7 research outputs found

    Social media, science communication and the academic super user in the United Kingdom

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    Usage, Utilization, Usefulness (U3 Model) and Challenges Faced in Social Networking Sites by Academicians

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    The study aims to determine if academicians from professional colleges use SNS  to determine an association between demographic variables and factors. Variables and factors such as the purpose of SNS use, benefits of using SNS, improvement in factors of academic performance, challenges faced by academicians, and benefits of SNS in research work. The research method has used a survey with a questionnaire. The questionnaires were distributed to the academicians in selected professional colleges in and around Pune city, and responses were collected. The study observed that most faculties from professional colleges have accounts and are familiar with different SNS. It gives the ranking of SNS by Garrett’s Ranking Technique as per the personal and academic use of SNS by academicians. Academicians get various benefits from using SNS, whereas they also face some challenges while using SNS. It is discussed with percentage analysis. Using ANOVA and PAIRED SAMPLE “t” TEST found a significant association between the Demographic variables and the factors under usage of Social Networking Sites. The factors especially considered towards satisfaction using Social Networking Sites by the academicians were analyzed using multiple regression analysis.https://dorl.net/dor/20.1001.1.20088302.2021.19.2.10.

    Reflections on the Use of Social Networking Sites as an Interactive Tool for Data Dissemination in Digital Archaeology

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    Based on a case study, the paper analyses the possibilities of social media as a tool for science communication in the context of information and communication technology (ICT) usage in archaeology. Aside from discussing the characteristics of digital archaeology, the social networking sites (SNS) Twitter, Sketchfab, and ResearchGate are integrated into a digital research data dissemination tool. As a result, above-average engagement rates with few impressions were observed. Compared with that, status updates focusing on actual fieldwork and other research activities gain high numbers of impressions with below-average engagement rates. It is believed that most of the interactions are restricted to a core audience and that a clearly defined social media strategy is obligatory for successful research data dissemination in archaeology, combined with regular posts in the SNS. Additionally, active followers are of highest importance

    Media społecznościowe, komunikacja naukowa i akademicki superużytkownik w Wielkiej Brytanii

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    The Internet and social media tools have created new opportunities for open science including communicating in more interactive ways and sharing research data. Drawing on evidence from interviews and a survey of academics in the United Kingdom our research suggests that most scholars recognised the value and importance of more open science communication and data sharing, but many had concerns about the potential risks. A small group, who can be termed super users, were frequently communicating updates of their ongoing research. It is clear that there are increasing opportunities for more open science and public engagement but challenges remain.Internet i narzędzia oferowane przez media społecznościowe otworzyły nowe możliwości dla otwartej nauki, wliczając w to bardziej interaktywną komunikację i udostępnianie danych badawczych. Wyniki naszych badań, oparte na danych z wywiadów oraz ankiety przeprowadzonej wśród naukowców uniwersyteckich w Wielkiej Brytanii, sugerują, że większość badaczy docenia wartość i znaczenie zwiększenia komunikacji w obrębie otwartej nauki i udostępniania danych, lecz obawia się potencjalnych zagrożeń. Niewielka grupa, którą można określić mianem superużytkowników, regularnie udostępnia nowe informacje na temat prowadzonych przez siebie badań. Nie ulega wątpliwości, że możliwości rozwoju otwartej nauki i zaangażowania społecznego wciąż wzrastają, jednak związane z tym trudności pozostają aktualne

    Capacity development through digital informal learning experiences: An exploration of the entrepreneurial competency development of self-employed Canadian mothers using a learning ecologies framework

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    Many Canadian women pursue self-employment during motherhood to create flexible working conditions. Although there is ample literature on the motherhood penalty and female entrepreneurship, little research exists on the development of entrepreneurial competencies through digital informal learning and how this impacts capacity development. An ethnographic approach guided the design of a mixed-methods research study, which focused on the digital learning experiences of 47 Canadian entrepreneurs who are mothers. A learning ecologies framework was applied to address the multidimensionality of individual learning experiences and the overall learning culture of the sample. The findings showed that the demands of motherhood influenced the learning culture of participants: learning was primarily informal and occurred in digital contexts, affording flexible learning experiences based on self-identified needs.Muchas mujeres canadienses buscan trabajo por cuenta propia durante su maternidad para tener condiciones de trabajo flexibles. Aunque existe una amplia literatura sobre la penalización por maternidad y el emprendimiento femenino, hay poca investigación sobre el desarrollo de competencias empresariales a través del aprendizaje informal digital y cómo esto afecta al desarrollo de capacidades. Un enfoque etnográfico guio el diseño de un estudio de investigación de métodos mixtos centrado en las experiencias de aprendizaje digital de 47 emprendedoras canadienses que son madres. Se aplicó un marco teórico de ecologías de aprendizaje para abordar la multidimensionalidad de las experiencias de aprendizaje individuales y la cultura de aprendizaje global de la muestra. Los resultados demostraron que las necesidades propias de la maternidad influyen en la cultura de aprendizaje de las participantes: el aprendizaje fue principalmente informal y tuvo lugar en contextos digitales, lo que permitió experiencias de aprendizaje flexibles basadas en necesidades autoidentificadas.Moltes dones canadenques busquen feina per compte propi durant la maternitat per tenir condicions laborals flexibles. Tot i que hi ha una àmplia literatura sobre la penalització per maternitat i l'emprenedoria femenina, hi ha poques recerques sobre el desenvolupament de competències empresarials mitjançant l'aprenentatge informal digital i com això afecta el desenvolupament de capacitats. Un enfocament etnogràfic va guiar el disseny d'un estudi de recerca de mètodes mixtos centrat en les experiències d'aprenentatge digital de 47 empresàries canadenques que són mares. Es va aplicar un marc teòric d'ecologies d'aprenentatge per abordar la multidimensionalitat de les experiències d'aprenentatge individuals i la cultura d'aprenentatge global de la mostra. Els resultats van demostrar que les necessitats pròpies de la maternitat influeixen en la cultura d'aprenentatge de les participants: l'aprenentatge va ser sobretot informal i va tenir lloc en contextos digitals, cosa que va permetre experiències d'aprenentatge flexibles basades en necessitats autoidentificades.E-learnin

    Social media, science communication and the academic super user in the United Kingdom

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    The Internet and social media tools have created new opportunities for open science including communicating in more interactive ways and sharing research data. Drawing on evidence from interviews and a survey of academics in the United Kingdom our research suggests that most scholars recognised the value and importance of more open science communication and data sharing, but many had concerns about the potential risks. A small group, who can be termed super users, were frequently communicating updates of their ongoing research. It is clear that there are increasing opportunities for more open science and public engagement but challenges remain

    Social media use and potential in formal and informal science learning: a multiple case study of three Palestinian educational institutions

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    A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements of the University of Wolverhampton for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.This study explores the extent to which social media tools and resources are used in formal and informal science education in Palestine, the influence of culture on their use and their potential to enhance educational experiences. It accordingly investigates educators’ perceptions of the use of social media in undergraduate science education and informal community learning. The conceptual framework that guided this study includes Siemens’s theory of Connectivism and Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions theory. The study adopts an exploratory multiple case-study research design. It begins with a comprehensive review and analysis of the literature, and then undertakes semi-structured interviews with 18 educators at three Palestinian educational institutions who apply different teaching modes, specifically informal community learning, formal campus learning and formal blended learning. The study uses an iterative coding process to analyse the interviews, the qualitative analysis reveals educators’ perceived affordances and limitations, and also provides insight into their concerns about the integration of social media in education. Some differences in use and perceptions were found to be connected to the nature of learning activities at each institution, along with institutional policies, assessment methods and the given science topic. Social media offers various science-related tools and resources to Palestinian students, educators and the community. It has also helped to overcome some of the challenges that confront Palestinian educators and students, including a lack of science resources and mobility restrictions. Of the cultural aspects that influence educators’ perceptions of social media and its use for educational purposes, some are found to be connected to three of Hofstede’s cultural dimensions. The findings reveal other cultural aspects that are not directly connected to Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions theory, and this serves to underline that it only provides a partial or incomplete understanding of how culture influences educational technology use in the Palestinian context. Some examples demonstrate the influence of culture on some Connectivist practices in the Palestinian context. However, it is found cultural aspects exert different, and sometimes competing, influences on educators and students’ practices in online educational environments. Other factors, such as a traditional school education and a lack of digital literacy, were found to affect students’ and educators’ practices. This study provides recommendations and reflects on practical implications with the aim of benefitting educators, educational institutions and policymakers. It also considers issues related to changes at the institutions that occurred after the coronavirus pandemic broke out