30,990 research outputs found

    Particle detection and tracking in fluorescence time-lapse imaging: a contrario approach

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    This paper proposes a probabilistic approach for the detection and the tracking of particles in fluorescent time-lapse imaging. In the presence of a very noised and poor-quality data, particles and trajectories can be characterized by an a contrario model, that estimates the probability of observing the structures of interest in random data. This approach, first introduced in the modeling of human visual perception and then successfully applied in many image processing tasks, leads to algorithms that neither require a previous learning stage, nor a tedious parameter tuning and are very robust to noise. Comparative evaluations against a well-established baseline show that the proposed approach outperforms the state of the art.Comment: Published in Journal of Machine Vision and Application

    Optimal Survey Strategies and Predicted Planet Yields for the Korean Microlensing Telescope Network

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    The Korean Microlensing Telescope Network (KMTNet) will consist of three 1.6m telescopes each with a 4 deg^{2} field of view (FoV) and will be dedicated to monitoring the Galactic Bulge to detect exoplanets via gravitational microlensing. KMTNet's combination of aperture size, FoV, cadence, and longitudinal coverage will provide a unique opportunity to probe exoplanet demographics in an unbiased way. Here we present simulations that optimize the observing strategy for, and predict the planetary yields of, KMTNet. We find preferences for four target fields located in the central Bulge and an exposure time of t_{exp} = 120s, leading to the detection of ~2,200 microlensing events per year. We estimate the planet detection rates for planets with mass and separation across the ranges 0.1 <= M_{p}/M_{Earth} <= 1000 and 0.4 <= a/AU <= 16, respectively. Normalizing these rates to the cool-planet mass function of Cassan (2012), we predict KMTNet will be approximately uniformly sensitive to planets with mass 5 <= M_{p}/M_{Earth} <= 1000 and will detect ~20 planets per year per dex in mass across that range. For lower-mass planets with mass 0.1 <= M_{p}/M_{Earth} < 5, we predict KMTNet will detect ~10 planets per year. We also compute the yields KMTNet will obtain for free-floating planets (FFPs) and predict KMTNet will detect ~1 Earth-mass FFP per year, assuming an underlying population of one such planet per star in the Galaxy. Lastly, we investigate the dependence of these detection rates on the number of observatories, the photometric precision limit, and optimistic assumptions regarding seeing, throughput, and flux measurement uncertainties.Comment: 29 pages, 31 figures, submitted to ApJ. For a brief video explaining the key results of this paper, please visit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e5rWVjiO26

    The A2667 Giant Arc at z=1.03: Evidence for Large-scale Shocks at High Redshift

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    We present the spatially resolved emission line ratio properties of a ~10^10 M_sun star-forming galaxy at redshift z=1.03. This galaxy is gravitationally lensed as a triple-image giant arc behind the massive lensing cluster Abell 2667. The main image of the galaxy has magnification factors of 14+/-2.1 in flux and ~ 2 by 7 in area, yielding an intrinsic spatial resolution of 115-405 pc after AO correction with OSIRIS at KECK II. The HST morphology shows a clumpy structure and the H\alpha\ kinematics indicates a large velocity dispersion with V_{max} sin(i)/\sigma ~ 0.73, consistent with high redshift disk galaxies of similar masses. From the [NII]/H\alpha\ line ratios, we find that the central 350 parsec of the galaxy is dominated by star formation. The [NII]/H\alpha\ line ratios are higher in the outer-disk than in the central regions. Most noticeably, we find a blue-shifted region of strong [NII]/H\alpha\ emission in the outer disk. Applying our recent HII region and slow-shock models, we propose that this elevated [NII]/H\alpha\ ratio region is contaminated by a significant fraction of shock excitation due to galactic outflows. Our analysis suggests that shocked regions may mimic flat or inverted metallicity gradients at high redshift.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures, ApJ accepte

    Deep Chandra observations of the stripped galaxy group falling into Abell 2142

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    In the local Universe, the growth of massive galaxy clusters mainly operates through the continuous accretion of group-scale systems. The infalling group in Abell 2142 is the poster child of such an accreting group, and as such, it is an ideal target to study the astrophysical processes induced by structure formation. We present the results of a deep (200 ks) observation of this structure with Chandra, which highlights the complexity of this system in exquisite detail. In the core of the group, the spatial resolution of Chandra reveals the presence of a leading edge and a complex AGN-induced activity. The morphology of the stripped gas tail appears straight in the innermost 250 kpc, suggesting that magnetic draping efficiently shields the gas from its surroundings. However, beyond ∌300\sim300 kpc from the core, the tail flares and the morphology becomes strongly irregular, which could be explained by a breaking of the drape, e.g. because of turbulent motions. The power spectrum of surface-brightness fluctuations is relatively flat (P2D∝k−2.3P_{2D}\propto k^{-2.3}), which indicates that thermal conduction is strongly inhibited even beyond the region where magnetic draping is effective. The amplitude of density fluctuations in the tail is consistent with a mild level of turbulence with a Mach number M3D∌0.1−0.25M_{3D}\sim0.1-0.25. Overall, our results show that the processes leading to the thermalization and mixing of the infalling gas are slow and relatively inefficient.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    Gaia Eclipsing Binary and Multiple Systems. A study of detectability and classification of eclipsing binaries with Gaia

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    In the new era of large-scale astronomical surveys, automated methods of analysis and classification of bulk data are a fundamental tool for fast and efficient production of deliverables. This becomes ever more imminent as we enter the Gaia era. We investigate the potential detectability of eclipsing binaries with Gaia using a data set of all Kepler eclipsing binaries sampled with Gaia cadence and folded with the Kepler period. The performance of fitting methods is evaluated with comparison to real Kepler data parameters and a classification scheme is proposed for the potentially detectable sources based on the geometry of the light curve fits. The polynomial chain (polyfit) and two-Gaussian models are used for light curve fitting of the data set. Classification is performed with a combination of the t-SNE (t-distrubuted Stochastic Neighbor Embedding) and DBSCAN (Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise) algorithms. We find that approximately 68% of Kepler Eclipsing Binary sources are potentially detectable by Gaia when folded with the Kepler period and propose a classification scheme of the detectable sources based on the morphological type indicative of the light curve, with subclasses that reflect the properties of the fitted model (presence and visibility of eclipses, their width, depth, etc.).Comment: 9 pages, 18 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Interpreting the extended emission around three nearby debris disc host stars

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    Cool debris discs are a relic of the planetesimal formation process around their host star, analogous to the solar system's Edgeworth-Kuiper belt. As such, they can be used as a proxy to probe the origin and formation of planetary systems like our own. The Herschel Open Time Key Programmes "DUst around NEarby Stars" (DUNES) and "Disc Emission via a Bias-free Reconnaissance in the Infrared/Submillimetre" (DEBRIS) observed many nearby, sun-like stars at far-infrared wavelengths seeking to detect and characterize the emission from their circumstellar dust. Excess emission attributable to the presence of dust was identified from around ∌\sim 20% of stars. Herschel's high angular resolution (∌\sim 7" FWHM at 100 ÎŒ\mum) provided the capacity for resolving debris belts around nearby stars with radial extents comparable to the solar system (50 to 100 au). As part of the DUNES and DEBRIS surveys, we obtained observations of three debris disc stars, HIP 22263 (HD 30495), HIP 62207 (HD 110897), and HIP 72848 (HD 131511), at far-infrared wavelengths with the Herschel PACS instrument. Combining these new images and photometry with ancilliary data from the literature, we undertook simultaneous multi-wavelength modelling of the discs' radial profiles and spectral energy distributions using three different methodologies: single annulus, modified black body, and a radiative transfer code. We present the first far-infrared spatially resolved images of these discs and new single-component debris disc models. We characterize the capacity of the models to reproduce the disc parameters based on marginally resolved emission through analysis of two sets of simulated systems (based on the HIP 22263 and HIP 62207 data) with the noise levels typical of the Herschel images. We find that the input parameter values are recovered well at noise levels attained in the observations presented here.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, 5 tables, accepted for publication in A&

    Fast and Robust Small Infrared Target Detection Using Absolute Directional Mean Difference Algorithm

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    Infrared small target detection in an infrared search and track (IRST) system is a challenging task. This situation becomes more complicated when high gray-intensity structural backgrounds appear in the field of view (FoV) of the infrared seeker. While the majority of the infrared small target detection algorithms neglect directional information, in this paper, a directional approach is presented to suppress structural backgrounds and develop a more effective detection algorithm. To this end, a similar concept to the average absolute gray difference (AAGD) is utilized to construct a novel directional small target detection algorithm called absolute directional mean difference (ADMD). Also, an efficient implementation procedure is presented for the proposed algorithm. The proposed algorithm effectively enhances the target area and eliminates background clutter. Simulation results on real infrared images prove the significant effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.Comment: The Final version (Accepted in Signal Processing journal

    DOPAL derived alpha-synuclein oligomers impair synaptic vesicles physiological function

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    Parkinson's disease is a neurodegenerative disorder characterized by the death of dopaminergic neurons and by accumulation of alpha-synuclein (aS) aggregates in the surviving neurons. The dopamine catabolite 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetaldehyde (DOPAL) is a highly reactive and toxic molecule that leads to aS oligomerization by covalent modifications to lysine residues. Here we show that DOPAL-induced aS oligomer formation in neurons is associated with damage of synaptic vesicles, and with alterations in the synaptic vesicles pools. To investigate the molecular mechanism that leads to synaptic impairment, we first aimed to characterize the biochemical and biophysical properties of the aS-DOPAL oligomers; heterogeneous ensembles of macromolecules able to permeabilise cholesterol-containing lipid membranes. aS-DOPAL oligomers can induce dopamine leak in an in vitro model of synaptic vesicles and in cellular models. The dopamine released, after conversion to DOPAL in the cytoplasm, could trigger a noxious cycle that further fuels the formation of aS-DOPAL oligomers, inducing neurodegeneration

    The Lyman Alpha Reference Sample: III. Properties of the Neutral ISM from GBT and VLA Observations

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    We present new H I imaging and spectroscopy of the 14 UV-selected star-forming galaxies in the Lyman Alpha Reference Sample (LARS), aimed for a detailed study of the processes governing the production, propagation, and escape of Lyα\alpha photons. New H I spectroscopy, obtained with the 100m Green Bank Telescope (GBT), robustly detects the H I spectral line in 11 of the 14 observed LARS galaxies (although the profiles of two of the galaxies are likely confused by other sources within the GBT beam); the three highest redshift galaxies are not detected at our current sensitivity limits. The GBT profiles are used to derive fundamental H I line properties of the LARS galaxies. We also present new pilot H I spectral line imaging of 5 of the LARS galaxies obtained with the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA). This imaging localizes the H I gas and provides a measurement of the total H I mass in each galaxy. In one system, LARS 03 (UGC 8335 or Arp 238), VLA observations reveal an enormous tidal structure that extends over 160 kpc from the main interacting systems and that contains >>109^9 M⊙_{\odot} of H I. We compare various H I properties with global Lyα\alpha quantities derived from HST measurements. The measurements of the Lyα\alpha escape fraction are coupled with the new direct measurements of H I mass and significantly disturbed H I velocities. Our robustly detected sample reveals that both total H I mass and linewidth are tentatively correlated with key Lyα\alpha tracers. Further, on global scales, these data support a complex coupling between Lyα\alpha propagation and the H I properties of the surrounding medium.Comment: Preprint form, 16 figures, accepted in Ap
