203 research outputs found

    A proportional pattern recognition control scheme for wearable a-mode ultrasound sensing

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    On the Utility of Representation Learning Algorithms for Myoelectric Interfacing

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    Electrical activity produced by muscles during voluntary movement is a reflection of the firing patterns of relevant motor neurons and, by extension, the latent motor intent driving the movement. Once transduced via electromyography (EMG) and converted into digital form, this activity can be processed to provide an estimate of the original motor intent and is as such a feasible basis for non-invasive efferent neural interfacing. EMG-based motor intent decoding has so far received the most attention in the field of upper-limb prosthetics, where alternative means of interfacing are scarce and the utility of better control apparent. Whereas myoelectric prostheses have been available since the 1960s, available EMG control interfaces still lag behind the mechanical capabilities of the artificial limbs they are intended to steer—a gap at least partially due to limitations in current methods for translating EMG into appropriate motion commands. As the relationship between EMG signals and concurrent effector kinematics is highly non-linear and apparently stochastic, finding ways to accurately extract and combine relevant information from across electrode sites is still an active area of inquiry.This dissertation comprises an introduction and eight papers that explore issues afflicting the status quo of myoelectric decoding and possible solutions, all related through their use of learning algorithms and deep Artificial Neural Network (ANN) models. Paper I presents a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) for multi-label movement decoding of high-density surface EMG (HD-sEMG) signals. Inspired by the successful use of CNNs in Paper I and the work of others, Paper II presents a method for automatic design of CNN architectures for use in myocontrol. Paper III introduces an ANN architecture with an appertaining training framework from which simultaneous and proportional control emerges. Paper Iv introduce a dataset of HD-sEMG signals for use with learning algorithms. Paper v applies a Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) model to decode finger forces from intramuscular EMG. Paper vI introduces a Transformer model for myoelectric interfacing that do not need additional training data to function with previously unseen users. Paper vII compares the performance of a Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) network to that of classical pattern recognition algorithms. Lastly, paper vIII describes a framework for synthesizing EMG from multi-articulate gestures intended to reduce training burden

    The "Federica" hand: a simple, very efficient prothesis

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    Hand prostheses partially restore hand appearance and functionalities. Not everyone can afford expensive prostheses and many low-cost prostheses have been proposed. In particular, 3D printers have provided great opportunities by simplifying the manufacturing process and reducing costs. Generally, active prostheses use multiple motors for fingers movement and are controlled by electromyographic (EMG) signals. The "Federica" hand is a single motor prosthesis, equipped with an adaptive grasp and controlled by a force-myographic signal. The "Federica" hand is 3D printed and has an anthropomorphic morphology with five fingers, each consisting of three phalanges. The movement generated by a single servomotor is transmitted to the fingers by inextensible tendons that form a closed chain; practically, no springs are used for passive hand opening. A differential mechanical system simultaneously distributes the motor force in predefined portions on each finger, regardless of their actual positions. Proportional control of hand closure is achieved by measuring the contraction of residual limb muscles by means of a force sensor, replacing the EMG. The electrical current of the servomotor is monitored to provide the user with a sensory feedback of the grip force, through a small vibration motor. A simple Arduino board was adopted as processing unit. The differential mechanism guarantees an efficient transfer of mechanical energy from the motor to the fingers and a secure grasp of any object, regardless of its shape and deformability. The force sensor, being extremely thin, can be easily embedded into the prosthesis socket and positioned on both muscles and tendons; it offers some advantages over the EMG as it does not require any electrical contact or signal processing to extract information about the muscle contraction intensity. The grip speed is high enough to allow the user to grab objects on the fly: from the muscle trigger until to the complete hand closure, "Federica" takes about half a second. The cost of the device is about 100 US$. Preliminary tests carried out on a patient with transcarpal amputation, showed high performances in controlling the prosthesis, after a very rapid training session. The "Federica" hand turned out to be a lightweight, low-cost and extremely efficient prosthesis. The project is intended to be open-source: all the information needed to produce the prosthesis (e.g. CAD files, circuit schematics, software) can be downloaded from a public repository. Thus, allowing everyone to use the "Federica" hand and customize or improve it

    Reducing the number of EMG electrodes during online hand gesture classification with changing wrist positions

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    Abstract Background Myoelectric control based on hand gesture classification can be used for effective, contactless human–machine interfacing in general applications (e.g., consumer market) as well as in the clinical context. However, the accuracy of hand gesture classification can be impacted by several factors including changing wrist position. The present study aimed at investigating how channel configuration (number and placement of electrode pads) affects performance in hand gesture recognition across wrist positions, with the overall goal of reducing the number of channels without the loss of performance with respect to the benchmark (all channels). Methods Matrix electrodes (256 channels) were used to record high-density EMG from the forearm of 13 healthy subjects performing a set of 8 gestures in 3 wrist positions and 2 force levels (low and moderate). A reduced set of channels was chosen by applying sequential forward selection (SFS) and simple circumferential placement (CIRC) and used for gesture classification with linear discriminant analysis. The classification success rate and task completion rate were the main outcome measures for offline analysis across the different number of channels and online control using 8 selected channels, respectively. Results The offline analysis demonstrated that good accuracy (> 90%) can be achieved with only a few channels. However, using data from all wrist positions required more channels to reach the same performance. Despite the targeted placement (SFS) performing similarly to CIRC in the offline analysis, the task completion rate [median (lower–upper quartile)] in the online control was significantly higher for SFS [71.4% (64.8–76.2%)] compared to CIRC [57.1% (51.8–64.8%), p < 0.01], especially for low contraction levels [76.2% (66.7–84.5%) for SFS vs. 57.1% (47.6–60.7%) for CIRC, p < 0.01]. For the reduced number of electrodes, the performance with SFS was comparable to that obtained when using the full matrix, while the selected electrodes were highly subject-specific. Conclusions The present study demonstrated that the number of channels required for gesture classification with changing wrist positions could be decreased substantially without loss of performance, if those channels are placed strategically along the forearm and individually for each subject. The results also emphasize the importance of online assessment and motivate the development of configurable matrix electrodes with integrated channel selection

    A CNN-LSTM Hybrid Model for Wrist Kinematics Estimation Using Surface Electromyography

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    Convolutional neural network (CNN) has been widely exploited for simultaneous and proportional myoelectric control due to its capability of deriving informative, representative and transferable features from surface electromyography (sEMG). However, muscle contractions have strong temporal dependencies but conventional CNN can only exploit spatial correlations. Considering that long short-term memory neural network (LSTM) is able to capture long-term and non-linear dynamics of time-series data, in this paper we propose a CNN-LSTM hybrid model to fully explore the temporal-spatial information in sEMG. Firstly, CNN is utilized to extract deep features from sEMG spectrum, then these features are processed via LSTM-based sequence regression to estimate wrist kinematics. Six healthy participants are recruited for the participatory collection and motion analysis under various experimental setups. Estimation results in both intra-session and inter-session evaluations illustrate that CNN-LSTM significantly outperforms CNN, LSTM and several representative machine learning approaches, particularly when complex wrist movements are activated

    Clinical Features to Predict the Use of a sEMG Wearable Device (REMO®) for Hand Motor Training of Stroke Patients: A Cross-Sectional Cohort Study

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    After stroke, upper limb motor impairment is one of the most common consequences that compromises the level of the autonomy of patients. In a neurorehabilitation setting, the implementation of wearable sensors provides new possibilities for enhancing hand motor recovery. In our study, we tested an innovative wearable (REMO®) that detected the residual surface-electromyography of forearm muscles to control a rehabilitative PC interface. The aim of this study was to define the clinical features of stroke survivors able to perform ten, five, or no hand movements for rehabilitation training. 117 stroke patients were tested: 65% of patients were able to control ten movements, 19% of patients could control nine to one movement, and 16% could control no movements. Results indicated that mild upper limb motor impairment (Fugl-Meyer Upper Extremity 18 points) predicted the control of ten movements and no flexor carpi muscle spasticity predicted the control of five movements. Finally, severe impairment of upper limb motor function (Fugl-Meyer Upper Extremity &gt; 10 points) combined with no pain and no restrictions of upper limb joints predicted the control of at least one movement. In conclusion, the residual motor function, pain and joints restriction, and spasticity at the upper limb are the most important clinical features to use for a wearable REMO® for hand rehabilitation training

    User Training with Error Augmentation for Electromyogram-based Gesture Classification

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    We designed and tested a system for real-time control of a user interface by extracting surface electromyographic (sEMG) activity from eight electrodes in a wrist-band configuration. sEMG data were streamed into a machine-learning algorithm that classified hand gestures in real-time. After an initial model calibration, participants were presented with one of three types of feedback during a human-learning stage: veridical feedback, in which predicted probabilities from the gesture classification algorithm were displayed without alteration, modified feedback, in which we applied a hidden augmentation of error to these probabilities, and no feedback. User performance was then evaluated in a series of minigames, in which subjects were required to use eight gestures to manipulate their game avatar to complete a task. Experimental results indicated that, relative to baseline, the modified feedback condition led to significantly improved accuracy and improved gesture class separation. These findings suggest that real-time feedback in a gamified user interface with manipulation of feedback may enable intuitive, rapid, and accurate task acquisition for sEMG-based gesture recognition applications.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figure
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