15 research outputs found

    A New Lower Bound for the Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling Problem with Generalized Precedence Relations

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    In this paper we propose a new lower bound for the resource constrained project scheduling problem with generalized precedence relationships. The lower bound is based on a relaxation of the resource constraints among independent activities and on a solution of the relaxed problem suitably represented by means of an AON acyclic network. Computational results are presented and confirmed a better practical performance of the proposed method with respect to the those present in the literatur

    Hitting forbidden minors: Approximation and Kernelization

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    We study a general class of problems called F-deletion problems. In an F-deletion problem, we are asked whether a subset of at most kk vertices can be deleted from a graph GG such that the resulting graph does not contain as a minor any graph from the family F of forbidden minors. We obtain a number of algorithmic results on the F-deletion problem when F contains a planar graph. We give (1) a linear vertex kernel on graphs excluding tt-claw K1,tK_{1,t}, the star with tt leves, as an induced subgraph, where tt is a fixed integer. (2) an approximation algorithm achieving an approximation ratio of O(log3/2OPT)O(\log^{3/2} OPT), where OPTOPT is the size of an optimal solution on general undirected graphs. Finally, we obtain polynomial kernels for the case when F contains graph θc\theta_c as a minor for a fixed integer cc. The graph θc\theta_c consists of two vertices connected by cc parallel edges. Even though this may appear to be a very restricted class of problems it already encompasses well-studied problems such as {\sc Vertex Cover}, {\sc Feedback Vertex Set} and Diamond Hitting Set. The generic kernelization algorithm is based on a non-trivial application of protrusion techniques, previously used only for problems on topological graph classes

    Optimal certifying algorithms for linear and lattice point feasibility in a system of UTVPI constraints

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    This thesis is concerned with the design and analysis of time-optimal and spaceoptimal, certifying algorithms for checking the linear and lattice point feasibility of a class of constraints called Unit Two Variable Per Inequality (UTVPI) constraints. In a UTVPI constraint, there are at most two non-zero variables per constraint, and the coefficients of the non-zero variables belong to the set {lcub}+1, --1{rcub}. These constraints occur in a number of application domains, including but not limited to program verification, abstract interpretation, and operations research. As per the literature, the fastest known certifying algorithm for checking lattice point feasibility in UTVPI constraint systems ([1]), runs in O( m n + n2 log n) time and O(n2) space, where m represents the number of constraints and n represents the number of variables in the constraint system. In this paper, we design and analyze new algorithms for checking the linear feasibility and the lattice point feasibility of UTVPI constraints. Both of the presented algorithms run in O( m[.]n) time and O(m + n) space. Additionally they are certifying in that they produce satisfying assignments in the event that they are presented with feasible instances and refutations in the event that they are presented with infeasible instances. The importance of providing certificates cannot be overemphasized, especially in mission-critical applications. Our approaches for both the linear and the lattice point feasibility problems in UTVPI constraints are fundamentally different from existing approaches for these problems (as described in the literature), in that our approaches are based on new insights on using well-known inference rules