124 research outputs found
Historyczne uwarunkowania intertekstualności w przekładzie : (o polskich wersjach "Smugi cienia")
Intertextuality is an omnipresent notion in discourse. As it has been frequently noted
a fully autonomous text does not exist since both authors and readers create and perceive
intertextual references between diverse texts. The aim of the article is to analyze
historical aspects of intertextuality in translation on the example of Polish renditions
of Joseph Conrad’s The Shadow-Line
Przekład wewnątrztekstowych nawiązań na podstawie tłumaczeń "Smugi cienia" Josepha Conrada
This article analyzes some elements of three Polish translations of Joseph Conrad’s The Shadow-
Line, made by Jadwiga Sienkiewiczówna (1925), Jan Józef Szczepański (1973) and Ewa
Chruściel (2001). This is not a comprehensive evaluation of the merit of each translation, but rather
a comparison of strategies used to resolve difficulties posed by certain points in the original text
by translators who represent three markedly different generations of Polish writers/readers of the
20th century. The main focus is on recurrent textual references (semantic itératives) which highlight
the interpretative (and structural) backbone of a literary work. In other words, they function as key
words, which are indispensable for the decoding of the deeper meaning of the text. In The Shadow-
Line the catalogue of such itératives includes the following lexems: ‘shadow line’, ‘bottles’,
and a group of words, used in descriptive passages, which evoke the supernatural and its peculiar
operations, i.e. ‘ghost’ and its derivatives, ‘haunt’, ‘joke’ and its synonyms (eg. ‘trick’), ‘devil’,
‘higher/infemal/evil powers’, and ‘death’
Seria w przekładzie : polskie warianty prozy Josepha Conrada
The present work analyzes one aspect of Translation Studies – a series of translations
on the basis of Joseph Conrad’s prose. The first chapter is a theoretical analysis of
the concept of ‘a series of translations’ in Polish as well as Western Translation Studies.
In Western Translation Studies scholars use the term retranslation. This chapter delineates
the evolution of the term ‘series of translations’ introduced by Edward Balcerzan and
its development as well as modifications supplemented by Anna Legeżyńska and Grzegorz
Ojcewicz. As far as the concept of retranslation is concerned the works of Antoine
Berman, Paul Bensimon, Yves Gambier and Lawrence Venuti are discussed. Moreover
in this chapter deconstruction approach to translation is explicated on the basis of the
works of Giles Deleuze and Jacques Derrida who undermine the central opposition of
the original and copy.
The second chapter is devoted to cultural implications of Joseph Conrad’s translations.
The outline of Conrad’s reception in Poland was divided into several periods: Young
Poland, Interwar Period, War Years, Contemporary Times. The approach to Conrad’s
works and manner in which his books were interpreted and received in Poland depended
on the cultural, historical and political context. Analyzing Conrad’s translations and
their impact on Polish culture one can detect the phenomena of “manipulation”, “refraction”
and “re-writing”. According to different types of patronage Conrad’s works were to
be included in the canon of Polish literature (Stefan Żeromski’s patronage) so that they
would become “transparent”. The writer was enmeshed in ideological debates with Western
capitalism in the socialist People’s Republic of Poland (PRL) and in consequence
crossed out from publishing and reading lists in Poland (socialist state authorities’
Chapters III to V are analytical in nature. In each of those chapters the cultural
and historical context was delineated (the views of British critics, the writers’ opinions
expressed in private correspondence, last but not least the opinions of Conrad himself
triggered by the critical reception). Moreover the translators’ profiles were presented
as well as the cultural context in which the translated text was produced. Additionally
paratexts of translation (forewords, afterwords, footnotes, glossaries, translators’ press
interviews) were commented upon. The analytical chapters concentrate on several major
translatological issues. The third chapter is devoted to the retranslations of The Nigger
of the “Narcissus” produced by Jan Lemański (1920) and Bronisław Zieliński (1961). The
translation issues that were chosen for this comparison comprise translation of dialects
and terminology. The fourth chapter consist in the analysis of Polish retranslations of
Typhoon by Jerzy Bohdan Rychliński (1926), Halina Carroll-Najder (1972) and Michał
Filipczuk (2000). For this novella a crucial translatological problem was the semantic
dominant used a noun not an adjective (dominanta semantyczna). The last chapter
focuses on intertextual chains on the basis of Polish retranslations of The Shadow-Line produced by Jadwiga Sienkiewiczówna (1925), Jan Józef Szczepański (1972) and Ewa
Chruściel (2002)
Koncepcja ideowo-artystyczna zdjęć do filmu Tam i z powrotem. Opis autorski
.Koncepcja ideowo-artystyczna zdjęć do filmu Tam i z powrotem. Opis autorsk
Intertekstualność jako dominanta przekładu
The aim of the article is to demonstrate that intertextual references are crucial
for the building of the semantic structure of a given work. In the author’s opinion
these intertextual links should constitute the translative dominant (Anna
Bednarczyk’s term). In addition the nature of intertextuality was analyzed on
the basis of Hatim and Mason’s notion of intertextual chains. It was proved that
the omission of one loop in translation did not mar the overall semantic field
operating by connotation
„Potrzeba mi poezji, co się rodzi z konkretnych faktów”. Nieznane listy Andrzeja Wajdy do Stanisława Czycza
Archiwalia opracowano na wzór edycji listów Stanisława Czycza i Andrzeja Wajdy z 2007 roku – zastosowano analogiczne konwencje edytorskie i redakcyjne oraz opatrzono je metrykami zawierającymi podstawowe dane nośników, stan zachowania i informacje o kopertach. W celu zwiększenia czytelności zdecydowano się rozwinąć skróty. Celowo popełnione błędy oznaczono następująco [!], zaś niepewne odczytania – [?]. Teksty listów opatrzono komentarzami – zdecydowano się jednak omówić tylko kwestie związane z zamówieniem filmu o Wróblewskim, dotyczącymi Czycza i Wajdy, nie objaśniać oczywistych nazwisk i tytułów. Poprawiono pisownię i uzupełniono interpunkcję. Tytuły dzieł i utworów zapisano kursywą. Zbiór uporządkowano w kolejności chronologicznej. Na końcu dodano pełną listę korespondencji w ramach dwugłosu drukowanego wraz z Arwem z uwzględnieniem nowo ujawnionych jednostek
W sidłach emocji i konwencji. Beata Przymuszała, 2016, “Smugi Zagłady. Emocjonalne i konwencjonalne aspekty tekstów ofiar i ich dzieci”, Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, Poznań, ss. 369
Recenzja książki Beaty Przymuszała: “Smugi Zagłady. Emocjonalne i konwencjonalne
aspekty tekstów ofiar i ich dzieci”. Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2016 Poznań
Gaining Cognitional Self-Awareness as an Educational Process
The article is an attempt to present the reflexive approach in its auto/biographic form. In this context, two representative reflexive essays featured in Volume 4 of the periodical “Educational Sciences. Interdisciplinary Studies” (“NOWIS”) are interpreted. Additionally, the text shows the problem of distance and proximity appearing among different perspectives of conducting educational-biographic research.Artykuł jest próbą przybliżenia podejścia refleksywnego w odmianie auto/biograficznej. W tym kontekście interpretacji poddane zostały dwie reprezentatywne dla tego podejścia wypowiedzi zamieszczone w tomie 4. czasopisma „Nauki o Wychowaniu. Studia Interdyscyplinarne” („NOWIS”). Na innym poziomie tekst ukazuje problem dystansu i bliskości występujący między różnymi ujęciami stosowanymi w badaniach poświęconych edukacyjnym wymiarom biografii
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