8 research outputs found

    Single dose of secnidazole treatment against naturally occuring Giardia duodenalis infection in Sakiz lambs

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    ABSTRACT Objective. The purposes of this study were to determine whether secnidazole administered at a single dose of 10 mg/kg, orally, lessens or eliminates Giardia cyst shedding, and to validate the benefit of secnidazole treatment on clinical signs and faecal consistency in lambs naturally infected with Giardia duodenalis. Materials and methods. To this extent weaned 12 weeks of age lambs were selected and randomly assigned into two groups based on placebo (group C, n=7 untreated control group) or treatment (group S, n=10 lambs treated with a single dose of secnidazole at 10 mg/kg). Results. On days 0 and 10, before and after treatment, respectively, reduction in cyst excretion was determined. The faecal consistency and general health were recorded at each sampling day. Conclusions. During the study there was a high (99.98%) reduction in cyst excretion in the secnidazol treatment group compared to the positive control group on day 10, resulting in a significant (p<0.001) reduction, making secnidazole highly effective treatment option

    Levels of serum 25 (OH) D3 in naturally infected lambs with giardia duodenalis

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    Giardia duodenalis kuşlar, reptiller ve bir çok memeli hayvanı enfekte edebilen binükleuslu flagellalı bir protozoondur. Söz konusu patojen insanlarda ve çiftlik hayvanlarında başta olmak üzere şekillenen ishalin en önemli nedenleri arasında yer almaktadır. Çalışmada Giardia duodenalis ile doğal enfekte kuzularda serum 25- hidroksi vitamin D3 seviyelerindeki değişimlerin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Araştırmanın hayvan materyalini Aydın bölgesinde bulunan yaşları 15-35 günlük arasında her iki cinsiyetten sakız ırkı Giardia duodenalis ile doğal enfekte (n=30), benzer yaş aralığındaki aynı ırktan (n=15) ve her iki cinsiyetten sağlıklı kuzular oluşturdu. Enfekte ve sağlıklı hayvanlardan dışkı örnekleri rektal tuşe yöntemi ile steril dışkı örnekleri, serum 25-hidroksi vitamin D3 seviyelerinin belirlenmesi amacı ile de tekniğine uygun olarak v.jugularisden toplamda 5 ml olacak şekilde kan örnekleri alındı. Dışkı örneklerinden direkt mikroskobik bakı yöntemi ile giardia taraması yapıldı. Elde edilen serum örneklerinden Savant marka flöresan immunoassay cihazı ile 25-OH-D seviyeleri ölçüldü. İstatistiksel analizde Mann-Whitney U testinden yararlanıldı. Sağlıklı ve doğal enfekte hayvanlara ait 25-hidroksi vitamin D3 seviyeleri arasında istatistiksel (p<0,05) anlamlı değişimlerin olduğu belirlendi.Giardia duodenalis is a binuclear flagellated protozoan that can infect birds, reptiles and many mammals. The pathogen is one of the most important causes of diarrhea in humans and farm animals. The aim of this study was to determine the changes in serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 levels in naturally infected lambs with Giardia duodenalis. The animal material of the study was used Sakız sheep which had naturally infected with Giardia duodenalis between 15-35 days of age from the Aydın region (n = 30), healthy lambs in the same age range (n = 15) and both sexes. Sterile stool samples with the method of rectal touching of fecal samples from infected and healthy animals, blood samples were obtained in a total of 5 ml of v.jugularis according to the technique in order to determine serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 levels. Giardia screening was performed by direct microscopic examination of stool samples. 25-OH-D levels were measured with Savant brand fluorescent immunoassay device from the obtained serum samples. Mann-Whitney U test was used in statistical analysis. Statistically significant changes were observed in 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 levels of healthy and natural infected animals (p <0.05)

    Could antiparasitic cure with clinoptilolite be achieved in dogs naturally infected with giardia duodenalis?

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    Bu çalışmanın amacı doğal zeolit bileşeni olan klinoptilolitin köpeklerde doğal olarak şekillenen giardiazise karşı antiparaziter etkinliğinin belirlenmesidir. Aydın bölgesinde bulunan doğal olarak Giardia duodenalis ile enfekte olan sahipli ve ishalli her iki cinsiyetten 6-44 aylık yaştaki 7 enfekte köpek çalışmada kullanıldı. İki ayrı gruba ayrılan çalışma materyali olarak I. gruptakilere 10 gün oral yolla 2 g/kg dozda klinoptilolit uygulanırken, II. grupta bulunan köpeklerin kontrol grubu olarak kalmaları sağlandı. Köpeklerde klinoptilolitin antiparazitik etkinliği 0. 3. 7. ve 10. günlerde rektal yolla alınan dışkı örneklerinin mikroskobik incelenmesiyle değerlendirildi. Gram dışkı başına kist miktarındaki azalma göz önünde bulundurulduğunda anti-giardial amaçla kullanılan klinoptilolitin 10. günde giardiazise karşı kist atılımında %99 etkinlik sağladığı belirlendi. Sağaltım grubunda sırası ile 0.,3., 7. ve 10. günlerde kist sayılarına ait geometrik ortalamalar 200552.4, 37.8, 113.3, 10.4 şeklinde belirlendi. kontrol grubunda ise 0. gün ile (195099,4) 10. günlerdeki (174436,1) kist atılımının geometrik ortalamalarındaki fazla değişimin göstermediği saptandı. Netice itibarı ile giardiazisli köpeklerde klinoptilolitin kist atılımını etkin şekilde azalttığı ve önerilen dozda herhangi bir yan etkiye neden olmaksızın kullanılabileceği söylenebilir.The aim of this study was to determine the antiparasitic efficacy of the natural zeolite component, clinoptilolite, against naturally occurring giardiasis in dogs. Seven infected dogs, aged 6-44 months of age, both sexually owned and diarrhea infected with Giardia duodenalis in the Aydın region were used in the study. Group I was administered clinoptilolite orally for 10 days at a dose of 2 g / kg. Group II dogs were provide to stay in the control group. The antiparasitic efficacy of clinoptilolite in dogs was evaluated by microscopic examination of stool samples collected at the beginning 0, 3rd, 7th and 10th day by rectal route. Considering the reduction in cyst excretion per gram feces, clinoptilolite used for anti-giardial purposes provided 99% efficacy in cyst excretion at 10th day. In the treatment group, the mean geometric averages of cyst counts were determined as 200552.4, 37.8, 113.3, 10.4, respectively, on days 0, 3, 7 and 10. On the other hand, in the control group, no significant change was observed in the geometric mean of cyst ruble excretion on day 0 (195099,4) 10 days (174436,1). It can be said that clinoptilolite effectively decreases cyst excretion in dogs with giardiasis and can be used in the recommended dose without causing any side effects

    Application of oral clinoptilolite intended for prevention of giardiasis in goat kids

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    Bu çalışma doğal zeolit olan klinoptilolitin oğlaklarda doğal yolla oluşan giardiazise karşı terapötik etkinliğinin belirlenmesi amacıyla gerçekleştirildi. Aydın ilinde yer alan bir keçi işletmesinde ishal anamnezi bulunan G. duodenalis ile doğal enfekte her iki cinsiyetten ve 19-41 günlük yaştaki 16 oğlak çalışma kapsamına alındı. Oğlaklar her grupta n=8 olacak şekilde randomize olarak 2 ayrı gruba ayrılarak I. gruba 1 g/kg dozda 10 gün oral yolla klinoptilolit uygulanırken, II. gruptaki olgulara hiçbir ilaç uygulaması yapılmayarak kontrol grubu olarak bırakıldı. Oğlaklarda klinoptilolitin terapötik etkinliği 0. ve 10. günlerde rektumdan direkt olarak toplanan dışkı numunelerinin mikroskobik muayenesiyle değerlendirildi. Gram dışkıda kist atılımındaki azalma değerlendirildiğinde klinoptilolit giardiazise karşı 10. günde kist atılımında %95 etkinlik sağladı. Buna karşın kontrol grubunda 0. gün ile (165832) 10. günlerde (162096) kist atılımının geometrik ortalamalarındaki azalmanın yeterli olmadığı görüldü. Sonuç olarak giardiazisli oğlaklarda oral yolla 10 gün uygulanan klinoptilolitin kist atılımını etkin şekilde azaltılmasına yardımcı olduğu söylenebilir.The present study was established in an attempt to interpret treapeutic efficacy of clinoptilolite against naturally occurring giardiasis in goat kids. A total of sixteen goat kids naturally infected with G. duodenalis at the age of 19 to 41 days, of both sexes were enrolled into the study from a goat farm located in Aydin province. Goat kids were randomly assigned into two groups (n=8), whereas group I received oral clinoptilolite at a dosage of 1 g/kg for 10 days, goat kids in group II were left as control without receiving any drug. Therapeutic efficacy of clinoptilolite was determined by microscopical interpretation of faecal samples collected from the rectum directly on days 0 and 10. Interpretation of the percentage reduction in cyst excretion revealed clinoptilolite efficacy as 95% on day 10. Indeed geometric means of the number of excreted cysts were not reduced sufficiently in control group between day 0 (165832) and 10 (162096). In conclusion, it might be suggested that oral administration of clinoptilolite for 10 days may have helped significant reduction the excretion of cysts in goat kids with giardiasis

    The efficacy of chloroquine treatment against naturally occuring Giardia duodenalis infection in lambs

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    Objective. The aim of the present study was to determine the efficacy of Chloroquine (Cq), an antimalarial medicine, administered at a dose of 2.5 mg/kg, orally, during 5 consecutive days, in Sakiz and Merino lambs naturally infected with Giardia duodenalis. Materials and methods. To this extent weaned 10 weeks of aged lambs were enrolled and randomly assigned into two groups based on treatment (group C, n=18 lambs treated with Cq) and placebo (group P, n=8 untreated control animals). Diagnosis was based on detection of trophozoit and/or cysts on fecal flotation. Cyst count per gram feces (days 0, 3, 7 and 10) was analyzed among groups. Results. During the trial, regarding the efficacy of Cq on days 3., 7., and 10. There was significant (p<0.01) reduction in cyst excretion; whereas evaluation of mean geometric cyst excretion revealed 100% reduction. Conclusions. There was a very high (100%) reduction in cyst excretion in the Cq treatment group compared to the positive untreated control group on days 3, 7 and 10, resulting in a significant (p<0.001) reduction, making Cq, safety, and thus highly effective treatment option of lambs with naturally occuring giardiasis. Objetivo. El objetivo del presente estudio fue determinar la eficacia de la cloroquina, un medicamento contra la malaria, administrado a una dosis de 2.5 mg/kg, por vía oral, durante 5 días consecutivos, en Corderos Sakiz y Merino infectados naturalmente con Giardia duodenalis. Materiales y metodos. En esta medida destetados 10 semanas de edad fueron incluidos y asignados al azar en dos grupos sobre la base del tratamiento (grupo C, n = 18 corderos tratados con cloroquina) y placebo (grupo P, n = 8 animales de control no tratados). El diagnóstico se basa en la detección de trophozoit y/o quistes en la flotación fecal. Quiste recuento por gramo de heces (día 0, 3, 7 y 10) se analizó entre los grupos. Resultados. Respecto a la eficacia de la cloroquina en los días 3, 7 y 10 existió una reducción significativa (p<0.01) en la excreción de quistes; mientras que la evaluación de la media de la excreción Rev.MVZ Córdoba 21(2):5328-5335, 2016. ISSN: 0122-0268 ORIGINAL 5329 de quistes reveló una reducción del 100%. Conclusiones. Durante el estudio hubo una reducción del 100% en la excreción de quistes en el grupo de tratamiento con cloroquina en comparación con el grupo control no tratado positivo en los días 3, 7 y 10, lo que resulta en una disminución significativa (p<0.001) por lo que la cloroquina razonablemente es una opción de tratamiento por el costo, seguridad, y por lo tanto muy eficaz de corderos infectados naturalmente con giardiasis

    Eficacia del tratamiento con secnidazol en dosis única contra la infección natural de Giardia duodenalis en terneros

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    Objetivo. En el presente estudio se pretendía establecer la eficacia de 30 mg / kg de dosis única de secnidazol en terneros naturalmente infectados con Giardia duodenalis. Materiales y métodos. En un intento de realizar un estudio original, se matricularon 18 terneros, de distintas raza, edad y de ambos sexos. El diagnóstico se basó en la identificación de trofozoítos y /o quistes en la flotación fecal entre terneros naturalmente infectados con G. duodenalis, además de utilizar kits de diagnóstico rápido que funcionan con principios inmunocromatográficos en fase sólida y aplicación de Reacción en Cadena de Polimerasa anidada con β-giardina. El conteo de quistes por gramo de heces se realizó entre los días 0, 3, 7 y 10 en todos los casos. En los días 0 y 10 se determinaron los valores hematológicos (WBC, RBC, HCT, MCHC, PLT) y suero bioquímico (ALT, AST, creatinina, urea). Resultados. Se inscribieron dos grupos diferentes de terneros tratados con secnidazol (n: 9) y el grupo control (n: 9). Entre los becerros incluidos en el grupo de tratamiento se administró secnidazol en una dosis única de 30 mg/kg oralmente al día 0, mientras que el grupo de control se dejó sin ningún ingrediente activo. Se analizó el conteo de quistes por gramo de heces, valores hematológicos y bioquímicos de suero entre grupos y comparaciones intragrupo. Giardia duodenalis ensamblaje A3 se identificó en los 18 terneros. En los días 3, 7 y 10 hubo una reducción significativa (P˂0.001) en la excreción de quistes; Mientras que la evaluación de la excreción geométrica promedio de quistes reveló una reducción del 100% en los días 7 y 10. Entre los dos grupos de análisis estadístico de las variables hematológicas y sero-bioquímicas no reveló significación estadística en los días 0 y 10. Conclusión. En conclusión secnidazol en una dosis única de 30 mg / kg podría ser prácticamente aplicable, a un precio razonable, la seguridad, completamente eficaz y causando un tratamiento de recuperación rápida protocolo para la terapia de terneros con Giardiasis

    Single dose of secnidazole treatment against naturally occuring Giardia duodenalis infection in Sakiz lambs

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    Objetive. The purposes of this study were to determine whether secnidazole administered at a single dose of 10 mg/kg, orally, lessens or eliminates Giardia cyst shedding, and to validate the benefit of secnidazole treatment on clinical signs and faecal consistency in lambs naturally infected with Giardia duodenalis. Materials and methods. To this extent weaned 12 weeks of age lambs were selected and randomly assigned into two groups based on placebo (group C, n=7 untreated control group) or treatment (group S, n=10 lambs treated with a single dose of secnidazole at 10 mg/kg). Results. On days 0 and 10, before and after treatment, respectively, reduction in cyst excretion was determined. The faecal consistency and general health were recorded at each sampling day. Conclusions. During the study there was a high (99.98%) reduction in cyst excretion in the secnidazol treatment group compared to the positive control group on day 10, resulting in a significant (p<0.001) reduction, making secnidazole highly effective treatment option.Objetivo. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar si la administración oral de una dosis única de secnidazol de 10mh/kg reduce o elimina la presencia de quistes de Giardia y validar el beneficio del tratamiento con secnidazol en los signos clínicos y la consistencia fecal de corderos infectados naturalmente con Giardia duodenalis. Materiales y métodos. Se seleccionaron corderos destetados de 12 semanas de edad que fueron asignados al azar a dos grupos con base a placebo (grupo C, n=7, grupo de control sin tratar) o tratamiento (grupo S, n=10 corderos con tratamiento de dosis única de secnidazol de 10 mg/kg). Resultados. En los días 0 y 10, antes y después del tratamiento, respectivamente, se determinó una merma en la excreción de quistes. La consistencia de la materia fecal y el estado general de salud fue registrado en cada muestreo diario. Conclusiones. Durante el estudio hubo una alta reducción en la excreción de quistes (99.98%) en el grupo tratado con secnidazol comparado con el grupo control positivo en el día 10, resultando en una disminución significativa (p<0.001), haciendo del tratamiento con secnizadol una opción altamente efectiva