18,341 research outputs found

    Pemodelan Dan Estimasi Ketidakpastian Pengukuran Uji Kekuatan Sobek Kain Metoda Pendulum (Elmendorf)

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    Telah dilakukan penelitian tentang estimasi ketidakpastian pengukuran pada uji kekuatan sobek kain metoda pendulum (Elmendorf). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan nilai dan parameter-parameter sumber ketidakpastian pengukuran pada uji kekuatan sobek kain metoda pendulum (Elmendorf). Dalam mengestimasi ketidakpastian pengukuran diperlukan model pengukuran yang merupakan fungsi yang menghubungkan besaran yang sedang diukur dengan besaran masukan. Pembuatan model pengukuran memerlukan pemahaman tentang proses utama dan hubungannya dengan besaran yang diukur. Proses utama uji sobek kain metoda pendulum (Elmendorf) yang berpengaruh pada besarnya gaya yang dibutuhkan untuk meneruskan sobekan adalah pemolaan dengan pola contoh uji (d), pemberian sobekan awal (s) hasil uji sobek kain (F) dan metoda uji (b). Dengan meneliti proses utama tersebut diperoleh formulasi perhitungan gaya sobek yang mengkaitkan faktor-faktor tersebut, yaitu : . Mengacu pada formulasi tersebut maka komponen-komponen ketidakpastian pengukuran dapat diidentifikasi, yaitu : repeatability hasil uji, penunjukan gaya pada alat uji sobek (alat elmendorf), panjang contoh uji, panjang sobekan yang diteruskan, panjang sobekan awal dan konstanta ketetapan ukuran pada metode uji (SNI ISO 13937-1:2010). Dari keenam komponen tersebut yang memberikan kontribusi yang cukup besar pada ketidakpastian pengukuran yang dihasilkan adalah ketidakpastian repetability hasil pengujian, ketidakpastian panjang sobekan yang diteruskan dan ketidakpastian konstanta. Dengan diketahuinya faktor-faktor ketidakpastian, maka ketidakpastian pengukuran uji kekuatan sobek kain metoda pendulum (Elmendorf) dapat diestimasi

    Book reivew: The Causes of War

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    Knowledge creation and visualisation by using trade-off curves to enable set-based concurrent engineering

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    The increased international competition forces companies to sustain and improve market share through the production of a high quality product in a cost effective manner and in a shorter time. Set‑based concurrent engineering (SBCE), which is a core element of lean product development approach, has got the potential to decrease time‑to‑market as well as enhance product innovation to be produced in good quality and cost effective manner. A knowledge‑based environment is one of the important requ irements for a successful SBCE implementation. One way to provide this environment is the use of trade‑off curves (ToC). ToC is a tool to create and visualise knowledge in the way to understand the relationships between various conflicting design parame ters to each other. This paper presents an overview of different types of ToCs and the role of knowledge‑based ToCs in SBCE by employing an extensive literature review and industrial field study. It then proposes a process of generating and using knowledg e‑based ToCs in order to create and visualise knowledge to enable the following key SBCE activities: (1) Identify the feasible design space, (2) Generate set of conceptual design solutions, (3) Compare design solutions, (4) Narrow down the design sets, (5) Achieve final optimal design solution. Finally a hypothetical example of a car seat structure is presented in order to provide a better understanding of using ToCs. This example shows that ToCs are effective tools to be used as a knowledge sou rce at the early stages of product development process

    Building on piles in floodplains

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    Last year in the Netherlands 15 locations were allocated along the Rhine branches where – under strong restrictions - it was allowed to build in floodplains. Building in floodplains may lead to a water level rise during floods and moreover, the river bed morphology may be disturbed (erosion/sedimentation). A potential building location on a floodplain of the river IJssel near Deventer (Wilpsche Klei) is used as a fictitious case to investigate these processes

    Identifikasi Failure Mode Penyebab Kecacatan Produk Pada Proses Cetak Lembar Kerja Siswa (Studi Kasus: CV. Putra Nugraha Triyagan)

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    CV. Putra Nugraha Triyagan merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang percetakan LKS. Putra Nugraha Triyagan termasuk dalam salah satu Putra Nugraha Grup (PN) sebuah perusahaan penerbitan dan percetakan. Dengan menghasilkan produk cetakan yang mengutamakan mutu, menjaga ketepatan waktu, dan proses produksi dengan harga yang kompetitif. Tetapi kurangnya pengawasan dan umur mesin yang kurang ekonomis menyebabkan kecacatan produk tidak bisa dihindari lagi. Dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode FMEA, yang digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi failure mode terbesar dan efeknya yang menyebabkan kecacatan pada cetakan LKS. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meminimalkan kerusakan pada komponen mesin cetak Goss Community. Kecacatan pada LKS yaitu kertas sobek, cetakan kotor, lipatan kertas miring, cetakan kabur, cetakan kolkalis, cetakan belang, cetakan tidak terpotong. Komponen mesin cetak Goss Community adalah Roll tinta, Blanket, Rol air, dan Folder. Komponen tersebut merupakan komponen yang dilewati oleh alur kertas yang akan dicetak dan berpengaruh menyebabkan kecacatan pada cetakan LKS. Terdapat sepuluh failure mode dari keempat komponen tersebut, yaitu rol tinta aus, as rol tinta aus, blanket gelembung, blanket sobek, pralon pecah, rol air kotor, newmol sobek, cutting rubber sobek, pisau potong aus, dan gigi silinder niping aus. Untuk mencari failure mode terbesar menggunakan penilaian Severity, Occurrence, dan Detection. Setelah itu menggunakan analisis ANOVA untuk mendapatkan mean RPN (Risk Priority Number) tertinggi. Hasil dari penelitian ini diketahui komponen paling besar nilai RPN nya adalah cutting rubber sobek dengan nilai RPN sebesar 245,4. Analisa perbaikan cutting rubber yaitu dengan melakukan pengecekan komponen setiap 29 hari, jika akan terjadi kerusakan maka harus segera diganti

    Informal Education. Sociocultural Expression. and Symbolic Meaning in Popular Immigration Music Text

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    One February morning as I noted the events of the primary school talent show, a sixth-grade boy belted out this song made popular in two countries by the Mexican rock group, Los Bukis. It was 1987, and I was doing fieldwork in a rural Mexican immigrant-sending community I call San Felipe, for an ethnography of families and their children who emigrated from Mexico to the United States[2

    Vertical stratification of selected Hymenoptera in a remnant forest of the Po Plain (Italy, Lombardy) (Hymenoptera: Ampulicidae, Crabronidae, Sphecidae)

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    Communities of the canopy of temperate forests are still relatively unexplored. Furthermore, very little is known on how vertical stratification for some insect groups is related to biological strategies. In this study, we investigated the community composition of both canopy and understory of the families Ampulicidae, Crabronidae and Sphecidae (Hymenoptera) of the Natural Reserve of "Bosco della Fontana", a remnant lowland forest in northeastern Italy. Observed patterns in vertical stratification have been related to species foraging habits. Our study reveals that the bulk of the community of Spheciformes of the understory consists of species predating dipterans and spiders, while species associated with the canopy are mainly predators of sap-sucking honeydew producers and epiphyte grazers, like aphids, thrips, and barkflies. Comparing the communities of canopy and understory may lead to a better understanding of species ecology and provides useful information to forest managers

    Climate-dependent CO2 emissions from lakes

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    Inland waters, just as the world's oceans, play an important role in the global carbon cycle. While lakes and reservoirs typically emit CO2, they also bury carbon in their sediment. The net CO2 emission is largely the result of the decomposition or preservation of terrestrially supplied carbon. What regulates the balance between CO2 emission and carbon burial is not known, but climate change and temperature have been hypothesized to influence both processes. We analyzed patterns in carbon dioxide partial pressure (pCO2) in 83 shallow lakes over a large climatic gradient in South America and found a strong, positive correlation with temperature. The higher pCO2 in warmer lakes may be caused by a higher, temperature-dependent mineralization of organic carbon. This pattern suggests that cool lakes may start to emit more CO2 when they warm up because of climate ch

    Pemanfaatan Kuning Telur Bebek Sebagai Bahan Peminyak Alami Terhadap Karakteristik Fisik Dan Kimia Kulit Ikan Kakap Putih (Lates Calcarifer) Samak

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    Kulit ikan kakap putih dapat disamak untuk menghasilkan kerajinan yang memiliki karakteristik fisik dan kimia tertentu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui presentase konsentrasi terbaik kuning telur bebek terhadap kualitas fisik dan kimia kulit ikan kakap (Lates calcarifer) samak. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 5 perlakuan, 3 ulangan, yaitu : perbedaan konsentrasi kuning telur bebek 2%; 4%; 6%; 8%; dan kontrol 2% dengan minyak sintetis. Parameter yang diuji yaitu uji kekuatan tarik, kekuatan sobek, kemuluran, kadar lemak, dan kadar air. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perbedaan konsentrasi berpengaruh nyata (P<0,05) terhadap uji kekuatan tarik, kekuatan sobek, kemuluran dan kadar lemak, tetapi tidak berpengaruh nyata (P>0.05) terhadap kadar air. Pada uji kekuatan tarik, kekuatan sobek, kemuluran dan kadar air semua perlakuan memenuhi SNI mengenai syarat mutu kulit jadi air tawar samak krom, sedangkan pada uji kadar lemak hanya perlakuan konsentrasi 2% saja yang memenuhi SNI dengan nilai 4.61%. Perlakuan konsentrasi 2% mendapatkan nilai kekuatan tarik (1944.97±140.08), kekuatan sobek (745.25 N/cm2±28.05), kemuluran (62.87±3.48), kadar lemak (4.61±0.05), dan kadar air (8.07±0.42). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa perlakuan konsentrasi 2% merupakan yang terbaik berdasarkan SNI 06-4586-1998 mengenai syarat mutu kulit jadi ular air tawar samak krom

    Hydrological and morphological effects of stream restoration in Twente

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    Due to canalization and implementation of weirs in river systems, water managers in the Netherlands were able to control the rivers. The current changes in river discharge however need new approaches. Changing rivers into more natural, dynamic water systems seems to be a possible answer. However, there is not much experience yet on how to realize this in practice. In this study the effects of removing weirs and implementing measures, such as small dams and meandering of the stream path, is being investigated. Removing weirs can only be done when other measures are taken in order to control the water flows, otherwise risks for flooding or drought become even larger. An important question is how ‘natural’ a river might be in the perspective of other constraints such as safety and agriculture. Most of the times a combination of measures is chosen in order to fulfil multiple goals
