnĂ©es pour l'analyse sous la forme des graphes sociaux, utilisant un modĂšle de rĂ©seau social hiĂ©rarchisĂ©. AprĂšs, afin de dĂ©terminer des paramĂštres, nous utilisons les mĂ©thodes statistiques, algorithmes de graphes, et les mĂ©thodes nous permettant d'analyser le plongement de graphe. La dĂ©cision finale est prise utilisant le modĂšle de foret alĂ©atoire ou le rĂ©seau de neurones. A la base de ce schĂ©ma, nous proposons 4 techniques nous permettant de rĂ©aliser le cycle complet de dĂ©tection des attaques - 2 techniques de dĂ©tection des bots (dĂ©tection individuelle et dĂ©tection de groupe); et 2 techniques pour les caractĂ©riser - l'estimation de qualitĂ© et l'estimation de prix. La thĂšse aussi prĂ©sente des expĂ©riences permettant Ă  Ă©valuer les solutions proposĂ©es. Comme exemple le rĂ©seau social VKontacte a Ă©tĂ© choisi. A ce but, nous avons dĂ©veloppĂ© le logiciel prototype qui peut effectuer toute la chaine d'analyse, de collection des donnĂ©es Ă  la prise de dĂ©cision. Et afin d'entrainer nos modĂšles, nous avons obtenu directement de vendeurs les donnĂ©es concernant les bots de qualitĂ©, prix et stratĂ©gies de camouflage diffĂ©rentes. L'Ă©tude a montrĂ© qu'en utilisant uniquement l'information concernant les graphes des amis il est possible de reconnaitre et caractĂ©riser les bots trĂšs efficacement (AUC-ROC ~ 0.9). En mĂȘme temps, la solution proposĂ©e est robuste par rapport Ă  l'Ă©mergence de nouveaux types des bots, et au changement de leur type - de bots gĂ©nĂ©rĂ©s automatiquement et comptes piratĂ©s jusqu'aux utilisateurs humaines qui se chargent de l'activitĂ© malveillante contre une rĂ©munĂ©ration.In this thesis, we propose machine learning techniques to detecting and characterizing malicious bots in social networks. The novelty of these techniques is that only interaction patterns of friends' of analysed accounts are used as the source data to detect bots. The proposed techniques have a number of novel advantages. There is no need to download a large amount of text and media data, which are highly language-dependent. Furthermore, it allows one to detect bots that are hidden by privacy settings or blocked, to detect cam- ouflages bots that mimic real people, to detect a group of bots, and to estimate quality and price of a bot. In the developed solution, we propose to extract the input data for the analysis in form of a social graphs, using a hierarchical social network model. After, to construct features from this graph we use statistical methods, graph algorithms, and methods that analyze graph embedding. And finally, we make a decision using a random forest model or a neural network. Based on this schema we propose 4 techniques, that allows one to perform the full cycle attack detection pipeline - 2 techniques for bot detection: individual bot detection, and group bot detection; and 2 techniques for characterization of bots: estimation of bot quality, and estimation of bot price. The thesis also presents experiments that evaluate the proposed solutions on the example of bot detection in VKontakte social network. For this, we developed the software prototype that implements the entire chain of analysis - from data collection to decision making. And in order to train the models, we collected the data about bots with different quality, price and camouflage strategies directly from the bot sellers. The study showed that using only information about the graphs of friends it is possible to recognize and characterize bots with high efficiency (AUC - ROC ˜ 0.9). At the same time, the proposed solution is quite resistant to the emergence of new types of bots, and to bots of various types - from automatically generated and hacked accounts to users that perform malicious activity for money

    Social Bots As an Instrument of Influence in Social Networks: Typologization Problems

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    Nowadays, in the field of social bots investigations, we can observe a new research trend — a shift from a technology-centered to sociology-centered interpretations. It leads to the creation of new perspectives for sociology: now the phenomenon of social bots is not only considered as one of the efficient manipulative technologies but has a wider meaning: new communicative technologies have an informational impact on the social networks space. The objective of this research is to assess the new approaches of the established social bots typologies (based on the fields of their usage, objectives, degree of human behavior imitation), and also consider the ambiguity and controversy of the use of such typologies using the example of botnets operating in the VKontakte social network. A method of botnet identification is based on comprehensive methodology developed by the authors which includes the frequency analysis of published messages, botnet profiling, statistical analysis of content, analysis of botnet structural organization, division of content into semantic units, forming content clusters, content analysis inside the clusters, identification of extremes — maximum number of unique texts published by botnets in a particular cluster for a certain period. The methodology was applied for the botnet space investigation of Russian online social network VKontakte in February and October 2018. The survey has fixed that among 10 of the most active performing botnets, three botnets were identified that demonstrate the ambiguity and controversy of their typologization according to the following criteria: botnet “Defrauded shareholders of LenSpetsStroy” — according to the field of their usage, botnet “Political news in Russian and Ukrainian languages” — according to their objectives, botnet “Ksenia Sobchak” — according to the level of human behavior imitation. The authors identified the prospects for sociological analysis of different types of bots in a situation of growing accessibility and routinization of bot technologies used in social networks. Keywords: social bots, botnets, classification, VKontakte social networ

    Political polarisation on social media in different national contexts

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    The present dissertation examines the phenomenon of political polarisation on social media. Specifically, the dissertation addresses the question of how the intensity of polarisation and the ideological lines along which it occurs might vary between different national contexts. First, it explores the differences in the intensity of political polarisation on Twitter in 16 democratic countries (Article 1). Second, it examines the ideological lines along which polarisation occurs in two non-Western contexts, specifically among Russian (Article 2) and Ukrainian (Article 3) users of Vkontakte – a social media platform popular among users from post-Soviet states. The dissertation demonstrates that the levels of political polarisation differ dramatically between countries. In democracies, polarisation tends to be lowest in multi-party systems with proportional electoral rules (e.g., Sweden), and the highest in pluralist two-party systems (e.g., United States). It also shows that, in non-democratic non- Western contexts, polarisation does not necessarily run along the left–right spectrum or party system lines. In authoritarian regimes or those with less stable party systems, polarisation runs along the lines of other issues that are more politically relevant in a given context. In Russia, polarisation manifests itself along pro-regime vs anti-regimes lines, whereas in Ukraine, polarisation happens around geopolitical issues. Polarisation on social media thus tends to reflect existing political cleavages and their intensity, in line with the theory of political parallelism. The major implication of this dissertation in the context of research into polarisation on social media is that findings on the topic from single-country studies that come from Western democratic contexts should be interpreted with caution, as they are not necessarily generalisable. To make generalisable inferences about the relationship between social media and political polarisation, more comparative studies are needed, as well as studies that take into account platform affordances and the causal mechanisms that might drive polarisation

    There can be only one truth: Ideological segregation and online news communities in Ukraine

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    The paper examines ideological segregation among Ukrainian users in online environments, using as a case study partisan news communities on Vkontakte, the largest online platform in post-communist states. Its findings suggest that despite their insignificant numbers, partisan news communities attract substantial attention from Ukrainian users and can encourage the formation of isolated ideological cliques – or ‘echo chambers’ – that increase societal polarisation. The paper also investigates factors that predict users’ interest in partisan content and establishes that the region of residence is the key predictor of selective consumption of pro-Ukrainian or pro-Russian partisan news content
