682 research outputs found

    Design of multivariable feedback control systems via spectral assignment

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    The applicability of spectral assignment techniques to the design of multivariable feedback control systems was investigated. A fractional representation design procedure for unstable plants is presented and illustrated with an example. A computer aided design software package implementing eigenvalue/eigenvector design procedures is described. A design example which illustrates the use of the program is explained

    Small Angle Scattering data analysis for dense polydisperse systems: the FLAC program

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    FLAC is a program to calculate the small-angle neutron scattering intensity of highly packed polydisperse systems of neutral or charged hard spheres within the Percus-Yevick and the Mean Spherical Approximation closures, respectively. The polydisperse system is defined by a size distribution function and the macro-particles have hard sphere radii which may differ from the size of their scattering cores. With FLAC, one can either simulate scattering intensities or fit experimental small angle neutron scattering data. In output scattering intensities, structure factors and pair correlation functions are provided. Smearing effects due to instrumental resolution, vertical slit, primary beam width and multiple scattering effects are also included on the basis of the existing theories. Possible form factors are those of filled or two-shell spheres.Comment: 18 pages, 1 figure, uses elsart.st

    Implementing and Documenting Random Number Generators

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    As simulation arid Monte Carlo continue to play an increasing role in statistical research, careful attention must be given to problems which arise in implementing and documenting collect ions of random number generators. This paper examines the value of theoretical as well as empirical evidence in establishing the quality of generators, the selection of generators to comprise a good basic set, the techniques and efficiency of implementation, and the extent of documentation. Illustrative examples are drawn from various current sources.

    Calculation of the Multivariate Probability Distribution Function Values and their Gradient Vectors

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    The described collection of subroutines developed for calculation of values of multivariate normal, Dirichlet and gamma distribution functions and their gradient vectors is an unique tool that can be used e.g. to compute the Loss-of-Load Probability of electric networks and to solve optimization problems with a reliability constraint

    DEAN: A program for dynamic engine analysis

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    The Dynamic Engine Analysis program, DEAN, is a FORTRAN code implemented on the IBM/370 mainframe at NASA Lewis Research Center for digital simulation of turbofan engine dynamics. DEAN is an interactive program which allows the user to simulate engine subsystems as well as a full engine systems with relative ease. The nonlinear first order ordinary differential equations which define the engine model may be solved by one of four integration schemes, a second order Runge-Kutta, a fourth order Runge-Kutta, an Adams Predictor-Corrector, or Gear's method for still systems. The numerical data generated by the model equations are displayed at specified intervals between which the user may choose to modify various parameters affecting the model equations and transient execution. Following the transient run, versatile graphics capabilities allow close examination of the data. DEAN's modeling procedure and capabilities are demonstrated by generating a model of simple compressor rig

    Monte Carlo Techniques in Studying Robust Estimators

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    Recent work on robust estimation has led to many procedures, which are easy to formulate and straightforward to program but difficult to study analytically. In such circumstances experimental sampling is quite attractive, but the variety and complexity of both estimators and sampling situations make effective Monte Carlo techniques essential. This discussion examines problems, techniques, and results and draws on examples in studies of robust location and robust regression.

    Analysis, testing, and evaluation of faulted and unfaulted Wye, Delta, and open Delta connected electromechanical actuators

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    Mathematical models capable of simulating the transient, steady state, and faulted performance characteristics of various brushless dc machine-PSA (power switching assembly) configurations were developed. These systems are intended for possible future use as primemovers in EMAs (electromechanical actuators) for flight control applications. These machine-PSA configurations include wye, delta, and open-delta connected systems. The research performed under this contract was initially broken down into the following six tasks: development of mathematical models for various machine-PSA configurations; experimental validation of the model for failure modes; experimental validation of the mathematical model for shorted turn-failure modes; tradeoff study; and documentation of results and methodology

    Evaluation of automated decisionmaking methodologies and development of an integrated robotic system simulation, volume 2, part 1. Appendix A: Software documentation

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    Documentation of the preliminary software developed as a framework for a generalized integrated robotic system simulation is presented. The program structure is composed of three major functions controlled by a program executive. The three major functions are: system definition, analysis tools, and post processing. The system definition function handles user input of system parameters and definition of the manipulator configuration. The analysis tools function handles the computational requirements of the program. The post processing function allows for more detailed study of the results of analysis tool function executions. Also documented is the manipulator joint model software to be used as the basis of the manipulator simulation which will be part of the analysis tools capability

    An introduction to using the FORTRAN programs provided with Computational Nuclear Physics 1 Nuclear Structure

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    The authors of this paper have provided a set of ready-to-run FORTRAN programs that should be useful in the field of theoretical nuclear physics. The purpose of this document is to provide a simple synopsis of the programs and their use. A separate section is devoted to each program set and includes: abstract; files; compiling, linking, and running; obtaining results; and a tutorial
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