12 research outputs found

    Enhancing Security of Smart Buildings using Internet of Things

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    International audienceBecause of the low and affordable prices of central processing units (CPUs), in the new computer processing era, using the CPU-based technologies is a must in today world. In this regard, enhancement of smart buildings' security using the agent-based approaches is analyzed in this paper. This approach considers all the potentials of devices in the smart environment and utilizes them in order to provide the building's security

    Sustainable Development: An Analytical Vision for Smart Dubai City Social Policies

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    This study explores the sociological perspective required for achieving holistic and sustainable development in social contexts. It focuses on Dubai as a smart city exemplar, investigating the integration of comprehensive development that encompasses social, economic, cultural, and technological aspects, as well as sustainable development that includes environmental sustainability. The research provides valuable insights into Smart Dubais social dimensions and highlights its commendable efforts towards sustainable social development. The discussion explores the various social policies implemented in Dubai, which serve to regulate the conduct, initiatives, and practices of both the government and non-governmental entities, as well as individuals, in order to address a wide array of social challenges. Furthermore, it explores the application of certain development theories, such as post-modernism, and how they have contributed to Dubais cultural shift towards embracing socio-economic standards. Additionally, the theory of ecological modernization is examined, highlighting its role in integrating environmental concerns with social institutions that promote sustainable policies for the advancement of a smart city. The research employs a case study methodology, analyzing secondary data and official records to assess Smart Dubais policies and highlight its social sustainability development. Findings reveal that Smart Dubai has made significant progress in embracing social issues through its policies, and it is on the road towards social sustainability in terms of family unity, gender equality, demographic balance, health, education, popular participation and balancing in terms of services between UAE citizens and expatriates. The research recommends that Dubai have a bureau for studying policies to mitigate social challenges and phenomena as well as an authority for collecting social data


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    IoT represents a network of Internet-enabled, real-world objects, such as nanotechnology, consumer electronics, home appliances, sensors of all kinds, embedded systems, and personal mobile devices. It includes enabling network and communication technologies, such as IPv6, web services, RFID, and 4G networks. We are already applying IoT solutions in practical ways by using mobile devices. A keyaspect of SC is the efficient management of utilities, enabled by smart metering of the residential consumption ofelectricity, water or gas

    Conceptualización de territorios inteligentes: Una aproximación desde el enfoque sociotécnico.

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    El concepto de territorios inteligentes ha ido emergiendo en la literatura por la necesidad de extender las premisas de las ciudades inteligentes a entornos rurales o de enfoque regional. Este trabajo hace una conceptualización de territorios inteligentes desde un enfoque sociotécnico,a partir de la revisión de literatura del concepto de ciudad inteligente, donde se identifican tanto componentes tecnológicos (conectividad, analítica, instrumentación y aplicaciones) como contextuales (institucionalización, especialización inteligente e innovación), como parte esencialpara el desarrollo de estas iniciativas. Se expone una arquitectura genérica con los componentes expuestos y se definen algunas estrategias para la dinamización de territorios inteligentes a partir de los componentes propuestos

    Силабус навчальної дисципліни "Проектування, конструювання та надійність", "Інтернет речей" для здобувачів вищої освіти ступеня «бакалавр», які навчаються за освітньо-професійною програмою "Інтернет речей", 121 "Інженерія програмного забезпечення"

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    Навчальна дисципліна призначена для формування у студентів стійких знань та вироблення навичок з принципів проектування, конструювання та надійності програмно-апаратних платформ і пристроїв Інтернету речей. Будуть розглянуті ключові питання розробки апаратних платформ і пристроїв відповідно до концепції Інтернету речей, мережевої та міжмашинної взаємодії розроблених апаратних платформ. У рамках дисципліни обговорюються і розглядаються практичні питання підключення датчиків та сенсорів до апаратних платформ і питання їх конфігурації. Окремо розглядається процес програмування мікроконтролерів апаратних пристроїв Інтернету речей і питання розробки програмного забезпечення для забезпечення управління, збору даних та конфігурації програмно-апаратних платформ і пристроїв Інтернету речей. Здобувачі отримують теоретичні та практичні знання в галузі розробки програмно-апаратних платформ і пристроїв Інтернету речей, забезпечення необхідного рівня володіння інструментами дослідження, проектування, конструювання та надійності засобів Інтернету речей, для більш глибшого розуміння реалізації його основних функцій

    The emergence of smart cities and the Importance of IOT for its development: a study in Portugal: Lisbon

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    Thegrowing urbanization combined with the aging population and energy requirements lead cities to face serious challenges that can be mitigated with the development of Smart Cities, supported by Internet of Thingsapplications. With this Work Project, it was expectedto define a strategy to improve Lisbon as a Smart City. Thus, after having analyzed the city’s Current Positioning and conductedPrimary Research, it was understood that traffic, inefficient management of solid waste and ineffective health servicesare the main problems.Adding to that, I found there to bea weak level of ideas and experience exchangebetween different citiesin Portugal,a low level of citizen’s engagement in smart projectsand a lack of cooperation from universities. Therefore, theSmart Strategy Plan for Lisbon was developed taking these issues as the main priorities

    The use of a user-centric smart mobile application prototype for supporting safety and security in a city: a design science method

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    Cities have always been the drivers of innovation, growth and change. Cities around the world are still rapidly expanding, especially on the African and Asian continents. Cape Town is one of those cities, where urbanisation rates are high, and crime is persisting at alarmingly high levels with crime rates being among the worst in the country and the world. Additionally, the city is home to 7 of 10 worst-performing police services in the country. Combining these factors, there is a need to look at ‘smart' ways of growth which includes facilitating a safe and secure city for citizens. Although Cape Town is pursuing smart initiatives, these have failed to place communities and individuals among the key stakeholders in the smart planning process. This research focuses on further researching smart city initiatives in Cape Town, placing citizens at the centre of the development process. As Cape Town's mobile phone penetration rate is high and access to Internet is rapidly expanding, this research aims to use crowdsourcing techniques for developing a smart mobile application prototype that is focused on enhancing community engagement and facilitating increased perceived feelings of safety and security for citizens. The study uses a Design Science Research method with Cape Town citizens as the main stakeholders, to propose an artifact based on their wishes, needs and current issues faced with regards to safety and security in the city. The proposed artifact focuses on enhancing community engagement, through a chat room and user-logged incident reports, as well as a customised safe route planning functionality where users can send emergency signals to comembers with the use of GPS live location tracking. The research shows participants are willing to adopt the use of the mobile application prototype, given there is substantial community buy-in, and the functionalities in the app are easy to use and quickly accessible. The study further identifies the need for better police follow up and involvement, as the city's police system could benefit from crowd-sourced crime-data in reducing the number of crimes in neighbourhoods to make citizens feel more safe and secure

    Predictive smart relaying schemes for decentralized wireless systems

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    Recent developments in decentralized wireless networks make the technology potentially deployable in an extremely broad scenarios and applications. These include mobile Internet of Things (IoT) networks, smart cities, future innovative communication systems with multiple aerial layer flying network platforms and other advanced mobile communication networks. The approach also could be the solution for traditional operated mobile network backup plans, balancing traffic flow, emergency communication systems and so on. This thesis reveals and addresses several issues and challenges in conventional wireless communication systems, particular for the cases where there is a lack of resources and the disconnection of radio links. There are two message routing plans in the data packet store, carry and forwarding form are proposed, known as KaFiR and PaFiR. These employ the Bayesian filtering approach to track and predict the motion of surrounding portable devices and determine the next layer among candidate nodes. The relaying strategies endow smart devices with the intelligent capability to optimize the message routing path and improve the overall network performance with respect to resilience, tolerance and scalability. The simulation and test results present that the KaFiR routing protocol performs well when network subscribers are less mobile and the relaying protocol can be deployed on a wide range of portable terminals as the algorithm is rather simple to operate. The PaFiR routing strategy takes advantages of the Particle Filter algorithm, which can cope with complex network scenarios and applications, particularly when unmanned aerial vehicles are involved as the assisted intermediate layers. When compared with other existing DTN routing protocols and some of the latest relaying plans, both relaying protocols deliver an excellent overall performance for the key wireless communication network evolution metrics, which shows the promising future for this brand new research direction. Further extension work directions based on the tracking and prediction methods are suggested and reviewed. Future work on some new applications and services are also addressed

    The smart city – powerful but frightfully vulnerable? : a study of resilience building in high-tech societies

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    Urban development has long been shaped and affected by technological development. The latest urban ideal is to invite the digital world to form the so called smart city. The smart city is arguably gaining momentum and its principles are becoming materialized in more and more cities around the world. As envisioned, this might just cast a shadow over previous technologies in terms of its ubiquitousness and its alleged potential for solving some of our times most urgent problems. However, our general concern is that the momentum and imagined solution-orientation towards urgent urban problems may override a constructive debate on whether the smart city is being rolled out in such a way as to enhance and not undermine the ability of cities to withstand and cope with stress while maintaining the ability to reorganize while undergoing change. In other words, is the smart city a friend or foe to the quest of building resilience? As a nascent urban development ideal, we think that this is an optimal time to begin mapping out challenges that the smart city poses and try to understand the societal implications thereof. The aim of this study is divided in two: firstly, a conceptual aim to scrutinize the smart city through a theoretical resilience lens in order to identify key challenges, and secondly to complement this, an empirical curiosity on how practitioners in smart city initiatives approach some of these challenges. Due to the fact that many smart cities still are in their early stages, this study in many ways deal with potential challenges that smart cities may entail. Hence this study, on a genera level, aims to explore and map out relevant aspects of resilience that potentially will become more important over time as the technological development of smart cities progresses. This study finds that what seems to be the most pertinent challenge in building resilient smart cities is to keep pace with threats that can exploit the emerging risk landscape that the smart city give impetus to. It is nothing but a daunting task to cater to a city that in practice ought to be smart but at the same time not in danger of being frightfully vulnerable. Additionally, this study finds that it is challenging to reserve proper attention to non-functional aspects in the planning and implementation phase, such as safeguarding smart technology from various intrusions and attacks and involving citizen in the process, with consequences for resilience. This, we conclude, has much to do with the challenge of thoroughly grasping the impact of technology as a determining factor of how the city develops