6,134 research outputs found

    Smoothed Analysis of the Successive Shortest Path Algorithm

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    The minimum-cost flow problem is a classic problem in combinatorial optimization with various applications. Several pseudo-polynomial, polynomial, and strongly polynomial algorithms have been developed in the past decades, and it seems that both the problem and the algorithms are well understood. However, some of the algorithms' running times observed in empirical studies contrast the running times obtained by worst-case analysis not only in the order of magnitude but also in the ranking when compared to each other. For example, the Successive Shortest Path (SSP) algorithm, which has an exponential worst-case running time, seems to outperform the strongly polynomial Minimum-Mean Cycle Canceling algorithm. To explain this discrepancy, we study the SSP algorithm in the framework of smoothed analysis and establish a bound of O(mnϕ)O(mn\phi) for the number of iterations, which implies a smoothed running time of O(mnϕ(m+nlogn))O(mn\phi (m + n\log n)), where nn and mm denote the number of nodes and edges, respectively, and ϕ\phi is a measure for the amount of random noise. This shows that worst-case instances for the SSP algorithm are not robust and unlikely to be encountered in practice. Furthermore, we prove a smoothed lower bound of Ω(mϕmin{n,ϕ})\Omega(m \phi \min\{n, \phi\}) for the number of iterations of the SSP algorithm, showing that the upper bound cannot be improved for ϕ=Ω(n)\phi = \Omega(n).Comment: A preliminary version has been presented at SODA 201

    Smoothed Analysis of Selected Optimization Problems and Algorithms

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    Optimization problems arise in almost every field of economics, engineering, and science. Many of these problems are well-understood in theory and sophisticated algorithms exist to solve them efficiently in practice. Unfortunately, in many cases the theoretically most efficient algorithms perform poorly in practice. On the other hand, some algorithms are much faster than theory predicts. This discrepancy is a consequence of the pessimism inherent in the framework of worst-case analysis, the predominant analysis concept in theoretical computer science. We study selected optimization problems and algorithms in the framework of smoothed analysis in order to narrow the gap between theory and practice. In smoothed analysis, an adversary specifies the input, which is subsequently slightly perturbed at random. As one example we consider the successive shortest path algorithm for the minimumcost flow problem. While in the worst case the successive shortest path algorithm takes exponentially many steps to compute a minimum-cost flow, we show that its running time is polynomial in the smoothed setting. Another problem studied in this thesis is makespan minimization for scheduling with related machines. It seems to be unlikely that there exist fast algorithms to solve this problem exactly. This is why we consider three approximation algorithms: the jump algorithm, the lex-jump algorithm, and the list scheduling algorithm. In the worst case, the approximation guarantees of these algorithms depend on the number of machines. We show that there is no such dependence in smoothed analysis. We also apply smoothed analysis to multicriteria optimization problems. In particular, we consider integer optimization problems with several linear objectives that have to be simultaneously minimized. We derive a polynomial upper bound for the size of the set of Pareto-optimal solutions contrasting the exponential worst-case lower bound. As the icing on the cake we find that the insights gained from our smoothed analysis of the running time of the successive shortest path algorithm lead to the design of a randomized algorithm for finding short paths between two given vertices of a polyhedron. We see this result as an indication that, in future, smoothed analysis might also result in the development of fast algorithms.Optimierungsprobleme treten in allen wirtschaftlichen, naturwissenschaftlichen und technischen Gebieten auf. Viele dieser Probleme sind ausführlich untersucht und aus praktischer Sicht effizient lösbar. Leider erweisen sich in vielen Fällen die theoretisch effizientesten Algorithmen in der Praxis als ungeeignet. Auf der anderen Seite sind einige Algorithmen viel schneller als die Theorie vorhersagt. Dieser scheinbare Widerspruch resultiert aus dem Pessimismus, der dem in der theoretischen Informatik vorherrschenden Analysekonzept, der Worst-Case-Analyse, innewohnt. Um die Lücke zwischen Theorie und Praxis zu verkleinern, untersuchen wir ausgewählte Optimierungsprobleme und Algorithmen auf gegnerisch vorgegebenen Instanzen, die durch ein leichtes Zufallsrauschen gestört werden. Solche perturbierten Instanzen bezeichnen wir als semi-zufällige Eingaben. Als Beispiel betrachten wir den Successive- Shortest-Path-Algorithmus für das Minimum-Cost-Flow-Problem. Während dieser Algorithmus imWorst Case exponentiell viele Schritte benötigt, um einen Minimum-Cost-Flow zu berechnen, zeigen wir, dass seine Laufzeit auf semi-zufälligen Eingaben polynomiell ist. Ein weiteres Problem, das wir in dieser Arbeit untersuchen, ist die Minimierung des Makespans für Scheduling auf unterschiedlich schnellen Maschinen. Es scheint, dass dieses Problem nicht effizient gelöst werden kann. Daher betrachten wir drei Approximationsalgorithmen: den Jump-, den Lex-Jump- und den List-Scheduling-Algorithmus. Im Worst Case hängt die Approximationsgüte dieser Algorithmen von der Anzahl der Maschinen ab. Wir zeigen, dass das auf semi-zufälligen Eingaben nicht der Fall ist. Des Weiteren betrachten wir ganzzahlige Optimierungsprobleme mit mehreren linearen Zielfunktionen, die simultan minimiert werden sollen. Wir leiten eine polynomielle obere Schranke für die Größe der Pareto-Menge auf semi-zufälligen Eingaben her, die im Gegensatz zu der exponentiellen unteren Worst-Case-Schranke steht. Mit den Erkenntnissen aus der Laufzeitanalyse des Successive-Shortest-Path-Algorithmus entwerfen wir einen randomisierten Algorithmus zur Bestimmung eines kurzen Pfades zwischen zwei gegebenen Ecken eines Polyeders. Wir betrachten dieses Ergebnis als ein Indiz dafür, dass in Zukunft Analysen auf semi-zufälligen Eingaben auch zu der Entwicklung schneller Algorithmen führen könnten

    Smoothed analysis of the simplex method

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    In this chapter, we give a technical overview of smoothed analyses of the shadow vertex simplex method for linear programming (LP). We first review the properties of the shadow vertex simplex method and its associated geometry. We begin the smoothed analysis discussion with an analysis of the successive shortest path algorithm for the minimum-cost maximum-flow problem under objective perturbations, a classical instantiation of the shadow vertex simplex method. Then we move to general linear programming and give an analysis of a shadow vertex based algorithm for linear programming under Gaussian constraint perturbations

    Smoothed Analysis of the Minimum-Mean Cycle Canceling Algorithm and the Network Simplex Algorithm

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    The minimum-cost flow (MCF) problem is a fundamental optimization problem with many applications and seems to be well understood. Over the last half century many algorithms have been developed to solve the MCF problem and these algorithms have varying worst-case bounds on their running time. However, these worst-case bounds are not always a good indication of the algorithms' performance in practice. The Network Simplex (NS) algorithm needs an exponential number of iterations for some instances, but it is considered the best algorithm in practice and performs best in experimental studies. On the other hand, the Minimum-Mean Cycle Canceling (MMCC) algorithm is strongly polynomial, but performs badly in experimental studies. To explain these differences in performance in practice we apply the framework of smoothed analysis. We show an upper bound of O(mn2log(n)log(ϕ))O(mn^2\log(n)\log(\phi)) for the number of iterations of the MMCC algorithm. Here nn is the number of nodes, mm is the number of edges, and ϕ\phi is a parameter limiting the degree to which the edge costs are perturbed. We also show a lower bound of Ω(mlog(ϕ))\Omega(m\log(\phi)) for the number of iterations of the MMCC algorithm, which can be strengthened to Ω(mn)\Omega(mn) when ϕ=Θ(n2)\phi=\Theta(n^2). For the number of iterations of the NS algorithm we show a smoothed lower bound of Ω(mmin{n,ϕ}ϕ)\Omega(m \cdot \min \{ n, \phi \} \cdot \phi).Comment: Extended abstract to appear in the proceedings of COCOON 201

    Information-Geometric Optimization Algorithms: A Unifying Picture via Invariance Principles

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    We present a canonical way to turn any smooth parametric family of probability distributions on an arbitrary search space XX into a continuous-time black-box optimization method on XX, the \emph{information-geometric optimization} (IGO) method. Invariance as a design principle minimizes the number of arbitrary choices. The resulting \emph{IGO flow} conducts the natural gradient ascent of an adaptive, time-dependent, quantile-based transformation of the objective function. It makes no assumptions on the objective function to be optimized. The IGO method produces explicit IGO algorithms through time discretization. It naturally recovers versions of known algorithms and offers a systematic way to derive new ones. The cross-entropy method is recovered in a particular case, and can be extended into a smoothed, parametrization-independent maximum likelihood update (IGO-ML). For Gaussian distributions on Rd\mathbb{R}^d, IGO is related to natural evolution strategies (NES) and recovers a version of the CMA-ES algorithm. For Bernoulli distributions on {0,1}d\{0,1\}^d, we recover the PBIL algorithm. From restricted Boltzmann machines, we obtain a novel algorithm for optimization on {0,1}d\{0,1\}^d. All these algorithms are unified under a single information-geometric optimization framework. Thanks to its intrinsic formulation, the IGO method achieves invariance under reparametrization of the search space XX, under a change of parameters of the probability distributions, and under increasing transformations of the objective function. Theory strongly suggests that IGO algorithms have minimal loss in diversity during optimization, provided the initial diversity is high. First experiments using restricted Boltzmann machines confirm this insight. Thus IGO seems to provide, from information theory, an elegant way to spontaneously explore several valleys of a fitness landscape in a single run.Comment: Final published versio

    2.5K-Graphs: from Sampling to Generation

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    Understanding network structure and having access to realistic graphs plays a central role in computer and social networks research. In this paper, we propose a complete, and practical methodology for generating graphs that resemble a real graph of interest. The metrics of the original topology we target to match are the joint degree distribution (JDD) and the degree-dependent average clustering coefficient (cˉ(k)\bar{c}(k)). We start by developing efficient estimators for these two metrics based on a node sample collected via either independence sampling or random walks. Then, we process the output of the estimators to ensure that the target properties are realizable. Finally, we propose an efficient algorithm for generating topologies that have the exact target JDD and a cˉ(k)\bar{c}(k) close to the target. Extensive simulations using real-life graphs show that the graphs generated by our methodology are similar to the original graph with respect to, not only the two target metrics, but also a wide range of other topological metrics; furthermore, our generator is order of magnitudes faster than state-of-the-art techniques