56 research outputs found

    Social robots for older users: a possibility to support assessment and social interventions

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    In the last decades, various researches in the field of robotics have created numerous opportunities for innovative support of the older population. The goal of this work was to review and highlight how social robots can help the daily life of older people, and be useful also as assessment tools. We will underline the aspects of usability and acceptability of robotic supports in the psychosocial work with older persons. The actual usability of the system influences the perception of the ease of use only when the user has no or low experience, while expert users’ perception is related to their attitude towards the robot. This finding should be more deeply analysed because it may have a strong influence on the design of future interfaces for elderly-robot interaction. Robots can play an important role to tackle the societal challenge of the growing older population. The authors report some recent studies with older users, where it was demonstrated that the acceptability of robotics during daily life activities, and also in cognitive evaluation, could be supported by social robot

    Social Robots in the Home: What Factors Influence Attitudes Towards their Use in Assistive Care?

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    Advances in technology and science have led to the application of artificial intelligence in many different areas of life. In particular, they have led to the appearance of robots in the domestic sphere. One type of robot – namely, the social robot – has been endowed with a very human aesthetic and is designed to interact with humans, and it is increasingly being used to perform “human tasks”. Social robots have also been introduced into the social services, providing companionship and assistive services for children, the infirm and the elderly. Such usage has rightly attracted the interest of the social sciences, fuelling the debate about the acceptance of social robots by their end-users. In this paper, regression analysis is applied to data from the Eurobarometer survey to investigate how socio-demographic features and self-confidence on technological development influence European citizens’ attitudes towards robots in the social services. The results show that men, with a high level of education, living in a big city and with experience of robot use have more positive attitudes towards the concept of robots for assistive services. This study emphasizes the need to consider the relation between attitudes towards social robots and their use to avoid the generation of social inequalities

    People's Attitudes Towards the Use of Robots in the Social Services: A Multilevel Analysis Using Eurobarometer Data

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    Robots have been employed in the industrial sectors for over half a century; however, their appearance in the domestic sphere is a modern phenomenon, occurring in just the last decade. These so-called social robots are carrying out a variety of tasks traditionally carried out by humans, and in contexts in which they must interact with human beings. These kinds of social robots are now being used in the welfare services, providing assistive services and companionship for the infirm or elderly, and even children. Thus, the use of social robots in everyday life has triggered an animated debate about the acceptance of these devices by their end users. In this paper, multilevel analysis is applied using data from the Eurobarometer survey (sample size 27,901, covering 28 countries) to investigate how socio-demographic characteristics and country-level indicators of technological and economic development (the rate of high-technology manufactured exports, the cellular phone subscriptions rate and GDP) influence how robots are accepted in the realm of the social services. The results show that only individual (socio-demographic) and technology acceptance model (TAM) factors influence attitudes towards social robots. The effects of the contextual variables considered were not statistically strong enough to explain the attitudes towards social robots for social services

    The use of UTAUT and Post Acceptance models to investigate the attitude towards a telepresence robot in an educational setting

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    (1) Background: In the last decade, various investigations into the field of robotics have created several opportunities for further innovation to be possible in student education. However, despite scientific evidence, there is still strong scepticism surrounding the use of robots in some social fields, such as personal care and education; (2) Methods: In this research, we present a new tool named: HANCON model that was developed merging and extending the constructs of two solid and proven models: the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) model to examine the factors that may influence the decision to use a telepresence robot as an instrument in educational practice, and the Post Acceptance Model to evaluate acceptability after the actual use of a telepresence robot. The new tool is implemented and used to study the acceptance of a Double telepresence robot by 112 pre-service teachers in an educational setting; (3) Results: The analysis of the experimental results predicts and demonstrate a positive attitude towards the use of telepresence robot in a school setting and confirm the applicability of the model in an educational context; (4) Conclusions: The constructs of the HANCON model could predict and explain the acceptance of social telepresence robots in social contexts

    Preparing for a Robot Future? Social Professions, Social Robotics and the Challenges Ahead

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    Helping tomorrow’s social professionals to learn about social robotics

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    This paper identifies that social robotics and autonomous technologies will inevitably impact on the field of care for human beings. Those currently employed in caring roles, and those about to enter these roles, are generally ill-prepared to respond to this challenge: whether it is to develop the skills to work alongside such technologies or to critically engage with their development. The paper outlines a current Erasmus+ funded international project (PRoSPEro) that brings together social roboticists, educators, learners, practitioners and policymakers in order to develop, pilot, assess and deploy innovative pedagogical materials to address the gap in provision. It also  describes a locally-generated learning opportunity within futures studies that facilitates learners to engage directly with these new technologies. The paper provides ideas for strategies and techniques to successfully engage learners from social science and therapeutic-based fields to engage with urgent contemporary technological issues.Share, P.; Pender, J. (2020). Helping tomorrow’s social professionals to learn about social robotics. En 6th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd'20). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. (30-05-2020):1093-1100. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAd20.2020.11205OCS1093110030-05-202

    Tropicalizing Frankenstein in Latin America : a tale about promising technologies and apocalyptic robots

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    Frankenstein is not an exclusive character belonging to the realm of the Gothic narrative, but a vivid element that has evolved and adapted to diverse social contexts and geographies. Mary Shelley's work has endured the passing of time and now is a symbol of the popular culture. It has appeared in numerous movies, TV series, comics and it has inspired many other shows and literary works. In our Internet era, it is present across "memes" and other multimedia staff shared on social media. In this paper, I look to understand Mary Shelley's Frankenstein influence on people's attitudes regarding technology and science, particularly artificial intelligence and robots. How the negative visions and fears about the misuse of science to break traditional moral and religion boundaries are still present in popular culture, including in developing regions like Latin America. Fieldwork will be focused on reviewing several Latin American newspapers and magazine articles in Spanish and Portuguese published on the Internet. As final outcomes will show, Mary Shelley's Frankenstein still continues influencing people's imagination about science and technology, even in technically less developed regions.Frankenstein no es un personaje exclusivo del ámbito de la narrativa gótica, sinoun elemento vivo que ha evolucionado y se ha adaptado a diversas geografías ycontextos sociales. El trabajo de Mary Shelley ha perdurado el paso del tiempo, consolidándose como un símbolo preponderante de la cultura popular. En este artículo, busco entender la influencia del Frankenstein en las actitudes de las perso-nas con respecto a la tecnología y la ciencia, en particular la inteligencia artificialy los robots; así como los temores sobre el uso indebido de la ciencia y el rompimiento de los límites morales y religiosos tradicionales. El trabajo de campo secentrará en la revisión de diversos artículos de periódicos y revistas publicados enmedios latinoamericanos y difundidos en Internet. Los resultados mostrarán comola obra de Mary Shelley continúa influyendo en la imaginación de la gente sobreciencia y tecnología en América Latina

    Automation Anxieties: Perceptions About Technological Automation and the Future of Pharmacy Work

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    This study uses a sample of pharmacists and pharmacy technicians (N = 240) who differ in skill, education, and income to replicate and extend past findings about socioeconomic disparities in the perceptions of automation. Specifically, this study applies the skills-biased technical change hypothesis, an economic theory that low-skill jobs are the most likely to be affected by increased automation (Acemoglu & Restrepo, 2019), to the mental models of pharmacy workers. We formalize the hypothesis that anxiety about automation leads to perceptions that jobs will change in the future and automation will increase. We also posit anxiety about overpayment related to these outcomes. Results largely support the skillsbiased hypothesis as a mental model shared by pharmacy workers regardless of position, with few effects for overpayment anxiety

    Exploring the affordances of smart toys and connected play in practice

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    What does children’s play look like in the smart toy era? What conceptual frameworks help make sense of the changing practices of children’s connected play worlds? Responding to these questions, this article re-frames discussions about children’s smart toy play within wider theoretical debates about the affordances of new digital materialities. To understand recent transformations of children’s play practices, we propose it is necessary to think of toys as increasingly media-like in their affordances and as connected to wider digital material ecosystems. To demonstrate the potential of this conceptual approach, we explore illustrative examples of two popular smart ‘care toys’. Our analysis identifies three examples of affordances that smart care toys share with other forms of mobile and robotic media: liveliness, affective stickiness and portability. We argue that locating discussions of smart toys within wider conceptual debates about digital materialities can provide new insights into the changing landscape of children’s play