16 research outputs found

    Similarity search with multiple-object queries

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    Within the topic of similarity search, all work we know assumes that search is based on a dissimilarity space, where a query comprises a single object in the space. Here, we examine the possibility of a multiple-object query. There are at least three circumstances where this is useful. First, a user may be seeking results that are more specific than can be captured by a single query object. For example a query image of a yellow hot-air balloon may return other round, yellow objects, and could be specialised by a query using several hot-air balloon images. Secondly, a user may be seeking results that are more general than can be captured by a single query. For example a query image of a Siamese cat may return only other Siamese cats, and could be generalised by a query using several cats of different types. Finally, a user may be seeking objects that are in more than a single class. For example, for a user seeking images containing both hot-air balloons and cats, a query could comprise a set of images each of which contains one or other of these items, in the hope that the results will contain both. We give an analysis of some different mathematical frameworks which capture the essence of these situations, along with some practical examples in each framework. We report some significant success, but also a number of interesting and unresolved issues. To exemplify the concepts, we restrict our treatment to image embeddings, as they are highly available and the outcomes are visually evident. However the underlying concepts transfer to general search, independent of this domain

    Detecting Images Generated by Deep Diffusion Models using their Local Intrinsic Dimensionality

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    Diffusion models recently have been successfully applied for the visual synthesis of strikingly realistic appearing images. This raises strong concerns about their potential for malicious purposes. In this paper, we propose using the lightweight multi Local Intrinsic Dimensionality (multiLID), which has been originally developed in context of the detection of adversarial examples, for the automatic detection of synthetic images and the identification of the according generator networks. In contrast to many existing detection approaches, which often only work for GAN-generated images, the proposed method provides close to perfect detection results in many realistic use cases. Extensive experiments on known and newly created datasets demonstrate that the proposed multiLID approach exhibits superiority in diffusion detection and model identification. Since the empirical evaluations of recent publications on the detection of generated images are often mainly focused on the "LSUN-Bedroom" dataset, we further establish a comprehensive benchmark for the detection of diffusion-generated images, including samples from several diffusion models with different image sizes

    27th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms: ESA 2019, September 9-11, 2019, Munich/Garching, Germany

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    Efficient Nearest Neighbor Search on Metric Time Series

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    While Deep-Learning approaches beat Nearest-Neighbor classifiers in an increasing number of areas, searching existing uncertain data remains an exclusive task for similarity search. Numerous specific solutions exist for different types of data and queries. This thesis aims at finding fast and general solutions for searching and indexing arbitrarily typed time series. A time series is considered a sequence of elements where the elements' order matters but not their actual time stamps. Since this thesis focuses on measuring distances between time series, the metric space is the most appropriate concept where the time series' elements come from. Hence, this thesis mainly considers metric time series as data type. Simple examples include time series in Euclidean vector spaces or graphs. For general similarity search solutions in time series, two primitive comparison semantics need to be distinguished, the first of which compares the time series' trajectories ignoring time warping. A ubiquitous example of such a distance function is the Dynamic Time Warping distance (DTW) developed in the area of speech recognition. The Dog Keeper distance (DK) is another time-warping distance that, opposed to DTW, is truly invariant under time warping and yields a metric space. After canonically extending DTW to accept multi-dimensional time series, this thesis contributes a new algorithm computing DK that outperforms DTW on time series in high-dimensional vector spaces by more than one order of magnitude. An analytical study of both distance functions reveals the reasons for the superiority of DK over DTW in high-dimensional spaces. The second comparison semantic compares time series in Euclidean vector spaces regardless of their position or orientation. This thesis proposes the Congruence distance that is the Euclidean distance minimized under all isometric transformations; thus, it is invariant under translation, rotation, and reflection of the time series and therefore disregards the position or orientation of the time series. A proof contributed in this thesis shows that there can be no efficient algorithm computing this distance function (unless P=NP). Therefore, this thesis contributes the Delta distance, a metric distance function serving as a lower bound for the Congruence distance. While the Delta distance has quadratic time complexity, the provided evaluation shows a speedup of more than two orders of magnitude against the Congruence distance. Furthermore, the Delta distance is shown to be tight on random time series, although the tightness can be arbitrarily bad in corner-case situations. Orthogonally to the previous mentioned comparison semantics, similarity search on time series consists of two different types of queries: whole sequence matching and subsequence search. Metric index structures (e. g., the M-Tree) only provide whole matching queries natively. This thesis contributes the concept of metric subset spaces and the SuperM-Tree for indexing metric subset spaces as a generic solution for subsequence search. Examples for metric subset spaces include subsequence search regarding the distance functions from the comparison semantics mentioned above. The provided evaluation shows that the SuperM-Tree outperforms a linear search by multiple orders of magnitude

    Sublinear Computation Paradigm

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    This open access book gives an overview of cutting-edge work on a new paradigm called the “sublinear computation paradigm,” which was proposed in the large multiyear academic research project “Foundations of Innovative Algorithms for Big Data.” That project ran from October 2014 to March 2020, in Japan. To handle the unprecedented explosion of big data sets in research, industry, and other areas of society, there is an urgent need to develop novel methods and approaches for big data analysis. To meet this need, innovative changes in algorithm theory for big data are being pursued. For example, polynomial-time algorithms have thus far been regarded as “fast,” but if a quadratic-time algorithm is applied to a petabyte-scale or larger big data set, problems are encountered in terms of computational resources or running time. To deal with this critical computational and algorithmic bottleneck, linear, sublinear, and constant time algorithms are required. The sublinear computation paradigm is proposed here in order to support innovation in the big data era. A foundation of innovative algorithms has been created by developing computational procedures, data structures, and modelling techniques for big data. The project is organized into three teams that focus on sublinear algorithms, sublinear data structures, and sublinear modelling. The work has provided high-level academic research results of strong computational and algorithmic interest, which are presented in this book. The book consists of five parts: Part I, which consists of a single chapter on the concept of the sublinear computation paradigm; Parts II, III, and IV review results on sublinear algorithms, sublinear data structures, and sublinear modelling, respectively; Part V presents application results. The information presented here will inspire the researchers who work in the field of modern algorithms

    LIPIcs, Volume 244, ESA 2022, Complete Volume

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    LIPIcs, Volume 244, ESA 2022, Complete Volum

    XXV Congreso Argentino de Ciencias de la Computación - CACIC 2019: libro de actas

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    Trabajos presentados en el XXV Congreso Argentino de Ciencias de la Computación (CACIC), celebrado en la ciudad de Río Cuarto los días 14 al 18 de octubre de 2019 organizado por la Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI) y Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Físico-Químicas y Naturales - Universidad Nacional de Río CuartoRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informátic