52 research outputs found

    Prediction-based techniques for the optimization of mobile networks

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    Mención Internacional en el título de doctorMobile cellular networks are complex system whose behavior is characterized by the superposition of several random phenomena, most of which, related to human activities, such as mobility, communications and network usage. However, when observed in their totality, the many individual components merge into more deterministic patterns and trends start to be identifiable and predictable. In this thesis we analyze a recent branch of network optimization that is commonly referred to as anticipatory networking and that entails the combination of prediction solutions and network optimization schemes. The main intuition behind anticipatory networking is that knowing in advance what is going on in the network can help understanding potentially severe problems and mitigate their impact by applying solution when they are still in their initial states. Conversely, network forecast might also indicate a future improvement in the overall network condition (i.e. load reduction or better signal quality reported from users). In such a case, resources can be assigned more sparingly requiring users to rely on buffered information while waiting for the better condition when it will be more convenient to grant more resources. In the beginning of this thesis we will survey the current anticipatory networking panorama and the many prediction and optimization solutions proposed so far. In the main body of the work, we will propose our novel solutions to the problem, the tools and methodologies we designed to evaluate them and to perform a real world evaluation of our schemes. By the end of this work it will be clear that not only is anticipatory networking a very promising theoretical framework, but also that it is feasible and it can deliver substantial benefit to current and next generation mobile networks. In fact, with both our theoretical and practical results we show evidences that more than one third of the resources can be saved and even larger gain can be achieved for data rate enhancements.Programa Oficial de Doctorado en Ingeniería TelemáticaPresidente: Albert Banchs Roca.- Presidente: Pablo Serrano Yañez-Mingot.- Secretario: Jorge Ortín Gracia.- Vocal: Guevara Noubi

    Providing efficient services for smartphone applications

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    Mobile applications are becoming an indispensable part of people\u27s lives, as they allow access to a broad range of services when users are on the go. We present our efforts towards enabling efficient mobile applications in smartphones. Our goal is to improve efficiency of the underlying services, which provide essential functionality to smartphone applications. In particular, we are interested in three fundamental services in smartphones: wireless communication service, power management service, and location reporting service.;For the wireless communication service, we focus on improving spectrum utilization efficiency for cognitive radio communications. We propose ETCH, a set of channel hopping based MAC layer protocols for communication rendezvous in cognitive radio communications. ETCH can fully utilize spectrum diversity in communication rendezvous by allowing all the rendezvous channels to be utilized at the same time.;For the power management service, we improve its efficiency from three different angles. The first angle is to reduce energy consumption of WiFi communications. We propose HoWiES, a system-for WiFi energy saving by utilizing low-power ZigBee radio. The second angle is to reduce energy consumption of web based smartphone applications. We propose CacheKeeper, which is a system-wide web caching service to eliminate unnecessary energy consumption caused by imperfect web caching in many smartphone applications. The third angle is from the perspective of smartphone CPUs. We found that existing CPU power models are ill-suited for modern multicore smartphone CPUs. We present a new approach of CPU power modeling for smartphones. This approach takes CPU idle power states into consideration, and can significantly improve power estimation accuracy and stability for multicore smartphones.;For the location reporting service, we aim to design an efficient location proof solution for mobile location based applications. We propose VProof, a lightweight and privacy-preserving location proof scheme that allows users to construct location proofs by simply extracting unforgeable information from the received packets

    Design and evaluation of a self-configuring wireless mesh network architecture

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    Wireless network connectivity plays an increasingly important role in supporting our everyday private and professional lives. For over three decades, self-organizing wireless multi-hop ad-hoc networks have been investigated as a decentralized replacement for the traditional forms of wireless networks that rely on a wired infrastructure. However, despite the tremendous efforts of the international wireless research community and widespread availability of devices that are able to support these networks, wireless ad-hoc networks are hardly ever used. In this work, the reasons behind this discrepancy are investigated. It is found that several basic theoretical assumptions on ad-hoc networks prove to be wrong when solutions are deployed in reality, and that several basic functionalities are still missing. It is argued that a hierarchical wireless mesh network architecture, in which specialized, multi-interfaced mesh nodes form a reliable multi-hop wireless backbone for the less capable end-user clients is an essential step in bringing the ad-hoc networking concept one step closer to reality. Therefore, in a second part of this work, algorithms increasing the reliability and supporting the deployment and management of these wireless mesh networks are developed, implemented and evaluated, while keeping the observed limitations and practical considerations in mind. Furthermore, the feasibility of the algorithms is verified by experiment. The performance analysis of these protocols and the ability to deploy the developed algorithms on current generation off-the-shelf hardware indicates the successfulness of the followed research approach, which combines theoretical considerations with practical implementations and observations. However, it was found that there are also many pitfalls to using real-life implementation as a research technique. Therefore, in the last part of this work, a methodology for wireless network research using real-life implementation is developed, allowing researchers to generate more reliable protocols and performance analysis results with less effort

    Interference charecterisation, location and bandwidth estimation in emerging WiFi networks

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    Wireless LAN technology based on the IEEE 802.11 standard, commonly referred to as WiFi, has been hugely successful not only for the last hop access to the Internet in home, office and hotspot scenarios but also for realising wireless backhaul in mesh networks and for point -to -point long- distance wireless communication. This success can be mainly attributed to two reasons: low cost of 802.11 hardware from reaching economies of scale, and operation in the unlicensed bands of wireless spectrum.The popularity of WiFi, in particular for indoor wireless access at homes and offices, has led to significant amount of research effort looking at the performance issues arising from various factors, including interference, CSMA/CA based MAC protocol used by 802.11 devices, the impact of link and physical layer overheads on application performance, and spatio-temporal channel variations. These factors affect the performance of applications and services that run over WiFi networks. In this thesis, we experimentally investigate the effects of some of the above mentioned factors in the context of emerging WiFi network scenarios such as multi- interface indoor mesh networks, 802.11n -based WiFi networks and WiFi networks with virtual access points (VAPs). More specifically, this thesis comprises of four experimental characterisation studies: (i) measure prevalence and severity of co- channel interference in urban WiFi deployments; (ii) characterise interference in multi- interface indoor mesh networks; (iii) study the effect of spatio-temporal channel variations, VAPs and multi -band operation on WiFi fingerprinting based location estimation; and (iv) study the effects of newly introduced features in 802.11n like frame aggregation (FA) on available bandwidth estimation.With growing density of WiFi deployments especially in urban areas, co- channel interference becomes a major factor that adversely affects network performance. To characterise the nature of this phenomena at a city scale, we propose using a new measurement methodology called mobile crowdsensing. The idea is to leverage commodity smartphones and the natural mobility of people to characterise urban WiFi co- channel interference. Specifically, we report measurement results obtained for Edinburgh, a representative European city, on detecting the presence of deployed WiFi APs via the mobile crowdsensing approach. These show that few channels in 2.4GHz are heavily used and there is hardly any activity in the 5GHz band even though relatively it has a greater number of available channels. Spatial analysis of spectrum usage reveals that co- channel interference among nearby APs operating in the same channel can be a serious problem with around 10 APs contending with each other in many locations. We find that the characteristics of WiFi deployments at city -scale are similar to those of WiFi deployments in public spaces of different indoor environments. We validate our approach in comparison with wardriving, and also show that our findings generally match with previous studies based on other measurement approaches. As an application of the mobile crowdsensing based urban WiFi monitoring, we outline a cloud based WiFi router configuration service for better interference management with global awareness in urban areas.For mesh networks, the use of multiple radio interfaces is widely seen as a practical way to achieve high end -to -end network performance and better utilisation of available spectrum. However this gives rise to another type of interference (referred to as coexistence interference) due to co- location of multiple radio interfaces. We show that such interference can be so severe that it prevents concurrent successful operation of collocated interfaces even when they use channels from widely different frequency bands. We propose the use of antenna polarisation to mitigate such interference and experimentally study its benefits in both multi -band and single -band configurations. In particular, we show that using differently polarised antennas on a multi -radio platform can be a helpful counteracting mechanism for alleviating receiver blocking and adjacent channel interference phenomena that underlie multi -radio coexistence interference. We also validate observations about adjacent channel interference from previous studies via direct and microscopic observation of MAC behaviour.Location is an indispensable information for navigation and sensing applications. The rapidly growing adoption of smartphones has resulted in a plethora of mobile applications that rely on position information (e.g., shopping apps that use user position information to recommend products to users and help them to find what they want in the store). WiFi fingerprinting is a popular and well studied approach for indoor location estimation that leverages the existing WiFi infrastructure and works based on the difference in strengths of the received AP signals at different locations. However, understanding the impact of WiFi network deployment aspects such as multi -band APs and VAPs has not received much attention in the literature. We first examine the impact of various aspects underlying a WiFi fingerprinting system. Specifically, we investigate different definitions for fingerprinting and location estimation algorithms across different indoor environments ranging from a multi- storey office building to shopping centres of different sizes. Our results show that the fingerprint definition is as important as the choice of location estimation algorithm and there is no single combination of these two that works across all environments or even all floors of a given environment. We then consider the effect of WiFi frequency bands (e.g., 2.4GHz and 5GHz) and the presence of virtual access points (VAPs) on location accuracy with WiFi fingerprinting. Our results demonstrate that lower co- channel interference in the 5GHz band yields more accurate location estimation. We show that the inclusion of VAPs has a significant impact on the location accuracy of WiFi fingerprinting systems; we analyse the potential reasons to explain the findings.End -to -end available bandwidth estimation (ABE) has a wide range of uses, from adaptive application content delivery, transport-level transmission rate adaptation and admission control to traffic engineering and peer node selection in peer -to- peer /overlay networks [ 1, 2]. Given its importance, it has been received much research attention in both wired data networks and legacy WiFi networks (based on 802.11 a/b /g standards), resulting in different ABE techniques and tools proposed to optimise different criteria and suit different scenarios. However, effects of new MAC/PHY layer enhancements in new and next generation WiFi networks (based on 802.11n and 802.11ac standards) have not been studied yet. We experimentally find that among different new features like frame aggregation, channel bonding and MIMO modes (spacial division multiplexing), frame aggregation has the most harmful effect as it has direct effect on ABE by distorting the measurement probing traffic pattern commonly used to estimate available bandwidth. Frame aggregation is also specified in both 802.11n and 802.1 lac standards as a mandatory feature to be supported. We study the effect of enabling frame aggregation, for the first time, on the performance of the ABE using an indoor 802.11n wireless testbed. The analysis of results obtained using three tools - representing two main Probe Rate Model (PRM) and Probe Gap Model (PGM) based approaches for ABE - led us to come up with the two key principles of jumbo probes and having longer measurement probe train sizes to counter the effects of aggregating frames on the performance of ABE tools. Then, we develop a new tool, WBest+ that is aware of the underlying frame aggregation by incorporating these principles. The experimental evaluation of WBest+ shows more accurate ABE in the presence of frame aggregation.Overall, the contributions of this thesis fall in three categories - experimental characterisation, measurement techniques and mitigation/solution approaches for performance problems in emerging WiFi network scenarios. The influence of various factors mentioned above are all studied via experimental evaluation in a testbed or real - world setting. Specifically, co- existence interference characterisation and evaluation of available bandwidth techniques are done using indoor testbeds, whereas characterisation of urban WiFi networks and WiFi fingerprinting based location estimation are carried out in real environments. New measurement approaches are also introduced to aid better experimental evaluation or proposed as new measurement tools. These include mobile crowdsensing based WiFi monitoring; MAC/PHY layer monitoring of co- existence interference; and WBest+ tool for available bandwidth estimation. Finally, new mitigation approaches are proposed to address challenges and problems identified throughout the characterisation studies. These include: a proposal for crowd - based interference management in large scale uncoordinated WiFi networks; exploiting antenna polarisation diversity to remedy the effects of co- existence interference in multi -interface platforms; taking advantage of VAPs and multi -band operation for better location estimation; and introducing the jumbo frame concept and longer probe train sizes to improve performance of ABE tools in next generation WiFi networks

    Comunicações confiáveis sem-fios para redes veiculares

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    Vehicular communications are a promising field of research, with numerous potential services that can enhance traffic experience. Road safety is the most important objective behind the development of wireless vehicular networks, since many of the current accidents and fatalities could be avoided if vehicles had the ability to share information among them, with the road-side infrastructure and other road users. A future with safe, efficient and comfortable road transportation systems is envisaged by the different traffic stakeholders - users, manufacturers, road operators and public authorities. Cooperative Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) applications will contribute to achieve this goal, as well as other technological progress, such as automated driving or improved road infrastructure based on advanced sensoring and the Internet of Things (IoT) paradigm. Despite these significant benefits, the design of vehicular communications systems poses difficult challenges, mainly due to the very dynamic environments in which they operate. In order to attain the safety-critical requirements involved in this type of scenarios, careful planning is necessary, so that a trustworthy behaviour of the system can be achieved. Dependability and real-time systems concepts provide essential tools to handle this challenging task of enabling determinism and fault-tolerance in vehicular networks. This thesis aims to address some of these issues by proposing architectures and implementing mechanisms that improve the dependability levels of realtime vehicular communications. The developed strategies always try to preserve the required system’s flexibity, a fundamental property in such unpredictable scenarios, where unexpected events may occur and force the system to quickly adapt to the new circumnstances.The core contribution of this thesis focuses on the design of a fault-tolerant architecture for infrastructure-based vehicular networks. It encompasses a set of mechanisms that allow error detection and fault-tolerant behaviour both in the mobile and static nodes of the network. Road-side infrastructure plays a key role in this context, since it provides the support for coordinating all communications taking place in the wireless medium. Furthermore, it is also responsible for admission control policies and exchanging information with the backbone network. The proposed methods rely on a deterministic medium access control (MAC) protocol that provides real-time guarantees in wireless channel access, ensuring that communications take place before a given deadline. However, the presented solutions are generic and can be easily adapted to other protocols and wireless technologies. Interference mitigation techniques, mechanisms to enforce fail-silent behaviour and redundancy schemes are introduced in this work, so that vehicular communications systems may present higher dependability levels. In addition to this, all of these methods are included in the design of vehicular network components, guaranteeing that the real-time constraints are still fulfilled. In conclusion, wireless vehicular networks hold the potential to drastically improve road safety. However, these systems should present dependable behaviour in order to reliably prevent the occurrence of catastrophic events under all possible traffic scenarios.As comunicações veiculares são uma área de investigação bastante promissora, com inúmeros potenciais serviços que podem melhorar a experiência vivida no tráfego. A segurança rodoviária é o objectivo mais importante por detrás do desenvolvimento das redes veiculares sem-fios, visto que muitos dos atuais acidentes e vítimas mortais poderiam ser evitados caso os veículos tivessem a capacidade de trocar informação entre eles, com a infraestrutura rodoviária e outros utilizadores da estrada. Um futuro com sistemas de transporte rodoviário seguros, eficientes e confortáveis é algo ambicionado pelas diferentes partes envolvidas - utilizadores, fabricantes, operadores da infraestrutura e autoridades públicas. As aplicações de Sistemas Inteligentes de Transporte (ITS) cooperativas vão contribuir para alcançar este propósito, em conjunto com outros avanços tecnológicos, nomeadamente a condução autónoma ou uma melhor infraestrutura rodoviária baseada em sensorização avançada e no paradigma da Internet das Coisas (IoT). Apesar destes benefícios significativos, o desenho de sistemas de comunicações veiculares coloca desafios difíceis, em grande parte devido aos ambientes extremamente dinâmicos em que estes operam. De modo a atingir os requisitos de segurança crítica envolvidos neste tipo de cenários, é necessário um cuidadoso planeamento por forma a que o sistema apresente um comportamento confiável. Conceitos de dependabilidade e de sistemas de tempo-real constituem ferramentas essenciais para lidar com esta desafiante tarefa de dotar as redes veiculares de determinismo e tolerância a faltas. Esta tese pretende endereçar alguns destes problemas através da proposta de arquitecturas e da implementação de mecanismos que melhorem os níveis da dependabilidade das comunicações veiculares de tempo-real. As estratégias desenvolvidas tentam sempre preservar a necessária flexibilidade do sistema, uma propriedade fundamental em cenários tão imprevisíveis, onde eventos inesperados podem ocorrer e forçar o sistema a adaptar-se rapidamente às novas circunstâncias.A contribuição principal desta tese foca-se no desenho de uma arquitectura tolerante a faltas para redes veiculares com suporte da infraestrutura de beira de estrada. Esta arquitectura engloba um conjunto de mecanismos que permite detecção de erros e comportamento tolerante a faltas, tanto nos nós móveis como nos nós estáticos da rede. A infraestrutura de beira de estrada desempenha um papel fundamental neste contexto, pois fornece o suporte que permite coordenar todas as comunicações que ocorrem no meio sem-fios. Para além disso, é também responsável pelos mecanismos de controlo de admissão e pela troca de informação com a rede de transporte. Os métodos propostos baseiam-se num protocolo determinístico de controlo de acesso ao meio (MAC) que fornece garantias de tempo-real no accesso ao canal semfios, assegurando que as comunicações ocorrem antes de um determinado limite temporal. No entanto, as soluções apresentadas são genéricas e podem ser facilmente adaptadas a outros protocolos e tecnologias sem-fios. Neste trabalho são introduzidas técnicas de mitigação de interferência, mecanismos para assegurar comportamento falha-silêncio e esquemas de redundância, de modo a que os sistemas de comunicações veiculares apresentem elevados níveis de dependabilidade. Além disso, todos estes métodos são incorporados no desenho dos componentes da rede veicular, guarantindo que as restrições de tempo-real continuam a ser cumpridas. Em suma, as redes veiculares sem-fios têm o potential para melhorar drasticamente a segurança rodoviária. Contudo, estes sistemas precisam de apresentar um comportamento confiável, de forma a prevenir a ocorrência de eventos catastróficos em todos os cenários de tráfego possíveis.Programa Doutoral em Telecomunicaçõe

    Towards reliable communication in low-power wireless body area networks

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    Es wird zunehmend die Ansicht vertreten, dass tragbare Computer und Sensoren neue Anwendungen in den Bereichen Gesundheitswesen, personalisierte Fitness oder erweiterte Realität ermöglichen werden. Die am Körper getragenen Geräte sind dabei mithilfe eines Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN) verbunden, d.h. es wird drahtlose Kommunikation statt eines drahtgebundenen Kanals eingesetzt. Der drahtlose Kanal ist jedoch typischerweise ein eher instabiles Kommunikationsmedium und die Einsatzbedingungen von WBANs sind besonders schwierig: Einerseits wird die Kanalqualität stark von den physischen Bewegungen der Person beeinflusst, andererseits werden WBANs häufig in lizenzfreien Funkbändern eingesetzt und sind daher Störungen von anderen drahtlosen Geräten ausgesetzt. Oft benötigen WBAN Anwendungen aber eine zuverlässige Datenübertragung. Das erste Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, ein besseres Verständnis dafür zu schaffen, wie sich die spezifischen Einsatzbedingungen von WBANs auf die intra-WBAN Kommunikation auswirken. So wird zum Beispiel analysiert, welchen Einfluss die Platzierung der Geräte auf der Oberfläche des menschlichen Körpers und die Mobilität des Benutzers haben. Es wird nachgewiesen, dass während regelmäßiger Aktivitäten wie Laufen die empfangene Signalstärke stark schwankt, gleichzeitig aber Signalstärke-Spitzen oft einem regulären Muster folgen. Außerdem wird gezeigt, dass in urbanen Umgebungen die Effekte von 2.4 GHz Radio Frequency (RF) Interferenz im Vergleich zu den Auswirkungen von fading (Schwankungen der empfangenen Signalstärke) eher gering sind. Allerdings führt RF Interferenz dazu, dass häufiger Bündelfehler auftreten, d.h. Fehler zeitlich korrelieren. Dies kann insbesondere in Anwendungen, die eine geringe Übertragungslatenz benötigen, problematisch sein. Der zweite Teil dieser Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Analyse von Verfahren, die potentiell die Zuverlässigkeit der Kommunikation in WBANs erhöhen, ohne dass wesentlich mehr Energie verbraucht wird. Zunächst wird der Trade-off zwischen Übertragungslatenz und der Zuverlässigkeit der Kommunikation analysiert. Diese Analyse basiert auf einem neuen Paket-Scheduling Algorithmus, der einen Beschleunigungssensor nutzt, um die WBAN Kommunikation auf die physischen Bewegungen der Person abzustimmen. Die Analyse zeigt, dass unzuverlässige Kommunikationsverbindungen oft zuverlässig werden, wenn Pakete während vorhergesagter Signalstärke-Spitzen gesendet werden. Ferner wird analysiert, inwiefern die Robustheit gegen 2.4 GHz RF Interferenz verbessert werden kann. Dazu werden zwei Verfahren betrachtet: Ein bereits existierendes Verfahren, das periodisch einen Wechsel der Übertragungsfrequenz durchführt (channel hopping) und ein neues Verfahren, das durch RF Interferenz entstandene Bitfehler reparieren kann, indem der Inhalt mehrerer fehlerhafter Pakete kombiniert wird (packet combining). Eine Schlussfolgerung ist, dass Frequenzdiversität zwar das Auftreten von Bündelfehlern reduzieren kann, dass jedoch die statische Auswahl eines Kanals am oberen Ende des 2.4 GHz Bandes häufig schon eine akzeptable Abhilfe gegen RF Interferenz darstellt.There is a growing belief that wearable computers and sensors will enable new applications in areas such as healthcare, personal fitness or augmented reality. The devices are attached to a person and connected through a Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN), which replaces the wires of traditional monitoring systems by wireless communication. This comes, however, at the cost of turning a reliable communication channel into an unreliable one. The wireless channel is typically a rather unstable medium for communication and the conditions under which WBANs have to operate are particularly harsh: not only is the channel strongly influenced by the movements of the person, but WBANs also often operate in unlicensed frequency bands and may therefore be exposed to a significant amount of interference from other wireless devices. Yet, many envisioned WBAN applications require reliable data transmission. The goals of this thesis are twofold: first, we aim at establishing a better understanding of how the specific WBAN operating conditions, such as node placement on the human body surface and user mobility, impact intra-WBAN communication. We show that during periodic activities like walking the received signal strength on an on-body communication link fluctuates strongly, but signal strength peaks often follow a regular pattern. Furthermore, we find that in comparison to the effects of fading 2.4 GHz Radio Frequency (RF) interference causes relatively little packet loss - however, urban 2.4 GHz RF noise is bursty (correlated in time), which may be problematic for applications with low latency bounds. The second goal of this thesis is to analyze how communication reliability in WBANs can be improved without sacrificing a significant amount of additional energy. To this end, we first explore the trade-off between communication latency and communication reliability. This analysis is based on a novel packet scheduling algorithm, which makes use of an accelerometer to couple WBAN communication with the movement patterns of the user. The analysis shows that unreliable links can often be made reliable if packets are transmitted at predicted signal strength peaks. In addition, we analyze to what extent two mechanisms can improve robustness against 2.4 GHz RF interference when adopted in a WBAN context: we analyze the benefits of channel hopping, and we examine how the packet retransmission process can be made more efficient by using a novel packet combining algorithm that allows to repair packets corrupted by RF interference. One of the conclusions is that while frequency agility may decrease "burstiness" of errors the static selection of a channel at the upper end of the 2.4 GHz band often already represents a good remedy against RF interference

    Models and optimisation methods for interference coordination in self-organising cellular networks

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    A thesis submitted for the degree of Doctor of PhilosophyWe are at that moment of network evolution when we have realised that our telecommunication systems should mimic features of human kind, e.g., the ability to understand the medium and take advantage of its changes. Looking towards the future, the mobile industry envisions the use of fully automatised cells able to self-organise all their parameters and procedures. A fully self-organised network is the one that is able to avoid human involvement and react to the fluctuations of network, traffic and channel through the automatic/autonomous nature of its functioning. Nowadays, the mobile community is far from this fully self-organised kind of network, but they are taken the first steps to achieve this target in the near future. This thesis hopes to contribute to the automatisation of cellular networks, providing models and tools to understand the behaviour of these networks, and algorithms and optimisation approaches to enhance their performance. This work focuses on the next generation of cellular networks, in more detail, in the DownLink (DL) of Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access (OFDMA) based networks. Within this type of cellular system, attention is paid to interference mitigation in self-organising macrocell scenarios and femtocell deployments. Moreover, this thesis investigates the interference issues that arise when these two cell types are jointly deployed, complementing each other in what is currently known as a two-tier network. This thesis also provides new practical approaches to the inter-cell interference problem in both macro cell and femtocell OFDMA systems as well as in two-tier networks by means of the design of a novel framework and the use of mathematical optimisation. Special attention is paid to the formulation of optimisation problems and the development of well-performing solving methods (accurate and fast)

    Towards Efficient and Enhanced Wireless Coexistence in the Unlicensed Spectrum

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    The 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) is developing the fifth generation (5G) of wireless broadband technology and has identified the unlicensed spectrum as a principal item on the plan of action. Listen-Before-Talk (LBT) has been recognized as the starting development point for the channel access scheme of future 5G New Radio-Unlicensed (NR-U) networks. Recent technical reports suggest that all sub-7 GHz unlicensed spectrum is targeted for 5G NR-U operation, including the 2.4 GHz Industrial, Scientific, and Medical (ISM) band. Literature is inundated with research on Wi-Fi and LBT-based long-term evolution License-Assisted Access (LTE-LAA) wireless coexistence analysis. While a treasure trove of radio spectrum has been approved for license-exempt use in the 6 GHz band, industry and standard organizations must make sure it is well utilized by enhancing their coexistence schemes. A proper assessment of the homogeneous LBT deployment is imperative under the new use cases and regulatory circumstances. The work presented herein aimed to fill the gap and underline the importance of improving channel access mechanisms in next-generation wireless systems. The research in this dissertation first analyzed the LBT channel access scheme and analytically evaluated its performance in terms of a metrics set, such as effective channel utilization, collision probability, mean access delay, and temporal fairness among coexisting nodes. Outcomes of the developed analytical model revealed inefficiencies in various cases. For example, high priority classes generally hinder overall effective channel utilization, exhibit a high collision rate, and incur long latencies compared to lower priorities; and low priority classes sustain longer delays in class-heterogeneous scenarios. The developed framework was then utilized to investigate wireless coexistence in a 5G-enabled intensive care unit, employing remote patient monitoring over 5G NR-U. A modified LBT scheme is then proposed in this work to enhance overall channel efficiency in homogeneous LBT deployments by reducing the collision probability among coexisting stations based on the analytical investigation of the LBT mechanism. It is expected that low-power, narrowband frequency hoppers will be allowed to operate in the 6 GHz spectrum based on recent European Communications Committee (ECC) mandates, which raises speculation around coexistence with incumbent radio access technologies (RATs). To address the potential operation of cellular LBT in the 2.4 GHz and frequency hopping systems in the 5- and 6-GHz bands, the coexistence of Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) 5 and LBT was investigated empirically in an anechoic chamber. The mutual impact was explored by means of throughput, packet error rate, and interframe delays. Empirical evaluation results demonstrated how BLE throughput dropped as the intended-to-unintended signal ratio decreased and the way in which LBT classes exhibited a diminishing effect as the class priority descended. Long Range BLE physical layer (PHY) was found to sustain longer gap times (i.e., delay) than the other two PHYs; however, the LR PHY showed less susceptibility to interference. Results also demonstrated that low data rate BLE PHYs hindered LBT throughput performance since they correspond to longer airtime durations
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