3,315 research outputs found

    Cameras and Inertial/Magnetic Sensor Units Alignment Calibration

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    Due to the external acceleration interference/ magnetic disturbance, the inertial/magnetic measurements are usually fused with visual data for drift-free orientation estimation, which plays an important role in a wide variety of applications, ranging from virtual reality, robot, and computer vision to biomotion analysis and navigation. However, in order to perform data fusion, alignment calibration must be performed in advance to determine the difference between the sensor coordinate system and the camera coordinate system. Since orientation estimation performance of the inertial/magnetic sensor unit is immune to the selection of the inertial/magnetic sensor frame original point, we therefore ignore the translational difference by assuming the sensor and camera coordinate systems sharing the same original point and focus on the rotational alignment difference only in this paper. By exploiting the intrinsic restrictions among the coordinate transformations, the rotational alignment calibration problem is formulated by a simplified hand–eye equation AX = XB (A, X, and B are all rotation matrices). A two-step iterative algorithm is then proposed to solve such simplified handeye calibration task. Detailed laboratory validation has been performed and the good experimental results have illustrated the effectiveness of the proposed alignment calibration method

    Extrinisic Calibration of a Camera-Arm System Through Rotation Identification

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    Determining extrinsic calibration parameters is a necessity in any robotic system composed of actuators and cameras. Once a system is outside the lab environment, parameters must be determined without relying on outside artifacts such as calibration targets. We propose a method that relies on structured motion of an observed arm to recover extrinsic calibration parameters. Our method combines known arm kinematics with observations of conics in the image plane to calculate maximum-likelihood estimates for calibration extrinsics. This method is validated in simulation and tested against a real-world model, yielding results consistent with ruler-based estimates. Our method shows promise for estimating the pose of a camera relative to an articulated arm's end effector without requiring tedious measurements or external artifacts. Index Terms: robotics, hand-eye problem, self-calibration, structure from motio

    Vision Guided Force Control in Robotics

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    One way to increase the flexibility of industrial robots in manipulation tasks is to integrate additional sensors in the control systems. Cameras are an example of such sensors, and in recent years there has been an increased interest in vision based control. However, it is clear that most manipulation tasks can not be solved using position control alone, because of the risk of excessive contact forces. Therefore, it would be interesting to combine vision based position control with force feedback. In this thesis, we present a method for combining direct force control and visual servoing in the presence of unknown planar surfaces. The control algorithm involves a force feedback control loop and a vision based reference trajectory as a feed-forward signal. The vision system is based on a constrained image-based visual servoing algorithm, using an explicit 3D-reconstruction of the planar constraint surface. We show how calibration data calculated by a simple but efficient camera calibration method can be used in combination with force and position data to improve the reconstruction and reference trajectories. The task chosen involves force controlled drawing on an unknown surface. The robot will grasp a pen using visual servoing, and use the pen to draw lines between a number of points on a whiteboard. The force control will keep the contact force constant during the drawing. The method is validated through experiments carried out on a 6-degree-of-freedom ABB Industrial Robot 2000

    Part localization for robotic manipulation

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    The new generation of collaborative robots allows the use of small robot arms working with human workers, e.g. the YuMi robot, a dual 7-DOF robot arms designed for precise manipulation of small objects. For the further acceptance of such a robot in the industry, some methods and sensors systems have to be developed to allow them to perform a task such as grasping a specific object. If the robot wants to grasp an object, it has to localize the object relative to itself. This is a task of object recognition in computer vision, the art of localizing predefined objects in image sensor data. This master thesis presents a pipeline for object recognition of a single isolated model in point cloud. The system uses point cloud data generated from a 3D CAD model and describes its characteristics using local feature descriptors. These are then matched with the descriptors of the point cloud data from the scene to find the 6-DoF pose of the model in the robot coordinate frame. This initial pose estimation is then refined by a registration method such as ICP. A robot-camera calibration is performed also. The contributions of this thesis are as follows: The system uses FPFH (Fast Point Feature Histogram) for describing the local region and a hypothesize-and-test paradigm, e.g. RANSAC in the matching process. In contrast to several approaches, those whose rely on Point Pair Features as feature descriptors and a geometry hashing, e.g. voting-scheme as the matching process.The new generation of collaborative robots allows the use of small robot arms working with human workers, e.g. the YuMi robot, a dual 7-DOF robot arms designed for precise manipulation of small objects. For the further acceptance of such a robot in the industry, some methods and sensors systems have to be developed to allow them to perform a task such as grasping a specific object. If the robot wants to grasp an object, it has to localize the object relative to itself. This is a task of object recognition in computer vision, the art of localizing predefined objects in image sensor data. This master thesis presents a pipeline for object recognition of a single isolated model in point cloud. The system uses point cloud data generated from a 3D CAD model and describes its characteristics using local feature descriptors. These are then matched with the descriptors of the point cloud data from the scene to find the 6-DoF pose of the model in the robot coordinate frame. This initial pose estimation is then refined by a registration method such as ICP. A robot-camera calibration is performed also. The contributions of this thesis are as follows: The system uses FPFH (Fast Point Feature Histogram) for describing the local region and a hypothesize-and-test paradigm, e.g. RANSAC in the matching process. In contrast to several approaches, those whose rely on Point Pair Features as feature descriptors and a geometry hashing, e.g. voting-scheme as the matching process

    Hand-Eye Calibration

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    Whenever a sensor is mounted on a robot hand it is important to know the relationship between the sensor and the hand. The problem of determining this relationship is referred to as hand-eye calibration, which is important in at least two types of tasks: (i) map sensor centered measurements into the robot workspace and (ii) allow the robot to precisely move the sensor. In the past some solutions were proposed in the particular case of a camera. With almost no exception, all existing solutions attempt to solve the homogeneous matrix equation AX=XB. First we show that there are two possible formulations of the hand-eye calibration problem. One formulation is the classical one that we just mentioned. A second formulation takes the form of the following homogeneous matrix equation: MY=M'YB. The advantage of the latter is that the extrinsic and intrinsic camera parameters need not be made explicit. Indeed, this formulation directly uses the 3 by 4 perspective matrices (M and M') associated with two positions of the camera. Moreover, this formulation together with the classical one cover a wider range of camera-based sensors to be calibrated with respect to the robot hand. Second, we develop a common mathematical framework to solve for the hand-eye calibration problem using either of the two formulations. We present two methods, (i) a rotation then translation and (ii) a non-linear solver for rotation and translation. Third, we perform a stability analysis both for our two methods and for the classical linear method of Tsai and Lenz (1989). In the light of this comparison, the non-linear optimization method, that solves for rotation and translation simultaneously, seems to be the most robust one with respect to noise and to measurement errors

    Dynamic path planning of initially unknown environments using an RGB-D camera

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    In this thesis an RGB-D camera was used with the goal to perform dynamic path planning in an initially unknown environment. Depth data from an RGB-D camera together with a discretizising algorithm is continuously used for maintaining an obstacle map of the environment which within the path planning algorithm D* Lite [S. Koening, 2005] is performed on the flight. Experiments were conducted on two different systems, on Combine’s hexacopter and on a Gantry Tau robot at the Robot Lab of the Department of Automatic Control, LTH. On Combine’s hexacopter different tracking algorithms such as ICP, Translation Approximation and SDF where evaluated for 3D positioning while the robots internal positioning where used on the Gantry Tau robot. For discretization purposes we compare the use of Box Approximation and Signed Distance Function (SDF) for creating the obstacle map

    High-Speed Vision and Force Feedback for Motion-Controlled Industrial Manipulators

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    Over the last decades, both force sensors and cameras have emerged as useful sensors for different applications in robotics. This thesis considers a number of dynamic visual tracking and control problems, as well as the integration of these techniques with contact force control. Different topics ranging from basic theory to system implementation and applications are treated. A new interface developed for external sensor control is presented, designed by making non-intrusive extensions to a standard industrial robot control system. The structure of these extensions are presented, the system properties are modeled and experimentally verified, and results from force-controlled stub grinding and deburring experiments are presented. A novel system for force-controlled drilling using a standard industrial robot is also demonstrated. The solution is based on the use of force feedback to control the contact forces and the sliding motions of the pressure foot, which would otherwise occur during the drilling phase. Basic methods for feature-based tracking and servoing are presented, together with an extension for constrained motion estimation based on a dual quaternion pose parametrization. A method for multi-camera real-time rigid body tracking with time constraints is also presented, based on an optimal selection of the measured features. The developed tracking methods are used as the basis for two different approaches to vision/force control, which are illustrated in experiments. Intensity-based techniques for tracking and vision-based control are also developed. A dynamic visual tracking technique based directly on the image intensity measurements is presented, together with new stability-based methods suitable for dynamic tracking and feedback problems. The stability-based methods outperform the previous methods in many situations, as shown in simulations and experiments
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