6 research outputs found

    The Internet of Things Research in Agriculture: A Bibliometric Analysis

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    An in-depth analysis of Internet of Things (IoT) applications expertise for agriculture. This article's primary purpose is to provide a comprehensive and organized review of IoT research in agriculture themes. Although recent research has offered some pertinent information regarding the analysis of IoT applications in agriculture, further information is needed. Bibliometric analysis is utilized to objectively investigate, and develop information knowledge of IoT applications in agriculture. The papers investigated and examined the themes of IoT-agriculture by analyzing the co-occurrence keywords. The analysis began by picking 550 papers from the Scopus database that were published from 2003 to May 2023. The results show that IoT agriculture papers have grown rapidly since 2015 until now. The three journals that published the most IoT agricultural publications are Sensors (Switzerland), Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, and IEEE Access. Based on the co-occurrence keywords, the focus of IoT paper in agriculture is wireless sensors network (WSN) and radio frequency identification (RFID) for agricultural monitoring, smart agriculture with IoT blockchain and machine learning, IoT greenhouses with cloud computing and artificial intelligence (AI), components of IoT agriculture, precision agriculture with low power low range (LoRa) communication network and IoT cloud platform, smart farming with sensor networks and automation. The study provided an understanding of themes of the IoT agriculture that has been carried out and its future growth. The future of IoT application will elaborate a system efficient, consumes less energy, and emits less carbon dioxide. It has begun by combining IoT-agriculture with the technology edge-fog-cloud layer

    Technological Platforms that Help in the Decision Making Process Using Data Mining in Agriculture 4.0

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    Debido a la ausencia de un monitoreo constante de plataformas en tiempo real que permitan la gestión de la información de manera inmediata se ha notado la creciente necesidad de implementar plataformas web que permitan hacer el registro de distintas cantidades de productos agrícolas que se pueden recoger mediante sensores y que serían posibles de monitorear en aras de buscar una posible solución para la mitigación de la pobreza en la agricultura y la escasez de productos agrícolas por los elevados costos de los insumos para los campesinos lo que les dificulta la producción y sostenibilidad para Colombia.  La metodología que se va a implementar para la generación de este estado del arte es de tipo meta análisis en donde se realiza una revisión bibliográfica entre los años 2017 a 2022 con el ánimo de recolectar información que se dirija hacia conocer los distintos parámetros que son necesarios para la construcción de una plataforma de análisis de datos  que permita  hacer la generación de reportes estadísticos que conduzcan hacia un proceso de toma de decisiones que coadyuve a los campesinos a mejorar sus ingresos y conocer de forma acertada el estado del clima en tiempo real. Por lo tanto, en este paper se presenta el diseño y modelado UML de una plataforma agrícola que permite el análisis de la información disponible acerca de los distintos productos agrícolas que se encuentran disponibles llegando a examinar hasta que punto se está realizando esta recolección de información y donde se puede comenzar a realizar una red de sensores para Funza, Mosquera y Madrid en Cundinamarca.Due to the absence of constant monitoring of real-time platforms that allow the management of information immediately, it has been noticed the growing need to implement web platforms that allow the registration of different quantities of agricultural products that can be collected by sensors and that would be possible to monitor in order to find a possible solution for poverty alleviation in agriculture and the shortage of agricultural products due to the high costs of inputs for farmers which hinders their production and sustainability for Colombia. The methodology to be implemented for the generation of this state of the art is of meta-analysis type where a literature review is performed between the years 2017 to 2022 with the aim of collecting information that is directed towards knowing the different parameters that are necessary for the construction of a data analysis platform that allows the generation of statistical reports that lead to a decision-making process that helps farmers to improve their income and accurately know the state of the climate in real time. Therefore, this paper presents the design and UML modeling of an agricultural platform that allows the analysis of the available information about the different agricultural products that are available and examines the extent to which this information collection is being done and where to start building a sensor network for Funza, Mosquera and Madrid in Cundinamarca

    Mobile Computing: Trend, Challenges, Trend Topics, Success Factors and Implementation Fields

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    This paper aims to explore the development of mobile computing in knowing trends, challenges, trending topics, success factors, and what fields apply to mobile computing. This study uses a systematic literature review (SLR) methodology consisting of several stages: search strategy, literature criteria, data extraction and monitoring, and data synthesis. The analysis results describing the research findings show that from the reviewed articles, it can be concluded that Mobile Computing is implemented to support and play an important role in community and organizational activities in all disciplines. Mobile computing has a very important role in the ease of use of device applications. The research results can also describe the evolution of mobile computing so that it can be studied in more depth

    Precision Agriculture for Sustainable Soil and Crop Management

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    Precision agriculture (PA) transforms traditional practices into a new world of production of agriculture. It uses a range of technologies or diagnostic tools such as global navigation satellite system (GNSS), geographic information systems (GIS), yield monitors, near-infrared reflectance sensing, and remote sensing in collecting and analyzing the in-field spatial variability data, thereby enabling farmers to monitor and make site-specific management decisions for soils and crops. PA technology enables visualization of spatial and temporal variations of production resources and supports spatially varying treatments using variable rate application technologies installed on farm agricultural field machinery. The demand for PA is driven by recognition within-field variability and opportunities for treating areas within a field or production unit differently. PA can be applied to multiple cultural practices including tillage, precision seeding, variable rate fertilizer application, precision irrigation and selective pesticide application; and facilitates other management decisions making, for example, site-specific deep tillage to remove soil compaction. PA technology ensures optimal use of production inputs and contributes to a significant increase in farm profitability. By reducing crop production inputs and managing farmland in an environmentally sensible manner, PA technology plays a vital role in sustainable soil and crop management in modern agriculture

    Emerging Technologies

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    This monograph investigates a multitude of emerging technologies including 3D printing, 5G, blockchain, and many more to assess their potential for use to further humanity’s shared goal of sustainable development. Through case studies detailing how these technologies are already being used at companies worldwide, author Sinan Küfeoğlu explores how emerging technologies can be used to enhance progress toward each of the seventeen United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and to guarantee economic growth even in the face of challenges such as climate change. To assemble this book, the author explored the business models of 650 companies in order to demonstrate how innovations can be converted into value to support sustainable development. To ensure practical application, only technologies currently on the market and in use actual companies were investigated. This volume will be of great use to academics, policymakers, innovators at the forefront of green business, and anyone else who is interested in novel and innovative business models and how they could help to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. This is an open access book


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    PENSAMIENTO CRÍTICO EN LA INVESTIGACIÓN CIENTÍFICA Y ACADÉMICA COLECCIÓN CIENTÍFICA EDUCACIÓN, EMPRESA Y SOCIEDAD Primera Edición 2023 Vol. 21 Editorial EIDEC Sello Editorial EIDEC (978-958-53018) NIT 900583173-1 ISBN: 978-628-95884-1-5 Formato: Digital PDF (Portable Document Format) DOI: https://doi.org/10.34893/e1150-3660-8721-s Publicación: Colombia Fecha Publicación: 13/09/2023 Coordinación Editorial Escuela Internacional de Negocios y Desarrollo Empresarial de Colombia – EIDEC Centro de Investigación Científica, Empresarial y Tecnológica de Colombia – CEINCET Red de Investigación en Educación, Empresa y Sociedad – REDIEES Revisión y pares evaluadores Centro de Investigación Científica, Empresarial y Tecnológica de Colombia – CEINCET Red de Investigación en Educación, Empresa y Sociedad – REDIEE