10 research outputs found

    Shadow Optimization from Structured Deep Edge Detection

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    Local structures of shadow boundaries as well as complex interactions of image regions remain largely unexploited by previous shadow detection approaches. In this paper, we present a novel learning-based framework for shadow region recovery from a single image. We exploit the local structures of shadow edges by using a structured CNN learning framework. We show that using the structured label information in the classification can improve the local consistency of the results and avoid spurious labelling. We further propose and formulate a shadow/bright measure to model the complex interactions among image regions. The shadow and bright measures of each patch are computed from the shadow edges detected in the image. Using the global interaction constraints on patches, we formulate a least-square optimization problem for shadow recovery that can be solved efficiently. Our shadow recovery method achieves state-of-the-art results on the major shadow benchmark databases collected under various conditions.Comment: 8 pages. CVPR 201

    Fast Shadow Detection from a Single Image Using a Patched Convolutional Neural Network

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    In recent years, various shadow detection methods from a single image have been proposed and used in vision systems; however, most of them are not appropriate for the robotic applications due to the expensive time complexity. This paper introduces a fast shadow detection method using a deep learning framework, with a time cost that is appropriate for robotic applications. In our solution, we first obtain a shadow prior map with the help of multi-class support vector machine using statistical features. Then, we use a semantic- aware patch-level Convolutional Neural Network that efficiently trains on shadow examples by combining the original image and the shadow prior map. Experiments on benchmark datasets demonstrate the proposed method significantly decreases the time complexity of shadow detection, by one or two orders of magnitude compared with state-of-the-art methods, without losing accuracy.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, Submitted to IROS 201

    Interactive removal and ground truth for difficult shadow scenes

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    A user-centric method for fast, interactive, robust, and high-quality shadow removal is presented. Our algorithm can perform detection and removal in a range of difficult cases, such as highly textured and colored shadows. To perform detection, an on-the-fly learning approach is adopted guided by two rough user inputs for the pixels of the shadow and the lit area. After detection, shadow removal is performed by registering the penumbra to a normalized frame, which allows us efficient estimation of nonuniform shadow illumination changes, resulting in accurate and robust removal. Another major contribution of this work is the first validated and multiscene category ground truth for shadow removal algorithms. This data set containing 186 images eliminates inconsistencies between shadow and shadow-free images and provides a range of different shadow types such as soft, textured, colored, and broken shadow. Using this data, the most thorough comparison of state-of-the-art shadow removal methods to date is performed, showing our proposed algorithm to outperform the state of the art across several measures and shadow categories. To complement our data set, an online shadow removal benchmark website is also presented to encourage future open comparisons in this challenging field of research

    Segmentation multi-vues d'objet

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    There has been a growing interest for multi-camera systems and many interesting works have tried to tackle computer vision problems in this particular configuration. The general objective is to propose new multi-view oriented methods instead of applying limited monocular approaches independently for each viewpoint. The work in this thesis is an attempt to have a better understanding of the multi-view object segmentation problem and to propose an alternative approach making maximum use of the available information from different viewpoints. Multiple view segmentation consists in segmenting objects simultaneously in several views. Classic monocular segmentation approaches reason on a single image and do not benefit from the presence of several viewpoints. A key issue in that respect is to ensure propagation of segmentation information between views while minimizing complexity and computational cost. In this work, we first investigate the idea that examining measurements at the projections of a sparse set of 3D points is sufficient to achieve this goal. The proposed algorithm softly assigns each of these 3D samples to the scene background if it projects on the background region in at least one view, or to the foreground if it projects on foreground region in all views. A complete probabilistic framework is proposed to estimate foreground/background color models and the method is tested on various datasets from state of the art. Two different extensions of the sparse 3D sampling segmentation framework are proposed in two scenarios. In the first, we show the flexibility of the sparse sampling framework, by using variational inference to integrate Gaussian mixture models as appearance models. In the second scenario, we propose a study of how to incorporate depth measurements in multi-view segmentation. We present a quantitative evaluation, showing that typical color-based segmentation robustness issues due to color-space ambiguity between foreground and background, can be at least partially mitigated by using depth, and that multi-view color depth segmentation also improves over monocular color depth segmentation strategies. The various tests also showed the limitations of the proposed 3D sparse sampling approach which was the motivation to propose a new method based on a richer description of image regions using superpixels. This model, that expresses more subtle relationships of the problem trough a graph construction linking superpixels and 3D samples, is one of the contributions of this work. In this new framework, time related information is also integrated. With static views, results compete with state of the art methods but they are achieved with significantly fewer viewpoints. Results on videos demonstrate the benefit of segmentation propagation through geometric and temporal cues. Finally, the last part of the thesis explores the possibilities of tracking in uncalibrated multi-view scenarios. A summary of existing methods in this field is presented, in both mono-camera and multi-camera scenarios. We investigate the potential of using self-similarity matrices to describe and compare motion in the context of multi-view tracking.L'utilisation de systèmes multi-caméras est de plus en plus populaire et il y a un intérêt croissant à résoudre les problèmes de vision par ordinateur dans ce contexte particulier. L'objectif étant de ne pas se limiter à l'application des méthodes monoculaires mais de proposer de nouvelles approches intrinsèquement orientées vers les systèmes multi-caméras. Le travail de cette thèse a pour objectif une meilleure compréhension du problème de segmentation multi-vues, pour proposer une nouvelle approche qui tire meilleur parti de la redondance d'information inhérente à l'utilisation de plusieurs points de vue. La segmentation multi-vues est l'identification de l'objet observé simultanément dans plusieurs caméras et sa séparation de l'arrière-plan. Les approches monoculaires classiques raisonnent sur chaque image de manière indépendante et ne bénéficient pas de la présence de plusieurs points de vue. Une question clé de la segmentation multi-vues réside dans la propagation d'information sur la segmentation entres les images tout en minimisant la complexité et le coût en calcul. Dans ce travail, nous investiguons en premier lieu l'utilisation d'un ensemble épars d'échantillons de points 3D. L'algorithme proposé classe chaque point comme "vide" s'il se projette sur une région du fond et "occupé" s'il se projette sur une région avant-plan dans toutes les vues. Un modèle probabiliste est proposé pour estimer les modèles de couleur de l'avant-plan et de l'arrière-plan, que nous testons sur plusieurs jeux de données de l'état de l'art. Deux extensions du modèle sont proposées. Dans la première, nous montrons la flexibilité de la méthode proposée en intégrant les mélanges de Gaussiennes comme modèles d'apparence. Cette intégration est possible grâce à l'utilisation de l'inférence variationelle. Dans la seconde, nous montrons que le modèle bayésien basé sur les échantillons 3D peut aussi être utilisé si des mesures de profondeur sont présentes. Les résultats de l'évaluation montrent que les problèmes de robustesse, typiquement causés par les ambigüités couleurs entre fond et forme, peuvent être au moins partiellement résolus en utilisant cette information de profondeur. A noter aussi qu'une approche multi-vues reste meilleure qu'une méthode monoculaire utilisant l'information de profondeur. Les différents tests montrent aussi les limitations de la méthode basée sur un échantillonnage éparse. Cela a montré la nécessité de proposer un modèle reposant sur une description plus riche de l'apparence dans les images, en particulier en utilisant les superpixels. L'une des contributions de ce travail est une meilleure modélisation des contraintes grâce à un schéma par coupure de graphes liant les régions d'images aux échantillons 3D. Dans le cas statique, les résultats obtenus rivalisent avec ceux de l'état de l'art mais sont obtenus avec beaucoup moins de points de vue. Les résultats dans le cas dynamique montrent l'intérêt de la propagation de l'information de segmentation à travers la géométrie et le mouvement. Enfin, la dernière partie de cette thèse explore la possibilité d'améliorer le suivi dans les systèmes multi-caméras non calibrés. Un état de l'art sur le suivi monoculaire et multi-caméras est présenté et nous explorons l'utilisation des matrices d'autosimilarité comme moyen de décrire le mouvement et de le comparer entre plusieurs caméras

    Segmentation multi-vues d'objet

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    There has been a growing interest for multi-camera systems and many interesting works have tried to tackle computer vision problems in this particular configuration. The general objective is to propose new multi-view oriented methods instead of applying limited monocular approaches independently for each viewpoint. The work in this thesis is an attempt to have a better understanding of the multi-view object segmentation problem and to propose an alternative approach making maximum use of the available information from different viewpoints.Multiple view segmentation consists in segmenting objects simultaneously in several views. Classic monocular segmentation approaches reason on a single image and do not benefit from the presence of several viewpoints. A key issue in that respect is to ensure propagation of segmentation information between views while minimizing complexity and computational cost. In this work, we first investigate the idea that examining measurements at the projections of a sparse set of 3D points is sufficient to achieve this goal. The proposed algorithm softly assigns each of these 3D samples to the scene background if it projects on the background region in at least one view, or to the foreground if it projects on foreground region in all views. A complete probabilistic framework is proposed to estimate foreground/background color models and the method is tested on various datasets from state of the art.Two different extensions of the sparse 3D sampling segmentation framework are proposed in two scenarios. In the first, we show the flexibility of the sparse sampling framework, by using variational inference to integrate Gaussian mixture models as appearance models. In the second scenario, we propose a study of how to incorporate depth measurements in multi-view segmentation. We present a quantitative evaluation, showing that typical color-based segmentation robustness issues due to color-space ambiguity between foreground and background, can be at least partially mitigated by using depth, and that multi-view color depth segmentation also improves over monocular color depth segmentation strategies.The various tests also showed the limitations of the proposed 3D sparse sampling approach which was the motivation to propose a new method based on a richer description of image regions using superpixels. This model, that expresses more subtle relationships of the problem trough a graph construction linking superpixels and 3D samples, is one of the contributions of this work. In this new framework, time related information is also integrated. With static views, results compete with state of the art methods but they are achieved with significantly fewer viewpoints. Results on videos demonstrate the benefit of segmentation propagation through geometric and temporal cues.Finally, the last part of the thesis explores the possibilities of tracking in uncalibrated multi-view scenarios. A summary of existing methods in this field is presented, in both mono-camera and multi-camera scenarios. We investigate the potential of using self-similarity matrices to describe and compare motion in the context of multi-view tracking.L’utilisation de systèmes multi-caméras est de plus en plus populaire et il y a un intérêt croissant à résoudre les problèmes de vision par ordinateur dans ce contexte particulier. L’objectif étant de ne pas se limiter à l’application des méthodes monoculaires mais de proposer de nouvelles approches intrinsèquement orientées vers les systèmes multi-caméras. Le travail de cette thèse a pour objectif une meilleure compréhension du problème de segmentation multi-vues, pour proposer une nouvelle approche qui tire meilleur parti de la redondance d’information inhérente à l’utilisation de plusieurs points de vue.La segmentation multi-vues est l’identification de l’objet observé simultanément dans plusieurs caméras et sa séparation de l’arrière-plan. Les approches monoculaires classiques raisonnent sur chaque image de manière indépendante et ne bénéficient pas de la présence de plusieurs points de vue. Une question clé de la segmentation multi-vues réside dans la propagation d’information sur la segmentation entres les images tout en minimisant la complexité et le coût en calcul. Dans ce travail, nous investiguons en premier lieu l’utilisation d’un ensemble épars d’échantillons de points 3D. L’algorithme proposé classe chaque point comme "vide" s’il se projette sur une région du fond et "occupé" s’il se projette sur une région avant-plan dans toutes les vues. Un modèle probabiliste est proposé pour estimer les modèles de couleur de l’avant-plan et de l’arrière-plan, que nous testons sur plusieurs jeux de données de l’état de l’art.Deux extensions du modèle sont proposées. Dans la première, nous montrons la flexibilité de la méthode proposée en intégrant les mélanges de Gaussiennes comme modèles d’apparence. Cette intégration est possible grâce à l’utilisation de l’inférence variationelle. Dans la seconde, nous montrons que le modèle bayésien basé sur les échantillons 3D peut aussi être utilisé si des mesures de profondeur sont présentes. Les résultats de l’évaluation montrent que les problèmes de robustesse, typiquement causés par les ambigüités couleurs entre fond et forme, peuvent être au moins partiellement résolus en utilisant cette information de profondeur. A noter aussi qu’une approche multi-vues reste meilleure qu’une méthode monoculaire utilisant l’information de profondeur.Les différents tests montrent aussi les limitations de la méthode basée sur un échantillonnage éparse. Cela a montré la nécessité de proposer un modèle reposant sur une description plus riche de l’apparence dans les images, en particulier en utilisant les superpixels. L’une des contributions de ce travail est une meilleure modélisation des contraintes grâce à un schéma par coupure de graphes liant les régions d’images aux échantillons 3D. Dans le cas statique, les résultats obtenus rivalisent avec ceux de l’état de l’art mais sont obtenus avec beaucoup moins de points de vue. Les résultats dans le cas dynamique montrent l’intérêt de la propagation de l’information de segmentation à travers la géométrie et le mouvement.Enfin, la dernière partie de cette thèse explore la possibilité d’améliorer le suivi dans les systèmes multi-caméras non calibrés. Un état de l’art sur le suivi monoculaire et multi-caméras est présenté et nous explorons l’utilisation des matrices d’autosimilarité comme moyen de décrire le mouvement et de le comparer entre plusieurs caméras

    Automatic Foreground Initialization for Binary Image Segmentation

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    Foreground segmentation is a fundamental problem in computer vision. A popular approach for foreground extraction is through graph cuts in energy minimization framework. Most existing graph cuts based image segmentation algorithms rely on user’s initialization. In this work, we aim to find an automatic initialization for graph cuts. Unlike many previous methods, no additional training dataset is needed. Collecting a training set is not only expensive and time consuming, but it also may bias the algorithm to the particular data distribution of the collected dataset. We assume that the foreground differs significantly from the background in some unknown feature space and try to find the rectangle that is most different from the rest of the image by measuring histograms dissimilarity. We extract multiple features, design a ranking function to select good features, and compute histograms based on integral images. The standard graph cuts binary segmentation is applied, based on the color models learned from the initial rectangular segmentation. Then the steps of refining the color models and re-segmenting the image iterate in the grabcut manner, until convergence, which is guaranteed. The foreground detection algorithm performs well and the segmentation is further improved by graph cuts. We evaluate our method on three datasets with manually labelled foreground regions, and show that we reach the similar level of accuracy compared to previous work. Our approach, however, has an advantage over the previous work that we do not require a training dataset

    Building change detection from remotely sensed data using machine learning techniques

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    As remote sensing data plays an increasingly important role in many fields, many countries have established geographic information systems. However, such systems usually suffer from obsolete scene details, making the development of change detection technology critical. Building changes are important in practice, as they are valuable in urban planning and disaster rescue. This thesis focuses on building change detection from remotely sensed data using machine learning techniques. Supervised classification is a traditional method for pixel level change detection, and relies on a suitable training dataset. Since different training datasets may affect the learning performance differently, the effects of dataset characteristics on pixel level building change detection are first studied. The research is conducted from two angles, namely the imbalance and noise in the training dataset, and multiple correlations among different features. The robustness of some supervised learning algorithms to unbalanced and noisy training datasets is examined, and the results are interpreted from a theoretical perspective. A solution for handling multiple correlations is introduced, and its performance on and applicability to building change detection is investigated. Finally, an object-based post processing technique is proposed using prior knowledge to further suppress false alarms. A novel corner based Markov random field (MRF) method is then proposed for exploring spatial information and contextual relations in changed building outline detection. Corners are treated as vertices in the graph, and a new method is proposed for determining neighbourhood relations. Energy terms in the proposed method are constructed using spatial features to describe building characteristics. An optimal solution indicates spatial features belonging to changed buildings, and changed areas are revealed based on novel linking processes. Considering the individual advantages of pixel level, contextual and spatial features, an MRF based combinational method is proposed that exploits spectral, spatial and contextual features in building change detection. It consists of pixel level detection and corner based refinement. Pixel level detection is first conducted, which provides an initial indication of changed areas. Corner based refinement is then implemented to further refine the detection results. Experimental results and quantitative analysis demonstrate the capacity and effectiveness of the proposed methods

    Discrete Optimization Methods for Segmentation and Matching

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    This dissertation studies discrete optimization methods for several computer vision problems. In the first part, a new objective function for superpixel segmentation is proposed. This objective function consists of two components: entropy rate of a random walk on a graph and a balancing term. The entropy rate favors formation of compact and homogeneous clusters, while the balancing function encourages clusters with similar sizes. I present a new graph construction for images and show that this construction induces a matroid. The segmentation is then given by the graph topology which maximizes the objective function under the matroid constraint. By exploiting submodular and monotonic properties of the objective function, I develop an efficient algorithm with a worst-case performance bound of 12\frac{1}{2} for the superpixel segmentation problem. Extensive experiments on the Berkeley segmentation benchmark show the proposed algorithm outperforms the state of the art in all the standard evaluation metrics. Next, I propose a video segmentation algorithm by maximizing a submodular objective function subject to a matroid constraint. This function is similar to the standard energy function in computer vision with unary terms, pairwise terms from the Potts model, and a novel higher-order term based on appearance histograms. I show that the standard Potts model prior, which becomes non-submodular for multi-label problems, still induces a submodular function in a maximization framework. A new higher-order prior further enforces consistency in the appearance histograms both spatially and temporally across the video. The matroid constraint leads to a simple algorithm with a performance bound of 12\frac{1}{2}. A branch and bound procedure is also presented to improve the solution computed by the algorithm. The last part of the dissertation studies the object localization problem in images given a single hand-drawn example or a gallery of shapes as the object model. Although many shape matching algorithms have been proposed for the problem, chamfer matching remains to be the preferred method when speed and robustness are considered. In this dissertation, I significantly improve the accuracy of chamfer matching while reducing the computational time from linear to sublinear (shown empirically). It is achieved by incorporating edge orientation information in the matching algorithm so the resulting cost function is piecewise smooth and the cost variation is tightly bounded. Moreover, I present a sublinear time algorithm for exact computation of the directional chamfer matching score using techniques from 3D distance transforms and directional integral images. In addition, the smooth cost function allows one to bound the cost distribution of large neighborhoods and skip the bad hypotheses. Experiments show that the proposed approach improves the speed of the original chamfer matching up to an order of 45 times, and it is much faster than many state of art techniques while the accuracy is comparable. I further demonstrate the application of the proposed algorithm in providing seamless operation for a robotic bin picking system