832 research outputs found

    Design, implementation & first run problems of a factory corporate network

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    En aquest projecte s'ha dut a terme el disseny de la infraestructura de comunicacions i de xarxa d'una fàbrica que comptarà amb zones de producció i d’oficines corporatives, s'han analitzat les subseqüents necessitats dels recursos de comunicacions dels diferents departaments per determinar els equipaments de xarxa necessaris, així com la topologia de la jerarquia d'interconnexions. Igualment, s'ha tingut en compte la infraestructura de connexions sense fils per donar cobertura als dispositius tant corporatius com de dispositius personals o treballadors externs. Un cop establerta la topologia de xarxa, s'ha realitzat l'assignació d'adreces IP, segmentant la xarxa en diferents VLANs segons una classificació de funcionalitats i necessitats de la mateixa (nombre de dispositius, servidor DHCP, nivells de seguretat…) Finalment, s'ha realitzat un estudi econòmic respecte al pressupost del qual es disponia per al projecte i el que finalment ha fet falta per cobrir tot el material, obres i hores d’enginyeria necessaris per a la realització d'aquest.In this project, the design of the communications and network infrastructure of a factory that will have production areas and corporate offices has been carried out, the subsequent needs of the communications resources of the different departments have been analyzed for determine the necessary network equipment, as well as the topology of the interconnection hierarchy. Similarly, the infrastructure of wireless connections has been taken into account to provide coverage for both corporate devices and personal devices or external workers. Once the network topology has been established, the assignment of IP addresses has been carried out, segmenting the network into different VLANs according to a classification of functionalities and its needs (number of devices, DHCP server, security levels...) Finally , an economic study has been carried out with respect to the budget that was available for the project and what was ultimately needed to cover all the material, works and hours of engineering necessary to carry it out

    Methods of information protection in telecommunication systems

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    The manual covers the basics of information security in ITS. Examples of practical implementation of modern methods and means of providing security in local networks are given. Each example is designed as a laboratory work. Laboratory work contains basic information about methods of information protection in local networks, methodical instructions on the procedure for its implementation and requirements for the formulation of conclusions. The material is aimed at a wide range of researchers and pedagogical staff who deal with information security and ITS safety issues, as well as graduate students and undergraduates of higher education institutions who study the specialty "Information and Communication Systems Security" in specialty 125 "Cybersecurity" in the field of knowledge " Information Technology"

    Data Communications and Network Technologies

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    This open access book is written according to the examination outline for Huawei HCIA-Routing Switching V2.5 certification, aiming to help readers master the basics of network communications and use Huawei network devices to set up enterprise LANs and WANs, wired networks, and wireless networks, ensure network security for enterprises, and grasp cutting-edge computer network technologies. The content of this book includes: network communication fundamentals, TCP/IP protocol, Huawei VRP operating system, IP addresses and subnetting, static and dynamic routing, Ethernet networking technology, ACL and AAA, network address translation, DHCP server, WLAN, IPv6, WAN PPP and PPPoE protocol, typical networking architecture and design cases of campus networks, SNMP protocol used by network management, operation and maintenance, network time protocol NTP, SND and NFV, programming, and automation. As the world’s leading provider of ICT (information and communication technology) infrastructure and smart terminals, Huawei’s products range from digital data communication, cyber security, wireless technology, data storage, cloud-computing, and smart computing to artificial intelligence

    Implementing IS-IS Routing and DHCP Services in an IPv4 Network

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    This research project explores the operation of the IS-IS routing protocol, as well as DHCP and DNS services provided by a Raspberry Pi computer. IS-IS is a routing protocol that is commonly ignored in most training and certification programs, because it is most frequently used by service providers. However, IS-IS solutions are also deployed in some large enterprise networks, making experience with the protocol a valuable skill. In order to gain a deeper understanding of the routing domains, route propagation, and general operation of IS-IS, additional services were implemented in this project. A Raspberry Pi computer was used as an internal DHCP and DNS server for all hosts in all domains and areas of the network. This network design facilitated learning and increased network troubleshooting skills

    Building and Configuring a Custom Private Cloud Using Consumer Hardware

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    Pilve kasutamine on tänapäeval moodne trend erinevatele organisatsioonidele. Selle ajendiks on efektiivsus, sest pilv lubab kasutada olemasolevaid ressursse kõige paindlikumal ja efektiivseimal viisil. Bakalaureusetöö aluseks oli kapis seisev madala astme riistvara, mida keegi ei kasutanud. Töö põhipanus on see, et olemasolev riistvara ehitati üles privaatpilveks. Kuna privaatpilve sobib pigem kõrgklassi serveri tasemel riistvara, siis tekitab madala taseme riistvara mõningaid probleeme, kuid töö näitab, et nendest võib üle vaadata, kuna boonuseid on rohkem kui negatiivseid aspekte. Töö lõpptulemuseks on töötav OpenStacki implementatsioon, mida on kerge kasutada igaühel. See on igalt poolt kättesaadav ja piisavalt paindlik täitmaks erinevaid Tartu Ülikooli hajussüsteemide uurimisrühma vajadusi. Saadud infrastruktuur on kergelt skaleeruv ning füüsiliste masinate lisamine võtab vähem kui 30 minutit. Lisaks tagab OpenStack selle, et projektide ja kasutajate haldus on väga kerge ning teadlased saavad teha virtuaalmasinaid vähem kui minutiga.Moving into the cloud is a common trend for organizations to use existing hardware in an efficient way. organizations specifically use private or hybrid clouds. Existing unused hardware was the main problem in this thesis. Contribution of this thesis was a description of how to build and configure OpenStack using consumer grade hardware. Using low end hardware to build a working private cloud does have some disadvantages, but in our case, it was not that critical. In the end, there were more advantages than disadvantages. The end result is a working implementation of OpenStack, which is easy to use, accessible from anywhere in the world and flexible enough to fill the needs of Distributed Systems in University of Tartu platforms. This thesis and configurations in appendix provide a scalable solution - additional compute nodes can be setup with less than 30 minutes. Creation of virtual machines takes less than a minute by using a web interface, which is very easy to understand and use

    Design and Troubleshooting Of a TCP/IP Based IPV4 Enterprise Network

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    In today’s enterprise world Businesses are totally driven by technology and Computer Networking is the core technology that makes Data communication possible. As organizations grow larger and larger, their network size increases and also becomes more complex. Without a structured and systematic troubleshooting approach it would be arduous to fix network issues and restore IT services. Troubleshooting is a skill, and like all skills, one will get better at it the more one has to perform it. The more troubleshooting situations one is placed in, the more skills will improve, and as a result of this, the more confidence will grow. Although there is no right or wrong way to troubleshoot, Network Engineers should follow a structured troubleshooting approach that provides common methods to enhance efficiency

    Home Networking with Enterprise Equipment

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    This project tested various wired and wireless topologies and benchmarked download speeds and quality for various types of media. For music, topology had a negligible impact. High quality video streams were impacted by latency introduced in the wireless topologies. Likewise, video game streaming, especially games of high graphical fidelity, were negatively impacted when streamed over a wireless network. For all types of media, a fully wired topology is recommended

    Federated Agentless Detection of Endpoints Using Behavioral and Characteristic Modeling

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    During the past two decades computer networks and security have evolved that, even though we use the same TCP/IP stack, network traffic behaviors and security needs have significantly changed. To secure modern computer networks, complete and accurate data must be gathered in a structured manner pertaining to the network and endpoint behavior. Security operations teams struggle to keep up with the ever-increasing number of devices and network attacks daily. Often the security aspect of networks gets managed reactively instead of providing proactive protection. Data collected at the backbone are becoming inadequate during security incidents. Incident response teams require data that is reliably attributed to each individual endpoint over time. With the current state of dissociated data collected from networks using different tools it is challenging to correlate the necessary data to find origin and propagation of attacks within the network. Critical indicators of compromise may go undetected due to the drawbacks of current data collection systems leaving endpoints vulnerable to attacks. Proliferation of distributed organizations demand distributed federated security solutions. Without robust data collection systems that are capable of transcending architectural and computational challenges, it is becoming increasingly difficult to provide endpoint protection at scale. This research focuses on reliable agentless endpoint detection and traffic attribution in federated networks using behavioral and characteristic modeling for incident response