1,622 research outputs found

    Kinematic Design and Description of Industrial Robotic Chains

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    Generally speaking, the problem of synthesis of mechanism can be broken down into three sub problems: i) the specification of the problem, ii) the topological synthesis of the mechanism and iii) the dimensional synthesis. This chapter relates in particular to the second sub problem. The chapter could be useful for teachers, researchers, engineers and students who are confronted with the various types of problems concerning the choice of kinematic chains in the initial phase of the topological structural design of an industrial robot. The principal goal of the chapter is to present an overview concerning the chronology of the design of the kinematic chain of an industrial robot. It starts with a review of the methods of synthesis of mechanisms provided by the MMT; then it deals with their representation, validation and concludes with the application of these mechanisms in the initial design phase of industrial robots. The chapter begins with the presentation of a new method for structural synthesis of planar link chains in robotics. It is based on the notion of logical equations. After a brief reminder of the theory of Modular Structural Groups (MSG), and of the connectivity and mobility laws of MMT, various levels of abstraction are studied concerning the complexity of the structure. This permits the synthesis of planar chains with various degrees of complexity expressed by the number of links, joints and the degree of mobility. The logical equations allow the association of MSGs of type A and closed chains of type G. The rules for associations of groups are also presented. The aim is to execute all the possible combinations to join or transform the links in order to obtain as many structures as possible by avoiding those, which are isomorphic. The association of two groups allows the elaboration of different closed chains of upper level. However there are some defect structures, which do not respect the connectivity and mobility laws. Therefore great care has been taken to avoid them. The problem of degenerated structures is central in the synthesis of structures. It concerns especially chains with two and more degrees of mobility. The problem of defect, degeneration and isomorphism is then approached. Finally, a method for description of chains by contours and molecules is proposed. It enables the reduction of the number of the topological structures of the robots concerning the position of the frame and the end-effector of the robot by comparing their respective molecules. This method is then applied for the description of the structures thus obtained (logical equations approach) and for the description of the topology of the principal structure of the industrial robots in the initial phase of their design

    Solving robotic kinematic problems : singularities and inverse kinematics

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    Kinematics is a branch of classical mechanics that describes the motion of points, bodies, and systems of bodies without considering the forces that cause such motion. For serial robot manipulators, kinematics consists of describing the open chain geometry as well as the position, velocity and/or acceleration of each one of its components. Rigid serial robot manipulators are designed as a sequence of rigid bodies, called links, connected by motor-actuated pairs, called joints, that provide relative motion between consecutive links. Two kinematic problems of special relevance for serial robots are: - Singularities: are the configurations where the robot loses at least one degree of freedom (DOF). This is equivalent to: (a) The robot cannot translate or rotate its end-effector in at least one direction. (b) Unbounded joint velocities are required to generate finite linear and angular velocities. Either if it is real-time teleoperation or off-line path planning, singularities must be addressed to make the robot exhibit a good performance for a given task. The objective is not only to identify the singularities and their associated singular directions but to design strategies to avoid or handle them. - Inverse kinematic problem: Given a particular position and orientation of the end-effector, also known as the end-effector pose, the inverse kinematics consists of finding the configurations that provide such desired pose. The importance of the inverse kinematics relies on its role in the programming and control of serial robots. Besides, since for each given pose the inverse kinematics has up to sixteen different solutions, the objective is to find a closed-form method for solving this problem, since closed-form methods allow to obtain all the solutions in a compact form. The main goal of the Ph.D. dissertation is to contribute to the solution of both problems. In particular, with respect to the singularity problem, a novel scheme for the identification of the singularities and their associated singular directions is introduced. Moreover, geometric algebra is used to simplify such identification and to provide a distance function in the configuration space of the robot that allows the definition of algorithms for avoiding them. With respect to the inverse kinematics, redundant robots are reduced to non-redundant ones by selecting a set of joints, denoted redundant joints, and by parameterizing their joint variables. This selection is made through a workspace analysis which also provides an upper bound for the number of different closed-form solutions. Once these joints have been identified, several closed-form methods developed for non-redundant manipulators can be applied to obtain the analytical expressions of all the solutions. One of these methods is a novel strategy developed using again the conformal model of the spatial geometric algebra. To sum up, the Ph.D dissertation provides a rigorous analysis of the two above-mentioned kinematic problems as well as novel strategies for solving them. To illustrate the different results introduced in the Ph.D. memory, examples are given at the end of each of its chapters.La cinemática es una rama de la mecánica clásica que describe el movimiento de puntos, cuerpos y sistemas de cuerpos sin considerar las fuerzas que causan dicho movimiento. Para un robot manipulador serie, la cinemática consiste en la descripción de su geometría, su posición, velocidad y/o aceleración. Los robots manipuladores serie están diseñados como una secuencia de elementos estructurales rígidos, llamados eslabones, conectados entres si por articulaciones actuadas, que permiten el movimiento relativo entre pares de eslabones consecutivos. Dos problemas cinemáticos de especial relevancia para robots serie son: - Singularidades: son aquellas configuraciones donde el robot pierde al menos un grado de libertad (GDL). Esto equivale a: (a) El robot no puede trasladar ni rotar su elemento terminal en al menos una dirección. (b) Se requieren velocidades articulares no acotadas para generar velocidades lineales y angulares finitas. Ya sea en un sistema teleoperado en tiempo real o planificando una trayectoria, las singularidades deben manejarse para que el robot muestre un rendimiento óptimo mientras realiza una tarea. El objetivo no es solo identificar las singularidades y sus direcciones singulares asociadas, sino diseñar estrategias para evitarlas o manejarlas. - Problema de la cinemática inversa: dada una posición y orientación del elemento terminal (también conocida como la pose del elemento terminal), la cinemática inversa consiste en obtener las configuraciones asociadas a dicha pose. La importancia de la cinemática inversa se basa en el papel que juega en la programación y el control de robots serie. Además, dado que para cada pose la cinemática inversa tiene hasta dieciséis soluciones diferentes, el objetivo es encontrar un método cerrado para resolver este problema, ya que los métodos cerrados permiten obtener todas las soluciones en una forma compacta. El objetivo principal de la tesis doctoral es contribuir a la solución de ambos problemas. En particular, con respecto al problema de las singularidades, se presenta un nuevo método para su identificación basado en el álgebra geométrica. Además, el álgebra geométrica permite definir una distancia en el espacio de configuraciones del robot que permite la definición de distintos algoritmos para evitar las configuraciones singulares. Con respecto a la cinemática inversa, los robots redundantes se reducen a robots no-redundantes mediante la selección de un conjunto de articulaciones, las articulaciones redundantes, para después parametrizar sus variables articulares. Esta selección se realiza a través de un análisis de espacio de trabajo que también proporciona un límite superior para el número de diferentes soluciones en forma cerrada. Una vez las articulaciones redundantes han sido identificadas, varios métodos en forma cerrada desarrollados para robots no-redundantes pueden aplicarse a fin de obtener las expresiones analíticas de todas las soluciones. Uno de dichos métodos es una nueva estrategia desarrollada usando el modelo conforme del álgebra geométrica tridimensional. En resumen, la tesis doctoral proporciona un análisis riguroso de los dos problemas cinemáticos mencionados anteriormente, así como nuevas estrategias para resolverlos. Para ilustrar los diferentes resultados presentados en la tesis, la memoria contiene varios ejemplos al final de cada uno de sus capítulos

    Solving robotic kinematic problems : singularities and inverse kinematics

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    Aplicat embargament des de la data de defensa fins al 30/6/2019Kinematics is a branch of classical mechanics that describes the motion of points, bodies, and systems of bodies without considering the forces that cause such motion. For serial robot manipulators, kinematics consists of describing the open chain geometry as well as the position, velocity and/or acceleration of each one of its components. Rigid serial robot manipulators are designed as a sequence of rigid bodies, called links, connected by motor-actuated pairs, called joints, that provide relative motion between consecutive links. Two kinematic problems of special relevance for serial robots are: - Singularities: are the configurations where the robot loses at least one degree of freedom (DOF). This is equivalent to: (a) The robot cannot translate or rotate its end-effector in at least one direction. (b) Unbounded joint velocities are required to generate finite linear and angular velocities. Either if it is real-time teleoperation or off-line path planning, singularities must be addressed to make the robot exhibit a good performance for a given task. The objective is not only to identify the singularities and their associated singular directions but to design strategies to avoid or handle them. - Inverse kinematic problem: Given a particular position and orientation of the end-effector, also known as the end-effector pose, the inverse kinematics consists of finding the configurations that provide such desired pose. The importance of the inverse kinematics relies on its role in the programming and control of serial robots. Besides, since for each given pose the inverse kinematics has up to sixteen different solutions, the objective is to find a closed-form method for solving this problem, since closed-form methods allow to obtain all the solutions in a compact form. The main goal of the Ph.D. dissertation is to contribute to the solution of both problems. In particular, with respect to the singularity problem, a novel scheme for the identification of the singularities and their associated singular directions is introduced. Moreover, geometric algebra is used to simplify such identification and to provide a distance function in the configuration space of the robot that allows the definition of algorithms for avoiding them. With respect to the inverse kinematics, redundant robots are reduced to non-redundant ones by selecting a set of joints, denoted redundant joints, and by parameterizing their joint variables. This selection is made through a workspace analysis which also provides an upper bound for the number of different closed-form solutions. Once these joints have been identified, several closed-form methods developed for non-redundant manipulators can be applied to obtain the analytical expressions of all the solutions. One of these methods is a novel strategy developed using again the conformal model of the spatial geometric algebra. To sum up, the Ph.D dissertation provides a rigorous analysis of the two above-mentioned kinematic problems as well as novel strategies for solving them. To illustrate the different results introduced in the Ph.D. memory, examples are given at the end of each of its chapters.La cinemática es una rama de la mecánica clásica que describe el movimiento de puntos, cuerpos y sistemas de cuerpos sin considerar las fuerzas que causan dicho movimiento. Para un robot manipulador serie, la cinemática consiste en la descripción de su geometría, su posición, velocidad y/o aceleración. Los robots manipuladores serie están diseñados como una secuencia de elementos estructurales rígidos, llamados eslabones, conectados entres si por articulaciones actuadas, que permiten el movimiento relativo entre pares de eslabones consecutivos. Dos problemas cinemáticos de especial relevancia para robots serie son: - Singularidades: son aquellas configuraciones donde el robot pierde al menos un grado de libertad (GDL). Esto equivale a: (a) El robot no puede trasladar ni rotar su elemento terminal en al menos una dirección. (b) Se requieren velocidades articulares no acotadas para generar velocidades lineales y angulares finitas. Ya sea en un sistema teleoperado en tiempo real o planificando una trayectoria, las singularidades deben manejarse para que el robot muestre un rendimiento óptimo mientras realiza una tarea. El objetivo no es solo identificar las singularidades y sus direcciones singulares asociadas, sino diseñar estrategias para evitarlas o manejarlas. - Problema de la cinemática inversa: dada una posición y orientación del elemento terminal (también conocida como la pose del elemento terminal), la cinemática inversa consiste en obtener las configuraciones asociadas a dicha pose. La importancia de la cinemática inversa se basa en el papel que juega en la programación y el control de robots serie. Además, dado que para cada pose la cinemática inversa tiene hasta dieciséis soluciones diferentes, el objetivo es encontrar un método cerrado para resolver este problema, ya que los métodos cerrados permiten obtener todas las soluciones en una forma compacta. El objetivo principal de la tesis doctoral es contribuir a la solución de ambos problemas. En particular, con respecto al problema de las singularidades, se presenta un nuevo método para su identificación basado en el álgebra geométrica. Además, el álgebra geométrica permite definir una distancia en el espacio de configuraciones del robot que permite la definición de distintos algoritmos para evitar las configuraciones singulares. Con respecto a la cinemática inversa, los robots redundantes se reducen a robots no-redundantes mediante la selección de un conjunto de articulaciones, las articulaciones redundantes, para después parametrizar sus variables articulares. Esta selección se realiza a través de un análisis de espacio de trabajo que también proporciona un límite superior para el número de diferentes soluciones en forma cerrada. Una vez las articulaciones redundantes han sido identificadas, varios métodos en forma cerrada desarrollados para robots no-redundantes pueden aplicarse a fin de obtener las expresiones analíticas de todas las soluciones. Uno de dichos métodos es una nueva estrategia desarrollada usando el modelo conforme del álgebra geométrica tridimensional. En resumen, la tesis doctoral proporciona un análisis riguroso de los dos problemas cinemáticos mencionados anteriormente, así como nuevas estrategias para resolverlos. Para ilustrar los diferentes resultados presentados en la tesis, la memoria contiene varios ejemplos al final de cada uno de sus capítulos.Postprint (published version

    Simulation, modelling and development of the metris RCA

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    In partnership with Metris UK we discuss the utilisation of modelling and simulation methods in the development of a revolutionary 7-axis Robot CMM Arm (RCA). An offline virtual model is described, facilitating pre-emptive collision avoidance and assessment of optimal placement of the RCA relative to scan specimens. Workspace accessibility of the RCA is examined under a range of geometrical assumptions and we discuss the effects of arbitrary offsets resulting from manufacturing tolerances. Degeneracy is identified in the number of ways a given pose may be attained and it is demonstrated how a simplified model may be exploited to solve the inverse kinematics problem of finding the “correct” set of joint angles. We demonstrate how the seventh axis may be utilised to avoid obstacles or otherwise awkward poses, giving the unit greater dexterity than traditional CMMs. The results of finite element analysis and static force modelling on the RCA are presented which provide an estimate of the forces exerted on the internal measurement arm in a range of poses

    Kinematic and Inverse Dynamic Analysis of a C5 Joint Parallel Robot

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    International audienceno abstrac

    Spatial Path Planning of Static Robots Using Configuration Space Metrics

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    Robotics for nuclear waste handling

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    This research focuses on the development of the control system of a dual arm industrial robot. A controller for the position control of unconstrained robot arm is also presented. System architecture, hardware configuration and software development are discussed in detail; The experimental set-up consists Remotec\u27s RM-10A dual arm manipulator. Each arm has six separate motorized motions with position sensors. The manipulator is controlled by a Texas Istruments\u27 TMS320C40 parallel Digital Signal Processors installed on the QPC/C40B Board. The PID control software which is embedded on the Digital Signal Processor is developed using C language. A Graphical User Interface is also developed using Microsoft Visual C{dollar}\sp{++}{dollar} to facilitate easy operation of the robot

    A Distributed System for Robot Manipulator Control

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    This is the final report representing three years of work under the current grant. This work was directed to the development of a distributed computer architecture to function as a force and motion server to a robot system. In the course of this work we developed a compliant contact sensor to provide for transitions between position and force control; we have developed an end-effector capable of securing a stable grasp on an object and a theory of grasping; we have built a controller which minimizes control delays, and are currently achieving delays of the order of five milliseconds, with sample rates of 200 hertz; we have developed parallel kinematics algorithms for the controller; we have developed a consistent approach to the definition of motion both in joint coordinates and in Cartesian coordinates; we have developed a symbolic simplification software package to generate the dynamics equations of a manipulator such that the calculations may be split between background and foreground

    Mechanical engineering challenges in humanoid robotics

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    Thesis (S.B.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, 2011.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 36-39).Humanoid robots are artificial constructs designed to emulate the human body in form and function. They are a unique class of robots whose anthropomorphic nature renders them particularly well-suited to interact with humans in a world designed for humans. The present work examines a subset of the plethora of engineering challenges that face modem developers of humanoid robots, with a focus on challenges that fall within the domain of mechanical engineering. The challenge of emulating human bipedal locomotion on a robotic platform is reviewed in the context of the evolutionary origins of human bipedalism and the biomechanics of walking and running. Precise joint angle control bipedal robots and passive-dynamic walkers, the two most prominent classes of modem bipedal robots, are found to have their own strengths and shortcomings. An integration of the strengths from both classes is likely to characterize the next generation of humanoid robots. The challenge of replicating human arm and hand dexterity with a robotic system is reviewed in the context of the evolutionary origins and kinematic structure of human forelimbs. Form-focused design and function-focused design, two distinct approaches to the design of modem robotic arms and hands, are found to have their own strengths and shortcomings. An integration of the strengths from both approaches is likely to characterize the next generation of humanoid robots.by Peter Guang Yi Lu.S.B

    Industrial Robotics

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    This book covers a wide range of topics relating to advanced industrial robotics, sensors and automation technologies. Although being highly technical and complex in nature, the papers presented in this book represent some of the latest cutting edge technologies and advancements in industrial robotics technology. This book covers topics such as networking, properties of manipulators, forward and inverse robot arm kinematics, motion path-planning, machine vision and many other practical topics too numerous to list here. The authors and editor of this book wish to inspire people, especially young ones, to get involved with robotic and mechatronic engineering technology and to develop new and exciting practical applications, perhaps using the ideas and concepts presented herein