41,418 research outputs found

    Single machine scheduling with job-dependent machine deterioration

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    We consider the single machine scheduling problem with job-dependent machine deterioration. In the problem, we are given a single machine with an initial non-negative maintenance level, and a set of jobs each with a non-preemptive processing time and a machine deterioration. Such a machine deterioration quantifies the decrement in the machine maintenance level after processing the job. To avoid machine breakdown, one should guarantee a non-negative maintenance level at any time point; and whenever necessary, a maintenance activity must be allocated for restoring the machine maintenance level. The goal of the problem is to schedule the jobs and the maintenance activities such that the total completion time of jobs is minimized. There are two variants of maintenance activities: in the partial maintenance case each activity can be allocated to increase the machine maintenance level to any level not exceeding the maximum; in the full maintenance case every activity must be allocated to increase the machine maintenance level to the maximum. In a recent work, the problem in the full maintenance case has been proven NP-hard; several special cases of the problem in the partial maintenance case were shown solvable in polynomial time, but the complexity of the general problem is left open. In this paper we first prove that the problem in the partial maintenance case is NP-hard, thus settling the open problem; we then design a 22-approximation algorithm.Comment: 15 page

    Scheduling unit processing time arc shutdown jobs to maximize network flow over time: complexity results

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    We study the problem of scheduling maintenance on arcs of a capacitated network so as to maximize the total flow from a source node to a sink node over a set of time periods. Maintenance on an arc shuts down the arc for the duration of the period in which its maintenance is scheduled, making its capacity zero for that period. A set of arcs is designated to have maintenance during the planning period, which will require each to be shut down for exactly one time period. In general this problem is known to be NP-hard. Here we identify a number of characteristics that are relevant for the complexity of instance classes. In particular, we discuss instances with restrictions on the set of arcs that have maintenance to be scheduled; series parallel networks; capacities that are balanced, in the sense that the total capacity of arcs entering a (non-terminal) node equals the total capacity of arcs leaving the node; and identical capacities on all arcs

    Single machine scheduling with general positional deterioration and rate-modifying maintenance

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    We present polynomial-time algorithms for single machine problems with generalized positional deterioration effects and machine maintenance. The decisions should be taken regarding possible sequences of jobs and on the number of maintenance activities to be included into a schedule in order to minimize the overall makespan. We deal with general non-decreasing functions to represent deterioration rates of job processing times. Another novel extension of existing models is our assumption that a maintenance activity does not necessarily fully restore the machine to its original perfect state. In the resulting schedules, the jobs are split into groups, a particular group to be sequenced after a particular maintenance period, and the actual processing time of a job is affected by the group that job is placed into and its position within the group

    Chance-Constrained Outage Scheduling using a Machine Learning Proxy

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    Outage scheduling aims at defining, over a horizon of several months to years, when different components needing maintenance should be taken out of operation. Its objective is to minimize operation-cost expectation while satisfying reliability-related constraints. We propose a distributed scenario-based chance-constrained optimization formulation for this problem. To tackle tractability issues arising in large networks, we use machine learning to build a proxy for predicting outcomes of power system operation processes in this context. On the IEEE-RTS79 and IEEE-RTS96 networks, our solution obtains cheaper and more reliable plans than other candidates

    Time4: Time for SDN

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    With the rise of Software Defined Networks (SDN), there is growing interest in dynamic and centralized traffic engineering, where decisions about forwarding paths are taken dynamically from a network-wide perspective. Frequent path reconfiguration can significantly improve the network performance, but should be handled with care, so as to minimize disruptions that may occur during network updates. In this paper we introduce Time4, an approach that uses accurate time to coordinate network updates. Time4 is a powerful tool in softwarized environments, that can be used for various network update scenarios. Specifically, we characterize a set of update scenarios called flow swaps, for which Time4 is the optimal update approach, yielding less packet loss than existing update approaches. We define the lossless flow allocation problem, and formally show that in environments with frequent path allocation, scenarios that require simultaneous changes at multiple network devices are inevitable. We present the design, implementation, and evaluation of a Time4-enabled OpenFlow prototype. The prototype is publicly available as open source. Our work includes an extension to the OpenFlow protocol that has been adopted by the Open Networking Foundation (ONF), and is now included in OpenFlow 1.5. Our experimental results show the significant advantages of Time4 compared to other network update approaches, and demonstrate an SDN use case that is infeasible without Time4.Comment: This report is an extended version of "Software Defined Networks: It's About Time", which was accepted to IEEE INFOCOM 2016. A preliminary version of this report was published in arXiv in May, 201
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