46,165 research outputs found

    Image Super-Resolution with Deep Dictionary

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    Since the first success of Dong et al., the deep-learning-based approach has become dominant in the field of single-image super-resolution. This replaces all the handcrafted image processing steps of traditional sparse-coding-based methods with a deep neural network. In contrast to sparse-coding-based methods, which explicitly create high/low-resolution dictionaries, the dictionaries in deep-learning-based methods are implicitly acquired as a nonlinear combination of multiple convolutions. One disadvantage of deep-learning-based methods is that their performance is degraded for images created differently from the training dataset (out-of-domain images). We propose an end-to-end super-resolution network with a deep dictionary (SRDD), where a high-resolution dictionary is explicitly learned without sacrificing the advantages of deep learning. Extensive experiments show that explicit learning of high-resolution dictionary makes the network more robust for out-of-domain test images while maintaining the performance of the in-domain test images.Comment: ECCV 202

    Single image super resolution using compressive K-SVD and fusion of sparse approximation algorithms

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    Super Resolution based on Compressed Sensing (CS) considers low resolution (LR) image patch as the compressive measurement of its corresponding high resolution (HR) patch. In this paper we propose a single image super resolution scheme with compressive K-SVD algorithm(CKSVD) for dictionary learning incorporating fusion of sparse approximation algorithms to produce better results. The CKSVD algorithm is able to learn a dictionary on a set of training signals using only compressive sensing measurements of them. In the fusion based scheme used for sparse approximation, several CS reconstruction algorithms participate and they are executed in parallel, independently. The final estimate of the underlying sparse signal is derived by fusing the estimates obtained from the participating algorithms. The experimental results show that the proposed scheme demands fewer CS measurements for creating better quality super resolved images in terms of both PSNR and visual perception

    Combined self-learning based single-image super-resolution and dual-tree complex wavelet transform denoising for medical images

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    In this paper, we propose a novel self-learning based single-image super-resolution (SR) method, which is coupled with dual-tree complex wavelet transform (DTCWT) based denoising to better recover high-resolution (HR) medical images. Unlike previous methods, this self-learning based SR approach enables us to reconstruct HR medical images from a single low-resolution (LR) image without extra training on HR image datasets in advance. The relationships between the given image and its scaled down versions are modeled using support vector regression with sparse coding and dictionary learning, without explicitly assuming reoccurrence or self-similarity across image scales. In addition, we perform DTCWT based denoising to initialize the HR images at each scale instead of simple bicubic interpolation. We evaluate our method on a variety of medical images. Both quantitative and qualitative results show that the proposed approach outperforms bicubic interpolation and state-of-the-art single-image SR methods while effectively removing noise

    Bayesian Dictionary Learning for Single and Coupled Feature Spaces

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    Over-complete bases offer the flexibility to represent much wider range of signals with more elementary basis atoms than signal dimension. The use of over-complete dictionaries for sparse representation has been a new trend recently and has increasingly become recognized as providing high performance for applications such as denoise, image super-resolution, inpaiting, compression, blind source separation and linear unmixing. This dissertation studies the dictionary learning for single or coupled feature spaces and its application in image restoration tasks. A Bayesian strategy using a beta process prior is applied to solve both problems. Firstly, we illustrate how to generalize the existing beta process dictionary learning method (BP) to learn dictionary for single feature space. The advantage of this approach is that the number of dictionary atoms and their relative importance may be inferred non-parametrically. Next, we propose a new beta process joint dictionary learning method (BP-JDL) for coupled feature spaces, where the learned dictionaries also reflect the relationship between the two spaces. Compared to previous couple feature spaces dictionary learning algorithms, our algorithm not only provides dictionaries that customized to each feature space, but also adds more consistent and accurate mapping between the two feature spaces. This is due to the unique property of the beta process model that the sparse representation can be decomposed to values and dictionary atom indicators. The proposed algorithm is able to learn sparse representations that correspond to the same dictionary atoms with the same sparsity but different values in coupled feature spaces, thus bringing consistent and accurate mapping between coupled feature spaces. Two applications, single image super-resolution and inverse halftoning, are chosen to evaluate the performance of the proposed Bayesian approach. In both cases, the Bayesian approach, either for single feature space or coupled feature spaces, outperforms state-of-the-art methods in comparative domains

    Single Image Super-Resolution through Sparse Representation via Coupled Dictionary learning

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    Abstract-Single Image Super-Resolution (SISR) through sparse representation has received much attention in the past decade due to significant development in sparse coding algorithms. However, recovering high-frequency textures is a major bottleneck of existing SISR algorithms.  Considering this, dictionary learning approaches are to be utilized to extract high-frequency textures which improve SISR performance significantly. In this paper, we have proposed the SISR algorithm through sparse representation which involves learning of Low Resolution (LR) and High Resolution (HR) dictionaries simultaneously from the training set. The idea of training coupled dictionaries preserves correlation between HR and LR patches to enhance the Super-resolved image. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm, a visual comparison is made with popular SISR algorithms and also quantified through quality metrics. The proposed algorithm outperforms compared to existing SISR algorithms qualitatively and quantitatively as shown in experimental results. Furthermore, the performance of our algorithm is remarkable for a smaller training set which involves lesser computational complexity. Therefore, the proposed approach is proven to be superior based upon visual comparisons and quality metrics and have noticeable results at reduced computational complexity

    New methods for deep dictionary learning and for image completion

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    Digital imaging plays an essential role in many aspects of our daily life. However due to the hardware limitations of the imaging devices, the image measurements are usually inpaired and require further processing to enhance the quality of the raw images in order to enable applications on the user side. Image enhancement aims to improve the information content within image measurements by exploiting the properties of the target image and the forward model of the imaging device. In this thesis, we aim to tackle two specific image enhancement problems, that is, single image super-resolution and image completion. First, we present a new Deep Analysis Dictionary Model (DeepAM) which consists of multiple layers of analysis dictionaries with associated soft-thresholding operators and a single layer of synthesis dictionary for single image super-resolution. To achieve an effective deep model, each analysis dictionary has been designed to be composed of an Information Preserving Analysis Dictionary (IPAD) which passes essential information from the input signal to output and a Clustering Analysis Dictionary (CAD) which generates discriminative feature representation. The parameters of the deep analysis dictionary model are optimized using a layer-wise learning strategy. We demonstrate that both the proposed deep dictionary design and the learning algorithm are effective. Simulation results show that the proposed method achieves comparable performance with Deep Neural Networks and other existing methods. We then generalize DeepAM to a Deep Convolutional Analysis Dictionary Model (DeepCAM) by learning convolutional dictionaries instead of unstructured dictionaries. The convolutional dictionary is more suitable for processing high-dimensional signals like images and has only a small number of free parameters. By exploiting the properties of a convolutional dictionary, we present an efficient convolutional analysis dictionary learning algorithm. The IPAD and the CAD parts are learned using variations of the proposed convolutional analysis dictionary learning algorithm. We demonstrate that DeepCAM is an effective multi-layer convolutional model and achieves better performance than DeepAM while using a smaller number of parameters. Finally, we present an image completion algorithm based on dense correspondence between the input image and an exemplar image retrieved from Internet which has been taken at a similar position. The dense correspondence which is estimated using a hierarchical PatchMatch algorithm is usually noisy and with a large occlusion area corresponding to the region to be completed. By modelling the dense correspondence as a smooth field, an Expectation-Maximization (EM) based method is presented to interpolate a smooth field over the occlusion area which is then used to transfer image content from the exemplar image to the input image. Color correction is further applied to diminish the possible color differences between the input image and the exemplar image. Numerical results demonstrate that the proposed image completion algorithm is able to achieve photo realistic image completion results.Open Acces

    Super Resolution Image Reconstruction Using Linear Regression Regularized Sparse Representation

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    This thesis addresses the generation and reconstruction of the high resolution (HR) image by using the single low resolution (LR) image and the linear coalition of sparse coefficients from a suitably chosen over-complete dictionary.The study of compressive sensing shows that under vague conditions the sparse representation of a signal can be effectively recovered from the downsampled version of the original signal. By training both LR and HR image patches simultaneously by coupled dictionary learning, we are enforcing the similarity between the sparse representation(SR) of LR and HR image patch pairs with respective to their LR and HR dictionaries. Literature survey suggests that different extracted features are used to compute the coefficients to boost the prediction accuracy of the HR image patch reconstruction. A set of Gabor filters has been employed to extract useful features from the LR dictionary. As the super resolution is an ill posed problem, in this thesis we have considered it as an optimization problem for getting the sparsest representation of image patches using linear regression regularized with L1 norm, known as a LASSO in statistics.Our method is found to be outperforming the other previous state of art methods in both quantitative and qualitative analysis. The results reveal that proposed method shows promising results in reconstructing the image textures and edges

    Simultaneous super-resolution and cross-modality synthesis of 3D medical images using weakly-supervised joint convolutional sparse coding

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    Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) offers high-resolution in vivo imaging and rich functional and anatomical multimodality tissue contrast. In practice, however, there are challenges associated with considerations of scanning costs, patient comfort, and scanning time that constrain how much data can be acquired in clinical or research studies. In this paper, we explore the possibility of generating high-resolution and multimodal images from low-resolution single-modality imagery. We propose the weakly-supervised joint convolutional sparse coding to simultaneously solve the problems of super-resolution (SR) and cross-modality image synthesis. The learning process requires only a few registered multimodal image pairs as the training set. Additionally, the quality of the joint dictionary learning can be improved using a larger set of unpaired images1. To combine unpaired data from different image resolutions/modalities, a hetero-domain image alignment term is proposed. Local image neighborhoods are naturally preserved by operating on the whole image domain (as opposed to image patches) and using joint convolutional sparse coding. The paired images are enhanced in the joint learning process with unpaired data and an additional maximum mean discrepancy term, which minimizes the dissimilarity between their feature distributions. Experiments show that the proposed method outperforms state-of-the-art techniques on both SR reconstruction and simultaneous SR and cross-modality synthesis

    Sparsity-Based Super Resolution for SEM Images

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    The scanning electron microscope (SEM) produces an image of a sample by scanning it with a focused beam of electrons. The electrons interact with the atoms in the sample, which emit secondary electrons that contain information about the surface topography and composition. The sample is scanned by the electron beam point by point, until an image of the surface is formed. Since its invention in 1942, SEMs have become paramount in the discovery and understanding of the nanometer world, and today it is extensively used for both research and in industry. In principle, SEMs can achieve resolution better than one nanometer. However, for many applications, working at sub-nanometer resolution implies an exceedingly large number of scanning points. For exactly this reason, the SEM diagnostics of microelectronic chips is performed either at high resolution (HR) over a small area or at low resolution (LR) while capturing a larger portion of the chip. Here, we employ sparse coding and dictionary learning to algorithmically enhance LR SEM images of microelectronic chips up to the level of the HR images acquired by slow SEM scans, while considerably reducing the noise. Our methodology consists of two steps: an offline stage of learning a joint dictionary from a sequence of LR and HR images of the same region in the chip, followed by a fast-online super-resolution step where the resolution of a new LR image is enhanced. We provide several examples with typical chips used in the microelectronics industry, as well as a statistical study on arbitrary images with characteristic structural features. Conceptually, our method works well when the images have similar characteristics. This work demonstrates that employing sparsity concepts can greatly improve the performance of SEM, thereby considerably increasing the scanning throughput without compromising on analysis quality and resolution.Comment: Final publication available at ACS Nano Letter