280 research outputs found

    Asymmetric Distributed Trust

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    Quorum systems are a key abstraction in distributed fault-tolerant computing for capturing trust assumptions. They can be found at the core of many algorithms for implementing reliable broadcasts, shared memory, consensus and other problems. This paper introduces asymmetric Byzantine quorum systems that model subjective trust. Every process is free to choose which combinations of other processes it trusts and which ones it considers faulty. Asymmetric quorum systems strictly generalize standard Byzantine quorum systems, which have only one global trust assumption for all processes. This work also presents protocols that implement abstractions of shared memory and broadcast primitives with processes prone to Byzantine faults and asymmetric trust. The model and protocols pave the way for realizing more elaborate algorithms with asymmetric trust

    Partially authenticated algorithms for Byzantine agreement

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    Fast Agreement in Networks with Byzantine Nodes

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    We study Consensus in synchronous networks with arbitrary connected topologies. Nodes may be faulty, in the sense of either Byzantine or proneness to crashing. Let t denote a known upper bound on the number of faulty nodes, and D_s denote a maximum diameter of a network obtained by removing up to s nodes, assuming the network is (s+1)-connected. We give an algorithm for Consensus running in time t + D_{2t} with nodes subject to Byzantine faults. We show that, for any algorithm solving Consensus for Byzantine nodes, there is a network G and an execution of the algorithm on this network that takes ?(t + D_{2t}) rounds. We give an algorithm solving Consensus in t + D_{t} communication rounds with Byzantine nodes using authenticated messages of polynomial size. We show that for any numbers t and d > 4, there exists a network G and an algorithm solving Consensus with Byzantine nodes using authenticated messages in fewer than t + 3 rounds on G, but all algorithms solving Consensus without message authentication require at least t + d rounds on G. This separates Consensus with Byzantine nodes from Consensus with Byzantine nodes using message authentication, with respect to asymptotic time performance in networks of arbitrary connected topologies, which is unlike complete networks. Let f denote the number of failures actually occurring in an execution and unknown to the nodes. We develop an algorithm solving Consensus against crash failures and running in time ?(f + D_{f}), assuming only that nodes know their names and can differentiate among ports; this algorithm is also communication-efficient, by using messages of size ?(mlog n), where n is the number of nodes and m is the number of edges. We give a lower bound t+D_t-2 on the running time of any deterministic solution to Consensus in (t+1)-connected networks, if t nodes may crash

    Interactive Consistency in practical, mostly-asynchronous systems

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    Interactive consistency is the problem in which n nodes, where up to t may be byzantine, each with its own private value, run an algorithm that allows all non-faulty nodes to infer the values of each other node. This problem is relevant to critical applications that rely on the combination of the opinions of multiple peers to provide a service. Examples include monitoring a content source to prevent equivocation or to track variability in the content provided, and resolving divergent state amongst the nodes of a distributed system. Previous works assume a fully synchronous system, where one can make strong assumptions such as negligible message delivery delays and/or detection of absent messages. However, practical, real-world systems are mostly asynchronous, i.e., they exhibit only some periods of synchrony during which message delivery is timely, thus requiring a different approach. In this paper, we present a thorough study on practical interactive consistency. We leverage the vast prior work on broadcast and byzantine consensus algorithms to design, implement and evaluate a set of algorithms, with varying timing assumptions and message complexity, that can be used to achieve interactive consistency in real-world distributed systems. We provide a complete, open-source implementation of each proposed interactive consistency algorithm by building a multi-layered stack of protocols that include several broadcast protocols, as well as a binary and a multi-valued consensus protocol. Most of these protocols have never been implemented and evaluated in a real system before. We analyze the performance of our suite of algorithms experimentally by engaging in both single instance and multiple parallel instances of each alternative.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figure

    Byzantine Consensus in Abstract MAC Layer

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    This paper studies the design of Byzantine consensus algorithms in an asynchronous single-hop network equipped with the “abstract MAC layer” [DISC09], which captures core properties of modern wireless MAC protocols. Newport [PODC14], Newport and Robinson [DISC18], and Tseng and Zhang [PODC22] study crash-tolerant consensus in the model. In our setting, a Byzantine faulty node may behave arbitrarily, but it cannot break the guarantees provided by the underlying abstract MAC layer. To our knowledge, we are the first to study Byzantine faults in this model. We harness the power of the abstract MAC layer to develop a Byzantine approximate consensus algorithm and a Byzantine randomized binary consensus algorithm. Both of our algorithms require only the knowledge of the upper bound on the number of faulty nodes f, and do not require the knowledge of the number of nodes n. This demonstrates the “power” of the abstract MAC layer, as consensus algorithms in traditional message-passing models require the knowledge of both n and f. Additionally, we show that it is necessary to know f in order to reach consensus. Hence, from this perspective, our algorithms require the minimal knowledge. The lack of knowledge of n brings the challenge of identifying a quorum explicitly, which is a common technique in traditional message-passing algorithms. A key technical novelty of our algorithms is to identify “implicit quorums” which have the necessary information for reaching consensus. The quorums are implicit because nodes do not know the identity of the quorums – such notion is only used in the analysis
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