5 research outputs found

    Factores que influyen en la intención de compartir material sexista en grupos de WhatsApp

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    El discurso social puede legitimar la inequidad de género a través de la cosificación femenina, una forma de diseminación de este discurso está en las conversaciones de WhatsApp. Este estudio buscó identificar posibles factores que influyen en la intención de los adolescentes de compartir contenido sexista en grupos de WhatsApp. Se analizaron variables como: creencias sexistas, normalización de la cosificación, la normativa social percibida, la identidad social y el tipo de uso de WhatsApp. El estudio presentó un enfoque cuantitativo y un alcance correlacional. Se aplicó un cuestionario auto perceptivo a 385 estudiantes de colegio. Los resultados permitieron comprobar correlaciones entre las variables mencionadas y la intención de compartir contenido, así, se identificaron aspectos en los que se puede intervenir a futuro en campañas y procesos de conciencia social ante el mal uso de WhatsApp

    Determining key drivers of crowdfunding success and exploring the social nature of crowdfunding

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    Initially seen as a way for individuals to raise money for causes or projects through the collective effort of friends and family, crowdfunding provides start-ups the opportunity to bypass traditional financing methods, and instead raise capital for their venture from customers and investors. Unlike traditional investing, crowdfunding success relies on a large number of individuals giving small amounts of money. This means crowdfunding campaigns are constantly looking to increase their chances of success, and stand out from other campaigns. In order to do this, crowdfunding campaigns are increasingly using social media to convey their message and project across to potential backers. Therefore, the objective of this thesis is to identify key drivers that impact crowdfunding success and explore the social nature of crowdfunding. This thesis was initiated by a literature review that examined factors that impact the success of crowdfunding campaigns. While providing a comprehensive background on the determinants of success, this study also illustrates several potential avenues for future research. First, it highlights the lack of research surrounding discussion around the campaign outside of the crowdfunding platform, particularly with equity crowdfunding. This study also shows the need for more research exploring how successful campaigns were after the crowdfunding campaign. After this literature review, the first quantitative study analyses how campaigns use social media to communicate with the crowd outside of the crowdfunding platform. Findings show that engagement with the crowd on social media positively impacted the success of crowdfunding campaigns. This study also suggests that, while within-platform information sharing influences the overall funding, it is the multi-platform information sharing across social media that allows fundraising to exceed initial targets and tap into different social bonding behaviours (hedonic funding). Building on research into social media and equity crowdfunding, the third study examines rewards-based crowdfunding, analysing how the fundraiser’s social network changes over the course of the campaign. Findings from this paper show that the strength and breadth of the social network can impact whether the campaign reaches its funding goal. The final study explores the second gap found in the literature; the lack of research surrounding the success of crowdfunding campaigns post-fundraising. This research paper examines the impact a crowdfunding campaign has on public sentiment, analysing how sentiment changes in the six months after the campaign. This thesis has implications for theory, practice, and future research. First, I provide a novel perspective on crowdfunding success, showing it is not only reaching a funding target, but should be measured across different stages of the campaign. This thesis also introduces the idea that crowdfunding is a social collaboration. Through unique analysis of these campaigns and backers, along with the relationship between social media and crowdfunding, I find several factors that influence the success of campaigns. Finally, this thesis also highlights a number of interdependencies that exist, which can also impact the success of campaigns. These findings and implications are discussed at length in the final chapter

    Disrupting Finance

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    This open access Pivot demonstrates how a variety of technologies act as innovation catalysts within the banking and financial services sector. Traditional banks and financial services are under increasing competition from global IT companies such as Google, Apple, Amazon and PayPal whilst facing pressure from investors to reduce costs, increase agility and improve customer retention. Technologies such as blockchain, cloud computing, mobile technologies, big data analytics and social media therefore have perhaps more potential in this industry and area of business than any other. This book defines a fintech ecosystem for the 21st century, providing a state-of-the art review of current literature, suggesting avenues for new research and offering perspectives from business, technology and industry

    Disrupting Finance : FinTech and Strategy in the 21st Century

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    This open access Pivot demonstrates how a variety of technologies act as innovation catalysts within the banking and financial services sector. Traditional banks and financial services are under increasing competition from global IT companies such as Google, Apple, Amazon and PayPal whilst facing pressure from investors to reduce costs, increase agility and improve customer retention. Technologies such as blockchain, cloud computing, mobile technologies, big data analytics and social media therefore have perhaps more potential in this industry and area of business than any other. This book defines a fintech ecosystem for the 21st century, providing a state-of-the art review of current literature, suggesting avenues for new research and offering perspectives from business, technology and industry

    Challenges Facing Micro, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (MSMEs) When Raising Capital in the West Bank of Palestine

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    Research Aim: The aim of this thesis is to investigate the factors that impact the accessibility of funds for Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (MSMEs) in the West Bank of Palestine. The study seeks to examine the relationship between these factors and MSMEs’ accessibility to funds and their performance. Additionally, the thesis explores the impact of financial institutions’ terms and conditions on MSMEs. Research Gap: There is a gap in the literature regarding the challenges faced by MSMEs accessing funding in the West Bank of Palestine. Most studies have focused on the overall economic and political situation in the region, rather than specifically addressing the barriers to funding access for MSMEs. Therefore, this study aims to fill this gap by providing practical solutions to improve MSMEs’ access to funding. Research methodology: The study adopts a mixed-methods approach and employs both qualitative and quantitative research methods to achieve the research objectives. The research involved semi-structured interviews with six key officials in the ministry of government, four agencies (credit guarantors), and fourteen microfinance institutions and banks (including commercial and Islamic banks). Additionally, a survey was conducted among 207 respondents of MSMEs in the West Bank of Palestine to gather quantitative data. Research findings: The study identified several factors that impact the accessibility of funds for MSMEs in the West Bank of Palestine. These factors include corruption, lack of support from the government, complicated lending procedures, financial illiteracy, lack of crowdfunding infrastructure, and funds. The study found that MSMEs face challenges in preparing financial statements and other documentation required to access funding. The study also found that the lack of professional networking, experience sharing, and skills related to financial literacy hinder MSMEs’ learning as entrepreneurs. Research contribution: The main contribution of this research is its individual discussion of the elements of a context-specific model in line with its exploration of issues related to access to finance for MSMEs in the West Bank of Palestine. The study provides practical recommendations for MSMEs, financial institutions, and governments to collaborate and coordinate to improve MSME performance and accessibility of funding. The study develops a theoretical framework based on institutional theory, critically analyses and evaluates it, and makes practical recommendations based on its findings. Research implications: The findings of the study have practical implications for stakeholders, such as financial institutions and governments, to improve MSMEs’ access to funding and performance. The study recommends that financial institutions organise seminars and training programmes to help MSMEs develop professional networking, experience sharing, and skills related to financial literacy. The study also recommends that the government decreases the burden of taxes and fees on newly established MSMEs, attract more international investors to establish more financial institutions, and establish a credit department in banks to help MSMEs prepare their financial documents. Research limitations: The study utilised a cross-sectional time horizon approach, which limits the generalisability of the results. The study also conducted semi-structured interviews, which are subjective in nature and may have biased responses. Additionally, the study used non-probability sampling techniques and data collected from a geographically and industrially specific sample, which may limit the generalisability of the findings. Future studies can utilise quantitative data and collect data from multiple time horizons and multiple stakeholders to improve the generalisability of the results