11 research outputs found

    Smart furniture as a component of a smart city-definition based on key technologies specification

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    There are dozens of definitions of smart furniture with meanings that vary greatly. Thus, the aim of this paper is to provide an exact definition of the phrase ``smart furniture'' based on literature and patent analysis. Why a definition? Because by providing a good definition, we have a statement that captures the meaning, the use, the function, and the essence of a term or a concept and allows the impacts on stakeholders to be described. A literature search was undertaken between 20 July 2018 and 31 August 2018, and the databases searched included SCOPUS, Web of Science, and IEEE Xplore (1998 2017), which were searched by keywords that included the phrase ``smart furniture.'' Patent searching was performed in the ESPACENET database, where 226 articles from scientific databases and 737 patent applications were examined. After the application of strict criteria, we obtained 23 articles and six patents containing meaningful definitions of smart furniture. Based on the results, smart furniture should be defined as designed, networked furniture that is equipped with an intelligent system or is controller operated with the user's data and energy sources. Smart furniture needs to have the ability to communicate and anticipate a user's needs using a plurality of sensors and actuators inside the user's environment, resulting in user-adapted furniture. The research results and discussion presented in this paper are based on the recognition that the smart furniture research has great policymaking, technological, and economy potential while contributing to the user's wellbeing and Quality of Life (QoL). This paper indicates that the collaboration between the ICT and social-economic research has to be initiated and consolidated in a sustainable way or in an environment that satisfies the needs expressed by the user.This work supported in part by the LTC INTER COST, Evaluation of the Potential for Reducing Health and Social Expenses for Elderly People Using the Smart Environment, through the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, Czech Republic, under Project LTC18035, in part by the Spanish Ministry of Science and University under Project TIN2016-75850-R, in part by the Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) under Research University Grant Vot-20H04, in part by the Malaysia Research University Network (MRUN) under Grant Vot 4L876, and in part by the Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS) through the Ministry of Education Malaysia under Grant Vot 5F073

    Transformasi analisis konfigurasi desain smart office desk untuk kebutuhan work from home

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    The work from home concept has become a common work system to reduce the rate of spread of COVID-19 cases. The adjustment of the portion of working in the office only below 50% in the next few years. Unfortunately, the impact of working from home is the flexibility of working time. There is no dividing wall between work time and personal time. Increased workloads and work delays often occur which ultimately affect the performance of workers. The work desk design development could be alternative solution. Referring to the trend of furniture design in the next few years, smart furniture design is becoming a trend that is in demand and needed to improve the quality of life. Smart furniture includes the application of intelligent systems / controllers to furniture designs in the form of sensors and actuators that are tailored to user needs. Research was conducted on the configuration analysis of smart office desk designs for the needs of working at home. The results are recommendations for the layout of user detector on the desk, the process of integrating the desk and the user detector, the final design, the design requirements and objectives in the development of a smart office desk

    Validation Framework and Quality Assurance System for Furniture Smartification Processes

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    The integration of electronic hardware into furniture aims to improve the user experience and quality of life. In order for the smartified furniture to have the functionalities predefined by the user, it is necessary to perform validations throughout the process of designing and developing smartified furniture. The focus of this dissertation is the Quality Assurance System, which is responsible for the validations of the furniture smartification process, ensuring that the hardware components used for the development of the solution are compatible with each other and with the dimensions of the furniture, and that the smartified furniture has the intended functionalities. A framework scenario of the Quality Assurance System and the intervening systems required for the process of integrating hardware into furniture is presented. Based on the scenario, a validation framework is presented, whose main purpose is to validate the intermediate steps of the furniture smartification process. The applicability of the validation framework in the smartification process, ensures that: the hardware used in the development of the solution is valid, the smartification problem is feasible, the solution and the furniture smartification prototype are both dimensionally and functionally valid. The implementation and testing of the validation framework are presented and demonstrated on two real-life furniture smartification use cases.A integração de hardware no mobiliário tem como objetivo melhorar a experiência e qualidade de vida do utilizador. De modo que o mobiliário smartificado tenha as funcionalidades predefinas pelo utiliza-dor, é necessário executar validações ao longo do processo de projeção e desenvolvimento de smartifi-cação de mobiliário. O foco da presente dissertação é o Sistema de Garantia de Qualidade, que é responsável pelas validações do processo de smartificação do mobiliário, assegurando que os componentes de hardware utilizados para o desenvolvimento da solução sejam compatíveis entre si e com as dimensões do mobi-liário e que o mobiliário smartificado tenha as funcionalidades pretendidas. É apresentado um cenário de enquadramento do Sistema de Garantia de Qualidade e os sistemas intervenientes necessários ao processo de integração de hardware em mobiliário. Com base no cenário, é apresentado uma framework de validação, cuja principal finalidade é validar as etapas intermédias do processo de smartificação de mobiliário. A aplicabilidade da estrutura de validação no processo de smar-tificação, assegura que: o hardware utilizado no desenvolvimento da solução é valido, o problema de smartificação é viável, a solução e o protótipo de smartificação do mobiliário são válidos tanto em ter-mos dimensionais como funcionais. A implementação e testagem da framework de validação são apresentadas e demonstradas em dois casos de uso reais de smartificação de mobiliário

    Akıllı İç Mekan Mobilyalarının Sınıflandırılması

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    Günümüzde ev kullanıcısının istek ve ihtiyaçları her geçen gün artmaktadır. Bu bütün istek ve ihtiyaçları karşılamak için daha geniş alanlar yaratmak bir sorundur. Bu anlamda daha büyük bir konut birimine geçmek yerine daha fazla insanın ihtiyacını karşılayan birden fazla işleve sahip çözümler gerekmektedir. Bu makalede, akıllı ev sitemlerinin bir parçası olan akıllı mobilyalar, günümüzün ihtiyaçları ve teknoloji yönelimleriyle birlikte incelenmiştir. Makale, akıllı mobilyaların mantığının genel perspektifinin görülmesi ve akıllı mobilyaların potansiyel yönelimlerinin irdelenmesi açısından önemlidir. Makalede akıllı mobilyalar günümüzdeki dağılımına göre sınıflandırılmış, avantaj ve dezavantajları ortaya konulmuştur. Bu bakımdan bu çalışmanın aynı zamanda mevcut literatürü toparlayıcı bir etkisinin olması beklenmektedir

    Soluciones TIC para envejecimiento activo y saludable en el hogar, en el puesto de trabajo y en la sociedad

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    [SPA] Esta tesis doctoral se presenta bajo la modalidad de compendio de publicaciones.La presente tesis doctoral compendia las publicaciones resultado de varios años de trabajo en el marco de tres líneas de investigación relacionadas con envejecimiento activo y soluciones e-health y Ambient Assisted Living para la población de edad más avanzada: Mobiliario inteligente y espacios inteligentes, envejecimiento activo y saludable, y soluciones de las Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones (TIC) enfocadas al cuidado de la salud en general y a las personas mayores en particular. Dichos trabajos muestran los resultados de un análisis del estado del arte, patentes y otros, para poder establecer una definición precisa del concepto de Mobiliario Inteligente con el objetivo de destacar sus propiedades en cuanto a funcionalidad y al elemento digital activo y conectado. Además, es necesario destacar que el mobiliario inteligente debe ser considerado como un ente integrado en el concepto de ciudades inteligentes o calidad de vida. Por ello la investigación del estado del arte se centra en envejecimiento de la población activa, tendencias recientes, direcciones futuras y envejecimiento en el trabajo. El objetivo es poder extraer conclusiones en cuanto a los principales problemas de motivación y proponer respuestas eficaces que apoyen el envejecimiento en el trabajo y soluciones e-health que permita a la población senior vivir de manera independiente durante más tiempo a través, tanto de una arquitectura IoT de bajo rango para ayudar a abordar los retos de despliegue de servicios e-health en áreas rurales, como de un sistema de teleasistencia basado en el cuidado proactivo, el envejecimiento activo, la prevención y las necesidades de los usuarios y sus entornos. [ENG] This doctoral dissertation has been presented in the form of thesis by publication. The present doctoral thesis summarises a set of publications resulting from several years of work within the framework of three research lines on active ageing and e-health solutions and Ambient Assisted Living for the ageing population: Smart furniture and Smart habitats, active and healthy ageing and Information and Communication Technology solutions focused on health care in general and on the adult population in particular. Such works show the results of an analysis of the state of the art, patents, and others, to establish a precise definition of the concept of Smart Furniture to highlight its properties in terms of functionality and the active and connected digital element, and to underline that smart furniture must be considered as an integrated entity in the concept of Smart Cities or Quality of Life. For this reason, the state-of-the- art research focuses on the aging workforce, recent trends, future directions, and aging at work. The aim is to draw conclusions on the main motivational issues and to propose effective responses that support the concept of aging at work, as well as e-health solutions for the senior population to live independently for longer through both, a low-range IoT architecture to help address the challenges of deploying a e-health system in rural areas, and a tele-assistance system based on proactivity, prevention, and users’ needs and their environments.Esta tesis doctoral se presenta bajo la modalidad de compendio de publicaciones. Está formada por un total de cuatro artículos. Artículo 1.-: Krejcar, O., Maresova, P., Selamat, A., Melero, F. J., Barakovic, S., Husic, J. B., Herrera-Viedma, E., Frischer, R., & Kuca, K., 2019. Smart furniture as a component of a smart city—definition based on key technologies specification. IEEE Access, volumen 7. https://doi.org/10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2927778. Artículo 2.-: Barakovic Husic, J., Melero, F. J., Barakovic, S., Lameski, P., Zdravevski, E., Maresova, P., Krejcar, O., Chorveb, I., Garcia, N.M, & Trajkovik, V., 2020. Aging at Work: A Review of Recent Trends and Future Directions. International journal of environmental research and public health, volumen 17 https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph17207659. Artículo 3.-: Dimitrievski, A., Filiposka, S., Melero, F. J., Zdravevski, E., Lameski, P., Pires, I. M., Garcia N.M., Lousado, J.P. & Trajkovik, V., 2021. Rural Healthcare IoT Architecture Based on Low-Energy LoRa. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public health, volumen 18. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph18147660 Artículo 4.-: Melero, F. J., Bueno, M.V., Martínez, R., Maestre, R., Beteta, M.A., Puebla, T., Bleda, A.L., Sánchez, G., Pérez, R. & Álvarez, M., 2022. Design and Development of a Heterogeneous Active Assisted Living Solution for Monitoring and Following-up with Chronic Heart Failure Patients in Spain. Sensors, Volumen 22, https://doi.org/10.3390/s22228961Escuela Internacional de Doctorado de la Universidad Politécnica de CartagenaUniversidad Politécnica de CartagenaPrograma de Doctorado en Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicacione

    Smart indoor plantation system using soil moisture sensor and light dependent resistor sensor

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    Plantation methods, including hydroponics, have been extensively used in agriculture. They also employed a time-based irrigation system for the plant. The goal of this project was to create a self-sustaining indoor plantation system that uses soil moisture sensor data to control the flow of water when the sensor detects that the soil is almost dry. Soil conditions are monitored, and crops are irrigated more efficiently with the help of this new technology. Water is conserved by just watering the plants when they absolutely need it, rather than watering them continually all the time as the traditional method would require. Light-dependent resistors are used to measure the brightness of the surroundings in this project. As a result, the grow light will be activated when the ambient light level drops. With the help of a soil moisture sensor and a light-dependent resistor (LDR), one can create a system that automatically waters and lights plants. Finally, the soil moisture sensor collects data for the sprinkler system and displays it on the LCD screen, and then the appropriate measures are taken. When the soil's humidity level is high, the water that flows will be stopped

    Analysis Application of Controllable Load Appliances Management in a Smart Home

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    The residential sector is one of the sectors with the highest rates of electricity consumption worldwide. For years, many studies have been presented in order to minimize energy consumption at the residential level. The idea of such studies is that the residential customer (RC) is the interested party of their own consumption. Moreover, the algorithms that have been developed to predict and manage the energy consumption, also analyze the behavior of the loads, with the objective of minimizing the energy costs, with good safety, robustness, and comfort levels. In the context of the smart house (SH), one of the objectives of smart grids (SGs) is to enable the RC, with home energy management systems (HEM), to actively participate, allowing for higher reliability at different levels. In this work, a new model that simulates the behavior of an SH, considering heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) and sanitarian water heater (SWH) devices, is presented. For this purpose, the proposed model considers realistic physical parameters of the SH, together with customer comfort, in order to mitigate the RC disinterest. The proposed model considers the electric vehicle (EV), a battery-based energy storage system (ESS), a micro production unit, and different types of tariffs that the RC might choose, aiming to maximize the benefits, and temporarily shifting the proposed loads.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Smart Furniture as a Component of a Smart City-Definition Based on Key Technologies Specification

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    There are dozens of definitions of smart furniture with meanings that vary greatly. Thus, the aim of this paper is to provide an exact definition of the phrase ``smart furniture'' based on literature and patent analysis. Why a definition? Because by providing a good definition, we have a statement that captures the meaning, the use, the function, and the essence of a term or a concept and allows the impacts on stakeholders to be described. A literature search was undertaken between 20 July 2018 and 31 August 2018, and the databases searched included SCOPUS, Web of Science, and IEEE Xplore (1998 2017), which were searched by keywords that included the phrase ``smart furniture.'' Patent searching was performed in the ESPACENET database, where 226 articles from scientific databases and 737 patent applications were examined. After the application of strict criteria, we obtained 23 articles and six patents containing meaningful definitions of smart furniture. Based on the results, smart furniture should be defined as designed, networked furniture that is equipped with an intelligent system or is controller operated with the user's data and energy sources. Smart furniture needs to have the ability to communicate and anticipate a user's needs using a plurality of sensors and actuators inside the user's environment, resulting in user-adapted furniture. The research results and discussion presented in this paper are based on the recognition that the smart furniture research has great policymaking, technological, and economy potential while contributing to the user's wellbeing and Quality of Life (QoL). This paper indicates that the collaboration between the ICT and social-economic research has to be initiated and consolidated in a sustainable way or in an environment that satisfies the needs expressed by the user.This work supported in part by the LTC INTER COST, Evaluation of the Potential for Reducing Health and Social Expenses for Elderly People Using the Smart Environment, through the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, Czech Republic, under Project LTC18035, in part by the Spanish Ministry of Science and University under Project TIN2016-75850-R, in part by the Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) under Research University Grant Vot-20H04, in part by the Malaysia Research University Network (MRUN) under Grant Vot 4L876, and in part by the Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS) through the Ministry of Education Malaysia under Grant Vot 5F073

    Smart Furniture as a Component of a Smart City—Definition Based on Key Technologies Specification

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    Smart Outdoors: a proposal for a public park in Campo de Ourique

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    Assistive technology-based innovation is a promising idea that aims to achieve and improve the well-being of humans. Currently, the focus of technology has changed, seeking to serve specific populations, especially the elderly, reducing the barriers they face on a daily basis when conducting outdoor activities. Most research carried out in an assisted environment is concentrated mainly in private spaces, such as homes, nursing homes and others. This research aims to propose design solutions based on the concept of an assisted environment on a city scale. By doing so, the elderly population can experience and live in collective and public environments (specifically in a public park) independently. In this context, interviews with specialists and observation studies were developed to understand the problems and needs of this specific population. Interviews were targeted to obtain insight from experts regarding the use of technology to solve the elderly’s problems in cities. However, the results did not give adequate insight to use within the study. Next, observations were also carried out in a public park in Campo Ourique, Lisbon to acquire insight from the field to observe/witness the problems of the elderly from a first-person point of view. The observation results showed the difficulties that the population in question faced. Consequently, design solution ideas were proposed to design a smart public park which might overcome the problems that were found in the literature and in the user observations. During the observations, it was seen that the elderly population is very active and highly values an outdoor space to spend time. In this sense, the design proposal could improve and facilitate the lives of the elderly, seeking as much as possible to reduce the barriers that were both observed and reported by experts throughout the interviews. Due to COVID-19, the study had limited access to the users and an evaluation phase could not be done. However, as a future work, user studies will continue to discover more about the elderly’s problems and eventually the scenarios and proposed solutions will be evaluated by them. Furthermore, applicability, usability and feasibility of the proposed ideas will be tested by more users (i.e., experts, stakeholders).A inovação baseada em tecnologia assistiva ainda é uma ideia promissora que visa alcançar e melhorar o bem-estar dos humanos. Atualmente, o foco da tecnologia mudou, buscando atender populações específicas, principalmente os idosos, reduzindo as barreiras que eles enfrentam no dia a dia na realização de atividades ao ar livre. A maioria das pesquisas realizadas em ambiente assistido concentra-se principalmente em espaços privados, como residências, asilos e outros. A pesquisa tem como objetivo propor soluções de design baseadas no conceito de ambiente assistido à escala da cidade, onde a população idosa pode vivenciar e viver os ambientes coletivos e públicos (especificamente num parque público) de forma independente. Nesse sentido, foram desenvolvidas entrevistas com especialistas e estudos de observação para entender os problemas e necessidades dessa população específica. As entrevistas foram direcionadas para obter insights de especialistas sobre o uso de tecnologia para resolver os problemas dos idosos nas cidades. No entanto, os resultados não forneceram percepções adequadas para serem usadas no estudo. Em seguida, foram também realizadas observações num parque público do Campo D’Ourique, em Lisboa, para obter insights do campo para observar / testemunhar os problemas dos idosos do ponto de vista da primeira pessoa. Os resultados da observação evidenciaram as dificuldades enfrentadas pela população em questão. Consequentemente, ideias de soluções de design foram propostas para projetar um parque público inteligente que pudesse superar os problemas que foram encontrados na literatura e nas observações do usuário. Durante as observações, percebeu-se que a população idosa é muito ativa e valoriza muito um espaço ao ar livre para passar o tempo. Nesse sentido, a proposta do projeto poderia melhorar e facilitar a vida dos idosos, buscando ao máximo reduzir as barreiras que foram observadas e relatadas pelos especialistas ao longo das entrevistas. Devido ao COVID-19, o estudo limitou-se ao acesso aos usuários e não foi possível realizar a fase de avaliação. No entanto, como um trabalho futuro, os estudos de usuários continuarão a descobrir mais sobre os problemas dos idosos e, eventualmente, os cenários e as soluções propostas serão avaliados por eles. Além disso, a aplicabilidade, usabilidade e viabilidade das ideias propostas serão testadas por mais usuários (ou seja, especialistas, partes interessadas)