29 research outputs found

    Digital Dimension of Smart City: Critical Analysis

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    AbstractThe analyses of publications show unclear differences between the definition of a digital city and a smart city. The critical analysis of references allows us to define the role of a digital dimension of a smart city. A deeper analysis of the concept of smart social systems shows that many social systems can be smart without necessarily basing their activities on Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). That is affirmed by the model of Jucevičius et al. (2013), where the social system is investigated taking into account its relationship with the environment. The paper considers the importance of a digital platform for the smart social systems of the city. Theoretical considerations have been used to develop a conceptual model for evaluation of the importance of a digital dimension for a smart city

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    Climate change reporting for rural broadcasters Engaging rural media for community mobilization on climate-smart agriculture in the Philippines

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    To kick off a pilot rural radio campaign on climate-smart agriculture (CSA), three seminar workshops titled “Climate Change: iBroadkas Mo!”, for rural broadcasters in the Philippines were organized by the Philippine Federation of Rural Broadcasters (PFRB), with the support of the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security in Southeast Asia (CCAFS-SEA). Participants for these seminar workshops were member broadcasters of the PFRB in strategic regions of the Philippines. Moreover, it was also attended by other media practitioners and government information officers from around the area. Participants to the workshops were familiarized with climate change concepts to improve their capacities in broadcasting climate-related issues and concepts to their audiences. The total number of participants for the whole series was 180 which included 147 practicing broadcasters, 19 government information officers and five staff members from the PFRB. Presentations and discussions during the workshops focused on CSA and techniques and practices for broadcasting climate-related issues effectively. Participants were asked to produce prototype scripts and radio programs, which may include two radio spots, a short interview or voice clips of experts, on CSA as their output for the workshops. The PFRB campaign on climate change, which was launched during the workshops, will engage the services and programs of 150 rural broadcasters in the Philippines in mobilizing the rural sector (particularly farmers, fisherfolk and rural women) and advocating the practice of climate smart agriculture. Members of the PFRB and their network of community radio practitioners will be provided with ready-to-be-aired interviews and scripts on climate-smart agriculture. The broadcast materials will be produced in the languages of selected pilot regions. To motivate broadcasters, a reward and incentive system based on listenership and impact shall be put in place

    Evolution of Marketing in Smart Cities through the Collaboration Design

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    Our time sees more and more cities striving to grow into smart cities, which makes this market to grow with a considerable pace. However, there are many challenges of these processes such as municipal budgets, disposability of skilled staff, privacy and cyber security concerns, etc. Besides, by the technology-driven smart city development, an essential thing has been lost on the way—the human dimension. While the world has started to recognize this deficiency, the hunt for the right methodology to do better has begun, and so an open run to understand the relations among humans, technology, and society in order to manage their effect on business and economy. This development will eventually enter the perspective of the electoral body of democratic societies, thus influencing public policy. It will provide the room to a new equilibrium within the triad: people, businesses, and public policy. Being close to the population and their everyday needs (smart), cities will no doubt act as a push factor to these developments. Propelled with technology change and new values, the private-public-people partnerships (PPPP) will earn the pace. The communicators, bringing new relationship to life, are in this way challenged by metadesign: designing for the “new” designer(s)—the empowered end user. Therefore, for the communicators, the next challenge for marketing in smart cities is the creation of tools and methodologies for the new forms of the collaboration design. After presenting the unique factors that are driving the growth of smart cities in different parts of the world, authors identify important challenges that still need to be overcome in different markets. Special focus will be given on the discussion of contemporary challenges of public policy seen through smart cities development, which by requiring new marketing design is exercising pressure on public policy. Smart cities marketing design will be discussed from the perspective of the need to hear human needs, and at the same time to support the functionality of the 4Ps. Its concrete role will be in bringing understanding of the need for collaboration, which can reduce costs of public policy, thus enlarging benefits of collective action in smart cities

    Family group conferencing—its added value in mental health care

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    Worldwide, there is a growing emphasis on reducing coercion and involving social networks in the care of mental health clients. Nurses should encourage their clients to regain control over their lives, preferably with less coercion and with help from their social network. During four years, a Dutch evaluation study was deployed to determine the applicability of mobilising help from social networks of people with psychiatric problems. Specifically the potential of Family Group Conferencing was examined. In this discursive article the question, ‘what Family Group Conferencing adds to the existing methods that aim to reduce coercion in mental health care and promote inclusion’ is addressed

    Smart cities and sharing economy

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    The concepts of smart city and sharing economy are at the centre of a number of current debates, which touch upon, among others, issues like the current urbanisation trends, the particular economic situation we are facing in the last years, the spread of connectivity and of new technologies and the innovation process in general. This working paper looks at the different and common characteristics of both smart cities and sharing economy models, in order to explore their interaction and complementary dynamics. This is done by analysing the specific features of the two, as well as at regulatory and competition issues they trigger within our current legal framework. The final aim is to make some policy suggestions to the local governments, which are called to cope with these phenomena, and for which the latter could constitute a great opportunity to enhance the local welfare

    Zielone Inteligentne Miasta jako nowy paradygmat lokalnego rozwoju

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    The idea of a smart city is widely discussed in literature but is associated to a lesser extent with the idea of moving towards a green smart city. Authors debate the critique of this type of approach and are of the opinion that climate change forces the construction of green models Like businesses, municipalities must be systematically assessed to identify assistance in terms of specialist advice or financial aid. The aim of this article is to develop the concept of a green smart city model, which may become a new development paradigm for municipalities. The article introduces the term eco-transformation in relation to the evolution of changes in the green smart city idea and proposes a tool to measure the action taken by municipalities in their pursuit of ecological maturity. The proposed models are universal in nature, i.e. they can be used to study other areas of a municipality’s activity. Many areas in the model are debatable and difficult for municipalities to incorporate without a critical approach to many areas of knowledge, for example, of municipality management processes, technology, macroeconomic and mesoeconomic specificity, and behavioural analyses.Idea smart city należy do szeroko dyskutowanych w literaturze, ale w mniejszym stopniu wiąże się ją z ideą dążenia do green smart city. Autorzy polemizują z krytyką tego typu ujęcia i są zdania, że zmiany klimatyczne wymuszają budowanie zielonych modeli. Podobnie jak przedsiębiorstwa gminy, muszą podlegać systematycznej ocenie służącej określenia poomocy w zakresie specjalistycznego doradztwa lub pomocy finansowej. Celem artykułu jest opracowanie koncepcji modelu green smart city, która może stać się nowym paradygmatem rozwoju dla gmin.  W artykule wprowadzono termin eko-transformacji w odniesieniu do ewolucji zmian green smart city oraz zaproponowano narzędzie do pomiaru aktywności gmin w dążeniu do dojrzałości ekologicznej. Zaproponowane modele mają uniwersalny charakter tzn. mogą zostać zaproponowane do badania innych obszarów aktywności gminy. Wiele obszarów w modelu jest dyskusyjnych i trudnych do wcielenia przez gminy bez krytycznego podejścia do wielu obszarów wiedzy np. procesów zarządzania gminą, technologii, specyfiki makroekonomicznej i mezoekonomicznej, behawioralnych analiz

    Digital technologies in architecture, engineering, and construction

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    Digitalization in the architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) sector is slow due to significant challenges in technology adoption. The study aims to promote technology adoption by advancing the understanding of digital technologies in the AEC sector. This article presents the findings from a quantitative scoping review, encompassing 3950 technology-related abstracts retrieved from the Scopus database, providing a preliminary assessment of literature size, geographic innovation hotspots, research gaps, and key concepts in the AEC field. The results show that Building Information Modelling (1852 studies) dominates the literature, while topics like 3D Printing (311) and Internet of Things (227) are gaining traction. China (687 publications) and the United States (566) produce most research articles. Despite the increasing interest in emerging technologies, their implementation often necessitates acquiring specific skill sets. Academia needs to put a stronger focus on these technologies in education and tighter collaboration with the industry is needed.publishedVersio

    Key Aspects of the Implementation of the Digital Municipality Project at the North-Western Institute of Management of RANEPA

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    This article discusses the key aspects and prerequisites for the implementation of the Digital Municipality project at the North-Western Institute of Management of the RANEPA. The article analyzes various approaches to understanding the essence of the process of digital transformation of the municipality. The important components of the new paradigm of municipal government are considered. The main problems of digital transformation of municipalities are identified. The role of digital dialogue in the development of the municipality and its inhabitants is studied. As part of the study, an attempt was made to comprehend the role of digital technologies in improving management activities, and the need to implement the Digital Municipality project was substantiated

    Municípios inteligentes e atividade empreendedora: o contexto português

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    The smart city is an opportunity to unleash innovation and entrepreneurship for urban development. This research contributes to the discussion on the development of entrepreneurial ecosystems associated with smart cities. The main objective of this study is to determine which smart attributes (Smart Governance, Smart Environment, Smart Living and Smart People) are particularly relevant to the entrepreneurial activity of a smart municipality and as a secondary objective to create rankings for the municipalities for these attributes. To answer to the objectives of the study, a quantitative methodology is used based on several indicators for the 278 municipalities, indicators that have been defined in the literature on smart cities. The data obtained for the variables were compiled by INE and PORDATA and refer to the year 2020. The multivariate statistical methods used are based on structural equation models. The results shows that the factors Smart People, Smart Living and Smart Environment have a significant impact on Entrepreneurial Activity and that Smart People is the dimension that has the greatest impact on entrepreneurial activity, succeeded by Smart Living and Smart Environment.A cidade inteligente é uma oportunidade para desencadear inovação e empreendedorismo para o desenvolvimento urbano. Esta pesquisa contribui para a discussão sobre o desenvolvimento de ecossistema empreendedores associados a cidades inteligentes. Este estudo tem como objetivo principal determinar quais os atributos inteligentes (Smart Governance, Smart Environment, Smart Living e Smart People) que são particularmente relevantes para a atividade empreendedora de um município inteligente e como objetivo secundário criar rankings para os municípios para esses atributos. Para responder aos objetivos do estudo é utilizada uma metodologia quantitativa baseada em diversos indicadores para os 278 municípios, indicadores que têm sido definidos na literatura sobre as cidades inteligentes. Os dados obtidos para as variáveis foram compilados pelo INE e pelo PORDATA e são referentes ao ano 2020. Os métodos estatísticos multivariados utilizados baseados em modelos de equações estruturais. Os resultados revelam que os fatores Smart People, Smart Living e Smart Environment tem um impacto significativo na Atividade Empreendedora e que as Smart People é a dimensão que tem maior impacto na atividade empreendedora, sucedida pela Smart Living e pelo Smart Environment