2,067 research outputs found

    Fukushima Nuclear Disaster Response Impact on Graduate Students

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    The roles that universities played in the response to the Fukushima nuclear disaster were significant and varied; however, there was limited study on participating graduate students. The purpose of this study was to understand the impact of disaster response on graduate students\u27 personal and academic development. This study examined research questions about the perceived impact on academic and personal identity development. Empowerment, cognitive content engagement, general systems theory, and utilitarianism formed the theoretical foundation. This study used a transcendental phenomenological approach to examine the subjects\u27 experiences in the context of involvement in disaster response. The primary source of data was semiopen interviews with individuals that were publicly recruited graduate students at the time of their involvement in the Fukushima nuclear disaster response; data were triangulated with interviews from faculty supervisors. Analyzing the data resulted in the themes of predisaster normality, proximal impact, stress, perception of foreignness, relationships, breakdowns in relationships, change, new relationships, and religion. Interpreting these themes, it was determined that proximity played a role in the decision to engage in the response effort. Furthermore, identification with victims increased the stress of participants. While the experience was empowering, caution is necessary. Further research is recommended into disaster recovery, the role of interpreters in disaster response, and the role of universities in disaster infrastructure. This information can promote social change by enabling graduate students and gatekeepers to better understand potential outcomes for incorporating graduate students into disaster infrastructure

    Why Information Matters: A Foundation for Resilience

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    Embracing Change: The Critical Role of Information, a research project by the Internews' Center for Innovation & Learning, supported by the Rockefeller Foundation, combines Internews' longstanding effort to highlight the important role ofinformation with Rockefeller's groundbreaking work on resilience. The project focuses on three major aspects:- Building knowledge around the role of information in empowering communities to understand and adapt to different types of change: slow onset, long-term, and rapid onset / disruptive;- Identifying strategies and techniques for strengthening information ecosystems to support behavioral adaptation to disruptive change; and- Disseminating knowledge and principles to individuals, communities, the private sector, policymakers, and other partners so that they can incorporate healthy information ecosystems as a core element of their social resilience strategies

    Enablers in Crisis Information Management: A Literature Review

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    Social media often plays a central role in crisis informatics as it is an important source for assessing, understanding, and locating crises quickly and accurately. In addition, social media enables actors to react more effectively and efficiently when managing crises. However, enablers of crisis information management have not been carved out explicitly in a systematic view. Therefore, we perform a literature review to synthesize the existing literature on crisis information management with a focus on technical enablers and their classification into the crisis-management phases. As our results show, searching for crisis informatics mostly results in social media-related publications. We found that Twitter is one of the most important technical enablers but that research on other social media platforms is underrepresented. Also, most publications center on the post-crisis phases of crisis management, leaving out the pre-crisis phases

    Robustness and Extensibility in Infrastructure Systems

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    abstract: Resilient infrastructure research has produced a myriad of conflicting definitions and analytic frameworks, highlighting the difficulty of creating a foundational theory that informs disciplines as diverse as business, engineering, ecology, and disaster risk reduction. Nevertheless, there is growing agreement that resilience is a desirable property for infrastructure systems – i.e., that more resilience is always better. Unfortunately, this view ignore that the fact that a single concept of resilience is insufficient to ensure effective performance under diverse and volatile stresses. Scholarship in resilience engineering has identified at least four irreducible resilience concepts, including: rebound, robustness, graceful extensibility, and sustained adaptability. In this paper, we clarify the meaning of the word resilience and its use, explain the advantages of the pluralistic approach to advancing resilience theory, and clarify two of the four conceptual understandings: robustness and graceful extensibility. Furthermore, we draw upon examples in electric power, transportation, and water systems that illustrate positive and negative cases of resilience in infrastructure management and crisis response. The following conclusions result: 1) robustness and graceful extensibility are different strategies for resilience that draw upon different system characteristics, 2) neither robustness nor extensibility can prevent all hazards, and 3) while systems can perform both strategies simultaneously, their drawbacks are different. Robust infrastructure systems fail when policies and procedures become stale, or when faced with overwhelming surprise. Extensible systems fail when a lack of coordination or exhaustion of resources results from decompensation. Consequently, resilience is found neither only in robustness, nor only in extensibility, but in the capacity apply both and switch between them at will.Draft of manuscript under review at Reliability Engineering and System Safet

    Managing Visibility and Validity of Distress Calls with an Ad-Hoc SOS System

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    The availability of ICT services can be severely disrupted in the aftermath of disasters. Ad-hoc assemblages of communication technology have the potential to bridge such breakdowns. This article investigates the use of an ad-hoc system for sending SOS signals in a large-scale exercise that simulated a terrorist attack. In this context, we found that the sensitivity that was introduced by the adversarial nature of the situation posed unexpected challenges for our approach, as giving away one's location in the immediate danger of a terrorist attack became an issue both for first responders and the affected people in the area. We show how practices of calling for help and reacting to help calls can be affected by such a system and affect the management of the visibility and validity of SOS calls, implying a need for further negotiation in situations where communication is sensitive and technically restrained

    Situational awareness for critical infrastructure protection

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    Postgraduate seminar series with a title Situational Awareness for Critical Infrastructure Protection held at the Department of Military Technology of the National Defence University in 2015. This book is a collection of some of talks that were presented in the seminar. The papers address designing inter-organizational situation awareness system, principles of designing for situation awareness, situation awareness in distributed teams, vulnerability analysis in a critical system context, tactical Command, Control, Communications, Computers, & Intelligence (C4I) systems, and improving situational awareness in the circle of trust. This set of papers tries to give some insight to current issues of the situation awareness for critical infrastructure protection. The seminar has always made a publication of the papers but this has been an internal publication of the Finnish Defence Forces and has not hindered publication of the papers in international conferences. Publication of these papers in peer reviewed conferences has indeed been always the goal of the seminar, since it teaches writing conference level papers. We still hope that an internal publication in the department series is useful to the Finnish Defence Forces by offering an easy access to these papers

    Sozial auch ohne Netz – Soziale Medien bei Infrastrukturproblemen

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    Menschen tauschen sich aus und gerade in schwierigen Situationen ist Kommunikation sehr wichtig. In Katastrophenlagen, wie schweren Unwettern, sind jedoch teilweise zentrale Kommunikationsinfrastrukturen betroffen durch der durch Kommunikationsmedien unterstĂŒtzte Informationsaustausch naturgemĂ€ĂŸ schwerer möglich als in Zeiten ohne solche AusfĂ€lle. In jenen FĂ€llen ist KreativitĂ€t erforderlich. Den Ansatz des Infrastructuring, d.h. der Re-Konzeptualisierung der eigenen Arbeit im Kontext bestehender und potentieller Werkzeuge, aufgreifend werden in diesem Artikel Kommunikationsmöglichkeiten in solchen FĂ€llen untersucht. Basierend auf der Analyse der VerfĂŒgbarkeit von Kommunikationsinfrastrukturen wird betrachtet, welche AnsĂ€tze zur Kommunikation basierend auf alternativen und dezentralen Infrastrukturen wie MANETs, Wi-Fi und Bluetooth existieren und mithilfe von Smartphones nutzbar gemacht werden können
