12 research outputs found

    Relief mapping on cubic cell complexes

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    In this paper we present an algorithm for parameterizing arbitrary surfaces onto a quadrilateral domain defined by a collection of cubic cells. The parameterization inside each cell is implicit and thus requires storing no texture coordinates. Based upon this parameterization, we propose a unified representation of geometric and appearance information of complex models. The representation consists of a set of cubic cells (providing a coarse representation of the object) together with a collection of distance maps (encoding fine geometric detail inside each cell). Our new representation has similar uses than geometry images, but it requires storing a single distance value per texel instead of full vertex coordinates. When combined with color and normal maps, our representation can be used to render an approximation of the model through an output-sensitive relief mapping algorithm, thus being specially amenable for GPU raytracing.Postprint (author’s final draft

    Generic Mesh Refinement On GPU

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    International audienceMany recent publications have shown that a large variety of computation involved in computer graphics can be moved from the CPU to the GPU, by a clever use of vertex or fragment shaders. Nonetheless there is still one kind of algorithms that is hard to translate from CPU to GPU: mesh refinement techniques. The main reason for this, is that vertex shaders available on current graphics hardware do not allow the generation of additional vertices on a mesh stored in graphics hardware. In this paper, we propose a general solution to generate mesh refinement on GPU. The main idea is to define a generic refinement pattern that will be used to virtually create additional inner vertices for a given polygon. These vertices are then translated according to some procedural displacement map defining the underlying geometry (similarly, the normal vectors may be transformed according to some procedural normal map). For illustration purpose, we use a tesselated triangular pattern, but many other refinement patterns may be employed. To show its flexibility, the technique has been applied on a large variety of refinement techniques: procedural displacement mapping, as well as more complex techniques such as curved PN-triangles or ST-meshes

    A Comparative Study on Polygonal Mesh Simplification Algorithms

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    Polygonal meshes are a common way of representing three dimensional surface models in many different areas of computer graphics and geometry processing. However, with the evolution of the technology, polygonal models are becoming more and more complex. As the complexity of the models increase, the visual approximation to the real world objects get better but there is a trade-off between the cost of processing these models and better visual approximation. In order to reduce this cost, the number of polygons in a model can be reduced by mesh simplification algorithms. These algorithms are widely used such that nearly all of the popular mesh editing libraries include at least one of them. In this work, polygonal simplification algorithms that are embedded in open source libraries: CGAL, VTK and OpenMesh are compared with the Metro geometric error measuring tool. By this way we try to supply a guidance for developers for publicly available mesh libraries in order to implement polygonal mesh simplification

    Visualizing 3D models with fine-grain surface dept

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    The Daedalus Project has devised new methods for recovering 3D models of scenes from wide-baseline photographs. Current work is focused on developing novel shape-fromshading methods (referred to as Depth Hallucination) to add fine-grain surface detail to the reconstructed models. In doing this, our goal is to reconstruct models that appear visually correct under varying illumination, including subtle effects such as surface self-shadowing. Output from the current software is in the form of a dense polygon mesh and corresponding albedo and normal-depth maps. The main goal of this thesis is to explore GPU algorithms for rendering such models in real time or at interactive frame rates. The aspects explored include rendering with relief textures, and how best to store the raw data and process it on the GPU. We also study the best way to illuminate the scene in a realistic way, keeping the interactive frame-rates as the most important characteristic. Evaluation includes measures of performance, and test cases with varying illumination to compare the results of the project with those achieved with a global illumination algorithm. Another goal of the project is to use only free software. This will concern from the programming environment to the libraries used including the programs that we use for working with image

    Heterogeneous Computing with Focus on Mechanical Engineering

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    During the past few years there has been a revolution in the design of desktop computers. Most processors today include more than one processor core, allowing parallel execution of programs. Furthermore, most commodity computers include a graphical processor that outperforms the central processor by at least one order of magnitude. Tapping into this vast resource is commonly referred to as heterogeneous computing. The change in hardware invalidates old software-design truths. There is therefore need for new algorithms, and research into adapting existing algorithms to these architectures. Our main focus has been to accelerate algorithms relevant for mechanical engineering. In this dissertation we present four algorithms devoted to take advantage of the computational strengths of heterogeneous architectures. Each work is based on state-of-the-art hardware available at the time the research was performed. First we describe an algorithm for high-quality visualization of parametric surfaces. This is useful in a CAD setting, were an accurate rendering is important for visual validation of model quality. We further describe simulation of shallow-water waves using a state-of-the-art numerical scheme. Our accelerated implementation gave a speedup of up to 40 times compared to an optimized reference implementation. Our implementation features real time simulation and visualization of semi-realistic nonlinear wave effects. Finally we present two algorithms for shape simplification of 3D-models. The algorithms aim at reducing time spent on preparing models for finite element analysis. Finite element analysis is important to determine mechanical properties of objects prior to manufacture. Such analysis can be used to investigate thermal behavior and determine the strengths and weaknesses of physical components. Before the analysis can take place the models must undergo a preparation phase where shape simplification plays an important role. The first work we describe for shape simplification is a hybrid algorithm, using graphics hardware for the computationally demanding operations, and the main processor for maintaining the data structure. Our second work describes a shape simplification algorithm highly suitable for heterogeneous architectures and a reference implementation on the Cell BE

    Images géométriques de genre arbitraire dans le domaine sphérique

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    Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal

    Fast Visualization by Shear-Warp using Spline Models for Data Reconstruction

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    This work concerns oneself with the rendering of huge three-dimensional data sets. The target thereby is the development of fast algorithms by also applying recent and accurate volume reconstruction models to obtain at most artifact-free data visualizations. In part I a comprehensive overview on the state of the art in volume rendering is given. Part II is devoted to the recently developed trivariate (linear,) quadratic and cubic spline models defined on symmetric tetrahedral partitions directly obtained by slicing volumetric partitions of a three-dimensional domain. This spline models define piecewise polynomials of total degree (one,) two and three with respect to a tetrahedron, i.e. the local splines have the lowest possible total degree and are adequate for efficient and accurate volume visualization. The following part III depicts in a step by step manner a fast software-based rendering algorithm, called shear-warp. This algorithm is prominent for its ability to generate projections of volume data at real time. It attains the high rendering speed by using elaborate data structures and extensive pre-computation, but at the expense of data redundancy and visual quality of the finally obtained rendering results. However, to circumvent these disadvantages a further development is specified, where new techniques and sophisticated data structures allow combining the fast shear-warp with the accurate ray-casting approach. This strategy and the new data structures not only grant a unification of the benefits of both methods, they even easily admit for adjustments to trade-off between rendering speed and precision. With this further development also the 3-fold data redundancy known from the original shear-warp approach is removed, allowing the rendering of even larger three-dimensional data sets more quickly. Additionally, real trivariate data reconstruction models, as discussed in part II, are applied together with the new ideas to onward the precision of the new volume rendering method, which also lead to a one order of magnitude faster algorithm compared to traditional approaches using similar reconstruction models. In part IV, a hierarchy-based rendering method is developed which utilizes a wavelet decomposition of the volume data, an octree structure to represent the sparse data set, the splines from part II and a new shear-warp visualization algorithm similar to that presented in part III. This thesis is concluded by the results centralized in part V

    Generative Mesh Modeling

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    Generative Modeling is an alternative approach for the description of three-dimensional shape. The basic idea is to represent a model not as usual by an agglomeration of geometric primitives (triangles, point clouds, NURBS patches), but by functions. The paradigm change from objects to operations allows for a procedural representation of procedural shapes, such as most man-made objects. Instead of storing only the result of a 3D construction, the construction process itself is stored in a model file. The generative approach opens truly new perspectives in many ways, among others also for 3D knowledge management. It permits for instance to resort to a repository of already solved modeling problems, in order to re-use this knowledge also in different, slightly varied situations. The construction knowledge can be collected in digital libraries containing domain-specific parametric modeling tools. A concrete realization of this approach is a new general description language for 3D models, the "Generative Modeling Language" GML. As a Turing-complete "shape programming language" it is a basis of existing, primitv based 3D model formats. Together with its Runtime engine the GML permits - to store highly complex 3D models in a compact form, - to evaluate the description within fractions of a second, - to adaptively tesselate and to interactively display the model, - and even to change the models high-level parameters at runtime.Die generative Modellierung ist ein alternativer Ansatz zur Beschreibung von dreidimensionaler Form. Zugrunde liegt die Idee, ein Modell nicht wie üblich durch eine Ansammlung geometrischer Primitive (Dreiecke, Punkte, NURBS-Patches) zu beschreiben, sondern durch Funktionen. Der Paradigmenwechsel von Objekten zu Geometrie-erzeugenden Operationen ermöglicht es, prozedurale Modelle auch prozedural zu repräsentieren. Statt das Resultat eines 3D-Konstruktionsprozesses zu speichern, kann so der Konstruktionsprozess selber repräsentiert werden. Der generative Ansatz eröffnet unter anderem gänzlich neue Perspektiven für das Wissensmanagement im 3D-Bereich. Er ermöglicht etwa, auf einen Fundus bereits gelöster Konstruktions-Aufgaben zurückzugreifen, um sie in ähnlichen, aber leicht variierten Situationen wiederverwenden zu können. Das Konstruktions-Wissen kann dazu in Form von Bibliotheken parametrisierter, Domänen-spezifischer Modellier-Werkzeuge gesammelt werden. Konkret wird dazu eine neue allgemeine Modell-Beschreibungs-Sprache vorgeschlagen, die "Generative Modeling Language" GML. Als Turing-mächtige "Programmiersprache für Form" stellt sie eine echte Verallgemeinerung existierender Primitiv-basierter 3D-Modellformate dar. Zusammen mit ihrer Runtime-Engine erlaubt die GML, - hochkomplexe 3D-Objekte extrem kompakt zu beschreiben, - die Beschreibung innerhalb von Sekundenbruchteilen auszuwerten, - das Modell adaptiv darzustellen und interaktiv zu betrachten, - und die Modell-Parameter interaktiv zu verändern