298 research outputs found

    Distributed Fault-Tolerant Embeddings of Rings in Incrementally Extensible Hypercubes with Unbounded Expansion

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    [[abstract]]The Incrementally Extensible Hypercube (IEH) is a generalization of interconnection network that is derived from the hypercube. Unlike the hypercube, the IEH can be constructed for any number of nodes. That is, the IEH is incrementally expandable. In this paper, the problem of embedding and reconfiguring ring structures is considered in an IEH with faulty nodes. There are a novel embedding algorithm proposed in this paper. The embedding algorithm enables us to obtain the good embedding of a ring into a faulty IEH with unbounded expansion, and such the result can be tolerated up to O(n*log2m ) faults with congestion 1, load 1, and dilation 4. The presented embedding methods are optimized mainly for balancing the processor loads, while minimizing dilation and congestion as far as possible.[[notice]]補正完畢[[journaltype]]國際[[incitationindex]]EI[[ispeerreviewed]]Y[[booktype]]紙本[[countrycodes]]TW

    Faulty-Tolerant Algorithm for Mapping a Complete Binary Tree in an IEH

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    [[abstract]]Different parallel architectures may require different algorithms to make the existent algorithms on one architecture be easily transformed to or implemented on another architecture. This paper proposes a novel algorithm for embedding complete binary trees in a faulty Incrementally Extensible Hypercube (IEH). Furthermore, to obtain the replaceable node of the faulty node, 2-expansion is permitted such that up to (n+1) faults can be tolerated with dilation 3, congestion 1 and load 1. The presented embedding methods are optimized mainly for balancing the processor loads, while minimizing dilation and congestion as far as possible. According to the result, we can map the parallel algorithms developed by the structure of complete binary tree in an IEH. These methods of reconfiguring enable extremely high-speed parallel computation.[[notice]]補正完畢[[journaltype]]國外[[incitationindex]]EI[[booktype]]紙本[[countrycodes]]GR

    Approximating Symmetrized Estimators of Scatter via Balanced Incomplete U-Statistics

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    We derive limiting distributions of symmetrized estimators of scatter, where instead of all n(n1)/2n(n-1)/2 pairs of the nn observations we only consider ndnd suitably chosen pairs, 1d<n/21 \le d < \lfloor n/2\rfloor. It turns out that the resulting estimators are asymptotically equivalent to the original one whenever d=d(n)d = d(n) \to \infty at arbitrarily slow speed. We also investigate the asymptotic properties for arbitrary fixed dd. These considerations and numerical examples indicate that for practical purposes, moderate fixed values of dd between,say, 1010 and 2020 yield already estimators which are computationally feasible and rather close to the original ones

    Simulation of Meshes in a Faulty Supercube with Unbounded Expansion

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    [[abstract]]Reconfiguring meshes in a faulty Supercube is investigated in the paper. The result can readily be used in the optimal embedding of a mesh (or a torus) of processors in a faulty Supercube with unbounded expansion. There are embedding algorithms proposed in this paper. These embedding algorithms show a mesh with any number of nodes can be embedded into a faulty Supercube with load 1, congestion 1, and dilation 3 such that O(n2-w2) faults can be tolerated, where n is the dimension of the Supercube and 2w is the number of nodes of the mesh. The meshes and hypercubes are widely used interconnection architectures in parallel computing, grid computing, sensor network, and cloud computing. In addition, the Supercubes are superior to hypercube in terms of embedding a mesh and torus under faults. Therefore, we can easily port the parallel or distributed algorithms developed for these structuring of mesh and torus to the Supercube.[[notice]]補正完畢[[journaltype]]國外[[incitationindex]]EI[[ispeerreviewed]]Y[[booktype]]紙本[[countrycodes]]KO

    Inventory management systems:Control and information issues

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    Abstract: This dissertation addresses the management of inventory systems. The thesis starts with an exposition on mathematical models that can be used in inventory theory. Then we deal with some information issues related to the demand process. Namely, how to control products that have intermittent demand. Moreover, we investigated the impact of data collection on the customer performance. Next, we investigated to what extend multiple-sourcing can lead to improvements of the inventory system. Finally two demand management strategies are investigated for smoothing demand. The first re-routes large customer orders to alternative stockpoint, whereas the second strategy splits a customer order in a time-phased delivery scheme.

    Modelling of a Natural-Gas-Based Clean Energy Hub

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    The increasing price of fuel and energy, combined with environmental laws and regulations, have led many different energy producers to integrate renewable, clean energy sources with non-renewable ones, forming the idea of energy hubs. Energy hubs are systems of technologies where different energy forms are conditioned and transformed. These energy hubs offer many advantages compared to traditional single-energy sources, including increased reliability and security of meeting energy demand, maximizing use of energy and materials resulting in increasing the overall system efficiency. In this thesis, we consider an energy hub consisting of natural gas (NG) turbines for the main source of energy— electricity and heat— combined with two renewable energy sources—wind turbines and PV solar cells. The hub designed capacity is meant to simulate and replace the coal-fired Nanticoke Generating Station with NG-fired power plant. The generating station is integrated with renewable energy sources, including wind and solar. The hub will also include water electrolysers for hydrogen production. The hydrogen serves as an energy storage vector that can be used in transportation applications, or the hydrogen can be mixed into the NG feed stream to the gas turbines to improve their emission profile. Alkaline electrolysers’ technology is fully mature to be applied in large industrial applications. Hydrogen, as an energy carrier, is becoming more and more important in industrial and transportation sectors, so a significant part of the thesis will focus on hydrogen production and cost. In order to achieve the goal of replacing the Nanticoke Coal-fired Power Plant by introducing the energy hub concept, the study investigates the modeling of the combined system of the different technologies used in terms of the total energy produced, cost per kWh, and emissions. This modeling is done using GAMS® in order to make use of the optimization routines in the software. The system is modeled so that a minimum cost of energy is achieved taking into account technical and thermodynamic constrains. Excess energy produced during off-peak demand by wind turbines and PV solar cells is used to feed the electrolyser to produce H2 and O2. Through this method, a significant reduction in energy cost and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are achieved, in addition to an increased overall efficiency

    Improved micro-contact resistance model that considers material deformation, electron transport and thin film characteristics

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    This paper reports on an improved analytic model forpredicting micro-contact resistance needed for designing microelectro-mechanical systems (MEMS) switches. The originalmodel had two primary considerations: 1) contact materialdeformation (i.e. elastic, plastic, or elastic-plastic) and 2) effectivecontact area radius. The model also assumed that individual aspotswere close together and that their interactions weredependent on each other which led to using the single effective aspotcontact area model. This single effective area model wasused to determine specific electron transport regions (i.e. ballistic,quasi-ballistic, or diffusive) by comparing the effective radius andthe mean free path of an electron. Using this model required thatmicro-switch contact materials be deposited, during devicefabrication, with processes ensuring low surface roughness values(i.e. sputtered films). Sputtered thin film electric contacts,however, do not behave like bulk materials and the effects of thinfilm contacts and spreading resistance must be considered. Theimproved micro-contact resistance model accounts for the twoprimary considerations above, as well as, using thin film,sputtered, electric contact

    Tomography applied to Lamb wave contact scanning nondestructive evaluation

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    The aging world-wide aviation fleet requires methods for accurately predicting the presence of structural flaws that compromise airworthiness in aircraft structures. Nondestructive Evaluation (NDE) provides the means to assess these structures quickly, quantitatively, and noninvasively. Ultrasonic guided waves, Lamb waves, are useful for evaluating the plate and shell structures common in aerospace applications. The amplitude and time-of-flight of Lamb waves depend on the material properties and thickness of a medium, and so they can be used to detect any areas of differing thickness or material properties which indicate flaws. By scanning sending and receiving transducers over an aircraft, large sections can be evaluated after a single pass. However, while this technique enables the detection of areas of structural deterioration, it does not allow for the quantification of the extent of that deterioration. Tomographic reconstruction with Lamb waves allows for the accurate reconstruction of the variation of quantities of interest, such as thickness, throughout the investigated region, and it presents the data as a quantitative map. The location, shape, and extent of any flaw region can then be easily extracted from this Tomographic image. Two Lamb wave tomography techniques using Parallel Projection tomography (PPT) and Cross Borehole tomography (CBT), are shown to accurately reconstruct flaws of interest to the aircraft industry. A comparison of the quality of reconstruction and practicality is then made between these two methods, and their limitations are discussed and shown experimentally. Higher order plate theory is used to derive analytical solutions for the scattering of the lowest order symmetric Lamb wave from a circular inclusion, and these solutions are used to explain the scattering effects seen in the Tomographic reconstructions. Finally, the means by which this scattering theory can be used to develop Lamb wave Tomographic algorithms that are more generally applicable in-the-field, is presented

    Studies of Solar Activity with Emphasis on Quasi-Periodic Oscillations

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    In this thesis mainly long quasi-periodic solar oscillations in various solar atmospheric structures are discussed, based on data obtained at several wavelengths, focussing, however, mainly on radio frequencies. Sunspot (Articles II and III) and quiet Sun area (QSA) (Article I) oscillations are investigated along with quasi-periodic pulsations (QPP) in a flaring event with wide-range radio spectra (Article IV). Various oscillation periods are detected; 3–15, 35–70 and 90 minutes (QSA), 10-60 and 80-130 minutes (in sunspots at various radio frequencies), 3-5, 10-23, 220-240, 340 and 470 minutes (in sunspots at photosphere) and 8-12 and 15-17 seconds (in a solar flare at radio frequencies). Some of the oscillation periods are detected for the first time, while some of them have been confirmed earlier by other research groups. Solar oscillations can provide more information on the nature of various solar structures. This thesis presents the physical mechanisms of some solar structure oscillations. Two different theoretical approaches are chosen; magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) and the shallow sunspot model. These two theories can explain a wide range of solar oscillations from a few seconds up to some hours. Various wave modes in loop structures cause solar oscillations (<45 minutes) both in sunspots and quiet Sun areas. Periods lasting more than 45 minutes in the sunspots (and a fraction of the shorter periods) are related to sunspot oscillations as a whole. Sometimes similar oscillation periods are detected both in sunspot area variations and respectively in magnetic field strength changes. This result supports a concept that these oscillations are related to sunspot oscillations as a whole. In addition, a theory behind QPPs at radio frequencies in solar flares is presented. The thesis also covers solar instrumentation and data sources. Additionally, the data processing methods are presented. As the majority of the investigations in this thesis focus on radio frequencies, also the most typical radio emission mechanisms are presented. The main structures of the Sun, which are related to solar oscillations, are also presented. Two separate projects are included in this thesis. Solar cyclicity is studied using the extensively large solar radio map archieve from Metsähovi Radio Observatory (MRO) at 37 GHz, between 1978 and 2011 (Article V) covering two full solar cycles. Also, some new solar instrumentation (Article VI) was developed during this thesis.Siirretty Doriast