65 research outputs found

    Laitteistokiihdytetyn vuoronnuksen suorituskykyanalyysi

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    Performance analysis of heterogeneous MPSoCs (Multiprocessor System-on-Chip) is difficult. The non-determinism of parallel computation, communication delays and memory accesses force the system components into complex interaction. Hardware acceleration is used both to speed up the computations and the scheduling on MPSoCs. Finding an accompanying software structuring and efficient scheduling algorithms is not a straightforward task. In this thesis we investigate the use of simulation, measurement and modeling methods for analyzing the performance of heterogeneous MPSoCs. The viewpoint of this thesis is in simulation and modeling: How a high abstraction level simulation methodology can be used in modeling and analyzing of parallel systems based on MPSoCs. In particular we are interested in efficient use of hardware accelerated scheduling mechanisms and how they can be analyzed. Both parallel simulation and simulation of parallel systems contains many different methods, tools and approaches that attempt to balance between competing goals and cope with a specific subset of the problem space. Challenge is that in all approaches most of the simulation and modeling related problems remain and new challenges emerge. This thesis shows that the resource network methodology and dynamic scheduling models are a viable approach in modeling heterogeneous MPSoCs with accelerators. Concrete contributions are based on upgrading an existing simulation framework to support parallelism. Main contribution is on one hand that modeling concepts have been widened, and on the other hand that the supporting mechanisms have been implemented. The thesis work in progress was published in a peer reviewed international scientific workshop and the final results in a peer reviewed international scientific conference. The toolset has also been used in multiuniversity organized teaching and by the industry.Heterogeenisten moniydinjärjestelmien suorituskykyanalyysi on haasteellista. Laskennan epä-deterministisyys, kommunikaatioviiveet ja lukuisat muistioperaatiot saattavat järjestelmän komponentit monimutkaisiin vuorovaikutussuhteisiin. Laitteistokiihdytettyjä ajoitusmenetelmiä käytetään nopeuttamaan ajoituspäätöksiä. Sopivan ohjelmarakenteen ja tehokkaiden ajoitusalgoritmien löytäminen ei ole helppoa. Tässä työssä tutkitaan miten simulointi-, mittaus- ja mallinnusmenetelmiä voi käyttää laitteistokiihdytettyjen moniydinjärjestelmien suorituskykyanalyysiin. Työn näkökulma on simuloinnissa ja mallinnuksessa: Miten korkean abstraktiotason simulointimenetelmät soveltuvat moniydinjärjestelmiin pohjautuvien rinnakkaisten järjestelmien mallinnukseen ja suorituskykyanalyysiin. Erityisen kiinnostuksen kohteena on laitteistokiihdytteisten ajoitusmenetelmien tehokas käyttö sekä analysointi. Rinnakkaissimulointi pitää sisällään erilaisia menetelmiä, työkaluja ja lähestymistapoja jotka pyrkivät tasapainottelemaan ristiriitaisten tavoitteiden välillä. Haasteena on se, että kaikissa lähestymistavoissa simulaation ja mallinnuksen useimmat ongelmat säilyvät ja uusia ongelmia ilmaantuu. Työn tulokset viittaavat siihen että resurssiverkkopohjainen menetelmä dynaamisen ajoituksen kanssa on toimiva lähestymistapa rinnakkaisten järjestelmien suorituskykyanalyysiin. Työn konkreettiset tulokset pitävät sisällään olemassa olevan simulointiympäristön päivittämisen rinnakkaisuutta tukevaksi. Keskeinen tulos on toisaalta se että mallinnusmenetelmiä on laajennettu ja toisaalta se että näitä tukevat mekanismit on toteutettu. Keskeneräisen työn tulokset on julkaistu vertaisarvioidussa tieteellisessä seminaarissa ja valmiin työn tulokset vertaisarvioidussa tieteellisessä konferenssissa. Simulointiympäristöä on käytetty usean yliopiston järjestämässä yhteisopetuksessa sekä teollisuudessa

    Fast behavioural RTL simulation of 10B transistor SoC designs with Metro-Mpi

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    Chips with tens of billions of transistors have become today's norm. These designs are straining our electronic design automation tools throughout the design process, requiring ever more computational resources. In many tools, parallelisation has improved both latency and throughput for the designer's benefit. However, tools largely remain restricted to a single machine and in the case of RTL simulation, we believe that this leaves much potential performance on the table. We introduce Metro-MPI to improve RTL simulation for modern 10 billion transistor-scale chips. Metro-MPI exploits the natural boundaries present in chip designs to partition RTL simulations and leverage High Performance Computing (HPC) techniques to extract parallelism. For chip designs that scale in size by exploiting latency-insensitive interfaces like networks-on-chip and AXI, Metro-MPI offers a new paradigm for RTL simulation scalability. Our implementation of Metro-MPI in Open-Piton+Ariane delivers 2.7 MIPS of RTL simulation throughput for the first time on a design with more than 10 billion transistors and 1,024 Linux-capable cores, opening new avenues for distributed RTL simulation of emerging system-on-chip designs. Compared to sequential and multithreaded RTL simulations of smaller designs, Metro-MPI achieves up to 135.98× and 9.29× speedups. Similarly, for a representative regression run, Metro-Mpireduces energy consumption by up to 2.53× and 2.91× .This work has been partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (contract PID2019-107255GB-C21), by the Generalitat de Catalunya (contract 2017-SGR-1328), by the European Union within the framework of the ERDF of Catalonia 2014-2020 under the DRAC project [001-P-001723], and by the Arm-BSC Center of Excellence. G. Lopez-Paradís has been supported by the Generalitat de Catalunya through a FI fellowship 2021FI-B00994 and GSoC 2021, and M. Moreto by a Ramon y Cajal fellowship no. RYC-2016-21104. A. Armejach is a Serra Hunter Fellow.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    The Impact of Novel Computing Architectures on Large-Scale Distributed Web Information Retrieval Systems

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    Web search engines are the most popular mean of interaction with the Web. Realizing a search engine which scales even to such issues presents many challenges. Fast crawling technology is needed to gather the Web documents. Indexing has to process hundreds of gigabytes of data efficiently. Queries have to be handled quickly, at a rate of thousands per second. As a solution, within a datacenter, services are built up from clusters of common homogeneous PCs. However, Information Retrieval (IR) has to face issues raised by the growing amount of Web data, as well as the number of new users. In response to these issues, cost-effective specialized hardware is available nowadays. In our opinion, this hardware is ideal for migrating distributed IR systems to computer clusters comprising heterogeneous processors in order to respond their need of computing power. Toward this end, we introduce K-model, a computational model to properly evaluate algorithms designed for such hardware. We study the impact of K-model rules on algorithm design. To evaluate the benefits of using K-model in evaluating algorithms, we compare the complexity of a solution built using our properly designed techniques, and the existing ones. Although in theory competitors are more efficient than us, empirically, K-model is able to prove because our solutions have been shown to be faster than the state-of-the-art implementations

    Many-Core Architectures: Hardware-Software Optimization and Modeling Techniques

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    During the last few decades an unprecedented technological growth has been at the center of the embedded systems design paramount, with Moore’s Law being the leading factor of this trend. Today in fact an ever increasing number of cores can be integrated on the same die, marking the transition from state-of-the-art multi-core chips to the new many-core design paradigm. Despite the extraordinarily high computing power, the complexity of many-core chips opens the door to several challenges. As a result of the increased silicon density of modern Systems-on-a-Chip (SoC), the design space exploration needed to find the best design has exploded and hardware designers are in fact facing the problem of a huge design space. Virtual Platforms have always been used to enable hardware-software co-design, but today they are facing with the huge complexity of both hardware and software systems. In this thesis two different research works on Virtual Platforms are presented: the first one is intended for the hardware developer, to easily allow complex cycle accurate simulations of many-core SoCs. The second work exploits the parallel computing power of off-the-shelf General Purpose Graphics Processing Units (GPGPUs), with the goal of an increased simulation speed. The term Virtualization can be used in the context of many-core systems not only to refer to the aforementioned hardware emulation tools (Virtual Platforms), but also for two other main purposes: 1) to help the programmer to achieve the maximum possible performance of an application, by hiding the complexity of the underlying hardware. 2) to efficiently exploit the high parallel hardware of many-core chips in environments with multiple active Virtual Machines. This thesis is focused on virtualization techniques with the goal to mitigate, and overtake when possible, some of the challenges introduced by the many-core design paradigm

    Translating Timing into an Architecture: The Synergy of COTSon and HLS (Domain Expertise—Designing a Computer Architecture via HLS)

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    Translating a system requirement into a low-level representation (e.g., register transfer level or RTL) is the typical goal of the design of FPGA-based systems. However, the Design Space Exploration (DSE) needed to identify the final architecture may be time consuming, even when using high-level synthesis (HLS) tools. In this article, we illustrate our hybrid methodology, which uses a frontend for HLS so that the DSE is performed more rapidly by using a higher level abstraction, but without losing accuracy, thanks to the HP-Labs COTSon simulation infrastructure in combination with our DSE tools (MYDSE tools). In particular, this proposed methodology proved useful to achieve an appropriate design of a whole system in a shorter time than trying to design everything directly in HLS. Our motivating problem was to deploy a novel execution model called data-flow threads (DF-Threads) running on yet-to-be-designed hardware. For that goal, directly using the HLS was too premature in the design cycle. Therefore, a key point of our methodology consists in defining the first prototype in our simulation framework and gradually migrating the design into the Xilinx HLS after validating the key performance metrics of our novel system in the simulator. To explain this workflow, we first use a simple driving example consisting in the modelling of a two-way associative cache. Then, we explain how we generalized this methodology and describe the types of results that we were able to analyze in the AXIOM project, which helped us reduce the development time from months/weeks to days/hours

    Feasibility Study of Scaling an XMT Many-Core

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    The reason for recent focus on communication avoidance is that high rates of data movement become infeasible due to excessive power dissipation. However, shifting the responsibility of minimizing data movement to the parallel algorithm designer comes at significant costs to programmer’s productivity, as well as: (i) reduced speedups and (ii) the risk of repelling application developers from adopting parallelism. The UMD Explicit Multi-Threading (XMT) framework has demonstrated advantages on ease of parallel programming through its support of PRAM-like programming, combined with strong, often unprecedented speedups. Such programming and speedups involve considerable data movement between processors and shared memory. Another reason that XMT is a good test case for a study of data movement is that XMT permits isolation and direct study of most of its data movement (and its power dissipation). Our new results demonstrate that an XMT single-chip many-core processor with tens of thousands of cores and a high throughput network on chip is thermally feasible, though at some cost. This leads to a perhaps game-changing outcome: instead of imposing upfront strict restrictions on data movement, as advocated in a recent report from the National Academies, opt for due diligence that accounts for the full impact on cost. For example, does the increased cost due to communication avoidance (including programmer’s productivity, reduced speedups and desertion risk) indeed offset the cost of the solution we present? More specifically, we investigate in this paper the design of an XMT many-core for 3D VLSI with microfluidic cooling. We used state-of-the-art simulation tools to model the power and thermal properties of such an architecture with 8k to 64k lightweight cores, requiring between 2 and 8 silicon layers. Inter-chip communication using silicon compatible photonics is also considered. We found that, with the use of microfluidic cooling, power dissipation becomes a cost issue rather than a feasibility constraint. Robustness of the results is also discussed.DARPA, NSF, NI

    An Efficient NoC-based Framework To Improve Dataflow Thread Management At Runtime

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    This doctoral thesis focuses on how the application threads that are based on dataflow execution model can be managed at Network-on-Chip (NoC) level. The roots of the dataflow execution model date back to the early 1970’s. Applications adhering to such program execution model follow a simple producer-consumer communication scheme for synchronising parallel thread related activities. In dataflow execution environment, a thread can run if and only if all its required inputs are available. Applications running on a large and complex computing environment can significantly benefit from the adoption of dataflow model. In the first part of the thesis, the work is focused on the thread distribution mechanism. It has been shown that how a scalable hash-based thread distribution mechanism can be implemented at the router level with low overheads. To enhance the support further, a tool to monitor the dataflow threads’ status and a simple, functional model is also incorporated into the design. Next, a software defined NoC has been proposed to manage the distribution of dataflow threads by exploiting its reconfigurability. The second part of this work is focused more on NoC microarchitecture level. Traditional 2D-mesh topology is combined with a standard ring, to understand how such hybrid network topology can outperform the traditional topology (such as 2D-mesh). Finally, a mixed-integer linear programming based analytical model has been proposed to verify if the application threads mapped on to the free cores is optimal or not. The proposed mathematical model can be used as a yardstick to verify the solution quality of the newly developed mapping policy. It is not trivial to provide a complete low-level framework for dataflow thread execution for better resource and power management. However, this work could be considered as a primary framework to which improvements could be carried out

    Génération dynamique de code pour l'optimisation énergétique

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    In computing systems, energy consumption is limiting the performance growth experienced in the last decades. Consequently, computer architecture and software development paradigms will have to change if we want to avoid a performance stagnation in the next decades.In this new scenario, new architectural and micro-architectural designs can offer the possibility to increase the energy efficiency of hardware, thanks to hardware specialization, such as heterogeneous configurations of cores, new computing units and accelerators. On the other hand, with this new trend, software development should cope with the lack of performance portability to ever changing hardware and with the increasing gap between the performance that programmers can extract and the maximum achievable performance of the hardware. To address this issue, this thesis contributes by proposing a methodology and proof of concept of a run-time auto-tuning framework for embedded systems. The proposed framework can both adapt code to a micro-architecture unknown prior compilation and explore auto-tuning possibilities that are input-dependent.In order to study the capability of the proposed approach to adapt code to different micro-architectural configurations, I developed a simulation framework of heterogeneous in-order and out-of-order ARM cores. Validation experiments demonstrated average absolute timing errors around 7 % when compared to real ARM Cortex-A8 and A9, and relative energy/performance estimations within 6 % for the Dhrystone 2.1 benchmark when compared to Cortex-A7 and A15 (big.LITTLE) CPUs.An important component of the run-time auto-tuning framework is a run-time code generation tool, called deGoal. It defines a low-level dynamic DSL for computing kernels. During this thesis, I ported deGoal to the ARM Thumb-2 ISA and added new features for run-time auto-tuning. A preliminary validation in ARM processors showed that deGoal can in average generate equivalent or higher quality machine code compared to programs written in C, including manually vectorized codes.The methodology and proof of concept of run-time auto-tuning in embedded processors were developed around two kernel-based applications, extracted from the PARSEC 3.0 suite and its hand vectorized version PARVEC. In the favorable application, average speedups of 1.26 and 1.38 were obtained in real and simulated cores, respectively, going up to 1.79 and 2.53 (all run-time overheads included). I also demonstrated through simulations that run-time auto-tuning of SIMD instructions to in-order cores can outperform the reference vectorized code run in similar out-of-order cores, with an average speedup of 1.03 and energy efficiency improvement of 39 %. The unfavorable application was chosen to show that the proposed approach has negligible overheads when better kernel versions can not be found. When both applications run in real hardware, the run-time auto-tuning performance is in average only 6 % way from the performance obtained by the best statically found kernel implementations.Dans les systèmes informatiques, la consommation énergétique est devenue le facteur le plus limitant de la croissance de performance observée pendant les décennies précédentes. Conséquemment, les paradigmes d'architectures d'ordinateur et de développement logiciel doivent changer si nous voulons éviter une stagnation de la performance durant les décennies à venir.Dans ce nouveau scénario, des nouveaux designs architecturaux et micro-architecturaux peuvent offrir des possibilités d'améliorer l'efficacité énergétique des ordinateurs, grâce à la spécialisation matérielle, comme par exemple les configurations de cœurs hétérogènes, des nouvelles unités de calcul et des accélérateurs. D'autre part, avec cette nouvelle tendance, le développement logiciel devra faire face au manque de portabilité de la performance entre les matériels toujours en évolution et à l'écart croissant entre la performance exploitée par les programmeurs et la performance maximale exploitable du matériel. Pour traiter ce problème, la contribution de cette thèse est une méthodologie et la preuve de concept d'un cadriciel d'auto-tuning à la volée pour les systèmes embarqués. Le cadriciel proposé peut à la fois adapter du code à une micro-architecture inconnue avant la compilation et explorer des possibilités d'auto-tuning qui dépendent des données d'entrée d'un programme.Dans le but d'étudier la capacité de l'approche proposée à adapter du code à des différentes configurations micro-architecturales, j'ai développé un cadriciel de simulation de processeurs hétérogènes ARM avec exécution dans l'ordre ou dans le désordre, basé sur les simulateurs gem5 et McPAT. Les expérimentations de validation ont démontré en moyenne des erreurs absolues temporels autour de 7 % comparé aux ARM Cortex-A8 et A9, et une estimation relative d'énergie et de performance à 6 % près pour le benchmark Dhrystone 2.1 comparée à des CPUs Cortex-A7 et A15 (big.LITTLE). Les résultats de validation temporelle montrent que gem5 est beaucoup plus précis que les simulateurs similaires existants, dont les erreurs moyennes sont supérieures à 15 %.Un composant important du cadriciel d'auto-tuning à la volée proposé est un outil de génération dynamique de code, appelé deGoal. Il définit un langage dédié dynamique et bas-niveau pour les noyaux de calcul. Pendant cette thèse, j'ai porté deGoal au jeu d'instructions ARM Thumb-2 et créé des nouvelles fonctionnalités pour l'auto-tuning à la volée. Une validation préliminaire dans des processeurs ARM ont montré que deGoal peut en moyenne générer du code machine avec une qualité équivalente ou supérieure comparé aux programmes de référence écrits en C, et même par rapport à du code vectorisé à la main.La méthodologie et la preuve de concept de l'auto-tuning à la volée dans des processeurs embarqués ont été développées autour de deux applications basées sur noyau de calcul, extraits de la suite de benchmark PARSEC 3.0 et de sa version vectorisée à la main PARVEC.Dans l'application favorable, des accélérations de 1.26 et de 1.38 ont été observées sur des cœurs réels et simulés, respectivement, jusqu'à 1.79 et 2.53 (toutes les surcharges dynamiques incluses).J'ai aussi montré par la simulation que l'auto-tuning à la volée d'instructions SIMD aux cœurs d'exécution dans l'ordre peut surpasser le code de référence vectorisé exécuté par des cœurs d'exécution dans le désordre similaires, avec une accélération moyenne de 1.03 et une amélioration de l'efficacité énergétique de 39 %.L'application défavorable a été choisie pour montrer que l'approche proposée a une surcharge négligeable lorsque des versions de noyau plus performantes ne peuvent pas être trouvées.En faisant tourner les deux applications sur les processeurs réels, la performance de l'auto-tuning à la volée est en moyenne seulement 6 % en dessous de la performance obtenue par la meilleure implémentation de noyau trouvée statiquement