154 research outputs found

    Coupling Disturbance Compensated MIMO Control of Parallel Ankle Rehabilitation Robot Actuated by Pneumatic Muscles

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    To solve the poor compliance and safety problems in current rehabilitation robots, a novel two-degrees-offreedom (2-DOF) soft ankle rehabilitation robot driven by pneumatic muscles (PMs) is presented, taking advantages of the PM’s inherent compliance and the parallel structure’s high stiffness and payload capacity. However, the PM’s nonlinear, time-varying and hysteresis characteristics, and the coupling interference from parallel structure, as well as the unpredicted disturbance caused by arbitrary human behavior all raise difficulties in achieving high-precision control of the robot. In this paper, a multi-input-multi-output disturbance compensated sliding mode controller (MIMO-DCSMC) is proposed to tackle these problems. The proposed control method can tackle the un-modeled uncertainties and the coupling interference existed in multiple PMs’ synchronous movement, even with the subject’s participation. Experiment results on a healthy subject confirmed that the PMs-actuated ankle rehabilitation robot controlled by the proposed MIMO-DCSMC is able to assist patients to perform high-accuracy rehabilitation tasks by tracking the desired trajectory in a compliant manner

    Positioning Control of an Antagonistic Pneumatic Muscle Actuated System using Feedforward Compensation with Cascaded Control Scheme

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    This paper presents a feedforward compensation with cascaded control scheme (FFC) for the positioning control of a vertical antagonistic based pneumatic muscle actuated (PMA) system. Owing to the inherent nonlinearities and time varying parameters exhibited by PMA, conventional fixed controllers unable to demonstrate high positioning performance. Hence, the feedforward compensation with cascaded control scheme is proposed whereby the scheme includes a PID controller coupled with nonlinear control elements. The proposed scheme has a simple control structure in addition to its straightforward design procedures. Though there are nonlinear control elements involved, these elements are derived from the open loop system responses that does not requires any accurate known parameters. Performance of the FFC scheme are then evaluated experimentally and compared to a PID controller with feedforward compensation (FF-PID) in point-to-point motion of different step heights. Overall, the experimental results show that the effectiveness of the proposed FFC scheme in reducing the steady state error to zero in comparison to FF-PID controller for all cases of step heights examined

    Tracking Control of Vertical Pneumatic Artificial Muscle System Using PID

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    The advantages of pneumatic system such as compactness, high power to weight ratio, ease of maintenance, cleanliness and inherent safety led to the development of McKibben muscle and pneumatic artificial muscle (PAM). However, the air compressibility and the lack of damping ability of PAM bring dynamic delay to the pressure response and causes oscillatory motion to occur. It is not easy to realize the motion with high accuracy and high speed due to all the non-linear characteristics of pneumatic system. In this paper, we present a vertical PAM system with a simple PID controller to control the motion of the PAM. The experiment setup is explained and Ziegler Nichols tuning method is used in getting the approximation PID parameters. The effectiveness of the proposed control algorithm is demonstrated through experiments

    Review On Controller Design In Pneumatic Actuator Drive System

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    A pneumatic actuator is a device that converts compressed air into mechanical energy to perform varieties of work. It exhibits high nonlinearities due to high friction forces, compressibility of air and dead band of the spool movement which is difficult to manage and requires an appropriate controller for better performance. The purpose of this study is to review the controller design of pneumatic actuator recommended by previous researchers from the past years. Initially, the basic views of the pneumatic will be presented in terms of introduction to the pneumatic actuator and its applications in industries. At the end of this review, discussions on the design of the controllers will be concluded and further research will be proposed along with the improvement of control strategies in the pneumatic actuator systems

    Design, analysis, and control of a cable-driven parallel platform with a pneumatic muscle active support

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    Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.This publication is with permission of the rights owner freely accessible due to an Alliance licence and a national licence (funded by the DFG, German Research Foundation) respectively.The neck is an important part of the body that connects the head to the torso, supporting the weight and generating the movement of the head. In this paper, a cable-driven parallel platform with a pneumatic muscle active support (CPPPMS) is presented for imitating human necks, where cable actuators imitate neck muscles and a pneumatic muscle actuator imitates spinal muscles, respectively. Analyzing the stiffness of the mechanism is carried out based on screw theory, and this mechanism is optimized according to the stiffness characteristics. While taking the dynamics of the pneumatic muscle active support into consideration as well as the cable dynamics and the dynamics of the Up-platform, a dynamic modeling approach to the CPPPMS is established. In order to overcome the flexibility and uncertainties amid the dynamic model, a sliding mode controller is investigated for trajectory tracking, and the stability of the control system is verified by a Lyapunov function. Moreover, a PD controller is proposed for a comparative study. The results of the simulation indicate that the sliding mode controller is more effective than the PD controller for the CPPPMS, and the CPPPMS provides feasible performances for operations under the sliding mode control

    Model Identification And Controller Design For An Electro-Pneumatic Actuator System With Dead Zone Compensation

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    Pneumatic actuator system is inexpensive, high power to weight ratio, cleanliness and ease of maintenance make it’s a choice compared to hydraulic actuator and electromagnetic actuator. Nonetheless, the steady state error of the system is high due to the dead zone of the valve. In this paper, an Auto-Regressive with External Input (ARX) model structure is chosen to represent the pneumatic actuator system. The recursive least square method is used to estimate the model parameters. The pole-assignment controller is then developed for position tracking. To cater the problem of high in steady state error, the dead zone compensation is added to the system. The dead zone controller was designed based on the inverse dead zone model and the dead zone compensation designed based on the desired error. The proposed method is then experimentally with varies load and compares with Nonlinear PID controller. The result shows that the proposed controller reduced the overshoot and steady state error of the pneumatic actuator system to no overshoot and 0.025mm respectively. Index terms: System identification, recursive least square, ARX, dead zone compensator, pneumatic actuato

    An integrated intelligent nonlinear control method for a pneumatic artificial muscle

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    This paper proposes an advanced position-tracking control approach, referred to as an integrated intelligent nonlinear controller, for a pneumatic artificial muscle (PAM) system. Due to the existence of uncertain, unknown, and nonlinear terms in the system dynamics, it is difficult to derive an exact mathematical model with robust control performance. To overcome this problem, the main contributions of this paper are as follows. To actively represent the behavior of the PAM system using a grey-box model, neural networks are employed as equivalent internal dynamics of the system model and optimized online by a Lyapunov-based method. To realize the control objective by effectively compensating for the estimation error, an advanced robust controller is developed from the integration of the designed networks, and improvement of the sliding mode and backstepping techniques. The convergences of both the developed model and the closed-loop control system are guaranteed by Lyapunov functions. As a result, the overall control approach is capable of ensuring the system's performance with fast response, high accuracy, and robustness. Real-time experiments are carried out in a PAM system under different conditions to validate the effectiveness of the proposed method