739 research outputs found

    Primjena automatskog međujezičnog akustičnog modeliranja na HMM sintezu govora za oskudne jezične baze

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    Nowadays Human Computer Interaction (HCI) can also be achieved with voice user interfaces (VUIs). To enable devices to communicate with humans by speech in the user\u27s own language, low-cost language portability is often discussed and analysed. One of the most time-consuming parts for the language-adaptation process of VUI-capable applications is the target-language speech-data acquisition. Such data is further used in the development of VUIs subsystems, especially of speech-recognition and speech-production systems.The tempting idea to bypass a long-term process of data acquisition is considering the design and development of an automatic algorithms, which can extract the similar target-language acoustic from different language speech databases.This paper focus on the cross-lingual phoneme mapping between an under-resourced and a well-resourced language. It proposes a novel automatic phoneme-mapping technique that is adopted from the speaker-verification field. Such a phoneme mapping is further used in the development of the HMM-based speech-synthesis system for the under-resourced language. The synthesised utterances are evaluated with a subjective evaluation and compared by the expert knowledge cross-language method against to the baseline speech synthesis based just from the under-resourced data. The results reveals, that combining data from well-resourced and under-resourced language with the use of the proposed phoneme-mapping technique, can improve the quality of under-resourced language speech synthesis.U danaÅ”nje vrijeme interakcija čovjeka i računala (HCI) može se ostvariti i putem govornih sučelja (VUIs). Da bi se omogućila komunikacija uređaja i korisnika putem govora na vlastitom korisnikovom jeziku, često se raspravlja i analizira o jeftinom rjeÅ”enju prijevoda govora na različite jezike. Jedan od vremenski najzahtjevnijih dijelova procesa prilagodbe jezika za aplikacije koje podržavaju VUI je prikupljanje govornih podataka za ciljani jezik. Ovakvi podaci dalje se koriste za razvoj VUI podsustava, posebice za prepoznavanje i produkciju govora. Primamljiva ideja za izbjegavanje dugotrajnog postupka prikupljanja podataka jeste razmatranje sinteze i razvoja automatskih algoritama koji su sposobni izvesti slična akustična svojstva za ciljani jezik iz postojećih baza različitih jezika.Ovaj rad fokusiran je na povezivanje međujezičnih fonema između oskudnih i bogatih jezičnih baza. Predložena je nova tehnika automatskog povezivanja fonema, usvojena i prilagođena iz područja govorne autentikacije. Ovakvo povezivanje fonema kasnije se koristi za razvoj sustava za sintezu govora zasnovanom na HMM-u za manje poznate jezike. Načinjene govorne izjave ocijenjene su subjektivnim pristupom kroz usporedbu međujezičnih metoda visoke razine poznavanja jezika u odnosu na sintezu govora načinjenu iz oskudne jezične baze. Rezultati otkrivaju da kombinacija oskudne i bogate baze jezika uz primjenu predložene tehnike povezivanja fonema može unaprijediti kvalitetu sinteze govora iz oskudne jezične baze

    Building and Designing Expressive Speech Synthesis

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    We know there is something special about speech. Our voices are not just a means of communicating. They also give a deep impression of who we are and what we might know. They can betray our upbringing, our emotional state, our state of health. They can be used to persuade and convince, to calm and to excite. As speech systems enter the social domain they are required to interact, support and mediate our social relationships with 1) each other, 2) with digital information, and, increasingly, 3) with AI-based algorithms and processes. Socially Interactive Agents (SIAs) are at the fore- front of research and innovation in this area. There is an assumption that in the future ā€œspoken language will provide a natural conversational interface between human beings and so-called intelligent systems.ā€ [Moore 2017, p. 283]. A considerable amount of previous research work has tested this assumption with mixed results. However, as pointed out ā€œvoice interfaces have become notorious for fostering frustration and failureā€ [Nass and Brave 2005, p.6]. It is within this context, between our exceptional and intelligent human use of speech to communicate and interact with other humans, and our desire to leverage this means of communication for artificial systems, that the technology, often termed expressive speech synthesis uncomfortably falls. Uncomfortably, because it is often overshadowed by issues in interactivity and the underlying intelligence of the system which is something that emerges from the interaction of many of the components in a SIA. This is especially true of what we might term conversational speech, where decoupling how things are spoken, from when and to whom they are spoken, can seem an impossible task. This is an even greater challenge in evaluation and in characterising full systems which have made use of expressive speech. Furthermore when designing an interaction with a SIA, we must not only consider how SIAs should speak but how much, and whether they should even speak at all. These considerations cannot be ignored. Any speech synthesis that is used in the context of an artificial agent will have a perceived accent, a vocal style, an underlying emotion and an intonational model. Dimensions like accent and personality (cross speaker parameters) as well as vocal style, emotion and intonation during an interaction (within-speaker parameters) need to be built in the design of a synthetic voice. Even a default or neutral voice has to consider these same expressive speech synthesis components. Such design parameters have a strong influence on how effectively a system will interact, how it is perceived and its assumed ability to perform a task or function. To ignore these is to blindly accept a set of design decisions that ignores the complex effect speech has on the userā€™s successful interaction with a system. Thus expressive speech synthesis is a key design component in SIAs. This chapter explores the world of expressive speech synthesis, aiming to act as a starting point for those interested in the design, building and evaluation of such artificial speech. The debates and literature within this topic are vast and are fundamentally multidisciplinary in focus, covering a wide range of disciplines such as linguistics, pragmatics, psychology, speech and language technology, robotics and human-computer interaction (HCI), to name a few. It is not our aim to synthesise these areas but to give a scaffold and a starting point for the reader by exploring the critical dimensions and decisions they may need to consider when choosing to use expressive speech. To do this, the chapter explores the building of expressive synthesis, highlighting key decisions and parameters as well as emphasising future challenges in expressive speech research and development. Yet, before these are expanded upon we must first try and define what we actually mean by expressive speech

    Multilingual Chatbots to Collect Patient-Reported Outcomes

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    With spoken language interfaces, chatbots, and enablers, the conversational intelligence became an emerging field of research in man-machine interfaces in several target domains. In this paper, we introduce the multilingual conversational chatbot platform that integrates Open Health Connect platform and mHealth application together with multimodal services in order to deliver advanced 3D embodied conversational agents. The platform enables novel human-machine interaction with the cancer survivors in six different languages. The platform also integrates patientsā€™ reported information as patients gather health data into digital clinical records. Further, the conversational agents have the potential to play a significant role in healthcare, from assistants during clinical consultations, to supporting positive behavior changes, or as assistants in living environments helping with daily tasks and activities

    CLARIN. The infrastructure for language resources

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    CLARIN, the "Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure", has established itself as a major player in the field of research infrastructures for the humanities. This volume provides a comprehensive overview of the organization, its members, its goals and its functioning, as well as of the tools and resources hosted by the infrastructure. The many contributors representing various fields, from computer science to law to psychology, analyse a wide range of topics, such as the technology behind the CLARIN infrastructure, the use of CLARIN resources in diverse research projects, the achievements of selected national CLARIN consortia, and the challenges that CLARIN has faced and will face in the future. The book will be published in 2022, 10 years after the establishment of CLARIN as a European Research Infrastructure Consortium by the European Commission (Decision 2012/136/EU)


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    The book provides a comprehensive overview of the Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure ā€“ CLARIN ā€“ for the humanities. It covers a broad range of CLARIN language resources and services, its underlying technological infrastructure, the achievements of national consortia, and challenges that CLARIN will tackle in the future. The book is published 10 years after establishing CLARIN as an Europ. Research Infrastructure Consortium

    Products and Services

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    TodayĆ¢ā‚¬ā„¢s global economy offers more opportunities, but is also more complex and competitive than ever before. This fact leads to a wide range of research activity in different fields of interest, especially in the so-called high-tech sectors. This book is a result of widespread research and development activity from many researchers worldwide, covering the aspects of development activities in general, as well as various aspects of the practical application of knowledge
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