3,798 research outputs found

    Communication Style in Medical Crowdfunding: Effect of Emotional Framing and Updates Frequency on Funding and Emotional Support

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    Despite the rise of medical crowdfunding and its benefits to patients including reducing financial hardships and providing emotional social support, limited attention has been paid to how a campaign organizer can drive performance. In this study, we investigate how the communication style used in a medical crowdfunding campaign can affect both the funding performance and emotional support received. We find that emotional framing and frequent updates have a positive effect on funding and emotional support and discuss the implications

    Corporate Brand Building in Start-Ups through Equity-Based Crowdfunding: A Case Study of Virtuous Spirits

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    This study investigates if and how equity-based crowdfunding can benefit a start-up’s corporate brand building process. Building the corporate brand can play a significant role for the company’s establishment in the market. Although equity-based crowdfunding has grown exponentially in the Nordics, it has not been covered enough in corporate brand building literature. The scope of this research was to shed light on the yet relatively undiscovered area of equity-based crowdfunding as a corporate brand building tool. A case study approach was chosen in order to produce in-depth information about a start-up’s corporate brand building process. Accordingly, ten semi-structured in-depth interviews with the start-up Virtuous Spirits’ creators, investors, non-investors and the intermediary of the equity-based crowdfunding campaigns were conducted. The results suggest that through equity-based crowdfunding, the start-up can find the right brand ambassadors leading to positive word-of-mouth and feedback which is crucial for its corporate brand building. This is possible due to the pre-targeted audience provided by the intermediary. The importance of the intermediary is further highlighted through its positive effect on the start-up’s credibility. The study therefore concludes in the proposition to use equity-based crowdfunding as a channel of corporate communication, aligning the corporate image with the corporate identity in order to build the start-up’s corporate brand

    How to Engage the Crowds to Create Value? Evidence from the Pathfinder Arena Case

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    Reward-based crowdfunding has emerged in recent years as an interesting channel business that can leverage to obtain new financial resources outside the traditional ones. In this study, we explore how the creators of a reward-based crowdfunding campaign have engaged the crowd to create value and co-create knowledge to reduce both financial and market risks. Accordingly, we analyze the case study of the Kickstarter Campaign for Pathfinder Arena, a board game created by Giochi Uniti, an Italian Gaming Company. Through the lens of the social identity theory, we show that backers can generate the feedback processes needed to improve the product, when they want to belong in a community and when they want to interact with the creators. This research could have important implications for both researchers and future creators of reward-based crowdfunding projects, showing them the way to implement some instrument for involving the crowd to generate value


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    Crowdfunding is a platform that can be used to collect funds from the public. In Indonesia itself, crowdfunding is still growing. This research attempts to look at the development of crowdfunding in Indonesia. This research will be carried out using a descriptive qualitative approach. The data used in this research was obtained through the results of a literature study. The results of this research then found that the existence of crowdfunding in Indonesia is still less than optimal. Various factors such as lack of literacy mean that credit loans are still more commonly used. Therefore, there needs to be an effort to optimize crowdfunding in Indonesia. This can be achieved by maximizing the branding and quality of the crowdfunding platform, improving regulations and security, as well as exposing the existence of crowdfunding to the general public

    What influences crowdfunding campaign success.

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    Master thesis Business Administration- University of Agder, 2015Crowdfunding is a recently emerged market for entrepreneurs; it represents a new and growing source of potential capital. The potential crowdfunding is starting to reach it potential, and has beginning to go mainstream. There is a gap in the research on crowdfunding and within the field of what separates a successful campaign from a failed one. To explore the variables influencing crowdfunding campaign this paper looks into academic articles, the crowdfunding platforms, general media, journalist, newspapers, webpages and bloggers by doing an exploratory content analysis to find what these sources suggest as the most important drivers, leading up to the research question: what influences crowdfunding campaign? This study contributes to the emerging field of crowdfunding and specifically to the success drivers within campaigns. The findings are separated into four overarching categories of variables influencing campaign success; variables in the preparation phase leading up to a campaign launch, variables tied to actions taken within the campaign, variables linked to the content of the campaign and variables describing which places the campaign should be present outside a crowdfunding platform. The findings indicate that all four categories are important and that there are a large set of variables and proposed research questions to examine in future research on crowdfunding success. Key Word: Influencing variables on crowdfunding; crowdfunding success; crowdfunding campaign variable

    Crowdfunding : psychological conditioning

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    "Crowdfunding" jest stosunkowo nowym pojęciem; to neologizm, który powstał w 2006 roku. Słowo składa się z dwóch terminów: crowd ("tłum") oraz funding ("finansowanie"). Crowdfunding funkcjonuje za pośrednictwem specjalnych platform i Internetu, wykorzystuje płatności online. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest zdefiniowanie crowdfundingu, a także opisanie jego modeli i wskazanie na motywacje psychologiczne związane z dziedziną crowdfundingu. Ponadto przedstawione zostały niektóre z ostatnich badań na jego temat, które wskazują na psychologiczne i socjologiczne determinanty zachowań w sieci.Crowdfunding is a relatively new term; it’s a neologism that has been brought to live in 2006. The word itself is a blend of two terms: ‘crowd’ and ‘funding’ and the background for that term is connected with ‘crowdsourcing’. Crowdfunding use special platforms, web and online payments. The aim of the paper is mainly related to defining crowdfunding, describing models of crowdfunding and indicating some of psychological motivations and conditions to operate in crowdfunding realm. The analysis provides a clear picture of crowdfunding models and psy- chological motivations to crowdfunding. What is more, some of the recent researches and case studies will be presented to show some of the particular crowdfunding activities

    A brief analysis of the new Portuguese equity crowdfunding regime

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    [eng] Crowdfunding is an alternative source of financing that allows entrepreneurs to raise funds from a multitude of potential investors through the use of Internetbased electronic platforms. Amongst the different models of crowdfunding, equity crowdfunding in particular has been growing in popularity with smaller European firms. Several European Union Member States have begun to enact sets of rules specifically aimed at encouraging its development as a financing model that is both attractive for small companies and safe for investors – with Portugal recently joining their ranks. This article discusses whether Portugal has been able to design an equity crowdfunding regime capable of ensuring its sustainable growth as a viable funding alternative for its growing market of small and medium-sized enterprises, without compromising the safety of Portuguese investors.[spa] El crowdfunding es una fuente de financiación alternativa que permite a los empresarios recaudar fondos de una multitud de potenciales inversores mediante el uso de plataformas digitales. Entre los diferentes modelos de crowdfunding el equity crowdfunding es el que, en particular, se ha popularizado entre las empresas europeas más pequeñas. Varios Estados Miembros de la Unión Europea –entre los que se encuentra Portugal– han comenzado a promulgar un conjunto de normas destinadas específicamente a fomentarlo. En este artículo se analiza si Portugal ha sido capaz de diseñar un régimen capaz de garantizar su crecimiento sostenible como alternativa de financiación viable para su creciente mercado de pequeñas y medianas empresas, sin comprometer la seguridad de los inversores portugueses

    Successful Features of Crowdfunding Campaigns: An Analysis of Requests for Coronavirus Food Relief

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    Crowdfunding is an emerging industry in the past decades, which proliferates and has attracted an enormous population from the public to be involved in various funding projects in multiple fields such as business entrepreneurship, healthcare, and fintech. Meanwhile, charitable crowdfunding platforms such as GoFundMe, Indiegogo, and Kickstarter have allowed internet users to provide help and donation to the fundraisers directly. As the year 2020 is surrounded by the COVID-19 global pandemic spreading out the world, the topic of coronavirus relief has surged. Thus, it is worthy of evaluating the crowdfunding campaign\u27s effectiveness during the coronavirus context by making a connection between fundraising activities and coronavirus relief. This paper aims to investigate the effects of various factors affecting a donation-based crowdfunding campaign for coronavirus relief of food donation in the United States and determine the significant factors affecting the campaign\u27s success rate. To achieve this research purpose, secondary data were extensively collected from the crowdfunding platform GoFundMe for regression analysis. The sample data was derived from crowdfunding campaigns launched from March 1st, 2020, to May 31st, 2020. During this period, the United States was severely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic with an exponentially surged number of confirmed cases. This paper derives the independent variables that have been examined from previous studies and further applies in the coronavirus context to identify whether these factors are significant influencers to the success of crowdfunding campaigns for coronavirus relief of food donation. The factors being examined include target funding amount, the existence of spelling mistakes, the presence of pictures, video, social network sites, project updates, comments between fundraisers and backers, and links to external websites. That the significant factors contributing to a successful funding project are similar, as identified in previous reward-based and equity crowdfunding studies. On the other hand, several independent variables\u27 effectiveness varied between the normal scenario and the coronavirus context, as such variables demonstrate a much compelling role to attract donors for the coronavirus relief activations. The analysis is valuable and worthy of different viewpoints. First, understanding the donor\u27s motivation and the success features of funding projects is valuable for fundraisers to have a strategic mindset for decision-making criteria when initiating funding projects to attract more donors and the amount of money. Second, because of the lack of literature focusing on examining the success features for donation-based crowdfunding campaigns, this study fills the gap and further focus on the crowdfunding activations in the context of coronavirus food relief in the US. Therefore, this study provides significant insight to understand the dynamics of the donation-based crowdfunding campaign and provides a recommendation to develop coronavirus relief more efficiently

    Crowdfunding: A novel source of finance? Lessons for small firms from a synthesis of the literature

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    Crowdfunding is an emerging phenomenon whereby agents make an open call for funding to large numbers of potential contributors (‘the crowd’), usually via online intermediaries known as platforms. While the size and variety of global crowdfunding practices continue to grow rapidly, academic research is only now beginning to form a coherent body of knowledge relating to this potentially disruptive financial phenomenon. This aim of this study is to bring together the research literature on crowdfunding from a wide variety of different disciplines and subject areas into a collective whole with the specific aim of providing advice and guidance to small firms seeking to raise entrepreneurial finance. From summarising the current state of knowledge on crowdfunding and providing advice to entrepreneurs, our study contributes to the literature by stimulating various conventional thinking and beliefs in the field
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