43 research outputs found

    Automatic modeling of an orthotic bracing for nonoperative correction of Pectus Carinatum

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    Pectus Carinatum is a deformity of the chest wall, characterized by an anterior protrusion of the sternum, often corrected surgically due to cosmetic motivation. This work presents an alternative approach to the current open surgery option, proposing a novel technique based on a personalized orthosis. Two different processes for the orthosis' personalization are presented. One based on a 3D laser scan of the patient chest, followed by the reconstruction of the thoracic wall mesh using a radial basis function, and a second one, based on a computer tomography scan followed by a neighbouring cells algorithm. The axial position where the orthosis is to be located is automatically calculated using a Ray-Triangle intersection method, whose outcome is input to a pseudo Kochenek interpolating spline method to define the orthosis curvature. Results show that no significant differences exist between the patient chest physiognomy and the curvature angle and size of the orthosis, allowing a better cosmetic outcome and less initial discomfort.The authors acknowledge to Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) - Portugal for the fellowships with the references: SFRH/BD/74276/2010; SFRH/BD/68270/2010; UMINHO/BI/95/2012; and, SFRH/BPD/46851/2008. This work was also supported by FCT R&D project PTDC/SAUBEB/103368/2008

    Evaluation of Reducibility of Trunk Asymmetry in Lateral Bending

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    The value of the lateral bending test is important in the assessment of spinal curve mobility and prediction of surgical outcome in the treatment of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS). However, radiographic bending tests are unable to assess the reducibility of trunk asymmetry. This study aims to exploit surface topography measurement in order to evaluate the changes in shape of the trunk (a) between bending and neutral standing positions, and (b) between standing pre- and post-operative visits, in a cohort of adolescents with AIS having undergone surgical correction; and to correlate the differences measured in cases (a) and (b). Our cohort includes 13 patients with right thoracic AIS. Each patient had their 3D trunk surface digitized with a multi-head InSpeck system in standing posture (at the pre-op and post-op visits) and in maximum voluntary right and left bending (at the pre-op visit). We developed a novel trunk shape analysis method which produces a set of inclined trunk cross-sections allowing comparison between different postures. Two asymmetry indices, trunk rotation (TR) and back surface rotation (BSR), were computed in all cases and a statistical analysis was performed. Our correlation study (Pearson test) showed fair correlations in most cases between the changes in side-bending and those post-surgery, with the strongest relationship (p-value < 0.01) when combining the TR measurements from both bendings. These results provide evidence that the bending test can be used to assess trunk asymmetry reducibility. The proposed approach could provide a non-invasive trunk asymmetry reducibility test for routine clinical use in AIS surgery planning.CIHR / IRS

    Methods of obtaining smooth surface in 2D/3D surface reconstruction

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    Surface reconstruction is an emergent research area in the field of computer aided design and manufacturing. There are various methods / algorithms which are working considerably well for surface reconstruction problem but we cannot say to the best of our knowledge that we got all the solutions. Missing surface can be repaired either by surface patch or by extending boundary curves. However, in both cases, surface smoothening problem arises in form of flat surface. The present paper has been tried to offer a solution to above problem which makes the curve smoother

    Virtual simulation of the postsurgical cosmetic outcome in patients with pectus excavatum

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    Pectus excavatum is the most common congenital deformity of the anterior chest wall, in which several ribs and the sternum grow abnormally. Nowadays, the surgical correction is carried out in children and adults through Nuss technic. This technic has been shown to be safe with major drivers as cosmesis and the prevention of psychological problems and social stress. Nowadays, no application is known to predict the cosmetic outcome of the pectus excavatum surgical correction. Such tool could be used to help the surgeon and the patient in the moment of deciding the need for surgery correction. This work is a first step to predict postsurgical outcome in pectus excavatum surgery correction. Facing this goal, it was firstly determined a point cloud of the skin surface along the thoracic wall using Computed Tomography (before surgical correction) and the Polhemus FastSCAN (after the surgical correction). Then, a surface mesh was reconstructed from the two point clouds using a Radial Basis Function algorithm for further affine registration between the meshes. After registration, one studied the surgical correction influence area (SCIA) of the thoracic wall. This SCIA was used to train, test and validate artificial neural networks in order to predict the surgical outcome of pectus excavatum correction and to determine the degree of convergence of SCIA in different patients. Often, ANN did not converge to a satisfactory solution (each patient had its own deformity characteristics), thus invalidating the creation of a mathematical model capable of estimating, with satisfactory results, the postsurgical outcome.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal (FCT) through the Postdoc grant referenced SFRH/BPD/46851/2008 and R&D project referenced PTDC/SAU-BEB/103368/2008

    Construction of Implicit Surfaces from Point Clouds Using a Feature-based Approach

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    Fast Algorithms for Surface Reconstruction from Point Cloud

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    We consider constructing a surface from a given set of point cloud data. We explore two fast algorithms to minimize the weighted minimum surface energy in [Zhao, Osher, Merriman and Kang, Comp.Vision and Image Under., 80(3):295-319, 2000]. An approach using Semi-Implicit Method (SIM) improves the computational efficiency through relaxation on the time-step constraint. An approach based on Augmented Lagrangian Method (ALM) reduces the run-time via an Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers-type algorithm, where each sub-problem is solved efficiently. We analyze the effects of the parameters on the level-set evolution and explore the connection between these two approaches. We present numerical examples to validate our algorithms in terms of their accuracy and efficiency

    Implicit reconstructions of thin leaf surfaces from large, noisy point clouds

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    Thin surfaces, such as the leaves of a plant, pose a significant challenge for implicit surface reconstruction techniques, which typically assume a closed, orientable surface. We show that by approximately interpolating a point cloud of the surface (augmented with off-surface points) and restricting the evaluation of the interpolant to a tight domain around the point cloud, we need only require an orientable surface for the reconstruction. We use polyharmonic smoothing splines to fit approximate interpolants to noisy data, and a partition of unity method with an octree-like strategy for choosing subdomains. This method enables us to interpolate an N-point dataset in O(N) operations. We present results for point clouds of capsicum and tomato plants, scanned with a handheld device. An important outcome of the work is that sufficiently smooth leaf surfaces are generated that are amenable for droplet spreading simulations