157 research outputs found

    Face age estimation using wrinkle patterns

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    Face age estimation is a challenging problem due to the variation of craniofacial growth, skin texture, gender and race. With recent growth in face age estimation research, wrinkles received attention from a number of research, as it is generally perceived as aging feature and soft biometric for person identification. In a face image, wrinkle is a discontinuous and arbitrary line pattern that varies in different face regions and subjects. Existing wrinkle detection algorithms and wrinkle-based features are not robust for face age estimation. They are either weakly represented or not validated against the ground truth. The primary aim of this thesis is to develop a robust wrinkle detection method and construct novel wrinkle-based methods for face age estimation. First, Hybrid Hessian Filter (HHF) is proposed to segment the wrinkles using the directional gradient and a ridge-valley Gaussian kernel. Second, Hessian Line Tracking (HLT) is proposed for wrinkle detection by exploring the wrinkle connectivity of surrounding pixels using a cross-sectional profile. Experimental results showed that HLT outperforms other wrinkle detection algorithms with an accuracy of 84% and 79% on the datasets of FORERUS and FORERET while HHF achieves 77% and 49%, respectively. Third, Multi-scale Wrinkle Patterns (MWP) is proposed as a novel feature representation for face age estimation using the wrinkle location, intensity and density. Fourth, Hybrid Aging Patterns (HAP) is proposed as a hybrid pattern for face age estimation using Facial Appearance Model (FAM) and MWP. Fifth, Multi-layer Age Regression (MAR) is proposed as a hierarchical model in complementary of FAM and MWP for face age estimation. For performance assessment of age estimation, four datasets namely FGNET, MORPH, FERET and PAL with different age ranges and sample sizes are used as benchmarks. Results showed that MAR achieves the lowest Mean Absolute Error (MAE) of 3.00 ( 4.14) on FERET and HAP scores a comparable MAE of 3.02 ( 2.92) as state of the art. In conclusion, wrinkles are important features and the uniqueness of this pattern should be considered in developing a robust model for face age estimation

    Automatic facial age estimation

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    The reliability of automatically estimating human ages, by processing input facial images, has generally been found to be poor. On other hand, various real world applications, often relating to safety and security, depend on an accurate estimate of a person’s age. In such situations, Face Image based Automatic Age Estimation (FI-AAE) systems which are more reliable and may ideally surpass human ability, are of importance as and represent a critical pre-requisite technology. Unfortunately, in terms of estimation accuracy and thus performance, contemporary FI-AAE systems are impeded by challenges which exist in both of the two major FI-AAE processing phases i.e. i) Age based feature extraction and representation and ii) Age group classification. Challenges in the former phase arise because facial shape and texture change independently and the magnitude of these changes vary during the different stages of a person’s life. Additionally, contemporary schemes struggle to exploit age group specific characteristics of these features, which in turn has a detrimental effect on overall system performance. Furthermore misclassification errors which occur in the second processing phase and are caused by the smooth inter-class variations often observed between adjacent age groups, pose another major challenge and are responsible for low overall FI-AAE performance. In this thesis a novel Multi-Level Age Estimation (ML-AE) framework is proposed that addresses the aforementioned challenges and improves upon state-of-the-art FI-AAE system performance. The proposed ML-AE is a hierarchical classification scheme that maximizes and then exploits inter-class variation among different age groups at each level of the hierarchy. Furthermore, the proposed scheme exploits age based discriminating information taken from two different cues (i.e. facial shape and texture) at the decision level which improves age estimation results. During the process of achieving our main objective of age estimation, this research work also contributes to two associated image processing/analysis areas: i) Face image modeling and synthesis; a process of representing face image data with a low dimensionality set of parameters. This is considered as precursor to every face image based age estimation system and has been studied in this thesis within the context of image face recognition ii) measuring face image data variability that can help in representing/ranking different face image datasets according to their classification difficulty level. Thus a variability measure is proposed that can also be used to predict the classification performance of a given face recognition system operating upon a particular input face dataset. Experimental results based on well-known face image datasets revealed the superior performance of our proposed face analysis, synthesis and face image based age classification methodologies, as compared to that obtained from conventional schemes