4,409 research outputs found

    Single machine scheduling with general positional deterioration and rate-modifying maintenance

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    We present polynomial-time algorithms for single machine problems with generalized positional deterioration effects and machine maintenance. The decisions should be taken regarding possible sequences of jobs and on the number of maintenance activities to be included into a schedule in order to minimize the overall makespan. We deal with general non-decreasing functions to represent deterioration rates of job processing times. Another novel extension of existing models is our assumption that a maintenance activity does not necessarily fully restore the machine to its original perfect state. In the resulting schedules, the jobs are split into groups, a particular group to be sequenced after a particular maintenance period, and the actual processing time of a job is affected by the group that job is placed into and its position within the group

    Combining time and position dependent effects on a single machine subject to rate-modifying activities

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    We introduce a general model for single machine scheduling problems, in which the actual processing times of jobs are subject to a combination of positional and time-dependent effects, that are job-independent but additionally depend on certain activities that modify the processing rate of the machine, such as, maintenance. We focus on minimizing two classical objectives: the makespan and the sum of the completion times. The traditional classification accepted in this area of scheduling is based on the distinction between the learning and deterioration effects on one hand, and between the positional effects and the start-time dependent effects on the other hand. Our results show that in the framework of the introduced model such a classification is not necessary, as long as the effects are job-independent. The model introduced in this paper covers most of the previously known models. The solution algorithms are developed within the same general framework and their running times are no worse than those available earlier for problems with less general effects

    Stochastic single machine scheduling problem as a multi-stage dynamic random decision process

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    In this work, we study a stochastic single machine scheduling problem in which the features of learning effect on processing times, sequence-dependent setup times, and machine configuration selection are considered simultaneously. More precisely, the machine works under a set of configurations and requires stochastic sequence-dependent setup times to switch from one configuration to another. Also, the stochastic processing time of a job is a function of its position and the machine configuration. The objective is to find the sequence of jobs and choose a configuration to process each job to minimize the makespan. We first show that the proposed problem can be formulated through two-stage and multi-stage Stochastic Programming models, which are challenging from the computational point of view. Then, by looking at the problem as a multi-stage dynamic random decision process, a new deterministic approximation-based formulation is developed. The method first derives a mixed-integer non-linear model based on the concept of accessibility to all possible and available alternatives at each stage of the decision-making process. Then, to efficiently solve the problem, a new accessibility measure is defined to convert the model into the search of a shortest path throughout the stages. Extensive computational experiments are carried out on various sets of instances. We discuss and compare the results found by the resolution of plain stochastic models with those obtained by the deterministic approximation approach. Our approximation shows excellent performances both in terms of solution accuracy and computational time

    An iterated greedy heuristic for no-wait flow shops with sequence dependent setup times, learning and forgetting effects

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    [EN] This paper addresses a sequence dependent setup times no-wait flowshop with learning and forgetting effects to minimize total flowtime. This problem is NP-hard and has never been considered before. A position-based learning and forgetting effects model is constructed. Processing times of operations change with the positions of corresponding jobs in a schedule. Objective increment properties are deduced and based on them three accelerated neighbourhood construction heuristics are presented. Because of the simplicity and excellent performance shown in flowshop scheduling problems, an iterated greedy heuristic is proposed. The proposed iterated greedy algorithm is compared with some existing algorithms for related problems on benchmark instances. Comprehensive computational and statistical tests show that the presented method obtains the best performance among the compared methods. (C) 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.This work is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 61572127, 61272377), the Collaborative Innovation Center of Wireless Communications Technology and the Key Natural Science Fund for Colleges and Universities in Jiangsu Province (No. 12KJA630001). Ruben Ruiz is partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness(MINECO), under the project "SCHEYARD - Optimization of Scheduling Problems in Container Yards" with reference DPI2015-65895-R.Li, X.; Yang, Z.; Ruiz GarcĂ­a, R.; Chen, T.; Sui, S. (2018). An iterated greedy heuristic for no-wait flow shops with sequence dependent setup times, learning and forgetting effects. Information Sciences. 453:408-425. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ins.2018.04.038S40842545

    Approximation schemes for scheduling on a single machine subject to cumulative deterioration and maintenance

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    We consider a scheduling problem on a single machine to minimize the makespan. The processing conditions are subject to cumulative deterioration, but can be restored by a single maintenance. We link the problem to the Subset-sum problem (if the duration of maintenance is constant) and to the Half-Product Problem (if the duration of maintenance depends on its start time). For both versions of the problem, we adapt the existing fully polynomial-time approximation schemes to our problems by handling the additive constants

    Simple assembly line balancing problem under task deterioration

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    This paper introduces the effect of task deterioration in simple assembly line balancing problem. In many realistic assembly lines, a deterioration task is considered when a task is started earlier than the assigned time since the station time is constant and the earliness of the task does not reduce the cycle time. This phenomenon is known as deteriorating tasks. Therefore, we seek an optimal assignment and schedule of tasks in workstations, in order to minimize the number of stations for a given cycle time, which is known as SALBP-1. For this purpose, a mathematical model is proposed. Since the pure SALBP-1 is proved to be NP-hard and considering task deterioration complicates problem further, we propose a genetic algorithm for solving such problem. Several well-known test problems are solved to study the performance of the proposed approach

    Minimizing total completion time on a single machine with step improving jobs

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    Production systems often experience a shock or a technological change, resulting in performance improvement. In such settings, job processing times become shorter if jobs start processing at, or after, a common critical date. This paper considers a single machine scheduling problem with step-improving processing times, where the effects are job-dependent. The objective is to minimize the total completion time. We show that the problem is NP-hard in general and discuss several special cases which can be solved in polynomial time. We formulate a Mixed Integer Programming (MIP) model and develop an LP-based heuristic for the general problem. Finally, computational experiments show that the proposed heuristic yields very effective and efficient solutions

    Serial-batch scheduling – the special case of laser-cutting machines

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    The dissertation deals with a problem in the field of short-term production planning, namely the scheduling of laser-cutting machines. The object of decision is the grouping of production orders (batching) and the sequencing of these order groups on one or more machines (scheduling). This problem is also known in the literature as "batch scheduling problem" and belongs to the class of combinatorial optimization problems due to the interdependencies between the batching and the scheduling decisions. The concepts and methods used are mainly from production planning, operations research and machine learning
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