13 research outputs found

    Science, knowledge and society in times of pandemic: info-communication configurations in the health field

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    This article deals with the new configurations of information and communication in the domain of health knowledge in Brazil, by the intercurrence of two concomitant factors: the increasingly powerful increment of technical mediations in the digital environment; the health crisis caused by the pandemic of the new coronavirus - the SARS-CoV-2. To study the domain at this critical moment, we considered the scientific society that represents it - the Brazilian Association of Collective Health (Abrasco) - and the way it promoted communication among peers in the scientific field and between them and society, through the "Abrasco Agoras", a set of webinars bringing together researchers, professionals, health authorities, representatives of organizations and social movements to discuss the issues related to the pandemic moment. We started with a theoretical treatment of Domain Analysis, to then approach the new modalities of scientific info-communication in the era of E-science and pandemic. The results of the analysis of a sample of the "Abrasco Agoras" show that the intensive use of digital devices and the accelerated rhythm of scientific knowledge production demand reflections on the health domain that take into account the very way of functioning of the scientific field, the status of researchers and health professionals, the processes of production, mediation, diffusion and appropriation of knowledge, the modes of information and communication among peers and between peers and society.Este artigo trata das novas configurações da informação e da comunicação no domínio de conhecimentos da saúde no Brasil, pela intercorrência de dois fatores concomitantes: o incremento cada vez mais potente das mediações técnicas no ambiente digital; a crise sanitária provocada pela pandemia do novo coronavirus – o SARS-CoV-2. Para estudar o domínio nesse momento crítico considerou-se a sociedade científica que o representa - a Associação Brasileira de Saúde Coletiva (Abrasco) - e a forma como promoveu a comunicação entre os pares do campo científico e destes com a sociedade, por meio das "Ágoras Abrasco", conjunto de webnários reunindo pesquisadores, profissionais, autoridades sanitárias, representantes de organizações e movimentos sociais para discutir sobre as questões afetas ao momento pandêmico. Partiu-se de um tratamento teórico sobre a Análise de domínio, para em seguida abordar as novas modalidades da info-comunicação científica na era da E-science e da pandemia. Os resultados da análise de uma amostra das “Ágoras Abrasco” demonstram que o uso intensivo dos dispositivos digitais e o ritmo acelerado de produção do conhecimento científico demandam reflexões sobre o domínio da saúde que levem em conta o próprio modo de funcionamento do campo científico, o estatuto dos pesquisadores e profissionais da saúde, os processos de produção, mediação, difusão e apropriação dos conhecimentos, os modos de informação e comunicação entre os pares e destes com a sociedade

    Domain Analysis, Discourse Community and Literary and Semantic Warrants: a study of the Brazilian rural landscape

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    The current study deals with the theoretical and methodological feasibility of the use of domain analysis and discourse community, by means of literary and semantic warrants, aiming at the identification of the rural landscape in its ontological dimension, having Knowledge Organization Systems (KOS) as a purpose. The rural landscape and its network of concepts within the field of Information Science (IS) are analyzed in relation to geographic knowledge representation and organization. The methodological procedures, subdivided into bibliographical research and documentary research, included the examination of the 1970 and 2006 editions of the Census of Agriculture, under the responsibility of the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics, and of representation of the rural landscapes in bibliographic classification systems, thesauri, and ontologies. Results show conceptual and standardized landscape terminology by means of the conceptualization of the categories that represent it, resulting from the Geography domain and aggregated to information taken from the 1970 and 200 censuses of agriculture.Estudio que presenta la viabilidad teórico-metodológica del uso del análisis de dominio y comunidad discursiva, a través de garantías literaria y semántica, con el fin de conocer e identificar la dimensión ontológica del paisaje rural, objetivando los Sistemas de Organización del Conocimiento (SOCs). Se analiza el paisaje rural y su red de conceptos en el área de las Ciencias de la Información con relación a la organización y representación del conocimiento geográfico. Los procedimientos metodológicos se dividieron en investigación bibliográfica e investigación documental que examinó los Censos Agropecuarios de 1970 y 2006, bajo la responsabilidad del Instituto Brasileño de Geografía y Estadística (IBGE), así como también examinó la representación del paisaje en los sistemas de clasificación bibliográfica, tesauros y ontologías. Como resultado, se obtuvo la terminología conceptual y estandarizada del paisaje a través de la conceptualización de las categorías que lo representan, resultante del dominio de la Geografía y agregadas a las informaciones provenientes de los censos agropecuarios de 1970 y 2006.The current study deals with the theoretical and methodological feasibility of the use of domain analysis and discourse community, by means of literary and semantic warrants, aiming at the identification of the rural landscape in its ontological dimension, having Knowledge Organization Systems (KOS) as a purpose. The rural landscape and its network of concepts within the field of Library and Information Science (LIS) are analyzed in relation to geographic knowledge representation and organization. The methodological procedures, subdivided into bibliographical research and documentary research, included the examination of the 1970 and 2006 editions of the Brazilian Census of Agriculture, under the responsibility of the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics, and of representation of the rural landscapes in bibliographic classification systems, thesauri, and ontologies. Results show conceptual and standardized landscape terminology by means of the conceptualization of the categories that represent it, resulting from the geography domain and aggregated to information taken from the 1970 and 2006 Brazilian censuses of agriculture

    Modelos teóricos de prática informacional e institucionalização da informação

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    The information practices are actions of search, use and construction of information in a sociocultural context, that include individuals and collective aspects of everyday life, in which the informational products of human activity reach an objectification through the process of institutionalization of information. In this sense, the study aims to compare theoretical models of informational practice to present their contributions to the study of the relationship between daily life and institutionalization of information. This is a qualitative approach, based on bibliographic research. Initially, is presented a conceptual panorama of information practices in everyday life perspective and its unfolding in the construction of the information, besides presenting the contextual scenario of the institutionalization of the information. The analysis made it possible to verify the relevance of the models as a subsidy for the understanding of the institutionalization of information, besides showing convergent and divergent aspects within such models. Based on the analysis carried out, it was possible to infer that the theoretical models of informational practice are conceptual mechanisms that represent certain aspects of daily life, contributing as a subsidy to the understanding of the information institutionalization process

    The concept of discursive community and its convergences with terminology

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    Partindo do conceito de comunidade discursiva, desenvolvido por Swales (1990), incorporado nos estudos voltados para a Terminologia, Lexicografia e linguagens de especialidade, o objetivo deste trabalho é verificar a ocorrência do conceito da referida comunidade e sua influência em investigações de Terminologia. Para tanto, foi realizada uma pesquisa nas bases de dados internacionais Web of Science e Library & Information Science Abstracts (LISA) e nas bases de dados nacionais BDTD e BRAPCI, cujos resultados recuperados foram analisados individualmente. A análise dos artigos revelou que os elementos das comunidades discursivas, apontadas por Swales, correspondem às considerações tecidas pelos autores e são utilizados nos estudos terminológicos aqui relacionados. Nos trabalhos produzidos no Brasil, o autor é bastante relevante, sendo a base direta e indireta nas pesquisas; nos artigos internacionais, os conceitos se aproximam do ponto de vista de Swales, porém, este estudioso não é citado diretamente como referência. Dessa forma, desenvolve-se uma discussão relacionando as características de comunidade discursiva no que tange aos apontamentos encontrados nos artigos, teses e dissertações. Por fim, considera que o estudo das teorias conexas aos gêneros textuais e discursivos necessita compor a pauta das investigações voltadas à Terminologia, uma vez que o campo dos dicionários e ferramentas que representam os léxicos especializados são recortes de estruturas profissionais que compartilham consenso e objetivos comuns, assim como formas próprias de comunicação entre os pares (incluindo gêneros e léxico específicos), onde o domínio de conteúdo relevante e a experiência discursiva são fatores de diferenciação entre os próprios membros, sendo, portanto, as linguagens de especialidade uma das características das comunidades discursivas.Based on the concept of discursive community, developed by Swales (1990), incorporated in the studies focused on Terminology, Lexicography and specialty languages, the aim of this work is to verify the occurrence of the concept of the referred community and its influence in Terminology investigations. To do so, a search was made in the international databases Web of Science and Library & Information Science Abstracts (LISA) and in the Brazilian databases BDTD and BRAPCI, whose recovered results were analyzed individually. The analysis of the articles revealed that the elements of the discursive communities, pointed out by Swales, correspond to the considerations made by the authors and are used in the terminological studies related here. In the works produced in Brazil, the author is very relevant, being a direct and indirect base in the researches; in international articles, concepts approach Swales' point of view, however, he is not cited directly as a reference. Thus, a discussion is developed relating the characteristics of the discursive community in relation to the notes found in the articles, theses and dissertations. Finally, it considers that the study of theories related to textual and discursive genres needs to be part of Terminology research, since the field of dictionaries and tools that represent specialized lexicons is a part of professional structures that share common goals and consensus, as well as specific forms of communication between peers (including specific genres and lexical), where the domain of relevant content and the discursive experience are factors of differentiation between the members themselves, being therefore the languages of specialty one of the characteristics of the discursive communities

    Análise de domínio: um estudo das publicações científicas brasileiras

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências da Educação, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Informação, Florianópolis, 2017.O presente trabalho visa caracterizar os estudos sobre análise de domínio nas publicações científicas brasileiras quanto à natureza e autoria. Apresenta-se como objetivos específicos: elaborar um quadro sintético teórico sobre análise de domínio com base literatura; identificar os autores brasileiros mais produtivos e em que autores se apoiam na realização de seus estudos; analisar as contribuições dos estudos sobre análise de domínio quanto à abordagem, temas, metodologias e resultados. O referencial teórico apresenta os conceitos de Ciência da Informação, a fim de discutir a Organização do Conhecimento e a análise de domínio, no contexto do paradigma social. A pesquisa caracteriza-se como exploratória e descritiva, e aplica a pesquisa bibliográfica para o levantamento de dados. Os dados foram coletados em cinco fontes de informação especializadas e da área da Ciência da Informação: Base de dados Referencial de Artigos de Periódicos em Ciência da Informação (BRAPCI); Anais do Congresso Brasileiro em Organização e representação do Conhecimento (ISKO-Brasil); Anais do Encontro Nacional de Pesquisa em Ciência da Informação (ENANCIB); Biblioteca Digital Brasileira de Teses e Dissertações (BDTD); e Base de dados SCOPUS. Foram analisados 37 textos e identificados os autores mais produtivos e os mais citados, bem como quais as contribuições dos estudos analisados, quanto ao tema, abordagem, metodologia e resultados. Os resultados apontam os cinco autores mais produtivos em textos sobre análise de domínio em publicações científicas brasileiroas. Observa-se que a maioria dos 37 textos analisados tem autoria coletiva. O texto mais citado é o artigo percursor do conceito, de autoria de Hjorland e Albrechtsen (1995), seguido dos outros textos de Birger Hjorland. As pesquisas que abordam a análise de domínio o fazem de maneira predominante como abordagem metodológica. Nos textos analisados, o tema em que a análise de domínio se insere é na Organização do Conhecimento. As metodologias de análise de domínio usadas variam de acordo com os objetivos, sendo que muitas pesquisas relatadas dos 37 textos não apresentaram explicitamente a metodologia usada. Conclui-se que a análise de domínio vem sendo tratada com regularidade na literatura brasileira da área da Ciência da Informação, o que aponta para o potencial da pesquisa brasileira em contribuir para o desenvolvimento dessa temática.Abstract : The present work aims to characterize the studies on domain analysis in Brazilian scientific publications regarding nature and authorship. It presents specific objectives: to elaborate a synthetic theoretical framework on domain analysis based on literature; To identify the most productive Brazilian authors and in which authors rely on the accomplishment of their studies; Analyze the contributions of studies on domain analysis regarding the approach, themes, methodologies and results. The theoretical framework presents the concepts of Information Science in order to discuss the organization of knowledge and domain analysis in the context of the social paradigm. The research is characterized as exploratory and descriptive, and applies the bibliographic research for the data collection. The data were collected in five specialized information sources and in the area of Information Science: Reference Database of Periodical Articles in Information Science (BRAPCI); Proceedings of the Brazilian Congress on Organization and Representation of Knowledge (ISKO-Brazil); Proceedings of the National Meeting on Research in Information Science (ENANCIB); Brazilian Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (BDTD); And SCOPUS Database. We analyzed 37 texts and identified the most productive authors and those most cited, as well as the contributions of the studies analyzed, regarding the theme, approach, methodology and results. The results point out the five most productive authors in texts on domain analysis in Brazilian scientific publications. It is observed that most of the 37 texts analyzed have collective authorship. The most cited text is the precursor of the concept, authored by Hjorland and Albrechtsen (1995), followed by the other texts by Birger Hjorland. Researches that approach domain analysis do so predominantly as a methodological approach. In the analyzed texts, the domain analysis is embedded in the organization of knowledge. The methodologies of domain analysis used vary according to the objectives, and many reported researches of the 37 texts did not explicitly present the methodology used. It is concluded that domain analysis has been regularly treated in the Brazilian literature of the area of Information Science, which points to the potential of Brazilian research to contribute to the development of this subject

    Práticas informacionais e sense-making : um diálogo a partir da avaliação de portais de produtos e serviços do IBICT

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Ciência da Informação, Curso de Graduação em Biblioteconomia, 2019.As práticas informacionais são ações de busca, uso e construção da informação em um contexto sociocultural, englobando os aspectos individual e coletivo da vida cotidiana. O sense-making é uma abordagem de estudos de usuários centrada no uso e busca informacional dos sujeitos, incluindo o contexto social. Tendo em vista a possível conciabilidade de ambas as abordagens, a investigação visa trazer contribuições metodológicas para o campo de estudos de usuários de informação, a partir de um diálogo entre modelos de práticas informacionais e a abordagem sense-making. Para tanto, lança mão de categorias de tais modelos, identificadas a partir do estudo de Rocha, Duarte e Paula (2017), e de indicadores da abordagem sense-making, identificados a partir da publicação de Rabello e Caiado (2014), que trouxe os resultados da avaliação de portais Web do IBICT. Para a comparação entre categorias e indicadores, realiza-se uma pesquisa básica, qualitativa, descritiva, bibliográfica e documental, orientada por um estudo de caso. Inicialmente apresenta-se um panorama conceitual das funções administrativas e dos produtos e serviços de informação. Foram identificadas, ademais, as características de estudos de uso e usuário e da abordagem sense-making, sendo, posteriormente, apresentado um cenário conceitual de práticas informacionais. Em seguida, foram contextualizados os portais Web de produtos e serviços do IBICT. Para análise dos dados, foram elaborados quadros, organizados a partir dos resultados do estudo de Rabello e Caiado (2014), de modo a identificar os aspectos convergentes entre as abordagens. Como resultado, observou-se a conciabilidade entre as categorias de práticas informacionais e os indicadores sense-making. Considerando tal convergência, propôs-se um quadro com perguntas direcionadas para auxiliar a construção de instrumentos de coleta de dados (entrevistas ou questionários) para estudos de uso de produtos e serviços de informação, sobremaneira àquelas investigações direcionadas a portais Web. Portanto, com base na conciabilidade entre abordagens, a pesquisa apresentou como possível contribuição uma proposta de perguntas orientadas para oferecer subsídios ao investigador no processo da avaliação de produtos e serviços a partir da perspectiva dos usuários.Informational practices are actions of search, use and construction of information in a sociocultural context, which includes individual and collective aspects of daily life, known as a ramification of the alternative approach. Sense making is an users study approach with focus on use and informational search of subjects, including the social context. Thinking about the possibility that both approaches can be convergent, the research aims to bring methodological contributions to the field of studies of information users, based on a dialogue between models of information practices and the sense-making approach. To do so, it draws on categories of such models, identified from the study of Rocha, Duarte and Paula (2017), and indicators of the sense-making approach, identified from of Rabello and Caiado's (2014) publication, which brought the results of the evaluation of IBICT web portals. To compare it in categories and indicators a basic, qualitative, descriptive, bibliographical and documentary research, was developed, guided by a case study. First, a conceptual overview of administrative functions and information products and services is presented. In addition, the user characteristics, studies uses and the sense-making approach were identified. Later, a conceptual scenario of informational practices was presented. Next, the Web portals of IBICT products and services were contextualized. For data analysis, tables were elaborated, based on the results of the study by Rabello and Caiado (2014), in order to identify the convergent aspects between the approaches. As a result, we observed the convergence between the categories of information practices and the sense-making indicators. Considering such convergence, a table was proposed with questions directed to assist the construction of data collection instruments (interviews or questionnaires) for studies on the use of information products and services, especially for those investigations directed to Web portals. Therefore, based on the convergence between approaches, the research presented as a possible contribution a proposal of questions oriented to offer subsidies to the researcher in the process of evaluating products and services from the perspective of users

    Doctoral candidates' information practice through research writing : cases of East-Asian students in Australian universities

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    Information practices are pertinent to research writing, particularly in the writing of a literature review. This study examined East Asian doctoral (PhD) candidates’ information practices as a construct in writing literature reviews for social science theses in Australian universities. The outcomes of this research complement and extend the current documented strategies and regulations in information practices in both fields of Higher Degree Research education and Library and Information Science (LIS). Conceptualised in terms of Foucauldian (1972) “statements”, this study contributes to a reconceptualisation of information practices in research writing through the analysis of students’ literature reviews. Further, this research sheds light on research pedagogy for researchers who are committed to being educators more than supervisors. For doctoral students this thesis provides in part a picture of information practices in research writing. Information practices in literature reviews have largely been under-researched and/or overlooked in the fields of LIS and research education. Past studies in these two areas have contributed to developing research students’ information search abilities and writing abilities through various strategies (Carter, 2011a; Cotterall, 2011a; Kavuluru et al., 2012; Lee & Kamler, 2008; McCulloch et al., 2010; Olsson, 2010; Switzer & Lepkowski, 2007), while there is lack of combined investigation about information practices in research writing. Moreover, there are few studies investigating the statements (Foucault, 1972) per se in these two areas. Statement which is the core unit of discourse brings about the particular modalities of existence such as the information practices in research writing (Foucault, 1972). The investigation on statement can generate new insights into research writing by relating to information practices in both research education and LIS

    Inform to Perform: Using Domain Analysis to Explore Amateur Athlete Information Resources and Behaviour

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    Sporting information has been relatively unexamined in library and information science (LIS) literature with most research concentrating on collection management or archival functions. User studies in LIS have covered some aspects of outdoor recreation and hobbies, but only one study has been found explicitly researching amateur athletes. This project builds contributes a definition of sport as an information domain and an exploratory user study of amateur athletes. The research takes a socio-cognitive approach and uses domain analysis linked to serious leisure, information communication chain and information behaviour theories to provide the research context. These foundational theories are used to define sport as an information domain more formally, noting both degrees of specialisation within it and intersections with related disciplines. Four domain analysis approaches are then used to illustrate the potential of the approach for researching different dimensions within the domain. Three of these approaches involve desk research into different aspects of amateur sport information. By discussing the role of documents, computer science and discourses in sport these approaches show that sport is a multi-faceted and interdisciplinary domain with many topics of interest for the information researcher and practitioner. The fourth approach is a user study of athlete information behaviour that collected data on information sources, tasks and attitudes via an online questionnaire

    Social and cultural practices that shape male youths' masculinity and conceptions of risk and vulnerability to HIV and AIDS in Rundu Urban Conservancy, Kavango region, Namibia

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    HIV and AIDS still challenges the best efforts of public health and medical establishments and continues to ravage communities around the world. While measures have been put in place to preclude it from further spread, recent studies in the field of HIV and AIDS prevention intimate that for more efficacious intervention to be realized, it is critical to understand and address the social and cultural practices which influence sexual behavior, particularly understanding how issues of masculinity plays a role in the perpetuation of these behavior. Relying on Bourdieu’s theory of social practice, this study explores the inherent enduring nature of habitus and its role in the production and maintenance of masculine and sexual identities that predispose young men to HIV and AIDS. The study was conducted in Rundu Urban Constituency in Kavango Region of Namibia to gain insight into male youth’s masculinity and conceptions of risk and vulnerability to HIV and AIDS. The study design was qualitative and interpretive in nature. Data collection strategies included focus group discussions and individual interviews. Twelve male youth aged 17-20 years in two secondary schools (six in each) were selected to participate in the study. Four focus group discussions and fourteen individual interviews were conducted. Institutional ethical clearance from both regional education office and the schools were obtained before undertaking the study. Participants also signed written consent forms before interviews started. The findings of this study revealed that young men from this community were under constant pressure to conform to dominant masculine norms and values. Key in the case of youth in the study was the need to procreate as a dominant marker of one’s masculine and sexual identity because it represented a primary source of a ‘real’ man’s social identity in this community. This masculine and sexual identity seemed in itself to be constructed along paternal lines and cultural beliefs, which youth preserved by not only complying, but also reproducing. The sexual activities they reported that would secure their position as `real` men were often those that put them at risk and made them vulnerable to the epidemic

    Social and cultural practices that shape male youths' masculinity and conceptions of risk and vulnerability to HIV and AIDS in Rundu Urban Conservancy, Kavango region, Namibia

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    HIV and AIDS still challenges the best efforts of public health and medical establishments and continues to ravage communities around the world. While measures have been put in place to preclude it from further spread, recent studies in the field of HIV and AIDS prevention intimate that for more efficacious intervention to be realized, it is critical to understand and address the social and cultural practices which influence sexual behavior, particularly understanding how issues of masculinity plays a role in the perpetuation of these behavior. Relying on Bourdieu’s theory of social practice, this study explores the inherent enduring nature of habitus and its role in the production and maintenance of masculine and sexual identities that predispose young men to HIV and AIDS. The study was conducted in Rundu Urban Constituency in Kavango Region of Namibia to gain insight into male youth’s masculinity and conceptions of risk and vulnerability to HIV and AIDS. The study design was qualitative and interpretive in nature. Data collection strategies included focus group discussions and individual interviews. Twelve male youth aged 17-20 years in two secondary schools (six in each) were selected to participate in the study. Four focus group discussions and fourteen individual interviews were conducted. Institutional ethical clearance from both regional education office and the schools were obtained before undertaking the study. Participants also signed written consent forms before interviews started. The findings of this study revealed that young men from this community were under constant pressure to conform to dominant masculine norms and values. Key in the case of youth in the study was the need to procreate as a dominant marker of one’s masculine and sexual identity because it represented a primary source of a ‘real’ man’s social identity in this community. This masculine and sexual identity seemed in itself to be constructed along paternal lines and cultural beliefs, which youth preserved by not only complying, but also reproducing. The sexual activities they reported that would secure their position as `real` men were often those that put them at risk and made them vulnerable to the epidemic