8,264 research outputs found

    A Comparative Analysis of the American and Romanian Business Education Programs

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    The purpose of this paper is to present a comparative analysis of the business education programs offered by Auburn University's College of Business, Alabama, U.S.A. and Faculty of Business Administration, Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest Romania. This comparative analysis is conceived in a larger perspective of the two different cultures and traditions in developing business education programs. The analysis is performed taking into consideration several dimensions, from the curriculum structure to the academic work with honesty and integrity.business education, higher education, university programs.

    Организація освітнього процесу в сучасному закладі вищої освіти на засадах фасилітативного підходу

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    The article elucidates the peculiarities of reforming the educational process in institutions of higher education and defines the relevance of the activities of the modern teacher of institution of higher education institution as a facilitator; analyzes and summarizes the features of the implementation facilitative approach in the educational space of the modern HEI; the publication contains generalizations and conclusions about the content and peculiarities of implementation facilitating approach in the professional activities of scientific and pedagogical workers of HEI.В статті висвітлено особливості реформування освітнього процесу у закладах вищої освіти; визначено актуальність діяльності сучасного викладача закладу вищої освіти як фасилітатора; проаналізовано та узагальнено особливості впровадження фасилітативного підходу в освітній простір сучасних ЗВО; публікація містить узагальнення та висновки щодо змісту та особливостей впровадження фасилітативного підходу в професійній діяльності науково-педагогічних працівників ЗВО

    Ethics and taxation : a cross-national comparison of UK and Turkish firms

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    This paper investigates responses to tax related ethical issues facing busines

    Professional learning & development : from innovative research to innovative interventions. Book of abstracts of the EARLI SIG14 2020 Conference

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    Special interest group 14 of the European Association for Research of Learning and Instruction (EARLI) brings together researchers who study work and education as contexts for professional learning. "From innovative research to innovative interventions" was the theme selected for the SIG14 2020 Conference in Barcelona. The conference was canceled due to the COVID-19 situation; however, the abstracts of all contributions are here presented, hoping that it can facilitate networking among researcher

    Abstracts from the Fifteenth Annual Conference on Ethnic and Minority Studies

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    Each year the conference organizers attempt to provide a complete overview of the Annual Conference by publishing abstracts of the papers and presentations as well as the comments provided by the respondents to each session. Although we usually fail to get a one hundred percent response, the following abstracts and comments provide an excellent representation of the variety of responses to the conference theme, Ethnicity: Propaganda, Persuasion, and Political Economy. These statements reflect both pedagogical and theoretical responses to the issues, suggesting directions both for teaching and further research on the topics


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    The aim of the study is to empirically substantiate the theoretical analysis of the prerequisites, challenges and trends of modernity, causing global changes in the management system of modern universities. These include massing, the pragmatism, standardization, marketization. These trends determine the transformation of the management system of universities in the direction of administration, which, on the one hand, acquires the ability to meet the challenges of our time, and, on the other hand, reproduces the pathological processes characteristic of quasi-corporations.Methodology. The sociological study was aimed at studying the dispositions of the participants of the educational process regarding the negative consequences arising in the management system of the University. For this purpose, General scientific and private scientific methods were used: comparative and system analysis, bibliographic research, analysis of documentary sources. Data collection was carried out with the help of a sociological survey of respondents, in-depth interviews of experts. The results were processed in Vortex and Microsoft Excel.Main conclusions. The authors identified and analyzed the possible benefits and negative consequences of excessive expansion of the scope of administrative practice in higher education. These include reduced interest in work, reduced creative activity and limited opportunities for creativity, the image of activity at the expense of real activity, quantitative growth of the management apparatus, nepotism and favoritism, violation of the integrity of information flows, unjustified formalization of internal processes, loss of confidence in the leadership.Novelty / originality of this study. The materials of the study allow us to expand our understanding of the management system of administrative type universities, its advantages and disadvantages. The results of diagnostics can be used in the activities of state bodies managing the system of higher education, higher educational institutions in the process of improving the management of the University.El objetivo del estudio es corroborar empíricamente el análisis teórico de los requisitos previos, los desafíos y las tendencias de la modernidad, causando cambios globales en el sistema de gestión de las universidades modernas. Estos incluyen la concentración, el pragmatismo, la estandarización, la comercialización. Estas tendencias determinan la transformación del sistema de gestión de las universidades en la dirección de la administración, que, por un lado, adquiere la capacidad de enfrentar los desafíos de nuestro tiempo y, por otro lado, reproduce los procesos patológicos característicos de las cuasi- corporaciones Metodología. El estudio sociológico tuvo como objetivo estudiar las disposiciones de los participantes del proceso educativo con respecto a las consecuencias negativas que surgen en el sistema de gestión de la Universidad. Para ello se utilizaron métodos científicos generales y científicos privados: análisis comparativo y de sistemas, investigación bibliográfica, análisis de fuentes documentales. La recopilación de datos se realizó con la ayuda de una encuesta sociológica de los encuestados, entrevistas en profundidad de expertos. Los resultados se procesaron en Vortex y Microsoft Excel. Principales conclusiones Los autores identificaron y analizaron los posibles beneficios y las consecuencias negativas de la expansión excesiva del alcance de la práctica administrativa en la educación superior. Estos incluyen un interés reducido en el trabajo, una actividad creativa reducida y oportunidades limitadas para la creatividad, la imagen de la actividad a expensas de la actividad real, el crecimiento cuantitativo del aparato de gestión, el nepotismo y el favoritismo, la violación de la integridad de los flujos de información, la formalización injustificada de procesos, pérdida de confianza en el liderazgo. Novedad / originalidad de este estudio. Los materiales del estudio nos permiten ampliar nuestra comprensión del sistema de gestión de las universidades de tipo administrativo, sus ventajas y desventajas. Los resultados del diagnóstico se pueden utilizar en las actividades de los organismos estatales que gestionan el sistema de educación superior, las instituciones de educación superior en el proceso de mejorar la gestión de la Universidad.Целью исследования является эмпирическое обоснование теоретического анализа предпосылок, вызовов и тенденций современности, обусловливающих глобальные изменения в системе управления современными вузами. К ним относятся массирование, прагматизация, стандартизация, маркетизация. Эти тенденции определяют трансформацию системы управления вузами в сторону администрирования, которое, с одной стороны, приобретает способность отвечать вызовам современности, а, с другой стороны, воспроизводит патологические процессы, характерные для квазикорпораций.Методология. Социологическое исследование было направлено на изучение диспозиций участников образовательного процесса относительно негативных последствий, возникающих в системе управления вузом. Для этого использовались общенаучные и частнонаучные методы: сравнительный и системный анализ, библиографическое исследование, анализ документальных источников. Сбор данных осуществлялся с помощью социологического опроса респондентов, глубинных интервью экспертов. Результаты были обработаны в Vortex и Microsoft Excel.Основные выводы. Авторы выявили и проанализировали возможные выгоды и негативные последствия чрезмерного расширения сферы применения административной практики в высшем образовании. К ним относятся снижение интереса к работе, снижение творческой активности и ограниченные возможности для творчества, изображение деятельности в ущерб реальной деятельности, количественный рост управленческого аппарата, кумовство и фаворитизм, нарушение целостности информационных потоков, необоснованная формализация внутренних процессов, потеря доверия к руководству.Новизна / оригинальность данного исследования. Материалы исследования позволяют расширить наши представления о системе управления вузами административного типа, ее преимуществах и недостатках. Результаты диагностики могут быть использованы в деятельности государственных органов, управляющих системой высшего образования, высших учебных заведений в процессе совершенствования управления вузом

    Supply and demand in the labor market: personnel development, organizational-behavioral aspect, forecasting

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    The book is prepared by a team of authors within the framework of the international TEMPUS Project «ICo-op». The book is dedicated to the study of the features of tools to focused demand and supply in the labor market. The authors summarized Ukrainian and foreign experience of studying processes related with the peculiarities of research leadership and entrepreneurship in the context of human capital. Particular attention is paid to the development of professional competence of future engineers and productivity already operating engineers and technical staff. The problems of development of methods and models of personal development, forecasting labor market needs based on professional competency profiles are considered. For students, researchers and teachers of universities and for enterprise managers, entrepreneurs-innovators

    Tangling with spaghetti : pedagogical lessons from games

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    International audienceGovernments are seeking to develop entrepreneurial competencies among today’s technology, science, and engineering graduates. However, the creation of “bilingual” graduates who have dual technical and managerial competencies is thwarted by students’ inferior teamwork and interpersonal skills. In education, what is taught is inextricably bound to how it is taught (Dewey, 1916). Current pedagogies in engineering education are insufficiently adapted to student learning style needs (Felder & Silverman, 1988), and the management component of engineering education remains underdeveloped. This problem is keenly felt in one French engineering school where students struggle with a team-based innovation project. We detail efforts made to equip students with teamwork skills by using games as a pedagogical device. Student teams compete to build weight resistant structures using only spaghetti sticks and sewing thread. Their written feedback forms the primary qualitative data for this study. Individual student interviews were subsequently carried out to further uncover potential learning outcomes. We found that students’ responses to the spaghetti game were overwhelmingly positive. Their commentary also illustrates concrete learning of many crucial teamwork processes. Finally, we discuss what makes this pedagogical innovation work and how it should be further studied.<br/

    Pedagogical proposal for developing soft skills in psychology students at a private university in Lima

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    The main objective of this study is to contribute to the development of soft skills in psychology students at a private university in Lima through a pedagogical proposal based on active learning methodologies. The approach of the study is qualitative based on hermeneutic theory and action research of basic, applied and longitudinal design. The population consisted of 20 students of the eighth cycle of a private university of Lima in Ate. Observation, interview and documentary analysis were used as techniques. The interpretation of the findings showed that students develop some soft skills that are encouraged by teachers through active methodological strategies; however, there is no evidence that there is an association of the skills developed with the necessary skills required to perform effectively in the workplace.Campus At