823 research outputs found

    General Analytical Model of Magnet Average Eddy-Current Volume Losses for Comparison of Multi-phase PM Machines with Concentrated Winding

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    this paper studies magnet eddy-current losses in permanent magnet (PM) machines with concentrated winding. First of all, space harmonics of magnetomotive force (MMF) and their influence on magnet losses in electrical machines are investigated. Secondly, analytical model of magnet volume losses is developed by studying the interaction between MMF harmonics wavelengths and magnet pole dimensions. Different cases of this interaction are exhibited according to the ratio between each harmonic wavelength and magnet pole width. Then various losses sub-models are deduced. Using this analytical model, magnet volume losses for many Slots/Poles combinations of 3, 5, and 7 phase machines with concentrated winding are compared. This comparison leads to classify combinations into different families depending on their magnet losses level. Finally, in order to verify the theoretical study, Finite Element models are built and simulation results are compared with analytical calculationsProjet MHYGALE/ADEM

    Slot/pole Combinations Choice for Concentrated Multiphase Machines dedicated to Mild-Hybrid Applications

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    Version de l'éditeur à l'adresse suivante : http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=6119910&isnumber=6119266This paper presents multiphase permanent magnet machines with concentrated non-overlapped winding as a good candidate for automotive low voltage mild-hybrid applications. These machines often require a trade-off between low speed performances such as high torque density and high speed performances like flux weakening capabilities. This paper describes how to choose a key design parameter to ease this compromise, the slots/poles combination, according to three parameters: winding factor including harmonics factor, rotor losses amount thanks to a comparison factor and radial forces balancing. The comparison criterion are based on both analytical formula and Finite Element Analysis.Projet MHYGALE/ ADEM

    New 5-Phase Concentrated Winding Machine with Bi-Harmonic Rotor for Automotive Application

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    For a power range from 10 to 30 kW, 5-phase machines are well adapted to low-voltage (48V) supply thanks to their reduced current per phase. For three-phase machines but with higher voltages (>120V), machines with a number of slots per pole and per phase spp equal to 0.5 (as the 12slots/8poles combination) are widely used in hybrid automotive applications when a wide speed range is required. The reason is that the value of spp=0.5 guarantees no sub-harmonics and thus induces low level of permanent magnet rotor losses. In this paper a 20slots/8poles/5phases machine is chosen. With a winding factor of only 0.588 for the first harmonic, this machine is only interesting if its high third harmonic winding factor (0.951) is used. Thus, a new bi-harmonic rotor structure is presented. Thanks to adequate control with flux-weakening and ratio r between first and third harmonic currents, the maximum torque versus speed characteristic is determined.Projet ADEME/MHYGAL

    Analytical Model of Magnet Eddy-Current Volume Losses in Multi-phase PM Machines with Concentrated Winding

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    Thanks to IEEE. The original PDF of the article can be found at: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/login.jsp?tp=&arnumber=6342330&url=http%3A%2F%2Fieeexplore.ieee.org%2Fxpls%2Fabs_all.jsp%3Farnumber%3D6342330 MHYGALE, project managed by VALEO-EEMthis paper studies magnet eddy-current losses in permanent magnet (PM) machines with concentrated winding. First of all, space harmonics of magnetomotive force (MMF) and their influence on magnet losses in electrical machines are investigated. Secondly, analytical model of magnet volume losses is developed by studying the interaction between MMF harmonics wavelengths and magnet pole dimensions. Different cases of this interaction are studied according to the ratio between each harmonic wavelength and magnet pole width (following flux density variation). Then various losses sub-models are deduced. Finally, using this analytical model, magnet volume losses for many slots/poles combinations of 3, 5, and 7 phase machines with concentrated winding are compared. This comparison leads to classify combinations into different families depending on their magnet losses level. Besides, in order to validate the theoretical study, Finite Element models are built and simulation results are compared with analytical calculations.MHYGALE/ADEM

    Magnetic noise reduction of in-wheel permanent magnet synchronous motors for light-duty electric vehicles

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    This paper presents study of a multi-slice subdomain model (MS-SDM) for persistent low-frequency sound, in a wheel hub-mounted permanent magnet synchronous motor (WHM-PMSM) with a fractional-slot non-overlapping concentrated winding for a light-duty, fully electric vehicle applications. While this type of winding provides numerous potential benefits, it has also the largest magnetomotive force (MMF) distortion factor, which leads to the electro-vibro-acoustics production, unless additional machine design considerations are carried out. To minimize the magnetic noise level radiated by the PMSM, a skewing technique is targeted with consideration of the natural frequencies under a variable-speed-range analysis. To ensure the impact of the minimization technique used, magnetic force harmonics, along with acoustic sonograms, is computed by MS-SDM and verified by 3D finite element analysis. On the basis of the studied models, we derived and experimentally verified the optimized model with 5 dBA reduction in A-weighted sound power level by due to the choice of skew angle. In addition, we investigated whether or not the skewing slice number can be of importance on the vibro-acoustic objectives in the studied WHM-PMSM.Postprint (published version

    Core Losses and Torque Ripple in IPM Machines: Dedicated Modeling and Design Trade Off

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    The proper combination of stator and rotor slot numbers is pursued in the design of interior permanent-magnet (IPM) motors with wide constant-power speed range. At high speed, in the flux-weakening region, the arising of stator and rotor iron losses due to magnetomotive-force (MMF) spatial harmonics limits the IPM motor performance. Torque ripple is another problem for this kind of machines, both at low and high speed. The numbers of stator slots and rotor equivalent slots have a major impact on both the loss and ripple aspects. A simplified model is proposed here in order to evaluate both problems with a general approach and point out the possible design tradeoff. With respect to previous models in the literature, both stator and rotor losses are included, and a more comprehensive approach is followed in the description of the rotor MMF harmonics. The model's effectiveness is tested through finite element analysis simulations and some experimental results. The proposed approach is useful for the selection of the IPM machine structure according to the specific requirements of the applicatio

    Study of innovative electric machines for high efficiency vehicular traction applications

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    This thesis collects some of the work accomplished during the PhD research activity focused on the study of special electric machines for vehicle traction applications. The work is divided into due parts. The rst part is mainly technological and covers some studies and experimental activities concerning new technical solutions to solve some common issues in operation of electric motors for automotive use, namely ux weakening and cogging torque. The second part has a more theoretical nature and focuses on some methods for electric machine modeling and analysis which has been developed to facilitate the study and design optimizations carried out during the PhD research work. The chapters in the rst part address the following topics: 1. Development and testing of an interior-permanent-magnet motor prototype fully conceived, designed and manufactured at the University of Trieste to implement a new concept of flux weakening system at high speeds. The concept has been also protected through a pending patent. 2. Multi-objective design optimization of an interior permanent magnet reluctance-assisted synchronous motor for the automotive industry. The design optimization was meant to support an industrial development project which is still in progress so no prototype has been built yet. 3. Study of a new optimized magnetic wedge design capable of reducing cogging torque in automotive propulsion motors having open stator slots. The second part proposes some analytical and numerical results that have been worked out to approach the modeling and optimization of various kinds of permanent magnet synchronous motors. The main problem to which these chapters try to answer is to nd suciently fast but accurate methods for permanent magnet analysis without time-consuming finite-element transient analysis. The proposed methods have been successfully integrated into design optimization programs used in the industrial environment in the development of innovative electric machines not only for the automotive industry

    Investigation of Magnetic Gearing Effect in Fractional Slot and Vernier Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines

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    Computational-time reduction of fourier-based analytical models

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    Design Synthesis and Optimization of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines Based on Computationally-Efficient Finite Element Analysis

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    In this dissertation, a model-based multi-objective optimal design of permanent magnet ac machines, supplied by sine-wave current regulated drives, is developed and implemented. The design procedure uses an efficient electromagnetic finite element-based solver to accurately model nonlinear material properties and complex geometric shapes associated with magnetic circuit design. Application of an electromagnetic finite element-based solver allows for accurate computation in intricate performance parameters and characteristics. The first contribution of this dissertation is the development of a rapid computational method that allows accurate and efficient exploration of large multi-dimensional design spaces in search of optimum design(s). The computationally efficient finite element-based approach developed in this work provides a framework of tools that allow rapid analysis of synchronous electric machines operating under steady-state conditions. In the developed modeling approach, major steady-state performance parameters such as, winding flux linkages and voltages, average, cogging and ripple torques, stator core flux densities, core losses, efficiencies and saturated machine winding inductances, are calculated with minimum computational effort. In addition, the method includes means for rapid estimation of distributed stator forces and three-dimensional effects of stator and/or rotor skew on the performance of the machine. The second contribution of this dissertation is the development of the design synthesis and optimization method based on a differential evolution algorithm. The approach relies on the developed finite element-based modeling method for electromagnetic analysis and is able to tackle large-scale multi-objective design problems using modest computational resources. Overall, computational time savings of up to two orders of magnitude are achievable, when compared to current and prevalent state-of-the-art methods. These computational savings allow one to expand the optimization problem to achieve more complex and comprehensive design objectives. The method is used in the design process of several interior permanent magnet industrial motors. The presented case studies demonstrate that the developed finite element-based approach practically eliminates the need for using less accurate analytical and lumped parameter equivalent circuit models for electric machine design optimization. The design process and experimental validation of the case-study machines are detailed in the dissertation