51 research outputs found

    Automatic Image Registration in Infrared-Visible Videos using Polygon Vertices

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    In this paper, an automatic method is proposed to perform image registration in visible and infrared pair of video sequences for multiple targets. In multimodal image analysis like image fusion systems, color and IR sensors are placed close to each other and capture a same scene simultaneously, but the videos are not properly aligned by default because of different fields of view, image capturing information, working principle and other camera specifications. Because the scenes are usually not planar, alignment needs to be performed continuously by extracting relevant common information. In this paper, we approximate the shape of the targets by polygons and use affine transformation for aligning the two video sequences. After background subtraction, keypoints on the contour of the foreground blobs are detected using DCE (Discrete Curve Evolution)technique. These keypoints are then described by the local shape at each point of the obtained polygon. The keypoints are matched based on the convexity of polygon's vertices and Euclidean distance between them. Only good matches for each local shape polygon in a frame, are kept. To achieve a global affine transformation that maximises the overlapping of infrared and visible foreground pixels, the matched keypoints of each local shape polygon are stored temporally in a buffer for a few number of frames. The matrix is evaluated at each frame using the temporal buffer and the best matrix is selected, based on an overlapping ratio criterion. Our experimental results demonstrate that this method can provide highly accurate registered images and that we outperform a previous related method

    Noise reduction method for skeletonized images

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    Scale-space-based denoising approaches adopt scale space filters before the binarization stage to smooth the potential noise. These kinds of methods can simultaneously suppress both inner noise and border noise. Thinning framework that based on the scale space technique to automatically extract skeletons from images without manual-tuning. The proposed framework can increase the robustness of the thinning algorithm, it not only can suppress the boundary noise, but also can alleviate the inner noise. These two types of noise generally cause the appearance of the abundant of the unwanted branches in the outcome of the thinning algorithm, which arise the difficulties of the later recognition or matching process in skeleton

    Noise reduction method for skeletonized images

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    Thinning framework that based on the scale space technique to automatically extract skeletons from images without manual-tuning. The proposed framework can increase the robustness of the thinning algorithm, it not only can suppress the boundary noise, but also can alleviate the inner noise. These two types of noise generally cause the appearance of the abundant of the unwanted branches in the outcome of the thinning algorithm, which arise the difficulties of the later recognition or matching process in skeleton

    Investigations on skeleton completeness for skeleton-based shape matching

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    Skeleton is an important shape descriptor for deformable shape matching, because it integrates both geometrical and topological features of a shape. As the skeletonisation process often generates redundant skeleton branches that may seriously disturb the skeleton matching and cause high computational complexity, skeleton pruning is required to remove the inaccurate or redundant branches while preserving the essential topology of the original skeleton. However, pruning approaches normally require manual intervention to produce visually complete skeletons. As different people may have different perceptions for identifying visually complete skeletons, it is unclear how much the accuracy of skeleton-based shape matching is influenced by human selection. Moreover, it is also unclear how skeleton completeness impacts the accuracy of skeleton-based shapematching. We investigate here these two questions in a structured way. In addition, we present experimental evidence to show that it is possible to do automatic skeleton pruning while maintaining the matching accuracy by estimating the approximate pruning power of each shape

    Applying spatial reasoning to topographical data with a grounded geographical ontology

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    Grounding an ontology upon geographical data has been pro- posed as a method of handling the vagueness in the domain more effectively. In order to do this, we require methods of reasoning about the spatial relations between the regions within the data. This stage can be computationally expensive, as we require information on the location of points in relation to each other. This paper illustrates how using knowledge about regions allows us to reduce the computation required in an efficient and easy to understand manner. Further, we show how this system can be implemented in co-ordination with segmented data to reason abou

    Using natural shape statistics of urban form to model social capital

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    The social aspect is an important but often overlooked part of sustainable development philosophy. In hoping to popularise and show the importance of social sustainable development, this study tries to find a relation between the social environment and urban form. Research in the social capital field provided the methodology to acquire social computational data. The relation between human actions and the environment is noted in many theories, and used in some practices. Human cognition is computationally predictable with natural shape analysis and machine learning methods. In the analysis of shape, a topological skeleton is a proven method to acquire statistical data that correlates with data collected from human experiments. In this study, the analysis of urban form with respect to human cognition was used to acquire computational data for a machine learning model of social capital in counties in the USA Article in English. Socialinio kapitalo modeliavimas taikant pastatų formos statistinę analizę Santrauka Tvarios plėtros teorijoje socialinė aplinka yra pripažinta kaip svarbus veiksnys, tačiau trūksta praktinės metodikos. Ryšio tarp urbanistinės formos ir socialinės aplinkos radimas aktualizuotų ir padėtų populiarinti socialinę tvarią plėtrą. Aplinkos įtaka žmonių tarpusavio elgesiui yra ne kartą aptartas reiškinys, tačiau praktikoje retai taikomas. Ankstesniuose socialinio kapitalo tyrimuose pateikiamos metodologijos ir statistiniai duomenys esamos situacijos analizei atlikti. Kaip žmonės suvokia formas, yra nuspėjama taikant statistinę formos analizę ir dirbtinio intelekto metodologiją – sistemos mokymąsi. Klasifikuojant formas topologinio skeleto metodologija gaunami rezultatai koreliuoja su duomenimis, surinktais per eksperimentą, kuriame žmonės klasifikuoja formas. Taikant žinomas formos analizės metodologijas, atspindinčias suvokimą, buvo surinkti duomenys modeliuoti socialinį kapitalą su sisteminio mokymosi modeliu. Sisteminis mokymasis yra dirbtinio intelekto sritis, kurioje remiantis pateiktais duomenimis automatiškai sukalibruojama kompleksinė matematinė formulė. Modeliuojant socialinį kapitalą su formos skeleto statistiniais duomenimis, geriausi rezultatai pasiekti taikant neuroniniais tinklais pagristą sisteminį mokymąsi. Reikšminiai žodžiai: urbanistinė forma,  formos analizė statis­tiniais metodais, socialinis kapitalas, sisteminis mokymasis, daugiasluoksnis perceptronas