895 research outputs found

    Gas rarefaction effects in nonlinear acoustic wave steepening

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    A numerical investigation of the effects of gas rarefaction on the steepening of planar nonlinear acoustic waves has been presented here. To this end, a problem setup consisting of a piston-tube assembly with adiabatic walls and the piston oscillating at the fundamental harmonic frequency of the tube was considered. The Knudsen number, which is a metric of the degree of rarefaction of the gas, considered for the assembly ranges from 0.1 to 10−5 with decrements of an order of magnitude between successive cases. The computational setup consists of numerical schemes based on the Bhatnagar-Gross-Krook (BGK) model for the Boltzmann equation as well as fully compressible 1-dimensional Navier Stokes equations. The BGK equation was used to solve for cases up to a Knudsen number of 0.01 and the Navier Stokes equations were used for cases with Knudsen number less than 0.01. Based on a comparison of the acoustic wave at the asymptotic finite amplitude solution for each of the cases, it was found that for the same piston Reynolds number, Rep, a decrease in Knudsen number leads to steepening of the planar acoustic wave. The amplitude of the resonant wave relative to the piston oscillation amplitude was found to increase as the gas becomes denser.The temporal and spatial spectra of pressure perturbation and velocity were also evaluated which illustrate the broadening of the range of harmonics excited, concurrent with steepening of the acoustic wave. Scaling parameters were introduced to collapse the spectra for all the cases considered and estimate the smallest scales associated with the system. The shock thickness in the domain is proportional to these length scales which represent the point beyond which thermoviscous dissipation dominates

    Development and validation of a pressure based CFD methodology for acoustic wave propagation and damping

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    Combustion instabilities (thermo-acoustic pressure oscillations) have been recognised for some time as a problem limiting the development of low emissions (e.g., lean burn) gas turbine combustion systems, particularly for aviation propulsion applications. Recently, significant research efforts have been focused on acoustic damping for suppression of combustion instability. Most of this work has either been experimental or based on linear acoustic theory. The last 3-5 years has seen application of density based CFD methods to this problem, but no attempts to use pressure-based CFD methods which are much more commonly used in combustion predictions. The goal of the present work is therefore to develop a pressure-based CFD algorithm in order to predict accurately acoustic propagation and acoustic damping processes, as relevant to gas turbine combustors. The developed computational algorithm described in this thesis is based on the classical pressure-correction approach, which was modified to allow fluid density variation as a function of pressure in order to simulate acoustic phenomena, which are fundamentally compressible in nature. The fact that the overall flow Mach number of relevance was likely to be low ( mildly compressible flow) also influenced the chosen methodology. For accurate capture of acoustic wave propagation at minimum grid resolution and avoiding excessive numerical smearing/dispersion, a fifth order accurate Weighted Essentially Non-Oscillatory scheme (WENO) was introduced. Characteristic-based boundary conditions were incorporated to enable accurate representation of acoustic excitation (e.g. via a loudspeaker or siren) as well as enable precise evaluation of acoustic reflection and transmission coefficients. The new methodology was first validated against simple (1D and 2D) but well proven test cases for wave propagation and demonstrated low numerical diffusion/dispersion. The proper incorporation of Characteristic-based boundary conditions was validated by comparison against classical linear acoustic analysis of acoustic and entropy waves in quasi-1D variable area duct flows. The developed method was then applied to the prediction of experimental measurements of the acoustic absorption coefficient for a single round orifice flow. Excellent agreement with experimental data was obtained in both linear and non-linear regimes. Analysis of predicted flow fields both with and without bias flow showed that non-linear acoustic behavior occurred when flow reversal begins inside the orifice. Finally, the method was applied to study acoustic excitation of combustor external aerodynamics using a pre-diffuser/dump diffuser geometry previously studied experimentally at Loughborough University and showed the significance of boundary conditions and shear layer instability to produce a sustained pressure fluctuation in the external aerodynamic

    Advanced Fluid Dynamics

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    This book provides a broad range of topics on fluid dynamics for advanced scientists and professional researchers. The text helps readers develop their own skills to analyze fluid dynamics phenomena encountered in professional engineering by reviewing diverse informative chapters herein

    Modeling techniques for quantum cascade lasers

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    Quantum cascade lasers are unipolar semiconductor lasers covering a wide range of the infrared and terahertz spectrum. Lasing action is achieved by using optical intersubband transitions between quantized states in specifically designed multiple-quantum-well heterostructures. A systematic improvement of quantum cascade lasers with respect to operating temperature, efficiency and spectral range requires detailed modeling of the underlying physical processes in these structures. Moreover, the quantum cascade laser constitutes a versatile model device for the development and improvement of simulation techniques in nano- and optoelectronics. This review provides a comprehensive survey and discussion of the modeling techniques used for the simulation of quantum cascade lasers. The main focus is on the modeling of carrier transport in the nanostructured gain medium, while the simulation of the optical cavity is covered at a more basic level. Specifically, the transfer matrix and finite difference methods for solving the one-dimensional Schr\"odinger equation and Schr\"odinger-Poisson system are discussed, providing the quantized states in the multiple-quantum-well active region. The modeling of the optical cavity is covered with a focus on basic waveguide resonator structures. Furthermore, various carrier transport simulation methods are discussed, ranging from basic empirical approaches to advanced self-consistent techniques. The methods include empirical rate equation and related Maxwell-Bloch equation approaches, self-consistent rate equation and ensemble Monte Carlo methods, as well as quantum transport approaches, in particular the density matrix and non-equilibrium Green's function (NEGF) formalism. The derived scattering rates and self-energies are generally valid for n-type devices based on one-dimensional quantum confinement, such as quantum well structures

    Propellant Injection Strategy for Suppressing Acoustic Combustion Instability

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    Shear-coaxial injector elements are often used in liquid-propellant-rocket thrust chambers, where combustion instabilities remain a significant problem. A conventional solution to the combustion instability problem relies on passive control techniques that use empirically-tested hardware such as acoustic baffles and tuned cavities. In addition to adding weight and decreasing engine performance, these devices are designd using trial-and-error empirical science, which does not provide the capability to predict the overall system stability characteristics in advance. In this thesis, two novel control strategies that are based on propellant fluid dynamics were investigated for mitigating acoustic instability involving shear-coaxial injector elements. The new control strategies would use a set of controlled injectors allowing local adjustment of propellant flow patterns for each operating condition, of which the instability could become a problem. One strategy relies on reducing the oxidizer-fuel density gradient by blending heavier methane to the main fuel hydrogen. Another strategy utilizes modifying the equivalence ratio to affect the acoustic impedance through the mixing and reaction rate changes. To provide the scientific basis, unit-physics experiments were conducted to explore the potential effectiveness of these strategies. Two different model combustors, simulating a single-element injector test and a double-element injector test, were designed and tested for flame-acoustic interaction. For these experiments, the Reynolds number of the central oxygen jet was kept between 4700 and 5500 making the injector flames sufficiently turbulent. A compression driver, mounted on one side of the combustor wall, provided controlled acoustic excitation to the injector flames, simulating the initial phase of flame-acoustic interaction. Acoustic excitation was applied either as a band-limited white noise forcing between 100 Hz and 5000 Hz or as a single-frequency, fixed-amplitude forcing at 1150 Hz which represented a frequency least amplified by any resonance. Effects of each control strategy on flame-acoustic interaction were assessed in terms of modifying the acoustic resonance characteristics subject to white-noise excitation and changes in flame brush thickness under single-frequency excitation. In the methane blending experiments, the methane mole fraction was varied between 0% and 63%. Under white noise excitation, up to 16% shift in a resonant frequency was observed but the acoustic pressure spectrum remained qualitatively similar. For the fixed frequency forcing, the spatial extent of flame-acoustic interaction was substantially reduced. In the other experiments, the equivalence ratio of the control injector was varied between 0 and infinity, causing up to 40% shift in a resonant frequency as well as changes in the acoustic pressure spectrum. These results open up the possibility of employing flow-based control to prevent combustion instabilities in liquid-fueled rockets

    A Numerical Investigation on the Influence of Engine Shape and Mixing Processes on Wave Engine Performance

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    Wave engines are a class of unsteady, air-breathing propulsion devices that use an intermittent combustion process to generate thrust. The inherently simple mechanical design of the wave engine allows for a relatively low cost per unit propulsion system, yet unsatisfactory overall performance has severely limited the development of commercially successful wave engines. The primary objective of this investigation was to develop a more detailed physical understanding of the influence of gas dynamic nonlinearities, unsteady combustion processes, and engine shape on overall wave engine performance. Within this study, several numerical models were developed and applied to wave engines and related applications. The first portion of this investigation examined the influence of duct shape on driven oscillations in acoustic compression devices, which represent a simplified physical system closely related in several ways to the wave engine. A numerical model based on an application of the Galerkin method was developed to simulate large amplitude, one-dimensional acoustic waves driven in closed ducts. Results from this portion of the investigation showed that gas-dynamic nonlinearities significantly influence the properties of driven oscillations by transferring acoustic energy from the fundamental driven mode into higher harmonic modes. The second portion of this investigation presented and analyzed results from a numerical model of wave engine dynamics based on the quasi one-dimensional conservation equations in addition to separate sub-models for mixing and heat release. This model was then used to perform parametric studies of the characteristics of mixing and engine shape. The objectives of these studies were to determine the influence of mixing characteristics and engine shape on overall wave engine performance and to develop insight into the physical processes controlling overall performance trends. Results from this model showed that wave engine performance was strongly dependent on the coupling between the unsteady heat release that drives oscillations in the engine and the characteristics that determine the acoustic properties of the engine such as engine shape and mean property gradients. Simulation results showed that average thrust generation decreased dramatically when the natural acoustic mode frequencies of the engine and the frequency content of the unsteady heat release were not aligned.Ph.D.Committee Chair: Ben T. Zinn; Committee Member: Jeff Jagoda; Committee Member: Rick Gaeta; Committee Member: Suresh Menon; Committee Member: Tim Lieuwe

    Quantum simulation of zero temperature quantum phases and incompressible states of light via non-Markovian reservoir engineering techniques

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    We review recent theoretical developments on the stabilization of strongly correlated quantum fluids of light in driven-dissipative photonic devices through novel non-Markovian reservoir engineering techniques. This approach allows to compensate losses and refill selectively the photonic population so to sustain a desired steady-state. It relies in particular on the use of a frequency-dependent incoherent pump which can be implemented, e.g., via embedded two-level systems maintained at a strong inversion of population. As specific applications of these methods, we discuss the generation of Mott Insulator (MI) and Fractional Quantum Hall (FQH) states of light. As a first step, we present the case of a narrowband emission spectrum and show how this allows for the stabilization of MI and FQH states under the condition that the photonic states are relatively flat in energy. As soon as the photonic bandbwidth becomes comparable to the emission linewidth, important non-equilibrium signatures and entropy generation appear. As a second step, we review a more advanced configuration based on reservoirs with a broadband frequency distribution, and we highlight the potential of this configuration for the quantum simulation of equilibrium quantum phases at zero temperature with tunable chemical potential. As a proof of principle we establish the applicability of our scheme to the Bose-Hubbard model by confirming the presence of a perfect agreement with the ground-state predictions both in the Mott Insulating and superfluid regions, and more generally in all parts of the parameter space. Future prospects towards the quantum simulation of more complex configurations are finally outlined, along with a discussion of our scheme as a concrete realization of quantum annealing

    Exciton-polaritons in lattices: A non-linear photonic simulator

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    AbstractMicrocavity polaritons are mixed light–matter quasiparticles with extraordinary nonlinear properties, which can be easily accessed in photoluminescence experiments. Thanks to the possibility of designing the potential landscape of polaritons, this system provides a versatile photonic platform to emulate 1D and 2D Hamiltonians. Polaritons allow transposing to the photonic world some of the properties of electrons in solid-state systems, and to engineer Hamiltonians for photons with novel transport properties. Here we review some experimental implementations of polariton Hamiltonians using lattice geometries
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